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Everything posted by rantsh

  1. Hold on a second, I have come to find a question within me now...If we don't post one day in the forum, do we get penalized??? and how often, do we have to pay the 10 (or 30) credits? is this a monthly 'payment'??? Now I have to admit that Xisto has a great concept, and I think it's a great iniciative... although sometimes I get disconnected from the server (my browser says that it can't find the Xisto.com) but I'm not sure if it's an issue with my ISP (wouldn't surprise since I live in the caribbean) or if the server is overloaded.But please let me know about the 'payments' and penalties.Now if I'm not mistaken, we can have mysql databases in our sites, right? please let me know since I'm saving to 'buy' the big package (hopefully very soon).BTW, does anybody know which topics don't give any credits?????? and can my points on Xisto be combined with the ones I have here? (I'm pretty sure you're affiliates).Well, Thanks for your time
  2. First of all, as far as I know eDonkey is way (and I mean WAY) older than the BitTorrent file... So you can see how much the CacheLogic guy knows about these subjects. And to be honest IRC is the original way to share files, it's the best on the way that's the fastest since it's a direct conection to the other peer, in which case, your (and the other guy's) bandwith is the limit. The only thing with IRC is that it might be a little difficult to learn, but it's THE real underground to share, you may find almost anything on an IRC server, yet, it's way faster and easier to just look for a torrent or even better, to run a search on eMule and download.
  3. You know what the saddest part is? Your "Slow" downloads are actually my peak speed with the DSL connection I have here (I live in the caribbean)... So I know how it feels to wait for a couple of days for something to download. NOW, I WOULD NEVER ADVISE YOU TO GO AGAINST YOUR DAD; which is why you shouldn't try sneak and connect your PC straight into the modem when he's not around. You see... I'm guessing that you have the typical configuration ISP->MODEM->ROUTER-> PC's, so if, let's say during the night, you happen to go and plug your pc straight into the modem (which would be quite easier in the case that you had a laptop) and activate your BT downloads for lets says 4 hours at night, YOU'D BE GOING AGAINST YOUR DAD's WILL; and as I stated before I WILL NEVER SUGGEST THAT. So, I know what you're thinking now... what if the modem has the ports blocked as well? well then you can: A) try changing the ports for the BT (which you should now either way), Then you're screwed and you'll just have to download like the rest of the human beings that (like me) happen to live in "Technologically challenged" countries... C) Try to do some "social engineering" with your father (aka kiss his behind and promise to wash his car from now until hell freezes over) and work a deal so he opens the ports for you. Hope you can find a way around this issue. You may have some more options but I can't think of anymore right now...
  4. I recommend that you chech MySQL's website and look for the documentation, since this is probably the database management software that you're going to be using, then your login screen also depends on which language you're using to develop the software. I tend to combine the use of php with MySQL which is one of the most usual combos. Now, unless you're actually writing your website straight into the server (which I personally wouldn't recommend), I'd suggest for you to use foxserv or Abriasoft's Merlin to configure an offline webserver on your PC, anyone of this softwares will install at least Apache, mysql, php and phpmyadmin. Now, phpmyadmin is a software that will allow you to manage your mysql database, through a web-based interfase with very ease. The best thing about this kind of bundles is that they auto-configure all the services that you require. If you don't want to use php, then you might want to think about writing scripts with PERL or CGI, since you're new (not that I'm a complete pro... yet) I recommend php since it's very simple and the syntax is very C-Like... I tell you, I used it on my bachelor of computer science thesis and it worked perfectly. By the way, depending on the type of information you are making exclusive, you might want to encrypt your database, even if the actual code is on the server side (which I prefer). Finally, if you're not very familiar with databases you may want to pick-up a book about database design, because (although I admit I hate databases) I admit that using databases on the proper way (efficiently and effectively) may transform your website into an awesome place, creating custom pages for your pages dinamically and such things. Or you may even save yourself from having to write saveral pages with same charateristics and just write templates so you can fill them in dinamically. MySQL (or any other way of database management) is a great way to make your site escalable and even profitable. On the "how to connect to your hosting service"... well, you'll need to be a little more specific, yet, I'm guessing you want to FTP your pages, and update your site. Then you'll have to use some FTP client (like CuteFTP, or WS_FTP). You can connect through SSH or Telnet (if your ISP allows these kind of connections), you can use PuTTY for this. You may even choose to be your own host using one of the softwares I mentioned above and then, either get a fixed ip and a domain name, or use a Dynamic DNS service, which for individuals is usually free. I Hope I make sense, and that this info helps you. If you have any Q's you can send me a PM and I'll reply as soon as I can... Abriasoft's Official Site Foxserv@Sourceforge.net Dyanmic DNS infomation PuTTY's Website
  5. I'll have to say that most of the weirdest things I've seen on the internet have come from eBay... "Haunted" stuff, or the sad (Very sad) Katrina bottled water...The weirdest thing is that people ACTUALLY bid on these stuff...Even as I reckon the internet is THE greatest source of information and entertainment EVER, there are sad/weird/pathetic blogs and photo albums that can be quite freaky...
