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Posts posted by Hiaito

  1. Can you provide me with a link to a site to verify this information?


    If so post it. :P That should have been here. Why just tell us and don't give us any type of photo, or a more detailed explaination.



    The car is by Moller International, which is alleged a branch of the Moller Corperation. It is not part of any major vehicle corporation; it was, instead, created by Paul S. Moller, a university professor and inventor.


    The vehicle itself is called the Sky Car. The website claims that they are making test flights within Davis, California over a "specially constructed lake" that is part of Milk Farm Development.


    Popular Science did an article about the Sky Car, although they weren't exactly optimistic about the it. They claimed it was inefficient and probably won't ever be manufactured. Whether or not they were right has yet to be seen, although research shows that the facts don't look promising.


    There was a fraud lawsuit filed; Securities and Exchange Commission v. Moller International, Inc. Apparently, Moller sold millions of dollars worth of unregistered stock from his company. In the Statement of Facts, it mentions that the information given concerning the Sky Car is misleading. In fact, it is a prototype in it's very early stages, and there is no proof that it can do what Moller claims it can do.

    Paul Moller has apparently been trying to create a working flying car for over fourty years, but has thus far had no meaningful success..


    I'd recommend that one shouldn't put too much stock in this project (if any at all). It looks like Moller won't deliver.

    Ok, can you find something on Honda and Toyata making these "Sky Cars"? It seems as though GM, Ford, Mercedes, Chevy, would be the first to come out with something such as flying cars. Such low class cars such as a Honda would be one of the last dealers to come out with something like that.

  2. Thinking in terms of the character (or characters) you play as most often, what kind of situation is going to cause you to want to interact with another character when there's no previously established friendship between you and the other player?
    Do you prefer when other characters:

    A) Come in looking for assistance with a problem or injury?

    :P Come in fist and or guns flying looking for a fight?

    C) Ask your character a direct question pertaining to your appearance or surroundings?

    D) Come in skanked up like a Vegas Show Girl looking to provide you with some cheap entertainment?

    E) Come in offering assistance/ advice?

    Or do you prefer some option I haven't thought to mention?

    I'm curious because I've been seeing a lot of situations where users ignore each other, leading to an evening of RP ehere everyone skulking around in the dark corners pouting. I know I'm guilty of ignoring anything that I feel is sub-par, but I'm looking to try to get my characters to be a little more social and it would be really hard for me to improve that if I keep doing the same wrong things that cause users to have their characters not be receptive to my own..

    Thats the question. Quoted from RPG Host Community Forumshttp://forums.rpghost.com/showthread.php?t=38437

    My reply was:

    Well here are my thoughts/opinions...
    If anything, "A". I wouldn't mind helping someone out. (Healing, etc.) But if they make up this story about coming from some big battle, and is half dead and happens to wander upon me, i'll leave. ŹŹ

    But if I happen to witness you fight, i'll consider helping. But some people make up these big battles just for attention.

    My comments of the other options are:

    "B"- That pisses me off. Especially when i'm trying to have a nice, mellowed out RP with someone and then here comes "Night_Stalker" (Not a real username as far as i'm concerned.) and then "Night_Stalker ruins it by attacking everyone with his Über, and unstoppable powers. :P

    "C"- Thats stupid from my point of view. Well depending on whether or not there is a room discription, and did the people role-playing in the room actually read it. That can be handled OOC or via whispers if there are any questions pertaining to the area, surroundings, etc. Why IC? Its just a excuse to make a big 10 liner post. The average RPer's posts are 75% of their surroundings, climate, area. 15% of Role-Play. And 10% Of chatting; but IC.

    "D"- Well, that rests in the hands of the staff. Pfft. Some girl (For all you know) enters your room with a hot picture and seductive profile, and you end up grinning and smiling at her, you move to another room, then to a private room and you notice.. -Hot Diggity Dogg!- its 3:00 A.M. And you two finally move to a private room. (And you know what comes after that; -Cyber, Cyber, and more Cyber-. Quite frankly, I don't "flirt", or role-play in a sexually mannered way.
    Have you ever thought that the person you are talking to could be a man? --And you've cybered with his "female character"-- Like some person you've know for a while, and you somehow find out its a guy, that would kill you. Just a thought, though. 
    I'm sure everyone here has given that just a little, tiny, bit, of thought.

