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Posts posted by imjjss

  1. Recently, researchers asked the chief executives of 94 Italian firms to have their assistants record their activities for a week. here are the results--
    The average Italian boss works for 48 hours a week and spends 60% of that time in meetings. The most diligent put in another 20 hours. And the longer they work, the better the company does.

    Bosses often complain that they get bogged down in day-to-day operations. How much time they spend thinking about anything is hard to measure. But in an experiment, researches measured how often bosses use forward-looking words like âwillâ and âshallâ in their public statements. The result shows bosses spend only 3-4% of their day thinking about long-term strategy.

    If the researches asked me, they might get another view-- bosses spend their morning squeeze ideas from employees, go meeting girl friend in the afternoon, serve wife and kids in the evening.

    Notice from Yordan:
    Please do not post copied text without properly quoting it ;)

  2. Fixed income markets have been behaving as if the UK is a relative safe haven. There are several reasons whyinvestors tend to attribute something of a ‘safe haven' status to the UK.


    The most obvious reason is "The UK Can ‘Print or Inflate its Way Out of Trouble".


    On the surface, high inflation looks potentially helpful. It should boost nominal GDP and, by boosting tax revenues, it can also help to lower the primary deficit.


    The oposite thoughts--


    The UK has a high proportion of inflation-linked government debt.


    Many items of government expenditure are explicitly linked to inflation.


    If wages fail to keep pace with consumer price inflation, that can worsen deficit projections further.


    A sharp deterioration in credibility could lead to a fast rise in bond yields and sterling weakness - a loss of ‘safe haven status' irrespective of any positive benefit on deficit as a % of GDP from a period of high nominal GDP growth.

  3. I don't know the technics, I can only speak from a user's experience.When I open a web page, if I see lots of ads, or it doesn't show the contents that showed on search results, I immediately close it and go somewhere else.If a web page has lots of stuffs crowded, I lost patience and leave. Most of sites that keep me digging through are those who offer clear idea about what's in this page. The are mostly simple, and normally provide a noticable button for me to click, and this botton is most related to what I am searching for.To guide user click through, you may try a test. Imagine that the user come to do a task. The task has several steps. Each step is one click on your site, so, after serveral clicks, the user will complete the task. So, try to design your nav system to guide the user to the final thing he wants.

  4. Sad story-

    Microsoft is reported to announce a deal to buy Skype as it battles to stay relevant online world dominated by Google and Apple.

    According to Technology website All Things Digital, an unnamed sources saying Microsoft would reveal the acquisition early Tuesday.

    The deal was estimated to have a price tag of dollar 8.5 billion, that would be Microsoft's most expensive acquisition to date.

    I won't be suprised if Skype will be no longer freely available if MS checks in. If Bill feels generate, it might be still free, but surely user's privacy gone.

  5. I'm using HotPotatoes for generate some quiz, maybe that's what you mean by " text games" ?If use HotPotatoes, after designing the game, you can export to webpage. Then, you will need to embed it on your site.Currently, I'm planning to make my quiz games a bit more fancy. I'm considering GameMaker. Seems it can export to xml.

  6. Initially, I wanted to install a fourm on my site. After tried some nice forum software, I felt I need something more than just a fourm, -- something that can be extended to a community based CMS.


    To be a CMS, the software needs to be able to manage membership, to represent products and service, to deal with payment flow.

    To be a community, the software needs to be able to manage membership, to provide communicating tools.


    Finally, Google brought me to BuddyPress, and I've build up my CMS site based on it. It's still in infancy stage, but BuddyPress is so extendable, for all my ideas, it provides the posibility. I love it.


    At very basic level, it's a community tool, comes with a default theme, click install and it start working without additional effort.

    The basic commponents are Member Profiles, Groups, Forums, Blogs.


    All components are connected with each other. Global, personal and group activity streams with threaded commenting, direct posting. All with full RSS feed and email notification support.


    Member profile fields are fully editable. You can define it to suit your needs.


    Groups can be public, private or hidden.


    Messages can be public(facebook's wall) or private, not limted to one on one, it can be one to many.


    A full featured Fourm is build into each group.


    So, with the above features, you can start your online network within no time, and that's not all. BuddyPress has a big base of plugin developers. For most of your special needs, there's a plugin for it. If you browse through all the plugins, you will be suprised on how people is using BuddyPress for everything.


    At extended level, BuddyPress can be a nice business tool.

    For example--


    On member's profile, you can set some fields to allow members represent their business.


    Observe the functions of a Groups, -- why it can't be a product, a service, a training course? By the way, there's a plugin for training, you can open a school base on that.


