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Posts posted by Lozbo

  1. I used to declare pixels or points in CSS for the font size, and it never resized, but im not sure exactly when, browsers started resizing, even when in css you did not have measure in EM or other relative sizes.Anyway, its been also a time since i quit doing that, so you might try this and see if it works... (using pixels or points for the font size, instead of relative measure) But you have to declare this in the most specific rule that applies to your text.

  2. As i said before, i only used dreamweaver built in ftp client, and very very rarely the windows symbol system that allows to conect to ftp, or the graphic ftp through internet or windows explorer instances, but as i heard about fireftp, i thought it would be really great to try, i love fire extensions for my lovely browser hehe...But i did find it very annoying, it slows the hell down all firefox windows, gets me a lot of errors and sometimes it disconects. I didnot feel happy with it, so i downloaded filezilla, which im using to upload joomla right now, and it has been nice since the beggining so... make yer choice, what i say is that i wouldnt recommend fireftp (i used in two win xp different machines)...

  3. Joomla asks on step 3 to enter a URL and path for the site.For the local site, not for the install directory, as aguy on Joomla Forums said to me.But im not sure what the root folder is in the path directory, couse Joomla creates a custom path for what it thinks it should be, and it says this:/home/username/public_html/this is what joomla says, and theres also a message that states that this might be correct couse Joomla detects automatically the right folder...But in an ftp client it shows the root directory of my account as follows:/public_html/This directory and others... which is the correct one?Thanks in advance!-10730

  4. Sometimes i have a problem while trying to see my site. And not becouse i ran out of bandwidth, i dont have really a website, have not finished, but i put stuff there from time to time, like school works, or party- maps or stuff, and i had just checked my stats about bandwidth like an hour ago, and its fine.But all of a sudden, i stopped seeing my site, and as i am finishing installing joomla, i particularly need it now... and i didnot mess with anything about any config. This some times happens, i dont know why and it sometimes happens with these forums too, and then after a while it restores back. Dunno what could be this time couse everything seems to be ok, i can enter other sites...I have a home internet cable conection and dont think that has to do with a server problem, but dont know much about it, becouse it gets restored by itself... do you know what could be happening?

  5. Sorry Tyssen, but i swear to god i saw a post from you having you said that! right in this thread! Thats why i asked that but is gone... am i crazy or did any one else saw that post?And arboc7 i do get your point, but i havent fully understood the question i was asking in the first place, i mean, after all, if w3c standars now find the xhtml as their highest standar, why will they promote these objects?_I do get the point about js and the compatibility among browsers (i thought it was standar! thanks for that tip), but ... i dont know...And i searched the site for a web masters e-mail or contact link and was not succesful, so i couldnt ask the web master...-10730

  6. err... i did not understand where you took that from Tyssen.. who are you quoting? heheYes, never thought about that.. writting to the web master and yes i know about w3c, sometimes i go there for some info, but theres a whole world of information in there, so its easy to get lost. By the way, i belive w3schools is derived from w3c.. hence the name right? :) hehe

  7. Alright that seems very promising, do they send world wide? err let me check it out.My old pc is at the workshop, i got too lazy for adding a vent myself hehe, so i got it there to be reinstalled a cable for my sound blaster audigy platinum audio card which got missing after i sold the older one...This old pc aint so bad its:3 GHZ120(x2)HD1 GB RAMAnd my audio card:D im not getting all what i could get from it though, but im gonna start recording my god damn music again hehe...Anyway... how good does alienware hardware behaves?

  8. Currently i only have one actually, an 512 SD, and also a 512 kingston from my job. But i have had like 5 different and i got them all screwed up hehe. But as my brothers use different cards for photo cameras, video cameras, cellphones, pda's, and laptops, we have all kinds...Secure Digital=1Multimedia Card=1Smart Media=1Memory Stick=2Memory Stick Duo=1Memory Stick Pro=1Compact Flash=1XD Picture card=1I myself use SD and the adapter for USB, and i use it for my pocket pc and a laptop.=P :)

  9. I just started reading about the tutorials in w3skulls about the HTML Document Object Model, and it has a lot of objects that can be manipulated through java script.The thing is that most of these objects are obsolete html tags, and im not sure if thats ok or should we stick anyway to the standrs, and manipulate everything that fits the standar, like through the style object.Becouse, if its not obsolete html, why will w3zkoolz have it there without notes about this issue of standars compliance?Thanks!

