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Posts posted by clouds421

  1. Not necessarily looks, but actors I love--Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Leonardo Dicaprio, good actors and I like their movies. Brat Pitt to some extent, but one of my science teachers (late-30s) used to be in love with this guy, she'll talk about him so much and we used to tease her about it so I think it's funny.

  2. kirra, this sounds like a really serious problem. try to find someone who can listen to you personally and know where you're coming from... I find that that helps me the most when I feel troubled. If you can't think of anyone you know, think of exclusively online buddies? I find that helps me, there's people I've met online with whom I had spoken more about myself than friends I've known for years, anonymity is one of the pluses.

  3. I'm already over 18, but still have stage fright. Although it's improved a lot compared to when I was younger, I still get really nervous when I have to talk in front of people. And it's not mental--when I was young, it might have been, but now I feel okay about doing it, but what my body does is like out of my control. Right when I step up, my hearts mysteriously starts beating profusely harder, my knees feel wobbly and my voice becomes tense; sometimes I stutter over words, become lost for words so I start saying "ums" a lot, all I can do it stare at one place, and what not. I think it's probably very obvious I'm really nervous. It's a pretty bad problem considering I'm a business major... and I often feel like I'm the only one like this. Sigh.Share your experience, advice if you can...

  4. When I get less than 4 hrs of sleep, I'm a walking zombie, and can fall asleep anywhere if I sit down, and recently averaging 5-7 hrs per day, then I sleep like 12 hrs on weekends--pretty screwed up schedule. How are your sleeping habits?Read some article a while ago about how it kills your brain, too... wonder if it's true.

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