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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. To be honest this game is a rental, because of the fact its challenging at the beginning but once you sae up a ton of cash and start dropping parts into the cars its gets easy afterwards. The replay value is good because you have the cance to get faster and faster timings and then compare to them to the online world. Of course if you use the UNLOCKALLTHINGS code then the game is horribly easy after that. I been play the NFS series since underground and compare to the rest of the games like Juice its the better of the series, and so its up to you I would check out the gameFAQs.com forum about this game to get a better idea about it. Of course when I read about the time people spent on customizing their cars I just go meh and purchase the car and then update the parts and thats it.
  2. aaah ok so you got me all confused then , ok disregard that option if she doesn't bring anything up 3 weeks from now . Sounds like a plan on what to say and when to say it.As for the feelings its possible since she hasn't ignore you completely and talks to you when she wants to, but I think we are all at agreement that she won't break the family apart. Of course the tell tale sign she might have feelings is the fact she hasn't reponded to you and still thinking about it, and so do the as she leaves to go out the door and talk to her thing and make a semi decision on whats she wants to do.As for body signals that is totally impossible for us to pick them up unless anwii can read people's minds or see through other people's eyes we know as much as you do in her signals. Hopefully she focuses on the benefits of being friends and nothing more that way she can cut off the romance stuff.
  3. Ug and I don't even have access to a computer that has IE6 installed on it either so I won't even know what to fix, well at least I will have somewhat of an idea what to fix with a ie6 viewer website . thanks del, dumb IE.
  4. you be surprised what kids pick up these days , but it seems they are not aware of anything at the moment until she says, "hey kids meet your new daddy" ( I had to throw that in just to get you t o laugh at something). Glad I caught you then on the Saturday thing then, usually the letter would have mention something to that ill affect like if she needed to call or talk to you anytime she know who to go to. Just talk to her like its any normal day and let her make the first move; however, I just notice the time frame between the letter and now, meaning thats it been about two week since you gave her that letter. So this is another option to think about if she hasn't said anything to by the end of next week you make the first move and talk about it, make sure to do it after work (refer to my previous post about location). That way you can help unclog all the thoughts she's been having about the whole situation and getting her to talk to you about it, and also getting her release some of that good ole emotion she definitely holding back. Like I said its an option because its borderline ultimatum on her part, but if you talk to her the the right way it won't seem like it, and that way you can get her to talk to you about. Ask simple questions to get her to open up, like how are you feeling about the situation? What are you thinking about? stuff like that. Hopefully she will start to talk to you and all you have to do is just listen until you need boost her reassurance that she can confide in you.Remember its not about you feeling comfortable its about her feeling more comfortable around you, maybe a semi-private place, that has some public but just enough for you two to be alone without being totally alone. That way you won't risk something happening and it lasting as long as it usually would in a public place. As for the one person thats know whats going on that is a good number because everyone likes rumors and gossip.Anwii is right she might have feelings but thats because of the situation at home, and thus thats where she is confused to here thought. I don't think it was ever mention that it was crush on her but it obvious enough in the first post, but turned up a notc by the time I started posting here. I would be thinking about signals because we guys never get them right As for the being a member here I have to disagree on the point that sh will take the comments we give to another direction and thats something we don't want to get involved in.Like I said anwii the best Copper can do is talk to her like it was any other day, and not saying anything about whats going on that and that way she can fell out the situation a lot clearer knowing he's not in a rush for anything; however, if you do go ahead with the option about making the first move thread lightly and only push it just enough to get her to talk to you about what she is thinking and feeling, and if she isn't ready yet hold back and let her know you here for her when she is ready to talk. At least then she is aware that your still waiting for an answer, but still willing to wait.Thats all I can say right now until we find out she started talking to you then we can move on to the post talk part of this relationship.
  5. Oh this story is getting better anwii, you got enough to write a book about it , so I am assuming that you will be trying out direct tv and go through the same BS? Well hopefully when you post your update that they will fix the hole and like give you a huge discount and stuff. Thats why I like cable all they have to do is connect this and connect and BAM!! So keep on sticking it to the man the satellite man that is .