  10. Well i wouldnt dare to say something like that Tyssen (about microsoft), becouse you never know... i mean i dont like lots of things about microsoft software, but after all, where they are at, they have the resources to produce quality stuff, so let us hope (for the sake of us all) that ALL industry gets better and better with each development.And deadlytedly thanks for the link of the rtf to xhtml converter! sounds very promising, ill give it a look.And about jlhaslip, have you done this? Did anything helped out? If you dont have a later version of office, maybe you could download a trial version and do your stuff... You said you were going to post the file somewhere...

  11. Flash object: Mouse, has a method for hiding the mouse pointer, obvious.

    I have a movie clip with this:

    on (rollOver) {	_root.Mouse.hide;	startDrag("/lupa", true);}on (rollOut) {	Mouse.show;	_root.lupa.stopDrag();}

    It does show my custom pointer, but the mouse keeps showing a finger which means that the object is "clickable". I think i could use another structure to get rid of this, but im too lazy for it. Isnt it suposed to hide the hand-pointer too?

    Thanks in advance!

  12. There are a lot of tools that export to swf and you can manipulate in flash, like swift 3d, a easy to use 3d modeling software, you can import from 3d studio max and then export to flash, theres also flax (guess the latest version was flax 2) which makes text animation into swf very fast with a set of pre-stablished animations...You can google for those

  13. i tried w3schools.com


    w3schools is one of the best pages of tutorials ive seen around. I love it, its easy (but its not that descriptive some times, and you have to be not that newbie) and its a quick reference with online examples and "try it - yourself".


    But you wont find JAVA tutorials here, just javascript.


    Theres also a tutorial site i like, pixel 2 life , there are plenty of javascript tutorials, for doing specific things, AND the Java Development Tutorials which has much less tutorials, and actually have not tried any.


    Pixel 2 Life has a lot of tutorials and it kinda focus on image software (graphic design) tutorials, and it has helped me a lot. Hope this works to you....

  14. You can use an obsolte table design, where the table would be 770 px so that it can fit properly into most of screens, with their browser maximized. And keep all text or images below this measure (becouse if you have too long words or incorrectly written words like asldfkjaslkdjfalskfjalskfjas, they will pull the table to fit its content, the same with images or whatever you put inside the cells of your talbe).Or you can use divs and css to design your layout, but with the same principle, the div must be 770 or less. Usually, less than 300 or 400 px gets to tiny, but you can set css attribute to max-width and min-width, so you would never have a bigger (or smaller) width size.Note that max and min width are not a cross browser property, but you can make a good start from it. Or you can do a combination of css and tables, so you can format your table with css. This will make iteasy to learn css if you havent, and make the transition easier into the standars, becouse sooner or later, you will need to migrate into xhtml and css :huh: ... -10730

  15. It would be easier to check if you post the link itself, and have you tried to set it to NOT use passive mode? You mean passive ftp right? I dont understand what it means, but the servers ive worked with, they always need this to be set (DO USE passive FTP)... Does someone know whats this passive ftp all about?

  16. Hehe, thanks ill check that out... indeed i dont want to print screen, i want to capture the animation from GOOGLE EARTH flying from the space into my house or something... im checking wink but i think it would be just like captivate, you have to press down a key or mouse button in order to start recording, and the pc where i tried it got very slow... but anyway ill give it a try thanks!!

  17. Maybe we can hand around and pay millions to get it like that, but the fact of the matter really, is you don't got no use for it!...Except fun and fame!!  :huh:  :P


    I think that would be enough :( hahaha fun and fame...


    Besides if i think im stuck working at 2.8 ghz, what would i do with 7? i think its great (i mean i wouldnt pay for a pc like that, thinking about the price... not even if i had the money! Probably it would be as expensive as hell hehe, so id rather travel and spend it some where else...

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