    There are several nice membership management plugins available. For paid membership, they also deal with the billing process.


    On the entertaining side, Alburms, Movies, Musics... you can have them on your site by choosing a plugin.

    At advanced level, if you know how to code, the posibilities is virtually unlimited.


    Think about Facebook, BuddyPress is something like that at basic level. Then, you can plant your business on top of it with vast plugin support.


    Maybe there's something else similar available on the net. But BuddyPress is completely open source. Everything from the core code, to the documentation, themes and plugin extensions, are available for free.


    I'm very happy for what I find in

  7. You can never feel certain about how the free domain end up.Let's say, what if it ends up to be a paid domain or simply not available after 3 years? During the 3 years, you have build up some user base and reputation. Your efforts are not free. Time you spend on the site is valuable-- this can be translated as money. After the free domain gone, you start opening shop from the beginning? That means, 3 years salary are wasted.If for site development purpose, a free subdomain can serve you as good as free domains.

  8. With all the features we love in WordPress, most of us would vote down the default WordPress search engine. Its ability is quite limited. Espcially when we have mulitsite installed, its search engine simply can't search site wide. I've tried a variety of plugins but they didn’t work the way that I wanted to. So, I decided to make Google work the way that I want, and now Goodle is working on my site and its making money for me.Here are the steps to go:1.Start off at Google Custom Search Engine (https://www.google.com/cse/) and create an account. Choose Google Custom Search Engine and not Site Search, Site search needs to be paid, custom search is free with google ads showing up on search result. But you can make money on those ads, so, it doesn't matter. 2. Fill out the forms. You can let google search your entire site by submit the root domain. You can also submit only some sections. It's really flexible.3.Click on Standard (ad supported) Edition and the terms of service, and submit.4. Go ahead, try out the different lookings and customize the search page in the way you like, and submit.5. Now your registration is completed, and you can go to control panelThe basic area can be reviewed. Change the settings to your preference, and set the search engine public.6. Click over to the make money button in the left column. If you have an Adsense account, simply enter your info. One thing to keep in mind is that you need to make sure you are signed up for AdSense for Search and not just AdSense for Content or Referrals. This needs to be done to make money off the ads that will show up as part your search results.7. Click on the code button to get the code for your site.8. In WordPress, create a new page called search and note the permalink for that page;9.In Google, add the URL for your newly created page into the area where the search results will appear;10. Now, paste the code you get from google into your WordPress page templates, paste it at the place you wish it appear.11. Modify the newly created search result page on step 8, make it look in the way you prefer. That's all you need to get a Custom Google Search on your site!

  9. I didn't know Firefox4 released till one of my friends shouted at me-- "why you still use Firefox3? Everybody now is with FF4 now."In case you are as backward as me, please swing on action- go to download Firefox4 and start enjoy a much much faster speedy internet experience. Firefox3 doesn't automatically update itself to Firefox4.The immediete impression upon starting FF4, is the speed. With FF3, I normally need to wait a second at start up. With FF4, upon the opening of the broswer, I can start typing in address . This is just only one of the noticable speed improvement.When start browsing, I feel the speed is lifted by more than noticable. According to Mozilla's official notes, Firefox4 is 3.5 times faster than Firefox3. I would say, IT'S TRUE. The speed with multi tabs also improved a lot. With FireFox3, when opening more than 10 tabs, the speed obviously slow down. With Firefox4, I can open 20 tabs without feeling slow down. I didn't try more than 20 tabs because that's simply not necessory for me. Another noticeable improvement is the "Timed Out" website. Due to bad website design or firewall reasons, I got lots of website that timed out often. Now, I can open most of them with Firefox4. Sites with too much javascript or too much objects were very annoying for me. They took a long time to be loaded and sometimes frozen my browser. Now, firefox4 can handle them well. They can be loaded at reasonable speed without frozen.For me, speed is everything. Even if Firefox4 didn't have any other features, I would fall for it because of the speed. But I think you will love all the features it delivers.One of the features I also love is the Menu bar can be removed, and it become a Menu botton. Makes my viewport bigger.I also enjoy the Sync function. I used to use Gmark to manage bookmarks, and use Mozbackup to backup FF settings. Now I don't need them. The Sync works seemlessly. Gmark is a nice extention, but it sometimes frozen. With Sync, I notice nothing but everyting is there ready. I go to another computer or another account, just input the key, and I get everything set.If I was rich, I sure donate big money to Mozilla, to thank them for making my internet life much more enjoyable.

