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Posts posted by Lozbo

  1. If you look at a site I did - Pure GRiT - there is only actually one PHP page that calls in the rest of the content from includes (based on what is in the querystring) so it kinda mimics the way frames work (notice that the background & header never actually move).


    Hi Tyssen, just a question, is this site loading only content based on the querystring and leaving all data which has loaded alone, or you mean it actually reloads the exact same page, and places the content where it belongs? Couse if so (not loading the page again), could you point out how you manage to do that (which i think you must have fixed with JavaScript)?

  2. OMG that is really funny. the messages from god and fidel and bin laden, and the bin lotto. Funny. I wonder who came up with this? would he be a bush hater?


    I dont think he hates him, he may just be laughing at him... hehe, i try to respect every body as i dont know enough to judge any one, but i really vote against war and all this "infinite justice" deals. Peace (Im not saying i support terrorism).


    Hehe but really funny inbox. I wish i could get to talk to God. Whats god's email?

  3. As they said, dhtml is client side code, so in order to achieve database connections you need other kind of programming, like php, jps, asp, but not only do you need to program in any of these languages, but you need your server to support them. Xisto supports php, which is also free if you install a local server in your machine.

  4.  <form action="" onSubmit="func()">


    I think you could also put a submit button with the atribute


    ... <input type="submit" onClick="func()">...

    which is suposed to do exacly the same (even if you omit the 'onSubmit' atribute on the form tag).

  5. Guess i didnot make my self clear, couse i was talking especifically of DREAMWEAVER templates, i understand that its another kind of "template" while working with css and php, so i asked if you were working better with dreamweaver built in templates or the other way around...Yes, i certanly need to learn a lot, i know nothing about nothing, i believe we all have always something to learn, as we do not born knowing, nor do we ever achieve total knowledge :):) hehe thanks cyroxyz, obiously no hard feelings, i apreciate help from people who knows better than me, and cheers. I have read some things and im still reading tutorials, and have a lot of stuff to documentate myself, and of course: there is always the good old web (and the forums beneath it:)).

  6. I want some piece of paragraphs to ignore the space between them, and i dont know how to css that, i thought it could be "display:inline" but did not work...

    I want this:

    <p>text text text </p><p>text text text </p><p>text text text </p>

    look like this:

    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>text text text</td></tr><tr><td>text text text</td></tr><tr><td>text text text</td></tr></table>

    So that i can use different background colors for each paragraph, without having to break the design for sake of the parent background (like the body background color or something).

    Thanks in advance.

  7. I dont usually work with templates. In fact i have never created one, but where i work they used to have dreamweaver templates, so i had to keep to it.Truth is i havent actually modified any, couse i like better working with php includes of content as menus, headers, footers and other kind of info within each page whos going to have that section, instead of having a dreamweaver template.I dont know if im making my self clear, but i dont know what would you have to say about it, which one you think its better? I mean, i know that they are different and that the main difference is that in order to use the includes, the server must support php...

  8. How do you access the special character on this game if there is a special character or is there a code or something like a cheat to unlock special abilities and special heroes and stuff because i have played a lot of games that have cheat codes for games like that and im just asking because im curious


    Well i guess you asked the same question at the topic "night fall dragons" right? well i ask this becouse im.... mmm inquisitive. I think it was the exact same question, i mean, i dont want to offend but, doesnt it sound like flood to ya?


    Talkin bout diablo... i recall i just couldnt let go the first saga, back in good ol' tristram, and i only had the shareware version at the time! Hope it will make it to diablo III.


    Does some one remember hacking that Unique piece of armor, by dropping it to the ground and then picking it up again with an item from the belt? hahaha :)

  9. Hi, i believe this can be achieved by setting a transparency property on the flash object it self. I dont remember it now, as i have the code at job, let me get it tomorrow. If you use dreamweaver (which i think you use, as you are talking about some flash), you could look at the property bar (with the flash object selected) and seek for some kind of "flash transparency" atribute on it.I heard this kind of practice makes the browser render slower, but that could be a solution, it worked for me with a js menu that would go behind a flash (the submenu itself).Hope itworks for you.

  10. hahaha modern art??!! i have to say that im not much of a fan of it... hahaha though i rather keep my mouth shut, as i hardly know what a design program is... By the way, you people who know how to draw, could you point me to some tutorials about drawing and creativity? not just learning to use a given program, but to be a designer or something... all ive seen around are just for perfecting the usage but not actually learning beyond it... thanks in advance

  11. yeah, i dunno why people bother reading blogs... most of them are so damn uninteresting - though I did see a good one, of Sir Ian McCallin (spelling?)