  6. AAh simple steps: 1: Find your wireless channel and max it out, channel 11 is the top setting, then save it 2: Next go to the website for the router and download the firmware upgrade from the site and then install it, make sure you have the right version and you can go here to the download section and get it from there. 3: Make sure your all your info is correct on the primary computer the router is connected to. 4: Save everything and then open a new window in your browser and see if anything comes up, if not then release your IP address and then renew it, and try again. If not then 5: unplug everything including the cable to the router and then wait 5 minutes then plug your cable to the modem, then your modem to the computer and then turn the computer on. Now check your connection again and see what happens, hopefully doing the disconnect/reconnect method will fix this as I had I had a similar problem when I first ran my router. So let us know if the these steps work or not.
  7. As I take it from your last post I don't think she would do anything either to jeopardize it either so I don't she will be cruel about it when she does answer and like I said just prepare yourself and wait it out for her response. Although I am assuming this, I would say what your doing right now is fine I think the line she won't cross is the physical contact that is beyond friendly, and I am only assuming that because you haven't mention anything towards physical contact that is non sexual or even semi-sexual like a shoulder rub or even footsies. You are correct on not making that phone to her as that would only put more pressure on her to make a quicker decision on things. Of course if she doesn't call by Saturday do NOT bring it up or say anything till she tells, treat it like any normal friendly supportive way to make her feel more comfortable about talking to you alone. Of course the tricky part to this situation is when she where she will have this conversation, meaning that if you talk during a lunch break and goes for the "it can't be any more then what we have right now", it will become a very long day for both of you. Especially you because now you will be going through every emotional though process as your thinking why, and so you need to figure out how to go about this when she drops the "we need to talk". I would recommend that if says she is ready to talk that you recommend talking after work and that way both of your jobs don't get interrupted because of this. Although you don't have to use those exact words doing it privately over publicly is the best thing to do. I will say this though and that too many people at your work place know about this thats including your friends and her friends and most likely the boss as well, granted you told a bunch of strangers on a forum about this, the work place is a different story, especially about interoffice romance and junk like that. Seeking advice is one thing but when people start showing up and start asking the who? What? Where? When and why? thats putting pressure on your, and from what you been posting right now your doing well with that pressure, especially the waiting game.One question though to finish up and I might have missed this or hasn't been made mention but has she let her children see you at all? The reason I ask because if she has the children involved in some way of them knowing you then the situation starts at a new playing field, because now they aware of you and then the million questions from them start coming about who you are and what not. If the answer is no then situation is still the same and your waiting for a response, and I wouldn't doubt you have a place in hurt heart just remember both you need to realize whats best and not what you want at the moment.As for what to do after her response is giving that is up to you the only advice I can give is do whats right. Although I shouldn't even mention this because of the difficulty of it being successful is spending time apart, and if you know where I am going with that you know how many different answers you can put under that situation. I wanted to mention it as an option for you to think about because it all depends on the situation on how to use that time apart to think things through, but I will leave the judgment call on you to figure that out since your the one in the situation and not me.Just keep us posted and then when the time comes we go from there.
  8. Well the difference between the security software and the anti-virus soft is somewhat simple to explain so bear with me . With anti-virus software they just go after worms, viruses, trojans ect etc. With security software your dealing with firewalls, cryptography, parental control, spyware, adware, stuff like that. Although they work within the same package they do different things and also netwrok security is a whole different then home security, and hopefully that might clear some things up on it.
  9. I was looking at the computer forum a moment ago and though since it is becoming more popular that it should be broken down some more into its own subcategories so as to keep it more organize Programming Languages Forum is fine as it is. Software Forum -Security Software -Anti Virus Software -Web Design Software -Web Application Software -Computer Maintenance/Tweaking Software -Desktop Software -Network Administration Software Operating Systems -Windows (9x/Me, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, Server) -Linux/Unix -Oracle -Mac -Novell -Other Hardware -Computer Builds ( This forum is all about display builds for peoples computers, and also members seeking opinions on builds they plan to purchase) -Maintenance -How-to/Troubleshooting Computer Security Issues & Exploits -Current Viruses/Hacking News -Patches -Prevention
  10. Your best bet then is to build a computer to your liking instead of getting a name brand computer that will cost three times as much, I recommend using this article as a guide if you choose to build a PC. Since it is pretty in depth in telling you what you need to know how to build a computer and handling all the parts so when you turn it on it don't blow up on you. I think its the operating system that Twinkles doesn't want, but the thing is though and I could be wrong is that linux cannot offer the graphical power to produce high end graphics, like I said I could be wrong.
