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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I would say send in a support ticket to Xisto - Support, as it seems that this problem started coming up again as members at Xisto started showing this problem as well on selective accounts. This was a problem last year and I believe the solution revolved around resetting the hosting account or rather resetting the bandwidth counter specifically. My forum search is coming up nl, I should start bookmarking common questions just to keep tabs on stuff, anyways wait for admin reply or send i na ticket to the tech support and see what happens.
  2. MAN!! I know the solution to your flags but I haven't seen that problem in awhile so I don't know the topic for it. Disregard the .com for your ftp that is a typo in the email sent to you, and as for your credits your hosting account has been accepted, because you are maroon and so you should be able to to access your cpanel. hmm the ip address could be old so use this one http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Or if you look at the top of the forum, click the Free Web Hosting Drop Down menu and log in from there.
  3. all you need is 30 credits to get the pack, after that you have to build your hosting credits through posting as 1 hosting credit equals one day, so the more you have the longer your hosting lasts. Once you you reach 0 credits your site will get suspend and then you have 30 days to reactivate your account before it get terminated. Yes you can have your own ads on your site.
  4. First off I have to say I am rather disgusted that this woman is getting away with murder, literally. Bad enough kids are doing it but when you find out that a sick, twisted, evil adult doing this to a kid makes me wonder sometimes. Hell I would that woman for everything has for doing this cruel thing, I wouldn't be upset that this woman put a bullet in her head because nothing is better then letting guilt sit in your mind like that. Bad enough you got child predators hitting up these social websites, but you got parents killing people. Heck whats worse these myspaces are not doing anything about it and playing stupid and do things we know don't work, the only thing that will work is shutting them down. Of course when your making millions od dollars off this its not going to happen, and now these parents have to suffer because some woman decided to play a cruel joke and show no remorse for it. Stupid people is all I have to say, and the fact the polce and authorities won't do anything because their are no laws, I do believe there are laws about killing people indirectly, I hope these parents to make that woman's life a living hell. SOURCES http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.foxnews.com/story/2007/11/16/mom-myspace-hoax-led-to-daughter-suicide.html
  5. hmmmm... lousy tech support Hey steve type this ing or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and that should put you with ISP menu for your router and see if you can change any settings such as releasing your IP address, renew IP address, also did you update the firmware at all? If not I would call the tech support and ask them if they have any current firmware updates for the router. Usually a connection is lost if your firmware isn't current, and other then that I would assume that you done the unplug everything wait 5 minutes and then plug your cable into the router, the router to the computer and then turn the computer on? Hopefully that gives you some idea's where to solve this problem.
  6. Good Eye that would in fact better a better Processor to have just on the fact it has just a bit more including a increase bus speed, some more feature added into. Of course if you can get a Processors that taps both L1, L2 and if your lucky L3, you would even be better off since you have more room to play with in memory.Well with the graphics card anything in 256MB-512MBis good since it won't tap into RAM that much, but the best way to find out a good graphics card is through bench mark reviews, and so if you can narrow down the number of graphics card to 2-3 then go some benchmark reviews and see what they say about them. Of course if wanted to you can drop in two graphic cards for optimal performance, but in order to do that you would have to go for a motherboard that is geared more towards gaming, and then you would have to bump up your power supply to at least 600W for that.As for the hard drive I was thinking of dropping in a 500GB hard drive but with the case I picked for the set up has 4 hard drive bays. I would know that because I have the very same case, and since he didn't mention what he planned to use the computer for 500GB would seem a bit much, thus the reason he could drop in another hard drive later on.
  7. Punch card I though those existed only in fairy tales , heck I think to play Tic-tac-toe in the punch card system was like 60,000 cards or something like that Heck I don't think you want to drop the cards period as they were never numbered in order or something like that. Well luckily for you haslip there is a star bucks every 5 feet from you .
  8. To add a bit more to it pop if they got rid of the negative credits your account won't get suspend it will get terminated, and so not only wikl you lose everything but you have to reapply. The negative credits is a 30 day grace period for you to start posting again and keep your site active, and like kubi mention they will give all this to space to use but one you don't fufill their requires they will terminate your hosting account just like that. As for being evil not even close its being smart, and as for posting there are plenty of things ot post about, heck I posted at least 15-20 topics this week alone for epople to respond to and what not. don't limit yourself to just one forum or you be dipping into negative credits every time.Of course you do have options like moving your hosting to qupis oro get a paid hosting accounting at computinhost.
