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Posts posted by baphometslayer

  1. Aliens? Where? From what planet do they come from? That's all BS. Why do you think the government does not really control the borders? It would be simple, militarize the border. I assure no one will cross that border if there is military presence. How come that is not done? It is not done because that illegal immigration brings more benefit then harm to the US. Sure some illegals are just an extra weight on the public systems but those numbers come down to hundred thousands when there are at least 11 million illegals (just considering Mexicans). What about those that taking money from lets say Welfare or not using any particular states medical aid because I in first hand know that most Mexicans do not utilize them, most of them sustain themselves, most cure themselves with only their economic resources. Want to talk about education? Heck, Schools Districts where there is a heavy population of immigrants receive a lot less state funds... for instances Santa Ana, CA Unified School District has and will always receive less funds then lets say Mission Viejo, CA Unified School District. Lets get back to the main point... why does the government not stop illegal immigration?
    one simple answer is ...... INCOME TAXES... we all file them... even those ILLEGAL MEXICANS do it.... they do it with the idea that one day they would become legal residents and do not want not filing income taxes affect them... Trust me I have a closer view on this then most of you have...

    I live in South Texas as well, Corpus Christi to be more specific.

    There's nothing with Hispanics or any other ethnicity coming here legally. The topic at hand is ILLEGAL immigration, which hurts everyone.
    First off, most illegals DO NOT file income taxes, and that's where we're hurt the most. They leech of of social programs, and you CANNOT argue that this is not doing harm. It raises the amount of taxes that legal citizens pay in order to handle the influx of non-tax paying Illegal immigrants.

    It puts strains on public school systems as well. My ex-gf's mom was a school teacher and she always explained to me how they had to let illegal citizens in to the school, even if they couldn't speak a lick of English.

    And the issue with illegals taking jobs isn't just one of them offering cheap labor. For one, it surely won't lower the end price, the money saved from cheap labor will just go to the man in charge. But it's also the fact that in most cases, Illegals are paid under the table, which puts further strain on social programs such as Social Security and Medicare.

    Illegal immigration is a huge problem. I'm all for immigration, but like I've already said, get the hell in line and wait your turn. After that they can work for cheap and take advantage of social programs, but at least they're getting taxed for it just like everyone else.

  2. I must say that you just posted a great point. I never really thought of it as being "lack of a belief" before but then again, come to think of it, you're absolutely right.
    But on the same token, couldn't it also be considered as a belief that he doesn't exist, thereby also being a "belief"?

    I'm not really completely sure what aethism is to be honest, I only know what I have heard, which is that it is not believing in God. But that to me could be considered as believing that it is false. So I guess it really depends on how you look at the situation.

    Atheism is NOT a Religion, and I see no reason why to believe that it is. All that nonsense is, is Christian propaganda making people believe that Atheism is somehow AGAINST their religion or God. When in fact, that couldn't be further from the truth for most of the atheists I know anyways.

    Most atheists are that way because of the atrocities that they have seen befallen on millions on innocent people in the name of Religion. And this is also a view that I share.

  3. No doubt we have an immigration problem. Here in Central California I'm surrounded by illegals. No english, playing that awful mexican carnival music all the time, junk cars on the lawns, illegal fat teenage girls pushing baby carriages, graffiti, vandalism, etc.
    It should be pointed out, however, that 3 million illegal aliens here are NOT from Mexico, and thousands are from the Middle East. One of them crossed the CANADIAN border to participate in 9/11.

    No matter how bad the Mexican illegal problem is, let's agree not to allow the govt. to distract us from the fact that 19 terrorists flew in here with Visas and 15 of them had paperwork out of order.

    I'll take a thousand Christian Mexicans over one Islamofascist friend of Bush from Saudi Arabia any day. SLAM THAT DOOR!!

    Well that point is moot when you think about the probability that those terrorists were probably handed those Visas from high ranking government officials....

    You know...the ones that staged 9/11

  4. Eugenics is a social philosophy which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention.[1]Throughout history, eugenics has been regarded by its various advocates as a social responsibility, an altruistic stance of a society, meant to create healthier and more intelligent people, to save resources, and lessen human suffering.
    Earlier proposed means of achieving these goals focused on selective breeding, while modern ones focus on prenatal testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and genetic engineering. Opponents argue that eugenics is immoral. Historically, a minority of eugenics advocates have used it as a justification for state-sponsored discrimination, forced sterilization of persons deemed genetically defective, and the killing of institutionalized populations. Eugenics was also used to rationalize certain aspects of the Holocaust. The modern field and term were first formulated by Sir Francis Galton in 1883,[2] drawing on the recent work of his cousin Charles Darwin. From its inception eugenics was supported by prominent people, including H.G. Wells, Emile Zola, George Bernard Shaw, William Keith Kellogg and Margaret Sanger.[3][4] G. K. Chesterton was an early critic of the philosophy of eugenics, expressing this opinion in his book, Eugenics and Other Evils. Eugenics became an academic discipline at many colleges and universities. Funding was provided by prestigious sources such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation, the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and the Harriman family.[5] Three International Eugenics Conferences presented a global venue for eugenicists with meetings in 1912 in London, and in 1921 and 1932 in New York. Eugenics' scientific reputation started to tumble in the 1930s, a time when Ernst Rüdin began incorporating eugenic rhetoric into the racial policies of Nazi Germany.

