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Posts posted by hulunes

  1. wow...new changesi just looked this because i have not been here for ages...exactly since the beginning of holiday :rolleyes:.i am sorry for myself to be absent here...well,it is nice change except the returning graphics(some buttons picture which i think that they will make loading be slow again).however,i notice the beautiful title logo,a little 3D feeling,very nice.maybe i would read some info about the change of this time :)

  2. hello,welcome to our community but you should be also kind to give a introduction about you,which let us know what you like,be interested in and so on.no one like to give warm greeting to a cold guy,okey?certainly,i think you have read the forum rules,spam is banned at any time.however,welcome to Xisto,enjoy urself here.

  3. The new server OpaQue is talking about is in regards to forum hosting server.
    Your web hosting server and forum hosting server are two completely different computers. This is to prevent any poor quality of service if one were to be slowing down the other.

    Yes. Previously we had Xisto.com Forums and the member sites on the same server. But as the online users increased, it slowed down mySQL and also jammed the httpd service. Thus, member sites suffered terribly during that time. When we realised this, within a week a new server DELTA was setup. And we moved Xisto and Xisto Forums on it. Now, after about 2 months, the forums are putting too much of load again and we were forced to setup another server with DUAL processor. Things should be fine now..

    thank for replying my confused question...i have known that the new server works for forum now is not related to host server our site used.however,my problem still bored me.i or other people located in my country could visit my site last week,but this week no one can open my site any more...i can not solve that :( because i dont know why a common sub site host in Xisto could not be opened at times.

  4. My little or lack of knowledge might not have allowed me to see any loopholes in the laws of my nation but what I felt is more important than having further improved in our laws is rather implementing or enforcing the laws properly so that corruptions will be curbed properly.


    Not being able to enforce the law is as bad as not having one, for justice delay is justice denied. Justice must be pronounced speedily anywhere.


    Sometimes, I envy the way laws are being enforced in communist countries - atleast the way they could enforce the laws but in a democratic set up like ours this has been a problem area. More comments welcome!


    that' right,corruptions is the headache leak even fatal to a developing country.and what you envy is not exactly that good like you think in a communist nation IMO.so am i,in my nation,law is always polled by all people and final result is decided by the people's congress(consisted by the people of every province,who voted by people as well).but all in all,there still exist faulty,called a green light for some people.i do not know why...or it may be a surface phenomenon? :blink:

  5. as is known to all,law is the most powful in any country but always faulty...let's to talk about that provided that you(every citizen) have a chance to add or remove a item to the law of your country now.what's your opinion?what do you want to advise your Congress to amend some illogical items?what your complementarity for that?if i have a chance,i do advise to the regarding society service item,to enforce some measure to prevent the loss in education for those who live a poor life and unable to be in school.because there are too many rich people who dont cherish study and always splurge money and time.to get a education balance,i think the related item should be amended. :blink:

  6. hello,mike...that' not a problem,you have done a lot for our forum...everyone who would be busy at times.so am i,i do prepare for my final exam(7 subject),just left a cup of tea time on internet everyday of this month.i'd like to be active in the coming winter holiday later.hope to see many members active here as well. :blink:

  7. hi,Elementwelcome to Xisto community,there are lots of cordial guys can help you on website making,if you are interested in that :blink:.well,you are so young to touch web field,hope you make some successful thing...in addition,be pleased to be active here for your coming host if you really wanna your 1st site goes well.good luck :ph34r:

  8. i do not mind standardize testing usually when i felt that i have a great deal time for preparing that.however,in school,because the frequent touching complex society,really we have a little time on those standardize testing...there maybe some more important things to do,of course,not like gossip on internet or busy in a gone game...learning useful knowledge is so important,but school always dont give us very needful knowledge,plus,through text to evaluate student and award or punish which is really a traditional rule in school. :blink: so we cant change angthing,only what we can do is to maste real needed thing by ourself without teacher.

  9. it sounds that you have played wearily out the land game :ph34r: j/k


    well,i do prefer a airplane game called pacific hero(world war 2).it is described that you drive a old model fighter plane to protect the pacific area belongs to USA.the area is attacked by the japanese empire(the fascist axes union) through a good many battleplanes and battlewagon.you,who is the hero only one plane to counterattack them...


    the driving skill is a little hard to master,but very suck...once you have done fine in that :blink: .the wide-screen feeling is vivid and can be personally on the scene.


    if you heard of this good game,hope you like it. :)

  10. thx,Mr. Buffalo.i am glad that you notic this idea... :blink:


    to be simple...those good topic can be sorted for its own section.that is to say,the post evaluated to be good should be pinned in itself region,not the entire pinned which can be visible everywhere.


    in addition...i feel that create a single section to collect/store those good topic is also good and easy to find and enjoy.in our area,usually we call that section as prime region which is used to keep the best(hot) topic.of course,the authur of prime post is also award(for instance,credit +1).


    the detail that mod or admin can pick up some hot posts(reply more than 30) to be a nomination into the prime region.furthermore,to reduce the burden,all the selected post must be the one which started within 1 week or 1 month.so the frequent opting amount will be a balance,reduce mod or admin busy in doing that.


    hope you get a final thought about this.

  11. hello,admin,mod and member...

    i got a idea because i found that there are many good topic which can invoke member's interesting,who would like to be active here and reply those good post.so many hot topic should be award IMO in order to promote member's enthusiasm and keep active in forum readily and enjoyful.


    that so-called award is just add their credit a bit +1[/red] or any other award you are able to think out.there should be a fixed or pinned post to evaluate hot post and award it,like SOTW in GFX section. we can find the most popular or hot topic per week or month base on their number of reply.


    just a suggestion...any comment will be appreciated :)

    the final decision belongs to admin and mod.

  12. thanks a lot again :)i'am sorry that i did not notice the 2nd link you gave above...like what you said,because any manager must run base on windows explorer,no perfect software can work effectively in fact.by the way,i have downloader that wma about java new desktop system,which is really cool.we are waiting for that project look glass's coming. :Pi will have a try that SphereXP later.

  13. hello...if you are a cartoon fan,i am sure that you must be interested in what we talked about :).in our childhood,cartoon hero came into our life,which change our mind a lot ...


    As is known to all,among those heros,Superman is the earliest successful avatar who is the real pioneer for cartoon hero.however,i do prefer spider man...who is so cool that more fans still love he as a wonderful endearment,at least do me.


    well,i'd like to know who is your favourite cartoon hero?why?


    Superman ,Batman ,The Flash ,Spiderman ,The Daredevil ,The Hulk ,X man...or any other your fav

  14. Wow.. This is so cool! I knew such ideas came from Java desktop made for Linux operating systems. It's called the Project Looking Glass.

    thx,i do visit your link above which looks rather like MaDotate(if you have used).but the same problem ,it is not really a ripe product,not perfect...even when you used that,it is a little clumsy...what i wanna use is a natural effect. :)

  15. hey ,do me a favor that i am seeking a software now.

    there has been a software called MaDotate which can show a 3D window but not very ripe till now :P

    like vista below...do you know some software which can simulate the style when a window showing.often we can use xpstyle or windowbinds to beautify or theme.although those software is run much memory,i do wanna have a try :)


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