  9. Yeah thats the problem with computer hardware, you have so many brands and different set ups you don't know which pieces to get and what not. I think I spent a total of3-4 hours getting my computer part together, made some mistakes along the way. Of course I had a budget and yeah I could have made it less but I want a descent computer that mimicks the more expensive ones as well.
  10. Side Note: It would help that you have links to the hardware that way we don't have to guess if their is more then one with the same name and stuff like that. I have to disagree on getting the 4 gigs because from sites I have reviewed during my course work in my degree it seems most people can't get it more to 3 gigs thats if they tweak it just right. I think the Power supply is a bit inadequate for what you have 500+ would seem a better wattage to have to help balance things out. Usually power supplies that come with case don't last as long and like I mention don't fit with the overall build if you start going for hardware thats used for optimal performance, and also you would like to have a fan built into your power supply as well to keep it cool. As for your hard drive it seems good enough but with the prices dropping I say you could get a 200-300GB hard drive roughly the same price if you, I would recommend this one just because I know how vista likes to take up a lot of hard drive space. With using your specs and keeping it within the price range you have this is updated specs I would consider and in no particular order: Hard Drive Seagate ST3250310AS 250GB Hard Drive SATAII 7200rpm 8MB Cache - OEM Case CoolerMaster Centurion 5 Silver Trim With Side Window - NO PSU Motherboard ASUS P5K AiLifestyle Series iP35 Socket 775 eSATA 8channel Audio ATX Motherboard RAM Corsair 2GB Kit (2x1GB) DDR2 800MHz/PC2-6400 XMS2 Memory Non-ECC Unbuffered CL5(5-5-5-12) Heat Spreader Lifetime Warranty Video Card PowerColor X1950Pro AC2 512MB DDR3 256bit Dual DVI PCI-E Graphics Card Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 2.20GHz Socket 775 800FSB 2MB Cache Retail Boxed Processor CD-ROM NEC Optiarc AD-7170S-0S 18x DVD±RW/DL/RAM Serial ATA Silver - OEM Power Supply Coolermaster IGreen 500W PSU - 85% Efficiency ATX12V v2.2 120mm Fan This set up comes to £400.53 before S+H and taxes which would then total £483.01 Now if seems like an ideal set up I would recommend check out these two power supplies http://www.ebuyer.com/store/Components/cat/Power-Supplies/subcat/501---600W-PSUs, and http://www.ebuyer.com/store/Components/cat/Power-Supplies/subcat/501---600W-PSUs. Both are 550W which would be plenty for what is listed here and it would seem that the second power supply would be more to your liken. Best part about this set up is that these parts are with in a price range that oyu could easily switch them out for better stuff, just remember hardware needs to be compatible to some extent, meaning that you can't mix Intel with AMD parts so keep that in mind. So hopefully it gives an idea where you stand in building a powerful yet cheap machine, if you want a better idea check out the specs to the computer I built, cost a bit more because I bought a monitor and stuff like that, but it works like it should and I haven't had no problems with it.
  11. Well what can I say I barely remember the 256MB and I think it was even less with a Packard Bell back in 1995. I did use Apple computers and the C64 but never really thought about what they had in their cases. Well if you really dumb down a computer system and I mean get rid of everything except the bare essentials then maybe. Of course 26 years ago I doubt no one would have expected the way computers have change, and thats including those nasty price tags. I say in another 26 years computers will be so dirt cheap that people would be throwing them out for a new one after they used it for like one day (unlikely). Well I was just starting out in the computer world when windows 95 came out, and I done some minor ini stuff with a few games later on, but I do agree though that editing the wrong registry would most likely crash your system. However, thats the price you pay for wanting a fast machine that does trillions of operations a minute. Yep I remember doing it the old fashion way, I had a couple of printers that did that and of course the millions of AOL disks that they would send you on a daily basis. Of course having a 1 Gb hard drive meant that you were filthy rich because of how expensive those things were; in the army unit I was in they had these really old laptop computers that only had 1GB hard drive, and we eventually got rid of them. I think the Flash stick software will start becoming bigger later on since flash disks are matching Cd's and DVD's in size, and so I wouldn't be surprise that CDROM drive will get obsolete like the floppy drive, say 10-15 years. I never really paid attention to this from the beginning so for me that's a tough call, although you put enough junk on your computer you could slow it down to the point that it feels like a 28k modem. Well if you know your history computer viruses didn't really become a concern till the 80s when every teenager and college computer nerd started going after military installations and what not. Of course one observation I have made is that virus writing has decline in the last few years as people are making their money in spam and Identity theft, yeah you get a virus or two out there that will do some damage, Melissa anyone? But 15-20 years ago viruses would coming out on a daily basis and so the real computer crimes are the ones that exploit code and steal money. SOURCE
  12. Well I think these would be more recommended to the invision designers then in trap since there would be a lot of files to change in order for that to happen. Plus if you don't know a post has been deleted or put into a spam forum then your not being really observant in your posting. Also if your being observant in posting topics in the right forum, and not posting in spam topics then you shouldn't really need to be known that your post has been deleted. Also you will know i a post has been deleted if your post count goes down and your hosting credits go down. With that in mind... 1. An arrow image and the words Moved will appear next to your topic , and once a post or topic is deleted it won't appear so it kind of defeats the purpose of doing it. 2. Go to your profile click options and you will see posts and topics, again though what your asking will just add to the server load and so being observant in your posting and your fine. Again your have a better chance getting IPB to do those changes since very specific files need to get change and the admin here don't have that kind of time to do that.
