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Everything posted by galexcd

  1. I don't believe he is referring to the actual name, I think he means the domain itself. If this is the case the only 4 letter readable domain I know of is .info.
  2. Password generators may be fun to play with, but they sure are not useful. Like rvalkass said, it is much easyer to remember a sentance than tK(#n6Kw2z. Also that Microsoft password strength checker is a joke. *8IiY^jK is a strong password but neigowpagjioeamdklbewiqoerweoqyirosyireopiytdringiwoeaniinvkdlvdsanioveahgieoaureiowqyuqwetuip is not according to it.
  3. My macbook pro does the same thing, the bottom gets super hot even when its on a desk. Perhaps I'll look into one of those cooling pads.
  4. Happy Birthday Dude... 0 posts and already 2 comments! Wow thats like a new record or something...

  5. Happy Birthday dude!

  6. Ah yes the good old Bermuda Triangle. I have heard many theories that there is a miniature black hole in that area, which is what I assume you are talking about. I'm not sure if I fully believe it, but that doesn't mean we should rule it out. Who says black holes have to be massive anyway? They could be the size of a dime. Now isn't that an interesting thought? Ahhhhh This is the exact type of thinking I like. This is basically theory I was trying to get across in this other thread.
  7. Of course you couldn't print without displaying the box first. If javascript had that kind of power could you imagine the abuse websites could do? Print out 40 pages of pure black while your surfing the net and you wouldn't even know until you hear the printer going. It works fine in safari.
  8. Alright so there are many topics out there of how to make a website that everyone will love and want to go to, but I can't seem to find any about how to make a website that people will hate and try to run away from, so here are some pointers for those who are trying to make the worst website: Step one: COLORS Be sure to use a vivid and bright background color, and a non-noticeable text color. Nothing wakes people wake up more than a florescent yellow background with white text. Make people work to try to read your website. After all, you have some great content ad you don't want to just give it away. People should have to strain to read what you have to say. Light purple text on hot pink background works good too. Step two: Javascript is your friend Some people like using javascript for awesome eye-candy effects and even ajax so their users won't have to reload the page, but this type of javascript is very difficult. Why slave over this when you can do simple things such as change the size of links when you hover over them. Alerts are great too. They are super easy and get the attention of your users. Step three: ADs! ADs! ADs! You worked hard on your website, why not profit from it. Google ads are OK, but people like more than text. They want images and flash. But even better than images is sound. Ads that talk to your visitors while they are surfing the web get their attention and distract them from what they are doing making your visitors more likely to click on them. Also be sure to put ads that make users feel special: Tell them they are the 1000th visitor to the website and they won an iPod or something. Nothing makes your visitors want to come back than false gratification. Step four: MSIE ONLY! MSIE may not be the best browser in the world, but more people use it than the decent browsers. You should format your website only for IE users. Even if your website looks the same in a decent browser make sure you use a javascript to stop the users trying to use firefox or opera. Tell them to use internet explorer instead, this way you don't have to bother with non-compatibility issues later. Step five: LoP stands for Lots of Popups! Nothing reminds people of your website more than having to close tons of popups, and pop-unders after they leave your site. Remember: Your goal is to keep your website in their minds. They'll never come back unless they remember your site! Step six: Use java! Java is great. It makes great navigational buttons. Not only does it limit your website only to those who have java installed, but it takes a while to load. Your visitors need some time to look at your website, while the navigation buttons load. Step seven: Frames Frames are great if you want to keep a certain layout while changing the content. Php can do this too, but your visitors don't need a php site when frames will work just fine. Huge borders around the frames work great too. People want to see where your frames start and where they end. Step eight: Don't register top level domain names Top level domain names cost money, plus they really don't do anything for you. Save the money and use a free sub domain or try to mask it with a .tk or .co.nr. Trust me people like the extra ads these solutions ad to your site. Step nine: Music Why bore your visitors with silence when you visit the website. Have some music playing. But you don't want your load time to be affected by this, so use MIDI songs, they are much smaller in size. Your visitors will no longer be bored! AND FINALY Step ten: Advertise your site Alright so now you've got the worst website ever, so now how are you going to get users to come to your website? Be sure to spam random message boards with the links to your website. The admins will be honored that you chose their forums to advertise your website on. Go into IRC channels and post the link. Email all of your friends about your new website and perhaps start a chain letter (Add "Forward this to 10 people or a polar bear will come out of your nose and rape you" at the bottom of the message). After doing these easy ten steps you can be the proud owner of a truly effective website.
  9. Wow you guys are so gullible. Do you not realize that every video that Mark Erickson makes is a joke? Of course this doesn't exist. Just take the time to look at the other videos he makes. Yes they are funny but not true.
  10. How about you read the whole topic before posting? (points to his previous post 2 posts up). And for renaming it, the partition utility doesn't have permission to rename it for some reason.
  11. I think the best solution is to zip it. That way all browsers will be forced to download it, but why are you forcing people to download this song? I like to listen to mp3's streaming in my browser.
  12. galexcd