    ... the guy who played Gandalf in Lord of the Rings.


    He kept a journal, online, of every single day of filming the three films.



    Really? could you post a link? Oh i think im mistaking him, i thought he was the one who played Saruman, but still, it would be interesting to take a look... Saruman is a good actor too, and he appeared recently in a power metal band called rhapsody, if some one knows about it.


    I actually dont think that some ones got enough time to read some one elses life, but i had always liked the idea of having my own blog (never had done it... yet hehe), but not talking about every little thing i do, but something more general, something that could be interesting not only to me and those close to me, but to an open public. Or something more artistic describing my life in figurative sense (sentido figurado?).

  12. I agree with most of you, winamp for music and windows media for video. Though i like winamp the most, as you can watch video in winamp too... And as i have a lot of music, i usually store all of it in one only winamp list, (i load it all once) and then i click on shuffle and i start listening to random bands. Windows media i generally use it for radio, although i just listen to one or two stations, i dont usually do that, becouse theres never the kind of music i like in radio, some times the stations playin are actually harder to find, or i just havent dig well enough.I dislike wmp, its really slower, a lot, and its not as personalizable as winamp. Well its not that i hate it, couse its useful sometimes, but i go rather for nullsoft winamp. I used to run v2 but there it said that later versions had fixed some security bugs so i upgraded to v5. I dont use plug ins anymore, just skins in some machines.

  13. Well i will have to agree with most of you guys, my only problem is that im not a professional gamer like most of ya, i mean only things ive played in rpg is just not enough to counter the list of some of you (and that of list of yours shows just your fav games, not the total amount of games youve played).But those games ive played are really cool to me, though i have not gone to the end of any one (except D2, but not gone to the last level which i think its 99). Ive played Morrowind, which, to my experience, it was the most "not linear" game ive ever played, Never Winter Nights, which i enjoyed a lot, but still have not finished, Vampire; The Masquerade, but somewhere around the second town my pc got virused and i lost everything, and as i tryied to re-install, it just got frozen and frozen each time i tryied to beat the third boss monster, and of course, diablo I and II, which were my fav at the time.I think eveybodys got their own favs at some time, and as time passes by, and as games keep on pumping, you just keep getting new favs all the time, as it gets with music. (well that is just my personal point of view).

  14. How do you access the special character on this game if there is a special character or is there a code or something like a cheat to unlock special abilities and special heroes and stuff because i have played a lot of games that have cheat codes for games like that and im just asking because im curious


    Well i dont know exactly what you mean, becouse this game has never been released, it is still under development, so i think you are drunk i mean wrong. Sorry about it, its home page is still a set of pics which seems cool but no content has been added since it was created, somewhere around 2000 or 2001.

  15. Well im waiting for Starcraft 2, i heard there is going to be the Xelnoga in it and they might be geting rid of 1 of the other 3 races.


    I think its "Xelnaga" right? and i heard that too, but havent heard anything about it now... Xelnaga were the 'creators' of Zerg and Protoss, as they were like some kind of gods who used to create razes, and to see how they behave... They created Protoss and they used to get along well, but then, they created the "perfect raze" (zerg), but the swarm got out of control and actually almost (or did) killed all Xelnaga as they evolve in their ambition to rule the galaxy or something...

  16. I havent heard anything about them, but there was a forum at http://www.digital-legends.net/ which gave info about it.

    Digital Lengends is a spanish company, whose programmers were the creators of Blade of Darkness, dont recall the name of the company which gave light to this project, but this new game seemed like a very promising RPG, but 3 or 4 years ago i visited its homepage and its still 'coming soon' (reminds me DN4E.. hehe).

    I dont know what happened, but all of a sudden the forum was gone... I have not checked the site for a while, and now the latest addition to its news at DL site is from January 05, guess they are still working but having problems with the staff or something.

    Hope it turns out well after all.

  17. i dont think there will be a diablo 3i think blizzard will continue with World of Warcraft.

    Dont be so sure, no one really expected a WarCraft III but there you go... I was actually waiting for StarCraft II, and im still wating (though i dont play much any more :) )

    Well... no one really knows, but i really liked Diablo I and II, i just could not stop playing. Remember when you realized you could run in diablo II? and that you could highlight the items on the ground just by clicking "alt"? That was really a cool feature, since the hours it saved you from walking down to hell, or that pixel-accurate pointing to pick up stuff... hehe :)
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