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Posts posted by selim

  1. I belive this game has turned into vaporware. It was previewed years ago and looked like a brilliant game for both Duke fans and FPS fans but after that one preview (I don't know if I'm thinking of tha same video as you) it seemed to dissappear. Then a few years later I remember seeing a small thing about it getting released 'soon' only for it to disappear out of existence again. It's been 8 years since that I saw that video clip and there has been hardly anything about the game. bar the odd few 'it'll be out soon' or 'just a little longer' comments. I don't think it will ever get released. Or if it does it will be another Daikatana - poorly put togehter, looking shoddy and playing equally as bad.

  2. I didn't mean planes being completely flown by software. I just meant using this bit of technology to prevent collisions. So if the pilot fell asleep and the plane was slowly decending into a mountain then the software would take over and raise the plane so it doesn't crash. And I believe the autopilot is a type of software pilots use to fly planes when little manual input is needed. This software has most likely undergone hundreds of days of testing and simulation to make sure it's safe and if it does make an error the pilot is on hand to switch it off and take control.

  3. I was eating coco pops while chatting to some mates and we started discussing the Coco pops story. I don't know if it's the same in other countries but here in the UK the story on the back of the packet, and on the TV adverts, usually involve Coco and his gang trying to stop Croc and his gorilla henchmen from getting any coco pops. Well we (friends and me) got to thinking that this is sending a bad message out to kids. It's teaching them not to share. I mean Coco seems to have an unlimited supply of coco pops but he never gives any to Croc. I'm sure if Coco allowed Croc and co to have some coco pops and became friends then there wouldn't be so much hostility between them. And surely this will send out a good message to kids that they should learn to share and help each other out.

    Maybe a change in the Coco/Croc story would mean a happier future for all of us.

  4. Looks like Nokia is the most popular brand and it is my favourite too. Being half Finnish is what lead me to buying a Nokia and ever since I have never like any other phone from a different company. I'm so used to the way a nokia's OS works and where the buttons are and how to type text with them that any other phone just feels like a pile of poo in my hands.

  5. Another reason a lot of people shun homosexuality is because it's against religion. Even though your friend, or any other homophobe, may not be religious it's the fact that past generations, who have been brought up on strict religion, have always been taught that homosexuality is wrong and not God's will. I'm guessing these ways have passed down through the generations and even though a person isn't the religious type they still hold some predujice that their forefathers have been taught.That's my theory anyway

  6. I think this is just a prototype, maybe even just a design on paper which has been rendered and there doesn't seem to be, or at least I haven't seen, any information about it going into production.I hope this thing does go into production soon (they say it will be produced in 2006 but they don't say when). It would be a brilliant keyboard and I can definately see a market for it. Although I bet it would be pretty expensive. 'It will cost less than a good mobile phone.' being what they said on the website and if it's one of these new fangled mobiles then I'm guessing anything from ?150 to ?250. So make sure you don't spill your drinks and food onto it when your on the puter. In fact don't eat near it at all.

  7. Wow the future is finally upon us :( I'm guessing they have some sort of ear piece (like Oakley's MP3 sunglasses) so you can hear what is being said in the movie. I think what is more exciting is the other applications this can be used for.Like imagine having them while riding your motorbike. Getting the speedo and RPM etc displayed in the corner. Or having a navigation system in there while your riding/walking/cycling/driving. Although it might become a bit distracting and be considered too dangerous. Or they could have a camera facing backwards so you can see behind you. Although I have seen sunglasses for cyclists that a made in a special way so that the sides act as a sort of mirror and you can see all around and practically behind you. Then there's the military and commercial applications to consider. Sony could be onto another winner here.

