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Posts posted by hulunes

  1. umm,at first chose the active page language,contrasting severals,like ASP/php/coldfusion/jsp/... i think that asp and php is also easy to master and extend to others.with development of web technology and need,php(jsp is rather powerful but not widespread) is becoming the main stream at least when i used.i just realize coldfusion a little,hope to get some useful experience from here. :)

  2. huh...it is too huge but it would not lure me to get one or enlarge current disk capacity.because as a desktop pc,200Gb is enough to hold anything you like.just like what jlhaslip said,if need to check disk,defrag will take a boring long time...however,we should convince that dell is so outstanding in computer development field,big disk must advance big ram to promote later...

  3. hello...kat.welcome to Xisto where is the right place if you want to host a website IMO.indeed,you can enjoy your stay here cause there are many good designer sharing experience with us.just you are good at that field,to hope to appreciate your works in GFX section next time :)

  4. ***this is not a credit in counting please***


    to be careful in reading forum rules next time.please post in the right place before you wanna start a thread.


    to help mods' work,

    the current post should belong to Non-Trap 17 Hosted

    and the similar topic Streamload.com Offers 10gigs Of File Storage and Free Tutorial (web Programming) + Free Web Hosting are aslo to be moved.


    enjoy your stay here.good luck :)

  5. Wow...hi,rejected.it seems that you are good at sports especially in race :).that's so cool because i do fine in that as well,but worse than your record,maybe i am a little good in short distance race :P.however,running is always a happy and exciting feeling for me,so do you IMO.keep that... :Pi know you because i just registed here before you only several weeks.but pity that for my busy study i do not stop here very frequently. at that time,only 5 mod could help admin...it is nice that you who are helpful and cordial to join the managing group to keep our site active and live.as an old member,me,i do hope our forum goes well and more and more member will enjoy themselves here.

  6. well,i have ever no attention to the credit counting before...because i must be absent at busy time,so no post will be in at certain time about one week or 1 month...but when i realized that my hosting is close to suspended state,i would be temporary free to post a little to maintain or sustain it till to my real relaxing time.so maybe less than 20 posts in a day is the best record for me :)

  7. hey...do you have a hobby about collection.are you a collector.umm...generally speaking,that is not a hobby because anyone who maybe collect something casually.so do i.i do collecti some things like stamps,foreign money or coin,commemorated drink can,game cards...even the google logo :Pnow it is your turn,whats your so-called collection? anything to be appreciated. :)

  8. hello mich,welcome to Xisto community where you could enjoy and share your designing technique with us.sounds good designer you are,hope your are helpful and kindful to forum especially in graphics region :).i do like design as well,but pity that there are a little time left to me to adhere to that.so only can i do is too appreciate others works.with my greeting ,going to look forward to yours works later :Penjoy your stay here.

  9. i have read some space knowledge books before at certain place.

    black hole is so interesting,which lured scientist to research endlessly...related to the universe physical(uranography) concept,also white hole is just its anwser.

    as you know,black hole can absorb any thing closed to it including light,you do want know where they goes after be taken in.well,they go to another space but still in universe(as is known to all,universe is consisted with space and time).in just the another space,where through white hole to give away things which black hole absorbed,which is in order to keep energy balance(according physical theory).

    all in all,although black exsit ,there no things real disappeared,which just a energy or object circulation.

  10. eh,hunln,would you gave some advices with the protection of our eyesight and ... for our health of eyes? i'm also the one of using so much time computers ..


    :) that is easy...far away from your site managed by yourself,better away from your pc. j/k


    i do adhere to do eye exersice every time after using computer or reading books.furthermore,the eyedrop is a necessary thing when eye being tired.of course some food are also good for eye,like animal liver...

  11. old? i dont think so because i am 21 now :Dalthough i have passed a common lifespan ago,from pupil,junior school,senior school and now university grade 3...it is really a regular pace for me as a plain person.in the past,i master lots of useful knowledge including the english that i am typing now.i have never make my time be dilapidated or waste...so i cant think i am old because i have many things to do in future:fulfill myself,seek girl,support parents... come on,youngsters...never say old or stop to self,we are so young! :D

  12. can you use command console of windows?

    i can give you some instant and useful methods as follows:


    1.insert your 2000/xp setup CD into cd-rom to go into recovery console

    2.after that,you would arrived at the dos mode(assume that your system located in C: and cd-rom is H:)

    3.type: copy h:\\i386\\ntldr c:\\ (to copy ntldr from cd to C:)

    4.type: copy h:\\i386\\ntdetect.com c:\\ (to copy ntdetect.com form cd to C:);then if there appear a seletion,chose "Y";

    5.that'ok and type c:\\Boot.ini[/blue] to check the boot file




    good luck!

  13. yeah...hello,every computer users,who are focusing your eye on display.what's your eyesight ,not bad or not good?because we use computer everyday and frequently,our eyesight must decline gradually.however,it is not the most reason for you if you are in glasses since a child without computer...to me,although i have a good eyesignt,i still cherish the optimum status for my eye.so i use LCD as the output instrument.i have always protected my eyes carefully since a child.but some times i feel that it is cool when wearing a glasses including sun/blach glasses :D.maybe i am so lucky,because in my class consisted with 30 students,there are only 2 guys dont wear glasses(i am in).i dont know why so amounts of classmates in a bad eyesight:reading with bad pose,obsessed in pc game or other odd reasons.do you wear glasses now? (by the way,i just noticed that this is my 800th posts :lol)

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