    The Presidency

    Please read this topic before voting in the poll above. If I had the choice I would put the poll below my topic because It doesn't make very much sense unless you read what I am about to say but whatever. (Also please excuse the bleeps, I will try to make this post as clean as possible, but I don't think I can get it bleep-free) <rant>Anyway I am sick of this. I hate all the candidates. Every single one running for president this upcoming election I absolutely hate. And I'm pretty sure that the ones who are going to win the primaries are Hillary and McCain, and because of what a terrible job Bush has done everybody is going to go democratic and Hillary (who I hate more than any of the other candidates) is going to win and screw this country up for good. And now you just know what Hillary is going to do. "Hey let's raise taxes some more so we can afford all these extra services the government is going to give, and spread out the wealth making the rich poorer and the poor richer." Oh yeah Hillary you sure do care about those who are doing less off than you. How about that quote where you're cussing out a limo driver because he complained about something. Question: Why can't we ever elect a libertarian to office? Having a small national government will solve everything. Hmm let's think of some of the issues that people are arguing about today: The war Abortion/stem cell research illegal immigration Ok lets talk about the war in Iraq. Almost everyone wants us out of there BUT IF WE HAD A SMALLER *BLEEP*ING GOVERNMENT WITH LIMITED POWER WE WOULD NEVER HAVE GONE INTO IRAQ ANYWAY. Abortion/stem cell research/all those other things the church wants the government to ban. WE SEPARATED CHURCH AND STATE MANY YEARS AGO FOR A REASON. WE DON'T NEED LAWS TAKING AWWAY OUR RIGHTS. THOSE WHO DON'T LIKE IT DON'T HAVE TO DO IT, IT DOSN'T MEAN THEY NEED TO TELL THE REST OF US WHAT THE HELL WE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO! Illegal immigration. God every solution that has been proposed just pisses me off. A wall? Are they *BLEEP*ing kidding me? A wall? "Oh yea let's spend millions of dollars on a wall to keep these people out of our country even though there are tons of other ways that they can still get in"... Seriously now. There is one solution to this as well. TAKE OUT THE GOVERNMENT! Stop the welfare program, don't force hospitals to take in patients without seeing insurance first. Last time I checked hospitals were privately owned, but wait what's this? The government steps in and tells the hospitals that they have to take in patients even without being payed? Why do you think so many hospitals are closing? The government sure doesn't step into web hosting sites and say that people deserve to get free web-hosting before giving their credit card number. Once all of those services are gone America won't seem so tempting to those living in third world countries will it? Those who still want to come over are welcome! Get rid of all the border police, they don't need to sneak over. They may not be citizens but they still are able to participate in our economy. Alright so because all of this I want to see who is with me. Lets say I were to run for president (and don't give me this political *BLEEP* about not being 35, lets just pretend I'm 35 for this thing), and I were to run for the party of libertarian. Would you vote for me or vote for somebody else? </rant>
  13. No I don't mean the bootloader. Mac comes with its own bootloader built in. All you do is hold down option while starting up. When doing this I see the three drives with the operating system that is on it. I'm talking about seeing the other partitions once logged into the new operating system.
  14. Is doing this going to stop my windows partition from working?
  15. Trust me we are using tons of masking so we cannot be traced, but the government knows who we are anyway, the only thing that is keeping them from stopping us is the fact that we relocate every day. The only reason we are risking going onto the net is to spread the truth incase we do not make it out alive.
  16. Quick note for all of you mac users out there: Many think the only option for mac is Snapz X Pro, by ambrosia but it is going to cost you a whopping $69, but there is a free alternative: Copernicus. It has all the features that snapz has and more, and best of all it is free!
  17. Ok so I've got Mac os X leopard, ubuntu, and windows XP all installed on separate partitions of my harddrive in my macbook pro. When I boot into mac and linux both see the windows partition labeled as "Untitled". This has always bothered me. Neither os has permission to rename the drive either. I'd like to have in named at least "windows", but if I could get it to say "crap", or "hell os", that would be even better. Also would renaming this drive not allow me to boot under XP anymore?
  18. You seem to think this is a joke. This is nothing of the sort. Me and Galahad are truly on our way to the ice wall. We have infiltrated 2 more bunkers since we last posted here. We are so close to getting over that wall. Nobody can stop us now.
  19. Ahh how could you start this topic without the mac guy (that's me). Yes as it has been said firewire is a connection developed by apple, and no gamescoper, thats not what firewire traditionally looks like. That is the 4 pin version, which is normally found on the peripherals and NOT the computer. The standard now is 6 pin, but it is slowly moving over to firewire 800 which has 9 pins. Firewire 6-pin: Firewire 9-pin: Not always. Many devices are hot swappable which means all you need to do is eject them. Most portable harddrives are hot swappable along with many other peripherals. It's mainly the regular harddrives that seem to not like being unplugged while the computer is on.
  20. Just a quick note, it would be very easy for mac as well. All plugins are stored in the app itself. Firefox.app>Contents>Plugins. Themes are found under Firefox.app>Contents>MacOS. And each theme has its own unique folder.
  21. Hey wait a minute, why did she get a sig for joining the evil group and I didn't?
  22. Ah the boring old trap feedbacker. Probably the most active account without a sig or avatar. Now I know that non-members can't see sigs or avatars but us members should see something more than just the name. I usually recognize a member here by his or her avatar rather than the name. (Oh there's the hybrid bus guy) (Oh there's the christian penguin mod)... Anyway back on topic. At first I was thinking that the Trap feedbacker should have a sig with a link linking back to the topic where opaque introduced it. I'm sure new members don't even know who or what the trap feedbacker is. Now after I started thinking about that I thought why don't we give him a super cool looking avatar as well? Well I made a somewhat lame example. I'm not much of a gfx guy, but perhaps some of our photoshop enthusiasts can make a better one. But for the sig, I think I've got it nailed. So anyway my suggested (well more of an example...) avatar: My suggested sig: This post was written by a non-Xisto member. Click here to find out more about the Trap Feedbacker.
  23. If you use imagettftext() instead of imagestring() you can specify a certain true type font on your server.
  24. I am aware of that. neat. They may have been write but they are definitely not right. I already told you airplanes are underground with tv screens in the windows. There's tons of evidence look at the FAQ on the site! Full Stop. oh whoops sorry... too late.
  25. sure! The moon isn't a sphere, it's also flat. Those so called telescopes don't exist. NASA is part of the cover up. Full stop.
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