    Since the postwar period, both the public and the scientific communities have associated eugenics with Nazi abuses, such as enforced racial hygiene, human experimentation, and the extermination of undesired population groups. However, developments in genetic, genomic, and reproductive technologies at the end of the 20th century have raised many new questions and concerns about what exactly constitutes the meaning of eugenics and what its ethical and moral status is in the modern era.

    Eugenics played a huge part in European history as it was a widely accepted philosophy. There are some old time movies about it that are pretty interesting to watch as they show the true horror of it.

    Another solution would be to end the worthless philosophy of socialism. All it does is promote despotism which in most cases leads to higher birth rates, as poor people will birth like crazy knowing the government will take care of their baby.

  5. Me and my buddies used to play AoE online all the time. As was stated earlier, I always used to play heavy defense and wait for the wonder to win the game for me.One of my buddies was mega good at the game though and could break any defense I set up. I would have layers and layers of walls with loads of towers between each layer. He would bring in siege and as soon as I brought in my force to take the siege out, he would have the perfect counter for that, normally elephants of horse archers.AoE 2 and 3 really never did anything for me. AoE the original will always be where it's at!

  6. 1. When you judge Christianity, dont judge it through the behavior of people, but through what written in the Gospel and what it instruct people to do.


    2. Jesus called to love all people

    Christianity calls the life of complete love and to self ssacrifice.and if people follow it then no war at all.


    3. Love Your Enemies:

    That is the top evidence that Christianity is the religion of peace . It is the maximum of love to Love your enemies and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. Do not resist an evil person." (Matt 5:38-44). .

    Jesus had changed the human nature by loving the enemies

    4.."turn the other cheek," Cancellation of "eye for eye" principle

    This is other evidence that Christianity is the religion of peace.

    Jesus asked us to constantly be in reconciliation with people, even with our enemies and said, "If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.

    The Gospel said: When insulted, we bless people. Some consider that is weakness, but it is the forgiveness while we are capable and sublimation of the human and bodily motives and:



    5. Jesus Christ said: Do not resist the evil by evil but by love and peace


    6. Jesus Christ came and made peace among people.

    He first made Peace between the Jews and Gentiles, He call the Gentiles to place themselves under Gods protection, to do away with the idea of the "chosen people"; to praise both the Gentile centurion and the Canaanite woman, saying that He had not found such great faith even in Israel. (Matt 8:10; Luke 7:9).


    7. Then second he reconciled the Jews with the Samaritans. He taught the parable of the good Samaritan and considered him a true neighbour.. He preached in Samaria and said to His disciples to preach to the ends of the earth: 8. Murder Begins in the Heart




    9. Jesus blessed what he named "Peace Maker".

    Jesus explained how you become peace maker::

    - Don't hate your brother otherwise you considered a killer.

    - make peace as much as possible.and

    - avoid the material and worldly matters which cause disagreement among people-

    - Avoid story telling and bearing criticism from one to another is one of the most important supports for peace among people.

    - don't gossips if you do then you are like a person who sets fire to people

    - don't plant hatred and malice among people because it destruct peace.

    - if you have something good, say it, otherwise be quitet.

    - if you hear something bad said by someone about his brother, be silent as if you have heard nothing.

    - if you hear of a dispute between two people, try to reconcile them and bring love back into their hearts.

    - don't add more and more words and agitating expressions to the original words

    - don't invents exciting stories in your own mind to be told to others

    - don't reminds another of an old controversy which had been forgotten?

    - Don't think that you can acquire others friendship by attacking his enemies. It is better for you to reconcile two people if you can.


    10. When Peter wanted to defend Jesus and tried to kill with the sward, The Christ said: Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword shall perish by a sword as the sward makes many fights and wars, but the Christ mission was the mission of peace Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth, love will be among men and when the Christ ascended to heaven he said: I leave peace to you, my peace I give to you.


    11. The wars in the old Testament

    The wars in the Old Testament are not related to Christianity and were not to propagate the religion, as Judaism is closed and not a preaching religion, it was only confined to the people of Israel.. It is not related to the Christianity since Jesus change the rules.