  11. Well the RC releases are next week while the full versions will be release sometime next year, and as for what SP1 will have it supposed to contain 100+ fixes including the ones that are out now and I guess some others. They will also include updates to software drivers and what not to fix the compatibility issues they had from the beginning of this operating system that has caused so many problems to begin with. This website contains all the fixes that are out right now for vista, and they also include a forum that discusses the SP 1 and what they plan to have. Also this article right here goes into more detail about what SP1 is supposed to contain and what not. Here is some information on what to expect from SP3 and from the looks of besides the 1000 hot fixes that they went for a more secured system this time as well.
  12. I think some of those questions are obvious like how far is she willing to go, would she break her family apart to be with you? And of course some other ones as well but those would be the two of biggest she needs to answer. I thought I made mention about the letter but I guess not, anyways the reason you got a split reaction about giving her the letter was exactly what your not trying to do, but in reality you are trying to push for a relationship. Its good that you got it out in the open but the things you have mention like buying her stuff and taking her out to lunch is borderline more then a friendship. Ok not the lunch part but you know where I am going with it.As for time you need to give her plenty of it, I wouldn't rush it so she will call when she is ready so I wouldn't lose any sleep over on that, and like I said early you cannot quit you not until she gives you a response. Even after that you have to give it time to figure things out, because if you leave now it will mess her up emotionally, and from the looks of it she a friend more then anything else. Right now your the closes thing she has to it, and so until she gives you a response keep it friendly reassure her in the office workspace about the work she is doing, and stuff that will make her happy and positive. Distractions are a good thing and she needs plenty of them until she is ready to think about the the two of you. Thats the thing about relationships you don't know what the other person is thinking and so you have to do this right or the working relationship will be a lot more difficult. So again give her time and keep it friendly and supportive until she is ready to give you an answer. Also make sure you prepare yourself emotional for both answers as they will change the relationship for the good or bad.
  13. I only can imagine how many pirated versions will be out the moment they release the test software, heck I will be waiting next year for a stable release because I am not going to risk a re-installation because of bugs and junk. However, I am got to be jumping around for SP3 just to see how great it is and stuff, and enjoy installation after I most likely resinstall XP for the 3rd time just to keep it clean when I install SP3 because who knows what it will do to the software that installed and stuff.
  14. I have to go with an Ice blue or a bright blue, as blue eyes really stand out for some people like Meg Foster as those where some blue eye's right there. I am a hazel guy, and I remember correctly I think my eye color change back in my youth or I could have been mistaken since it has been years though . Or Dragon green eyes (Big Trouble in Little China)
  15. Well I thought I keep myself out of this due to the situation and the fact that its one of those crushes that will fizzle away and junk, and well the last two posts say otherwise. Don't get me wrong she sounds like a nice person and all that but I think trying to pursue a relationship with a "kid" I say that loosely because of age, but I think she will try to end it because of the fact she has a family to take care of. This is where the "kid" comes into play and that even though you think your ready for taking care of kids in all reality your not trust me on that piece of advice. To be honest you should keep it friendly, supportive, and someone to talk to and nothing more and from the way it sounds thats what she si trying to do. Also from the looks of it your not trying to push for it being more then you want which is a smart move on your part, and although the future is uncertain it would be best not to pursue the relationship that you want her. I know she wouldn't want to hold you back from going to school and all that good, and from the sounds of it she knows what you want and is in a very large conflict with her feelings and stuff like that, and knowing what you want was trying to let you go the best way she thought was best. Who knows what the letter could have done to her thinking about situation but hopefully she is thinking what I am thinking and that is end it to an extent that you two will go any further.Of course I will say this the most stupidest thing you can do is quit or go to a new job, because she will feel guilty about and so in away you should be lucky you didn't get that job. Hopefully she will let you down easily and yet remain friends with you, and she doesn't you need to do it, because you will put yourself in a situation that you will both regret and I know you know that. Relationships are hell to deal with especially when you have alot of variables that can't be answered or they can be answered the results won't be what your expect.I know its its your life and any advice you get from someone on a forum should be taking for a grain of salt, and you can do want you want but do whats right regardless how you feel. Remember friendships are always stronger then most relationships with love it, don't ask me how that happens it just does.
