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Posts posted by guangdian

  1. :angry:
    1. If the internet went down.I would be calm, but I would also be pretty, well ummm... I don't know! I wouldn't be able to talk to anybody because the AIM services are run on the internet!(well, duh!)I would probably read books until the internet came back up!!!2. If Phones and all communication went down.I would FREAK OUT!3.If all of the above happened...SUICIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or mabey not >_>
    May be may be maybe may be You and me ONly LOnglEY~

  2. It' s Easy so!1st,Just download a Xoops from another site.2nd,to zip your xoops files to" filename.zip "3rd,upload it to your root dir4th,Click the file , on your right you will see the file options. to Extract it.5th,you will see all Xoops on your root dir6th, to change the permission of Pulic_html dir 7777th, install the Xoops.PS: I dont like it.....

  3. coolboy if you can understand english you can do everything then by cpanel.I give you advice : to zip all your files wanna be uploaded then upload it on "file manager" of cpanel then click the ".zip" file , on the right side ,you will see the file ,then click the " extract the zip files" . then the file gotta extract ;this will safe lots of time than useing FTP.

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