  10. I used to get troubles from virus and malewares frequently. Once get hit, I search help among forums and websites, try to trouble shooting and all sorts of fixing. After all the hussles, gurus finally suggest " formate your pc, make a clean install". Everytime after a clean install OS, I try to install a "better" anti-virus software or firewall. This process lasted years till one day I reallized that I have spend too much time on dealing troubles from virus. This brings me a question-- why I still use those anti-virus software if they are not working as they supposed to? Nothing exaderate-- those anti-something software work fine when nothing happens. When something bad happening, they are not working.

    I did some research, my findings are:

    1. A good browsing habit works better than the best anti-virus software;

    2. You can never be sure that a Virus is completely removed even if you are a professional;

    3. Your PC can run healthyly without anti-virus protection.


    So, I decide to live without anti-virus software. My current OS install has lasted more than 4 years happily. Here's what I have done-- if you like to follow my path:


    First of all, remember rule number one-- A good browsing habit works better than the best anti-virus software; That means we don't visit suspicious website and we don't click suspicious links. This rule has been suggested by many gurus. But how we know it's a bad site or bad link before we get hit? A rule without feasible implication is just talking. I'm going to show you how I impliment this rule in the following steps.


    There are 2 options, let's go through one per time. In this article, I am going to show to how to use limited account to safe guarding your PC.


    To sumarize the point-- use limited account and delete it anytime when it get hit by bad things. But your pc is not easy to get virus because your account doesn't have access to the system.


    This sounds impossible for many people-- files, data, settings, optimizings, customizings... all will be lost? No, you will not lost anything, read on...

    1. Customize your PC in the way you like;


    2. Go to "Files and Settings Transfer Wizard".


    You can find this tool at Start/Programs/Accesories/System Tools/Files and Settings Transfer Wizard

    This tool is designed for transfering your files and settings from old computer to new computer. Now we use it to keep all your fancy settings for transfering to new account in the future.

    Follow the Wizard, choose "this is my old computer" at the first step.

    Choose "Other" at the second setp, and browse to a folder where you like to store this settings file.

    Choose transer "settings" only.

    Then, the wizard will save all your current settings to a file.


    3. Create a user with limited account type.

    When log in the new account, you see all things brand new with all the annoying features you dislike. Normally it would take at least one full day to customize. Now we take 1 minute to do the customizing--


    4. Go to "Files and Settings Transfer Wizard".

    Choose "This is a new computer"

    Browse to and choose the folder where you store your settings.

    The Wizard will import all your old settings to the new account.


    5. log out and login again, you'll see all the features you like are with the new account;


    6. Enable Windows Firewall and keep your windows updated;


    7. Do everything in this limited account. Don't save files in "My Document" directory, instead, save all your files and data somewhere else.


    8. Now you eventually get hit by virus-- it's imposible not get hit even with strongest anti-virus software, right? But now, you can take it easy--


    9. Go to firefox, export your bookmarks and passwords, or it's even better if you use firefox Sync;


    10. Delete the limited account, choose "Delete files and account";


    11. Create another limited account, import the settings via "Files and Settings Transfer Wizard", just like you did last time;


    12. import bookmarks and passwords.


    The whole process takes about 10 minutes, and you are ready to enjoy a clean and fast PC again ;)

  11. I just discovered that McAfee's SiteAdvisor service is a great tool to promote our site.


    There's a saying-- a good surfing habit works better than any anti-virus/anti-spy software. It's true, if get infected by virus or maleware, it's very difficult to clean it completely. Since I have McAfee installed, my PC basically virus free, but I still keep the good habit-- I never visit sites that red flaged by McAfee. If it's gray flagged, I stay alert about anything that site has to offer. This good habit keeps me away from virus or maleware for years.


    From my personal experience and feelings at the Green/Red/Gray flags, I think it's important for a website owner go gain a Green flag in order to gain more traffic.


    Several days ago bought my own domain and set up a testing site. To my surprise, McAfee SiteAdvisor poped up a message saying --

    We've tested millions of websites, but we haven't tested this one yet. Be the first one to submit feedback on it!

    Interesting! Now I know how a site get their flags.


    Of course, I want to vote my site as good. I clicked to vote it and arrived the voting page. It says

    This site has been queued for testing. Please come back soon for automated results.

    Oops, seems not easy to vote myself as a good guy. But, wait, under my domain name, there's one line:

    Are you the owner of this site? Leave a comment

    Ok, Since I can't vote for myself before the site being tested by McAfee, I'm going to make a nice comment for my site. I clicked through, registered and logged in, I discovered that it's not a simple process.