    "E"- Why do that IC, goto the Construct. (If it's advice on RP.) But if another player is on a quest or something and asks for help, its really no biggie.

    Sometimes these things are needed in a role-play. Otherwise it'll be dull. Think about it. You are just walking, and you somehow bump into the person in the middle of a forest () and you have a very, very, very short conversation and they'll be sighs here and there. And the converse STOPS. And it gets boring. 

    And lastly for my extra comment.

    Don't you just hate it when those "corny role-players" invade your room? >_< It irks me to no end.
    Here is a short senario...
    ~Inuyashsa~Rocks~ walks down the slanted valley. He had been looking for love for a while. He looked at the sky and sighed. "When will I find her."

    [You]>[You] I can't believe i'm whispering to myself, but this guy is a fecking lame.
    I probably didn't do as good as I expected with the senario, but I hope that, and the rest of my post gets my point across. I hope my little "addition" to this thread will praised.

    (Remember this was based on pure opinion!)

    Who agrees? I would have made this a poll, but nah. Just post on whether or whether not you agree with my briefing on role-playing in a chat based system.

  3. Great. My computer's speed boosted too! I had lots of things I didn't even know about that boosted my speed.

    But an easier way to do the same thing is to download and install a small utility called Startup Control Panel. It will reside in your Windows Control Panel and allow you control over programs that run on system start up. I also recommend Startup Monitorby the same author, which will alert you when a program attempts to give itself permission to run at startup.

    Another thing you can do, while your PC is running, is hit CONTROL, ALT, DELETE to pull up the Task Manager. Take a look at both the Applications tab and the Processes tab. Make sure you don't have any odd programs running there. In the Processes tab, you can gohere
    and look up each process you see running on your Task Manager for an explanation of what the process is. The web page is not all inclusive, of course, so you might find some processes in your Task Manager that aren't listed on the web page. The page is arranged alphabetically so just click the icon of the first letter of the process and see if it is in the list. Keep in mind that some viruses and spyware/adware try to trick you by using legitimate process names, so if you see a process running in your Task Manager, there may be more than one listing for it on the web page. But I just mentioned this as an add-on to his tutorial.

  4. Diablo is a D&D style fantasy role playing game where you venture into monster infested dragons on a series of mini-quests. Your overall goal is to find and destroy the Devil himself by whatever means you can. And i'm not too on top with D&D playing. Plus it run stupid on my computer because, the game and my computer is garbage. :) Since I heard Diablo was all about kicking demonic butt, I decided to be a purist and play as a warrior.Once this step was finished, I spent a few minutes wandering around the village and getting to know the inhabitants. It seems that recently a terrible evil has taken over the land, and it's up to me to boldly go into the bowels of the earth and straighten everything out. Pretty much your standard RPG premise.The game is presented in third-person format very similar to Fallout, Baldur's Gate, or Planescape Torment. Not my favorite format, being a die-hard first-person person myself. So I trotted over to the entrance to the underground cathedral levels and leapt into the game. Once underground, I spent a few minutes getting used to the interface. This took about fifteen seconds. Which brings me to Diablo's greatest strength: it's just so *darn* easy and intuitive to play. Click your mouse to make your character walk somewhere. When you see an enemy, click on the enemy to attack. That's it. I've just described to you the entire game. Click on the bad guys and try to kill them. Why, then, is this game so bloody fun and addictive? NO! Stupid, retarded and idiotic. For a loooooong time I've been intimidated by this title, thinking that as an adventure wimp it wouldn't be accessible to me. I'm happy to report I was tremendously wrong. I can cheerfully recommend this dark game of demonic butt-kicking to gameplayers everywhere. Diablo is one of the ultimate crossover games that all players should try.Pissy game. ??

  5. Heh..well...


    If you are looking for a good reseller plan, I suggest going to Host Gator. I planned on signing up there once, but dipped on the idea. If I can remember right, they give you a domain with your hosting; or either you have to register one. Its like 20 something dollars. I saw the plan, but I never got to it.


    I lack credit card, so I use money order for my online payments. But I have a severe issue with getting off my butt to get a money order. :) I'll send my "slave-like" sister to get it for me. She doesn anything I tell her to, as repaying her debt on destroying my car. ;)

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