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Posts posted by Lozbo

  1. I meant about the menu items that have a sub menu, and in fact is a sublist, they not necesarly need to be a link because the css :hover works from the li itself, and not the anchor (you dont need it at all):li:hover ul {display: block;}That was what i was talking about when I said that this is the way those lists and sublists work in good browsers.Those thing changing color on hover only works for good browsers, and I am sure that if some one is seeing this behaviours is because he is using a good browser, and must have already know this kind of things from sites that worry about them, like an 'extra' for non IE browsers. Ans as i am sure, most of the users (id say, more than ninety percent) won't be able to see this so they won't even notice...The installers were for windows, and i was not successful in the installation, it gave me weird errors...I have not tried that out, I'll take this hacks out.. but you know what I'm talking about right? That thing i think its called the 'holly hack' because it targeted only IE and left all browsers alone so we dont have to fix it again and again... It IS suposed to do that right?

  2. I'm generally not a fan of elements changing colour on rollover if they're not links (except for form elements).


    About this Tyssen, I am a big fan of it, I hate that IE doesnt know the hover pseudo element but in an anchor. This is the way those list and sublist menus work in the good browsers right?


    As for the browsers:


    and how to set them up right:



    And is it normal that the installers are 80 MB? The installers for IE 501 and 55...


    And as for what you say jhaslip I have not reviewed those issues, Im just about to install these browsers, but Im kinda afraid of doing so hehe. Anyway I checked the stats for the site, with google analytics and found this:


    Internet Explorer 6 has the 95% of the people who uses IE.

    5.01 has 3.29% and 5.5 has 0.72%, and it goes down from there, so I'm not THAT worried about those browsers, but Ill try to fix them.


    The stats are from November 19 to January 24, with a total of 372,428 visits since then. IE (all versions) has over 95 %, and firefox only 2.82%. The next one is Safari with .51...


    I still can't see my page on IE5Mac... wait, I thought that this hack was supposed to HIDE the rule from IE Mac... But its not doing it!


    /* Fix IE5. Hide from IE Mac \*/

    * html {...rules...}

    /* End Fix */


    I read that the \ was an escaping character for Mac, and for that, the "end comment tag" was ignored by IE Mac, so it thinks that the everything 'till the next */... and the rule * html and whatevers next, is ignored by all good browsers but IE, because IE thinks that there is another element surrounding the html tag (but as we know, html is the ROOT tag so there is no other element before...)


    Well i think those hacks I have been using are not at work hehe.. mmm does any one know something about this? or a real hack for IE Mac?


    BTW: I know see that black box on the lower right... i think it is suposed to be the footer but... dont know how to fix it hehe


    Thanks guys!


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Edited as reported.

  3. Thanx for the info Tyssen! I kinda remember I saw something about that, something like that ware my early tryings to center a div through CSS only (without the align attribute), but then I got to know "margin:0 auto" hehe.And jlhaslip also thanx for your recommendations, Im not at job right now but Ill try that tomorrow as soon as i get there (hiding that rule for IE Mac) and see what happens. Yes I think i know how to deal with that trouble, the menu going down on hovering, but I'm not worried much about it, the worse thing I could do is drop that ol:hover rule, which sets a border top and a border bottom.That black box you are talking about, I dont know which is it... Unless you refer to the footer, and it is fixed so it wont scroll nor move, it is on purpose... but tell me what browser are you using (when you say that you see a black box on the lower right) ?The footer is meant to be full width and not to stop at the same location as the Main content, as it was also meant to be (and in fact IS) the header, the only thing is that the header has an image as a background, and because of the image itself, I can not set it to repeat through the x axis. And I don't know also what you meant with that the on-hover doesn't work...And yeah, there are some links with "javascript:;" as their href, but they do nothing... its just a dummy link, because instead of using "#" to set a link (for testing purposes...) I used this js sentence, which obviously does nothing... I saw this on a tutorial on a list apart I think, and the reason for this was to avoid getting back to the top of the page (whenever you are in the middle, horizontally) when you click an anchor which has javascript behaviours, so this way you'll stay where you clicked the link and then the popup appears, or whichever action was designated to execute... I hope you understand me, This has nothing to do with the css trouble but guess you'd like to know...And thanks, Ill try out your suggestions tomorrow...

