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Posts posted by imjjss

  1. The online payment is a problem for me no matter how cheap it is. The end result is funny-Our currency CNY is not freely traded in the world. So, for any international transation by wire transfer, there is a lot of fees added:1. A flat fee at cny150, that's USD212. Exchange cost. Currently 1USD = 0.65CNY, but this is a middle price. when you go bank, there's a bid price and offer price. In international financial market, you can see the spread between bid and ask is around 50 to 100 points. But if you go banks to change money, they charge you at least double spread; 3. The cost of "convert cash to exchange", that's the most funny stuff I can't understand. Basically, it means, you can't wire cash, if you want to wire, you change it to "exchange" first. If your friend wire money into your account, it is "exchange", you can't use it unless you convert it to "cash";4. The wire transfer service fee, that's a percentage on the amount you want to wire.Adding all the fee together, it makes things funny. And you can't wire just $1.17 from bank counter if you don't use credit card. Of course if you use credit card, the fee is higher because there's credit card service process added in the bank system.

  2. I got reply-- this new promotion is not available for MyCent option. Here's the reply:

    Yes, you can use your MyCents for registering your domain and for hosting your domain. But if you are placing an order for domain through promotional offer in Xisto - Domains, then you cannot use your MyCents for registering your domain. For promotional offer you will have to pay through PayPal or 2Checkout payment Gateway.
    If you are buying any domain from our billing system through the below URL, then you can use your MyCents for registering or hosting your domain


    Currently Promotional offers are not available in our billing system.

    Please use the PayPal or 2Checkout as Payment Gateway if you want to buy the domain from promotional offer.

    So, this strike luck finally didn't come. :P

    I'm not in a hurry for a new domain, currently I have 2 free Russiona domain working. It's just nice to "buy" something at a great bargon via MyCent :P

    No problem, wait next promotion in our billing center.

  3. I think you can upload files to microsoft SkyDrive, then, post links on your free website. 25G storage should be big enough and you can sign up some more accounts.The only problem is that the links to the files on SkyDrive keeps changing. I read from some articles saying how to code the link to make it catch up with the change. I don't remember where's the article, but you sure can find it via google search.

  4. I guess we have to change the thread title to "Good Luck"-- The support team informed me that new promotion started today at $6.04. What a surprise! I jumped over to order my domain immediately :P

    The payment is not settled yet though. I don't see any connection between the https://xisto.com/ and the Billing system that we signed up for MyCent record. I submit a ticket asking how to do it. Hope the MyCent payment option can be valid there.

    If get positive result, we change the title to Good Luck :P

    By the way, I'm a dummy on English jokes, you can't relay on my for laughter :o

  5. I was thinking to register a .asia domain. It was on sell at $8.99 at Xisto - Web Hosting last month. Looks great. But I wasn't sure which name is better-- I had several ideas on my mind. Also, MyCent was not enough to pay for that. So, I waited, thinking the domain and accumulate Mycent. Now MyCent nearly enough, I jumped in Xisto - Web Hosting to register. Guess what? It's not on sale anymore, it's now $18 :P I saw on other sites the .asia domains are still on sale, only Xisto - Web Hosting finish the promotion. What a bad luck I have!

  6. I have some positive feedback--I found a very nice software for generate my simple game in html --"HotPotato". It makes all sorts of quiz and tests, that's all I want. After making the quiz, can Create Webpage, then, publish on their site for free, or paste on my blog. Great stuff!

  7. I took a look at HTML5 introduction articles, the structure is really much better than <div> structure, very easy for the eyes. Seems no steeply learning curve on this one. I will swing on action.If change to HTML5, I will have some editing jobs to do with my current theme. Then, go GameMaker :P

  8. I need people play the game online to get interact with each other. The game is simple, for example, it shows a picture and 4 answers, people pick one answer, if correct, they get 1 point;This 1 point they gained from the game will be added to their account, and they can earn points from other activities on the site such as posting.So, GameMaker is for making offline game-- people can download to play or they install a broswer plugin to play online. I think this doesn't suit me. I prefer users do everything online and don't need to install anything extra. I need a game software that can generate web pages.

  9. Thanks, yordan!

    I read some posts in this forum on how to create games. I saw many recommended GameMaker, so I continued my research on GameMaker website. There are plenty of articles teaching how to create games. Looks like promising. So I was about to download their software to try it out. At this point, I suddenly thought of the question of how to put it online. That's how I started this topic--

    The game is made in windows enviroment, that means the game is mostly dll or exe files. my site will be hosted in Asta which is an linux envirument, and my site is generated by wordpress which is using php files.

    I searched around, I don't see anybody talking about how to host game maker's game online. Maybe it's just a computer game, can't go online?

  10. It's Game. Sorry for the mis-input :P I want to create a game, but not started yet. I read some articles about how to install software for coding games. but I wondering how to put it online after created. So, if the software generate html or php pages, I will be fine. Which software can generate pages?Thanks!

  11. Good news-- I got it sorted out, thanks for suggesting on checking the database character set. That's where things messed up.Wordpress is configued to use utf-8, but mysql seems provide more options when things transfer among browser and servers. So, most of my tables that come with wordpress default install are set to utf-8, some tables that installed by plugins are set to latin-1 because latian-1 is mysql default collation. So, the job is to change all the tables to utf8_general_ic. That sovled the problem. It could be better if had some codes automatically doing the editing or some function to set it up, but I searched online, most of solutions are out-dated, not working on wordpress current version. So, I edited things by hands. Anyway, I got it resolved. Thanks again!

  12. I just checked, database uses utf8, it's set in wp-configer.php file.As for the files that generate pages, I don't know what's the charactor set. In Cpanel, when click Edit File, the default charactor encoding is us-ascii. so, I opened all this issue related files, use utf8 to open it and save it. After this done, I go to view the pages, or post something for testing, the result is the same-- one page correct, others wrong.

  13. I have a special charactor, when it shows up on page A, it's correct. when it shows up on page B, it's wrong. I checked both pages, I don't see too much coding difference in html or php. A main difference I found is that on page A, before submit post, there's a ajx loader, page B doesn't have this loader. I don't know if it is this ajx loader making the trouble. Could anybody help me troubleshooting this issue?

  14. I know most convinient way is to put on professional advertising company's ads. But, besides that, I want to provide advertising space for memebers of my site, at a nicer price. Through this direct deal, they pay less, I gain more. But it's just my idea, I don't know how to implement it. I guess there might be some software to keep tracking the clicks and impressions. Could anybody give me some advise on this?

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