  8. I'm here to rant about SonicStage and how it is the most useless piece of *BLEEP* I have ever had the misfortune to use.It first started off with the software not recognising my Winamp playlist but I managed to fix that after a while.Then when I tried to add a list of songs to my minidisc it would crash after converting a few of them and nothing was transfered. After much swearing and nearly hit my laptop I realised sonicstage can't convert WMA format into ATRAC3 (Sony's own form of audio compression. ) This really pissed me off because I recorded most of my albums in WMA format. I've now changed and gone back to high bitrate MP3 which I now realise is better. At medium bitrates a lower WMA would sound almost the same as a slightly higher MP3 and took up less space. But that's not the point anymore.So I left my computer running to convert the WMA files to MP3. That problem was sorted.Then when I tried to copy some MP3s over to the minidisc it gave me an error that I 'didn't have enough rights to access the file information' or something along those lines. What the hell does this mean? To solve this all I did was delete the song from the playlist then copy it back on in Sonicstage. The MP3 then transfered with no problems. So what should take 30mins - hour took nearly 3 hours.And why does Sony insist on using ATRAC3 when MP3 is a much better quality. Filesizes I'm not too sure about. Surely having native support for MP3 (and maybe some other file formats) would make life quicker instead of having to convert our music first then put them onto minidisc. Surely the latest range of NetMDs can handle this. I know media players can do this but I don't want an MP3 player. They are too expensive for me and I like the fact I can plug my minidisc into other sources and record directly from them. I like the fact that the battery can last for what seems like days and only runs off 1 AA battery. I like the fact that I can use 1 gig minidiscs to continually expand my portable music collection. Yes they are quite expensive but they fit a lot of music on each. And over the years I'm sure an MP3 could easily be filled up with no way of expanding it's capacity.I just hate the software that Sony has decided to use. Surely they can get some proper programmers in to make a software that is much more versatile and user friendly. And start adding native MP3 support. You know you want to Sony.

  9. Possibly another attack on the Middle east. I didn't think he was planning a nuclear attack though. That's just insane. So far I think he has asked Iran to stop their nuclear program but they have and still are saying no they will continue. I guess the only thing George is going to do now is attack. He can't back down now, he probably will feel like a weakling and there is all that tasty oil up for grabs. I can see our petrol prices increasing in the future. Maybe even becoming so expensive that only the rich can afford to drive cars. I guess that will sort out pollution :blink:The thing is surely NATO or the American government can stop Bush from starting yet another war, where they'll probably start off with a few carpet bombings killing lots of innocent people and then sending in troops to clean things up, who will die and so will more innocent people. His excuse about 'liberating the people of Iraq' was bad enough but what will Bush be using as his excuse for starting a war with Iran?

  10. I've had a go on my friends PSP. Looks and feels brilliant. He had an emulator on it so he could play Sonic the Hedgehog from the old Megadrive and Game gear days. And the graphics weren't bad either. Although the lack of games does seem a bit annoying but I'm sure loads more great ones will come out. I don't really understand why you'd by movies for it though. Since you can only use the UMD on a PSP. What if you wanted to watch the film at home on a proper TV?Isn't it beatter to buy a normal DVD of a film and then convert it so it can be put onto a memory stick and played off that? I know it seems like a long process it is cheaper and, not too sure about this but I'm sure it's legit cause you own the original film.

  11. A good defence is also a strong offence. But that's a different story. Terrorism isn't just to do with religious beliefs. It can be about standing up and defending something you strobgly believe in, like they say. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. This makes terrorism sound not so bad, since surely helping one man can only be good. But the fact is terrorists will usually attack weak targets and so lots of innocent civilians will be killed in the process of a terrorist or group trying to make a statement.What George Bush is trying to do is to stop these terrorists at the source. Or at least that what he wants us to think. I don't have to remind you how rich in oil the middle east is.Now starting a war on a small country like Iraq surely won't go down well with the rest of the world, however starting a war on terrorism will. Everyone hates terrorism so why not.Sadly what your saying is right, terrorism isn't a physical army that can be fought or defeated and what some of our leaders are saying is all lies. Since the attack on Iraq there have been a few major terrorist acts, that I can remember, which is proof itself that while they may have defeated Sadam and probably killed most of the Taliban terrorism is still active around the world and even trying to defend against it will be hard.Anyone can be a terrorist so how does a country prevent a terrorist from getting in and causing all this trouble? It can't stop all foreigners to a country because then the world will be a very lonely placea. And even then some terrorists attack their own countries, see the IRA for example. So even keeping our troops at home to patrol our borders still won't stop an attack from happening and precious lives will be lost anyway.