  4. Alright! Thanks, yes that Inicio menu is not actually suposed to be moving i think i can quickly fix that i think i know just how to do so... But the thing with this menu is to display something on rollover, this time it moves becouse of the border-top. And for that thing you say it changes the letter-spacing, I dont have any rule for that on the menu, but i have a #currentpage, which gives a font weight of bold...I will be testing on it, as it only shows for firefox or other good browsers, and im pretty much sure the customer does not even know about it hehe so...Thanks for that link, and about the word 'inicio' it doesnt move on my firefox (either mac nor pc). I dont know what happened, i just went and checked this same page in another ie mac and it was perfectly showing (and it does show the page when i remove the stylesheet).I think its a problem of my IE on this mac. It was something weird i remember, when i downloaded it... I'll reinstall it (although every other page i visited seems to be alright).I'll take a look with those older browsers... do you know what could be happening? As far as im concerned I did everything just right, using that IE only css hack...

  5. Im not exactly sure if I understood correctly, why dont you post a link to your site which you are developping?What generator are you using? (dreamweaver, notepad, frontpage..) If you are using dreamweaver its very easy to achieve rollovers and to draw shapes , rectangles circles and polygons...By the way, if some one is interested, i didnt know that the 'map' tag was xhtml strict supported, but made a quick test and it is!

  6. Remember that site layout I was hacking down for IE? Which by the way I didnt really like, but it was the customer's design... and yes, he is not a graphic designer hehe...

    Anyway I was really surprised that I got to the solution and fixed it... but as I'm testing between browsers, I come to see that Internet Explorer in Mac does not show nothing of my page, yet the source code is there, if you click command + e in order to see the html source code, its all there! But all I can see from the page itself is the body background-image...

    I tried removing the doctype and the xmlns attribute from the html tag and still didnt work... does some one know what is it? Every other browser works just fine, well I have not yet checked in Netscape but Ill do so right now...

    Thanks the site is:


  7. Good point, if your image is a stary night (aka black) and you are writing in yellow, before the image loads the yellow text will be hard to read.


    Yes moldboy, that was exactly what I mean, whatever you have in front of it, will become visible before the image loads, but as i said, this might not be always the best idea, like for example, when you are using the background as a trick to fix a problem with some layouts with floated columns, in order to get visually different background colours between the menu and the main content (with a menu floated to the right, for example) you need to put an image to repeat vertically (the image could be 1px height, and the width should be exactly the same width as the container, lets say 700px, so we will have 500 px red and 200 px blue, so the menu will look like it has a blue bg-color and the content a red one.


    I hope you understand me...

  8. Alright Tyssen! You are indeed a CSS guro hehe, I didnt know you could set % or pixels when positioning a background, thanx!I would also recommend Amezis to use a background color, so that that while the page loads the image, it still shows the main color of the image you are using. Depending on the image, this might not always be a good idea but if you make a coupple of tests you would see what i mean...Good luck!

  9. I know IE does not work with fixed things, thats why it has a special hack to put ie with position:absolute. Ive seen stuff like that that works perfectly fine in IE, particularly in a wordpress template, lemme find the link.Yes, I know its microsoft's fault but avalon is right, more than 90 percent of users browses the web with that darn thing, I have to fix it... Thanks, ill keep looking and ill give a glimpse to that site Tyssen... thanxGot that darn thing! All bymyself! I am my own Idol hahaha :( never mind, if a mod sees this you can close this thread, or if some one who was checking this out wants me to explain how I manage to do it just post a reply here and ill gladly tell ya...good luck and good coding...

    Notice from BH:

  10. I have a site which I'm developping and trying to get a frames-like layout design.

    But IE does not propperly show the scrollbox, its hidden behind the fixed divs of the top header and the bottom footer...

    Firefox does alright, so If you dont understand what I mean you can check it out here:


    Seems like Opera and Safari are doing also good...

    And also, the margin of #content (which is the main content area) is not working, becouse it does not go up above the footer, I don't know what is going on (that rule is inside a 'fix IE only hack' which i think is called holly hack or something).