  13. Well the holiday's are upon us and so the theme is Christmas for this SOTW and so here are the rules. Size 100x100 - 400x400 Render - Christmas Colors - Christmas Text - your name Other - anything you want. SOTW entries close at the end of the month and the Voting begins on January 1st.
  14. Sorry for hte long delay in closing this, but things kept me busy, for the most part, anywayss on to picking the winner. First Relyks your vote does not count since you did not use the voting format and so SOTW #64 Co-Winners are Delivi and Saint Michael and so congratulations for winning this SOTW.
  15. Wow its been two months since they lasted updated about the news on internet Explorer 8, refer to my topic about this back in September. Well at least with this article they gave some news on what they plan to do with Internet explorer; although I think putting out a new browser every 9-12 months is kind of stupid unless its just patches and visual looks. Of course I am in complete shock that people are still using IE 6, well duh (slap head) the interface to IE 7 was pretty bad but now the underground has 300 million ways to attack people now , but thats the one thing I have notice though is security updates for IE 7, I just haven't seen them. Of course I would expect that those browser updates are coming from regular window updates but again I don't see the info about it though.
  16. Well I thought I do some cleaning on my hard drive using the basic tools such as disk cleaner, and McAfee's version of that as well; however, when I ran disk cleaner I stumbled upon a interesting "hidden" file called Hibernation File Cleaner. Of course your going to ask what is a Hibernation File Cleaner? Well from the blurb I got about this file in the disk cleaner is that this file stores the hibernations settings for your computer when you put it into hibernation mode if you plan to work on something. It also comes with 1.98Gb file size as well, but what should we do with this waste of space? Well in the blurb they tell you if you don't use hibernation you can simply delete the file, but in line is the problem if you delete the file you completely disable hibernation (thats open for interpretation), and so my search begins. So from what I found the size of the file is determined by the size of your RAM and since I have two gigs of RAM in this computer that file will be up to 2 gigs in size. However, another problems arrives I am getting conflicting website about how disabled hibernation gets if you delete this file so I left a question at one of the sites to see what happens. Anyways.. so I tried out one of the tutorials to disable hibernation through command prompt and I check my hard drive and OMG I went from 185Gb to 219GB so it seems this little bundle of joy takes up a bunch of hard drive space, 34 GB of hard drive space was restored after disabling hibernation. So that brings me the user into a small dilemma and that is do I want to disable something that could save me energy while I am away for a few minutes (if I am gone I just turn it off) or keep it off and use the free space for something else (which I won't because my laptop has all that I need)? So ask yourself that question when you use this and see if it would cater to your needs, for now I am keeping it enabled just because some of my family members don't know when to shut it off when they leave or go to bed. I know after reading all that your waiting for this bundle of joy called the process on doing this well here it is. 1) Click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories. 2) Select Command Prompt and then Right-click this entry and select Run as administrator (which is gay by the way since you would be under a admin account anyways) 3) At the command prompt, type powercfg -h off. Although there is a step 4 to this and that is to test to see if its disable don't bother it is if you do it right. Best way to know if is have the My Computer folder open and remember the size of your hard drive before you do it, and then refresh the folder after you do it and you will see a increase of hard drive space. Of course if want to re-enabled it replace powercfg -h off with powercfg -h on. So there you go this simple little procedure will score you some more hard drive space. EDIT Ok the amount of space you will receive is only 2GB as McAfee cleaned up 32 GB of junk on this computer. So disregard my rant of joy about that.