    12. What about cross crusades

    Some say that if Christianity banned war what about the cross crusades

    Unfortunately they considered the cross crusades in the name of the Christ, while they are not belonging in any way to the Christ.The crusade wars has not related at all to the principles of Christianity. They wanted take the Holy City of Jerusalem because they think it was in danger. Nothing in the Gospel or Jesus Teaching was mentioned to prepare army to breach or to fight for place.


    13. What about the wars in Ireland between catholic and protestant:


    The same in Ireland there is a political party named the catholic party and another political party called the protestant; those are political parties who used the religion as a pretension . Those who are using the religion for achieving political targets has no relation to religion at all. Also they don't rely on verses in the Gospel. hey acted against the Christianity teaching.


    14. What about the American wars

    America didn'tt go into Yugoslavia , Iraq or Afghanistan in the name of religion but for many other reasons., They are pure political wars with no relation to religion at all

    What about Colonization wars by British, French and other:

    They are for economic and competing objectives and were not for enforcing the Christianity. They are wrong from Christianity prospective.


    15. What about WWI and WW2:

    They were for economic purposes and don't related to progress Christianity and they against the Christian principles explained up.

    Sorry, but religion will always be judged based on what it's followers do. And rightly so. I will never EVER EVER view Christianity as a peaceful religion. Not only is it filled with the biggest arseholes ever who seek nothing but to push their morals on to others, but most of em are war-mongering asses who are.




    but at the same time




    Peace.....and Christianity.....what a funny thought.

  7. I don't believe atheism is a religion. I was atheist for the first portion of my college career and I didn't worship anything, I never thought about it or anything.I simply lived life the way that I thought it should be lived, without any type of religious thoughts influencing my actions. It's typical for most religions to have some sort of influence on the actions you do, because Religion would like nothing more than to control everything you do. :lol:I always thought of atheism as an escape from organized religion, because it's soooo messed up.

  8. 1. In fact mideast countries are innocent in that matter. They didn't raise the oil price from ages.


    2. You have to blame the Wall Street biders and those who playing in currency and the oil, wheat prices in WAll Street or other similar places.


    3. Also we have to blame those governements who allows this trading freely without regulation.


    4.The US dollar is low and that was the beginning. But I don't know why we in Australia are suffering the same . Even though Australioan dollars become 94 US cent instead of US 69 cent. By math and logic it expect the oil price must be decrease not to increase.

    The oil market is actually over-regulated. You've got to be kidding yourself if you believe it's honestly a completely free market enterprise.


    We subsidize oil companies and they are still reaping profits. They aren't producing at max capacity, and the politicans need to open up ANWR in order to save our economy, but the silly liberals aren't willing to.



    It's a mess.

  9. after reading the above posts I have to put in my 5 cents.Yes the usa does need to tighten things with all the people coming into the states without a visa, But you all need to understand how hard it is to get a visa now a days. Before 9-11 all you had to do was fill out a few forms and poof you had a good chance of getting in. Now they check everything from how much money you make to if your working and even if you or ANY of your family had a record of any kind, even a speeding ticket! I know this because of my girlfriend, she is from the phils and we plan on marrying. But for the INS and all there red tape and all the one that come into the usa the WRONG way it is making it very hard for the good and hard working ones to get here.

    there I have spoke my peice.
    thank you

    I'm really sorry about your situation, but you don't need to be looking towards us for solutions. If you need anyone to blame. blame the terrorists. Us on the other hand, still have to look out for ourselves, and that's the bottom line.

    Don't worry, I'm paying taxes on all the nonsense they do in order to admit people in, and it angers me as well. Hopefully things will "change"(NO OBAMA) and we end the war abroad and work on securing our homes, instead of starting false wars everywhere else in the world.

    I'm sure that if I were in the same situation as you I'd feel differently. I hope that things speed up for you and your fiance so that you can be together in the US.

  10. Of course I wasn't expecting the OP to respond. Mainly because he went off on a rant without knowing what he was talking about.If you think the democrats are going to protect your civil liberties, then you must be living under a rock. If you think the Democrats are going to end this war in Iraq and NOT invade Iran, then you must be living under a rock. If you think Democrats are going to raise taxes.....then well....at least you know something about politics.The issue here isn't conservative. In the past conservatives have been widely known as the party that protects civil liberties and favors a small Federal government. After 9/11, the Neo-Conservative movement began to happen. These people govern in a fascist manner and like any normal democrat, seek to pilfer you of your freedoms.If only people would wisen the F*CK up and vote for people like Mike Gravel, or Ron Paul, then we could once again be a prosperous nation.But no, people insist on voting for scumbags like McCain and Hillary, who have a PROVEN track record of corruption. Or Obama, who simply amazes me with his ability to get mindless teenagers to vote for him with promises of "Change", something the Nazis and Communists in Russia used as propaganda. Obama offers no solution, only empty rhetoric. You can challenge me on that all you want, but Obama has a history of corruption too, so I bite my thumb off at you peoples. Stop doing the "popular" thing you dim-witted Americans.