    I change the values for margin and margin-bottom, and it doesnt work and i switched to padding and it does pull the div above, but thats not what I need, becouse of the background-image...

    The styles are on



  11. Greetings Avalon, I'm not sure if that is possible, i have never seen a css background set for a select list...

    But if you could post the link to the site itself that you are developping it would be nice (and if you have seen something like the shadow you are trying to achieve around, post a link too).

    I have a link to a site that has a lot of examples of how to achieve a full css formatted forms, with a tableless layout, I mean, pure (x)html divs and spans:


    Also, if someone is interested I have a link to a site which shows lots of ways of displaying tabular data with different kinds of CSS designs, I know it does not have to do a lot with this thread but I thought it might be helpful too:


  12. If an attribute depends on the property, and there are special properties for different browsers, then obviously you will have special attributes right?I don't really understand what you are trying to say... the fact is that you can not use the scrollbar-face-color propertie to change the color of the scrollbar in firefox, so I think that the point is whether or not CSS will become totally cross browser standard, which I believe it already ALMOST is...So the main issue will be with the browsers, so that they show up things as they were intended to be based on w3c standards...

  13. I have never seen something like that, but if you say so it must be possible... But what are you using to code your html? A wysiwyg editor? Couse it would be a lot easier with something like dreamweaver, than to manually edit all the relevant html.Any way i would strongly suggest avoid using frames for your site, why dont you try server side includes? php is free and trap seven'teen suports it... I find frames are most of the times annoying, and not very useful with search engines, couse if a result sends you to a page conaining the term you searched, it wont be the frameset, but the page itself, so there wont be menu or top frame...I believe theres a javascript that finds out if a frameset is being used or not and redirects where necesary but i havent seen it... But i rather avoid them anyway...

  14. No, CSS has the same attributes for all browsers.


    There are special css for IE and for Mozilla, try google for changing the color of the scroll bar (only for IE).


    For example:


    moz-border-radius is a CSS property only for Mozilla.

    scrollbar-face-color is a CSS property only for IE.


    I believe there must be more, for other browsers yet i ignore it.

  15. I think what you want is that if you select an option in the very form, like a select, other stuff beneath it will get some info, i have something like that... let me get it:

    <select name="acompa" id="acompa" onchange="if(acompa.selectedIndex==1)nombre_acompa.disabled=false; else{nombre_acompa.disabled=true; nombre_acompa.selectedIndex=0}">        <option value="0">-----</option>        <option value="1">yes</option>        <option value="2">no</option>      </select>

    Where nombre_acompa is the field that you want to block, or unblock.I know that you want to actually populate the fields, not block them or unblock them, but you can use this principle and apply this:document.form.nombre_acompa.value == "text to be set"In the 'onchange' javascript event.This would not be valid xhtml 1.0 strict though. (I think there's no "onchange" attribute =P )

  16. Well in the first place, that javascript is not at use, all i want is to show the layout in firefox as desired, ill deal with the js later, but thanx for that tip tyssen (about the html comment, i must have missed it, becouse it was working fine in firefox).But yes, i was about to say that, tyssen is right about the css menu, the only way to get it done is with js, the alternative could be flash but im reluctant to use it, there are bigger issues about flash than with js and i dont mind much about the people with javascript disabled, see, the people that use this site 98.57 percent has it enabled so... (statistics from google analytics, from november 19 to date: 109,440 do have it, against 1,588 which is 1.43 %, on a site that has over 8000 visitors a day).As i said, my main concern is about the css look and layout, how could i achieve that? (center the second row and maybe improve its rollover status)... Thanks again dudes!

  17. I have a layout which i want to do fully in CSS.

    Im having trouble centering the second list, or sublist which comes from the menu. It doesnt work in IE now, just firefox (Actually the page doesnt even show on IE, nor Opera, i dont know why). I just want it to appear centered, when im hovering the main list, not left aligned...

    Here's the link, youll understand when you see it...


    I also want to fix the background, (i removed the background for now) becouse when i hover the sublist items, the background becomes bigger than the div which serves as background after the main list (the sub list is absolutely positioned, but i saw it in a tutorial i think im giving the right use to it, although the layout kinda breaks a little bit when you make the text bigger).


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