  17. You don't see a negative symbol ( - ) next to the 13,000, because once a member terminates their hosting all the credits will get erase and you get that huge number. I don't remember that credit count going into reverse like that so it hsould be a interesting response.
  18. Yes you can actually, you can your hosting into a reseller account if you want, however you are responsible for all content that is uploaded to your account. So if someone loads up stuff thats against the Xisto rules then your account will be terminated along with whoever you decide to host on your website.
  19. Well kind member there are different levels of professional but you haven't gone into details why it isn't professional, and so I am assuming that it is design. That case you need to think outside the box and not pay attention to the fads that are being used and remember designers build to the specs of the client and not to the designer, and so it doesn't need to be fancy with flash, hundreds of scripts, forums and stuff like. Simplicity is what a professional design is all about. Luckily for you a version two will be coming in the near future but for now the website does what it supposed to do.So hopefully you can expand on your post and say why it isn't professional.However, the way I used professional design is that I got paid for it, yeah I could go nuts with the design and make it look uber looking but thats not how it work, plus if you read my first post I was limited to what I could do as well.
  20. Well I won't be dealing with the SEO aspect of the site directly but most likely I be getting together with the person who will be implementing the SEO, and maybe pick up a few things here and there to remember. Well I would say for the most part the mav was tricky to set up because of the way its coded, I was thinking about setting it up like that but was concerned with other things at the time. Most likely I will add it to my list of other cosmetics after it gets looked over again, and thanks for the flash site thats what I needed to get rid of that stupid little error.With the Menu the flick has to do with the hosting and not picking up the images correctly I was thinking of doing a image preload to fix it, but I might have to look for another method of doing the menu to kill it off. As wit hte date you wouldn't even believe this if I told you but it supposed to be white, but for some reason where I have the date it got the grey color, but I might move it to the footer to fix that error.
  21. Well in my usual browsing for interesting stuff I came across this little doodad, knowing the fact that most Wifi enables laptop will have something telling what points are available. However, if your unsure and going on a trip then this website will help you find a WIFI Hotspot either pay or free so you can connect your computer up and enjoy some good ole internet. Especially useful if you plan to stay in a hotel or motel for the night or a couple of days.
  22. Well the problem is that the ciriculum would be very flawed or I don't even think it would get past the planning stage as people would be arguing left and right about what to put and not to put, and making sure not to offend everyone. Sadly young Mermaid Genocide is a way of life, Bosnian War, Iraq's War with Iran, Armenian Holocaust. If you want to really get down to it when Rome and Persia where in power you could see plenty of that when they conquer of all Asia, and even the Spanish Inquisition and the witch hunting can be considered it as well. That's debatable, however, I can't really provide anything to really argue against it but before 9/11 it was somewhat better, how? That again is debatable. You have to remember thought that everyone is born prejudicial and overcoming it is what takes the longest time, but people don't talk anymore because if they something someone else will think they are being racist or sexist; Don Imus a big example of that statement. Paris Hilton and Britney spears need I say more about that blond stereotype? Its funny though although Hitler was promoting the Blond hair blue eye thing out of all the pictures I don't even remember seeing one, heck most of the Nazi leaders had brown hair and brown eyes, I don't remember them dying their hair or put contact lens to fit it. As for the magazines I would have to say thats more geared towards women then men, of course once you get into playboy and penthouse its all about men. Don't forget Hitler crazy buy the time he came into power as to when he snap was most likely when World War II started. Mermaid you forget every tries to present a false image of themselves, I don't know anyone who is really themselves and not some else as its all about image and being popular and cool and stuff. As for your topic I say your on a good start how to argue for both sides of the topic, I bet with a bit more research and time you might have something there. Don't forget winners are those who write history, those who lose are erased from history.
  23. I know what your talking about but I believe it's called Schrodingers Cat that talks about the theory your describing. I believe it has to do with the fact that its neither dead or alive until someone finds out but the paradox is since no one will find out they don't know if its alive or dead. I can't remember if I said that right but it has to do with existence at some level, I learned about this little paradox in one of my favorite computer related books called Wyrm. I would have to say this is my favorite paradox about existence as their are a few others such as what came firs the chicken or the egg? Some more info about Article #1 This website puts a little interaction with that paradox
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