  6. Well, on the annoying colors subject... I think it's safe to say that all of us have tried that at some point in life, even if it's just testing or fooling around.Now personally, I believe that one of the best approach is to have a navigation bar through the whole website; you might have a main navbar and a sub-category one.Then there are 2 things that for me are the subjects which doom websites:* Lack of planning: Probably THE worst thing that can happen is that you have the idea for a great website but you don't think all the steps together, and maybe you find yourself doing a "Seinfeld" website (a website about nothing). Or maybe you didn't even have an idea of what to do, but felt like creating something either way, so you think... Why the hell not??? [Hey, it happens!!!]* Not Following the KISS principle: KISS (or Keep It Simple... Stupid) is probably the best way to go. If you're website is too confusing, or as someone said earlier, it's too overloaded on little gimmicks, or has unwanted music, then, most likely the visitor is going to leave faster than an African-American on a KKK convention. Well, these are my thoughts, I'd like to know if you agree...
  7. Hi everyone, when it first came out I had downloaded the SP2 for my laptop, at that time it totally screwed up my laptop, made it slow and unstable. So i had to reinstall windows from scratch and decided to stick to sp1 and any other updates that are not sp2 related.It's been a while since that, I just wanted to know your opinion on the latest sp2 versions, is it working well for you? and more important, do you find it RELIABLE?
  8. How do these power toys affect the performance of the pc? I mean, are they really functional, or are they just toys to make turn xp into a more user friendly environment???
  9. I like spybot search and destroy, it's freeware and completly updatable, I usually combine it with lavasoft's adware (free edition).I've found that you can avoid a lot of spyware and adware by using firefox instead of IE.
  10. This happens to me sometimes as well, on any kind of LAN (wired and wireless)... One reason COULD be the firewall on your desktop (if it's not set to have the other ip's on your LAN as "friends")... Then again, it's windows so pretty much it could be about anything...You probably have done this, but I'll make the suggestion either way because sometimes obvious stuff just makes us fools of ourselves... have you checked if you're sharing any folders????The way I deal with this is by entering the IP address on the explorer's address bar (i.e if your desktop has the IP then you should put \\ I can't be of anymore help...
  11. I've been using bittorrent for quite a while now, and I've shared probably more than 50GB with it, under Windows XP, and 98... I've never had a problem with it, never lost any information or anything (I've ran it without any firewall on).Bittorrent is an open source software, meaning that there are hundreds of programmers around the world involved in the development, improvement and revision of this software, so I don't think they're involved in a hidden conspiracy or plot against p2p users.Besides, I read something on the first reply something that I think it's absolutely right, if a hacker wants to crack into your system, it doesn't matter if you're running BT or not. He/she will probably exploit some other fault that your system might have, like if you're on the web without a firewall or with a poorly configured firewall.Bottomline, on my personal opinion, BT is a great tool to share data and software. Hope you can fix the issues with your father and that my opinion comes usefull to you...
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