  12. Isn't it all just theory at the moment? Like a lot of other sci-fi stuff now can be explained using theories and a few formulas. I'm sure we all know that something that works in theory and looks brilliant on paper quickly goes out the window once applied to the real world.What I want to know is what will happen if two different molecular structures get transported at the same time. So like in the film The Fly where Jeff Goldbum (or whatever his name is) steps into the teleporter and his genes get mixed with that of a fly's. Could such a thing happen in real life? And not just with a fly but with anything. So all those tiny germs that live on us, the world or anywhere, will our genes get mixed with theirs' if we step into a teleporter and teleport somewhere. And what will that mean? Will a giant germ emerge from the other end or a very ill person or maybe even a superhuman being?And if we start getting these genetic mismatches how will they be stopped? Won't the teleport room or device have to be sterilised and so would the subject being teleported. Imagine all those creatures living on and in us. I'd hate to come out looking like a giant tapeworm or a giant flu virus.

  13. Linkage

    If you'll just check out the link above. Notice anything wrong or strange?

    For those who didn't the email is saying I'm using 80.51% of my disk space, when clearly looking at the bottom of the screen I'm only using about 3%.

    I'm pretty sure this is from gmail as it was sent from my account to me, so I'm guessing it's gmail warning me I only have a limited amount of space. But how can this be? I thought gmail offer over 2Gbs of space. Has anyone else had this?

    And if so do you know where I can find the contact details for my admin so I can ask them to increase my limit?

    Notice from serverph:
    moved from freebie stuff...

  14. Well I'm back at university so it's probably going to be a lot of singleplayer games, unless I manage to get my friend(s) to stop working and have a multiplayer game of something on the lan. We mostly play co-op games because there's usually only 2/3 of us and things like DM, CTF etc get a bit boring with only a few of us.We just finished playing Doom 3 co-op. You need a mod to play co-op and it misses parts of the singleplayer Doom out.Soon we'll probably start playing a bit of Serious Sam since they are great fun in co-op mode, but really not worth the effort in singleplayer.Also I use a tunnel to get past the proxy so I can play a bit of EVE Online now and again.

  15. Who tried to cut an airplane tire?


    Being able to resist being cut is a lot different than being able to resist heat or being smashed. Many things are one but not the other, so don't necessarily expect one material to resist everything.


    Yeah but you'd expect a tyre that can withstand massive amounts of friction and bashing to be able to take a small knife blade. Think of how much rubber there is on the tyres. You'd need a massive force to puncture it.

  16. Don't be silly. Once you choose a career your stuck with it. The constant grinding to reach higher levels must suck.Once you do reach higher levels its gets so boring you make a new char and start the whole damn process again.PVP is pointless as neither of you can loose.. Think about it, no loss of armour, weapons etc that you had at the time. What's the point if there's no risk to PVP. No risk = no thrill.There is only Horde and Alliance. So you can only be one or the other and once your in one of them you can't really kill anyone on your side. I.E. you can't form you own alliances or make your own enemies which you get to kill ingame. Your forced down those two paths.

  17. When I read the thread I thought it would some sort of helicopter thing, or at least powered by a rotor and from looking at the picture I was right. :D I guess once most people read it flys around and cirps they were thinking of some sort of brid that flies around flapping its wings. Am I right? Don't worry. That's what I very first thought it would be.It does look pretty cool from the picture I'm just wondering how long it could fly for. I'm sure it has to fly for more than a few minutes becuase if your a heavy sleeper like me then it'll go unoticed and would just fall to the floor. And it doesn't really have to fly around the room, it could just hover in one place making it easier to catch. Nifty gadget this is. Hope to see it in the shops soon. And if it is hopefully it's not too expensive and hard enough to take a drop every now and again.

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