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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. savage if you go to the resource forum you will see a post i made to download renders.
  2. Well first off welcome to Xisto and very large community, what was mentioned in the above posts just make sure to read the rules and pm any mods or adi question you have before posting them and they can stir you in the right direction.
  3. everyone has those dreams about the person they are destine to be with, i had alot of those most of the time the face is fuzzy enough you can't tell who she is but also you can't tell where your at either.Sometimes though my dreams come in chapters as well when it stops when i wake up and then it would continue when im fully asleep but awake to see the dream happening like out of body experiance type deal.
  4. yeah i searched it, its for a game from what i saw on some peoples site, but could be used to help some people out i guess.
  5. ah norton 2K6 removes the ads all together on top of blocking them as well so im finally happy with a pop up blocker that works.
  6. i recommend calling the computer support they will give you the better advice on what you need to do to fix your cd drive, but most of the time you just need to unscrew a couple of screws to get at it. Also i recommend getting an air can and spray inside as well.
  7. @OpaQue though true its odd hearing it from you. best thing you can do is correspond with them if they are not reasonable and 100% of the time they are not just find some other. i seen a few websites with the google adsense horror stories they even have this site mind by the looks of it just started so the stories should build up soon http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ of course i searched in google and found a few sites about google adsense horror stories, meh when i make a site worth putting ads on then maybe i will sign up for it.
  8. also you have to remember most of europe is still recovering fro mthe communist collaspe in 1989, believe its goign to take a long time for former communist countries to revocer from this, but only if people decide to stand up for it. but you have these terrorist who want power and keep everyone in fear. germany the center stone of the collapse of communism is almost back to its glory but needs to keeping on fighting even though the nazis are making sure that anyone trying to restore its former glory before them slows down to a halt, but times have change and so must people. 1500-1989's are the old ways this is new generation but people want to have the old ways stay intact.but one thing i do agree on is corruption i choose not to vote cuz it doesn't mean anything, everyone knows that bush rigged the election but no one wants to say anything or they be branded like a terrorist and make a big deal over it. or bush pays people off to be quiet.democracy was a dream at one time but now its just a word in boooks no one who has power wants it and they want to keep absolute rule over other people.but our world leaders should know that one day a revolution could come and change it forever, no one is immune to this so one day china, north korea and cuba will topple and once this is done communism will be truley dead. All the small contries that believe in this will fall quickly and thus be for the people and not for one person.
  9. saw this link in another forum and so for those who think an xbox 360 is swesome watch this video. http://imptestrm.com/rg-erdr.php?_dnm=www.lolgifs.com&_cfrg=1&_drid=as-drid-2300300503455222 i laughes so hard watching these guys drop 500 hundred to destroy a product that is already bad. some of the people that work in the best buy store already said that it was defective and that microsoft says after 90 days your screwed but bes buy would replace it though. PLAYSTATION RULZ.
  10. thats called internet bulling at that happens at school, well personally anyone on the net trying that with me I rip their computer apart. but i thing you could have done this in one post as well.remember your not getting points for your post your getting points for whats in your post.
  11. not much for a site about facts and info about a product that is junk and with the xbox 360 having like alot of problems don't see it becoming big any time soon.
  12. well if you look at it both of them are going ot get them taken away, trying to remember michelle last movie she did hmmm.
  13. from what im hearing and seeing people are returning it cuz so much of the xbox 360 is defective that people are returning them back for cash instead gettting them replaced.
  14. yeah alot of people are having hte smae problem with paypal, you make a ton of money and they don't want to pay it and thus they keep and make it and use it to pay their employees.
  15. i know you have to request tomcat but i do believe SSI is included (SSL), but did not see anything in the features list at all. go ahead and request just incase or if someone has a abetter answer then I.
  16. well i ahvn't been seeing that lately or i might be missing it sometimes but actually not all americans agree about the war. iraq should have been left alone from the beginning our job was afghanistan only and we succeded very quickly in getting most of them and getting rid of the control their, but bush's stupid your know what needed to finish a war his daddy started. Hell i did my time in iraq lucky for me I guess it wasn't as bad as it is now, glad i don't have to go over their again.But I agree stand your ground and don't get involved wit hte war in iraq but get involve in preventing terrorism at home, i been hearing that quite a few terror cells are hanging around canada just waiting or suplly money and stuff.
  17. even though its kind of a late welcome to the forums but hey what isn't so welcome to forums you have a good idea what goes on around here so enjoy yourself, we have lots of people to help and lot of topics to choose from to help you out as well.
  18. i watch the first few episodes but then the new ones start interferring with my wrestling, but they are going to be doing a marathon don't remember when but new episodes are supposed to be coming next spring or something like that.
  19. OK This wiill be a new thread for when i upload a new package of renders for you to download and use and abuse. also i list the file size as well, but also these link provide some other info like download time as well. Also make sure to rate and comment on them as well to boost downloads from other sites as well.
  20. ALSO I WOULD RECOMMEND SAVING THE URL CUZ IT DOES GET UPDATED. OK, This will be a new thread for when I upload a new package of renders for you to download and use and abuse. Also I list the file size as well, but also these link provide some other info like download time as well. Also make sure to rate and comment on them as well to boost downloads from other sites as well. Render Packages: OK This wiill be a new thread for when i upload a new package of renders for you to download and use and abuse. also i list the file size as well, but also these link provide some other info like download time as well. Also make sure to rate and comment on them as well to boost downloads from other sites as well.
  21. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. all i have to say is ahahahahaha i knew it was to good to be true about the xbox 360 ahahahaha. why do you think sony makes good products they take their time to make sure its not defective unlike microsoft when all they do is want to make more money buy selling a crap system.
  22. well here is my xmas sig and Translation Sainr-Michael wishes you a Merry Christmas.
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