  11. Global Warming is simply a liberal propaganda technique for their agenda of getting a carbon tax in place.


    Great, more taxes. To even believe that we can halt the progression of something SOO massive is simply naive. I do however believe that we need to be working on our act of being clean, because whether you like it or not, pollution is bad bad bad bad bad for not only the environment, but also us.

    A lot of research that disproves Global Warming is often shunned and ignored. Peer review journals will turn away their research just because they don't like it. This is an issue of information freedom really. There's plenty of research debunking Global warming, there's just people on the inside keeping it from getting to the general populace.

    Let's clean up our act humans, but not try to change the course of a GLOBAL-wide theory that hasn't even been proven yet.

  12. okay here is my vent and I am very steamed over it.
    While I was doing some work around the house and listening to the radio, they played a sales ad for a free laptop. You would think the station being one of the bigger ones in the NY area that they would not sell ad's to anything "funny"

    Well I went to the site today, and read all of the page. and then started to fill out the form. Mistake!
    that's when things really got going. in about 3 mins I had a good 30 E mails wanting me to Buy Buy Buy.
    So I stoped filling out the form, and then spent 3 hours going through my new mail looking for any links in them to stop the spam.
    I even blocked a lot that I could not find a remove me, yet they still keep comming.

    I guess that is how they can give away free laptops, get you to buy all the stuff, then they must get a kickback or something.

    Well they saw me comming I guess. Nothing is what it seems to be.
    I just wish that they would pass a law or something to make ad's like that unlawful, so others will not fall into a spamtrap like I did today.

    NO, they don't need to make a law outlawing ads. People just need to be smarter and avoid stupid, obvious scams like these. But just to clear things up........you can probably still get the laptop for free.....as long as you sign up for two of their sponsored products!!

  13. Wow, although I agree with you, your little rant there at the end against conservatives was not called for. First off, Democrats are on the front line when it comes to attempting to ban video games. Second, you were thinking of NEO-Conservatives. A true conservative wouldn't seek to ban ANYTHING, ever.But yes, this is the road our country is headed towards. People keep voting for douchebags, and it will happen again this time. Obama, Clinton, McCain.......these are the kind of presidents who will further Federal control over the citizens.It really sucks, and I spend everyday of my life fighting against Federal Control, as limited governments would equal ....... well, a better life. In the end, parents need to be responsible for what their kids do. They shouldn't just rely on the government to outright ban something. That wouldn't need to happen if parents weren't just lazy as hell.By the way, The guy in New York who got busted with the call girl........they were spying on him illegally.......using legislation that was passed to prevent TERRORISM. Wow, what a nice and trustworthy government eh? If a man wants a call girl, let him have it....

  14. They should be killed. YES. Being put in prison is effectively the same as being given a free ride. Rape is a heinous crime, and should be dealt with to the extent of the law.But there needs to be proof that without a doubt, the accused is the rapist. Of course, this is very possible today with the amount of high-tech tests we have.

  15. I wouldn't pick either of them. Nor would I pick the Presumed Republican candidate John McCain. None of them are offering anything in the form of change.Obama speaks of nothing but rhetoric that has attracted tons of people, but sadly, to a person of greater intelligence it is nothing of substance. He doesn't offer any solutions, and it's AMAZING that people will buy in to it. He also has a couple of skeletons in his closet.Hillary.....well, it's just absurd to think that ANYONE would vote for her considering her track record. Her involvement in Watergate is scary enough. But her recent telling of tall tales filled with lies only proves that she's the same thing we've been seeing in Washington. Lies, lies, and MORE lies.And John McCain.....oh McCain. It confuses me that this man could get the amount of votes that he has. He's very much a wolf in sheep's clothing. McCain embodies everything that the Neo-Conservative agenda seeks to obtain. He's a quasi-liberal and stands for nothing that a true conservative does, which is nothing that's been seen in the Bush administration. No small government, dwindling personal freedoms. These are things McCain will bring, as well as Obama AND Clinton.Face it, we've got nothing but CRAP to vote for this election cycle. People are too ignorant to know anything about ANYTHING. The two-party system is a sham.

  16. That's a "negative" opposition mentality. Basically, you're saying everything is okay except for one certain type of thing. (I realize that it's a joke, but I'm just analyzing it.)
    Then again, why not let them continue in their Naruto-built fantasy? Watch them writhe in suspense when the series ends. (If it ever does... I hear that it's an infinite plot line like Dragonball Z.)

    Hey you know, have you ever stopped to think that it's cartoons like these that keep kids entertained how they are that are possibly keeping kids from doing hardcore drugs otherwise and messing their lives up.

    Let them do what they want, as long as they don't go around throwing Kunai and Ninja Stars at people, the show is doing it's job.
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