  16. Well I thought I try out the movie Superbad, and I have to say I should have seen this in the theaters. The thing I did notice that its just like American Pie in the sense that a bunch of guys going to get laid before getting out of high school, but thats where it ends right there. We got drunk girls, fake ID's, fights, cops, guns, and even 70s music.I say for the most part the scene's with the cops and Mclovin (fake ID) were the best parts, although I think they went a bit to far with the man junk jokes went a tad to far but thats me though. Either way this movie was awesome, we had some good laughs, some sexy parties, and some seriousness as well.So get the DVD and maybe find out how to fake an ID, and maybe be the king of the house parties.
  17. If I remember correctly Rval surrounded some C4 surrounded by a stick of TNT and we ran like hell as the fuse was lit. Also we found a good place to store the server at as well. It need some paint but it is affordable and keeps the server nice and cool.
  18. Just a reminder to everyone that we do have a graphics desifn request forum, that way you can create individual requests, and that way you don't have to worry about reading a bunch of posts to find your request a lot quicker. To go to this forum go here. Also you need ot have a 10 post minimum to request a design, thus to keep the spam down and also not ot let people get a design done and just leave after its completed. As for building a portfolio it not just creating a design for businesses and websites, you need to know about techniques and all that off stuff, so reading and trying out tutorials and stuff to get idea's and even combine them, thus you won't get the "one trick pony" label put on you as well. On top of that it's all about practice as well so taking a pre-existing design and see what ways you can improve on it and stuff like that.
  19. Watermonkey did you buy yourself a new computer and just for me aawww, well he could do a Mac/linux partition if he wanted as well. Its funny you mention the military computers and it reminded of the toughbooks. Now those you can have a car rollover and they still will work . Although I have to ask this question why not a Mac computer, besides the fact they like to crash a lot As for being built well and being reliable then you might have to look into building it yourself, which means you would have to drop the laptop and go for a desktop in order to do that. Laptops are reliable, so taking the proper care and maintenance and making sure if you set it up in a area where your pets can't knock it off and break it.
  20. Well that would explain all the flags because of the domain, but why would your google applications not work if they are connected to your email? YOu comparing apples and oranges with that, and as for DNS management the closes you have in a trap account is add-on domains and parked domains. What Rvalkass is trying to say is that you need to add the NS1 servers to your domain name and then park it on your trap account, which you have. If your google applications like web analytics or adsense all your doing is just adding the code snippets to them on your site and thats it.Like buff mention I can't believe I missed it either, but before you used a purchased domain make sure its not connected to anything, but not that your domain is set to the right servers, you can connect to the cpanel, and no it was never down as I was able to access it all week; nonetheless I think most of your problems are solved which is a good thing.By the way Xisto is reliable but they do suffer downtimes like everyone else, and so before making that claim make sure it wasn't user error first.
  21. I thought I spam you..so SPAM!!!

  22. I wouldn't doubt the Cpanel would be buggy as it would have been noticeable when they upgraded it earlier this year, of course I don't think anyone was concerned at the time since the upgrade was messing with the hosting accounts. However, that .htaccess file is a interesting quirk though. Well I do that some hosting accounts are buggy enough that they need to be canceled and restarted again, but thats only your account is really buggy that can't get anything to work or stuff like that. Although I am not aware of any Cpanel upgrades to the hosting accounts and so it could be account specific, but I highly doubt that getting suspended a whole bunch of times would mess with the settings though.
  23. Mermaid are you trying to a copy of the ebook somewhere and not wanting to go ot the libary mermaid? OOOOH the pain Anyways I thought I help you out and point you to my good friend amazon.com Ann Frank and Me And then they came for me From the looks of it dear mermiad your better off getting the first book since the other seems to have only one copy and thats for $35 while the first one you get for about $7. Your Welcome
  24. OMG I can't believe Dell bought them, but regardless the hardware that goes into their computers won't be dell since it it some high powered stuff, and Dell says so as well.. So I wouldn't worry about that because everyone knows how great those computers are so Dell won't be messing with, heck maybe Dell will force them to drop there prices a bit .
  25. Like sonesay mention if cash isn't a problem then hit up a alienware computer is all you need, but if money is an issue then I would check out newegg as they have some powerful yet cheap laptop computers. So take a look around there and see what you would like.
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