    There are 2 steps to go.

    Step one. Web Site Owner Verification Process

    To leave comments as a site owner, you first need to be verified. Please follow these steps:

    1. Request a "Web site owner verification file" using your domain;

    2. Check the "Open Verification Requests" section below to find a special filename. Create a file with this exact filename in the root Web directory on the Web server of the site you are claiming to own.

    3.Once the verification file is created and publicly readable, come back to this page and click the "Verify" button next to the open verification request.

    4. Once we have verified that the file exists on your Web site, you will have permission to create and edit the Web site owner comments that appear on your Site Details page. You must be logged in as a reviewer to leave your comment.

    Step Two. Open Verification Requests

    To prove you are authorized to represent a site, we ask you to place a specially named, blank file in your root Web directory. Once this file is created, click the "Verify" button to have our servers look for the file on your site. Please be sure that both your site and the verification file are publicly accessible.

    After the above process, you are either verified or not verified.

    If you successfully verified your site ownership, you will get through the next step-- say something nice for your own site, and other site reviewers can start commenting your site:

    The following Web sites have been successfully verified. You may create or edit the Web site owner comments (which will show up on the SiteAdvisor Site Report page) by clicking on the "Edit" button next to the comment.

    After I made nice description about my site, I recalled one thing-- several times I visited sites by google searching, and searched out some websites in McAfee's comments. So, it's also a nice place to leave a review about our sites.


    I strongly recommend site ownnners to take this extra step to promote our site. It's really makes people hesitate visiting your site if it's gray. Or even worse, if red flagged, visitors probably ignore your site.

  12. I've been going throught a lot of stuffs since 2 years ago when I start thinking of blogging.

    Till recently, I still didn't have a nice blog.

    I've build some blogs, all of them end up abandoned--

    either because I see it's not what I wanted, or I see nobody else want to read it.

    Some of them started with a good idea, then, go too far till my thoughts become unmanagable.


    I was frustrated--

    Why some people's blog is about a small topic but hanging there shinning. Why my brilliant ideas can't get implemented.


    I did some deep thinking, joined an online web design training course.

    Finally I understand my failures were not in web design itself. I failed in the process of building a blog.


    Following a professional process leads to efficiency and success. Unorganized actions leads to nowhere, merely waste time.


    Since I learned my lessons, I followed the professional way. Within 3 months, I made my first completed blog and feel sattisfied at how it looks and how it works. The rest is for my audience to judge.


    I want to share with my Asta fellow bloggers the professional process that I learned from the training course. Because I know many of you are going through the same mess as I did. Hope it assist you to your blogging success!



    Core Process of Designing Website


    Posted Image


    Step one: Define


    In this step, you should establish a firm idea of "What's it all about". Without a clear defination, our "creative" ideas might bring us travel too far beyond our ability or beyond our real needs.


    1 Research

    I'm sure most of us are doing lots of research before and during blog design. But, does the result of your research efficiently provide you valuable insights to move on? Write down the following questions and give yourself answers. It will help your idea become clear, become a project that can be implemented within desired scope. It helps you stay with what you really want and what you can do.


    1.1 Know yourself

    What do you really want to do?

    1.2 Know Your Site Users

    Who are your audiences?

    Why are they coming to your site?

    1.3 Know your competitors

    What are the other doing right now?

    How your site fit into the landscape?

    2 Plan

    After research, we establish a clear defination about our blog. How to start implement it? We make a detailed plan to tell ourselves what to do next, when to do it, how much money should be involved, how many resources are needed. We also setup a high level goal which can be achivable if things going well. But at least we should achive each stage that we planned in order to move on to the next.


    2.1 Create a Project Plan

    2.2 Set Budget

    2.3 Create Schedule

    2.4 Assign Team-- if it's a group blogging, or you cooperate with others to design blog for clients.

    2.5 Set up Stage

    2.6 Plan for Testing

    3 Clarify


    3.1 Set High-Level Goals

    3.2 Prepare Communication Brief-- if design blog for clients, you need to provide a well designed picture to show the client how it looks and get their feed back, then, adjust your plan according to client's opinion.

    3.3 Kick off the Project


    Step Two: Structure


    A well designed structure is what keeps our blog alive. On this step, we not only make sure our content is meaningful but also we will make sure how to deliver it.


    1 Content Plan


    1.1 Audit Existing Content

    1.2 Outline What's neccessory

    1.3 Create Content Delivery Plan--where you get the content?

    OUtlines each page or section in a phased deliveray process

    2 Structure Site

    2.1 Create Sitemap

    How the site is layed out at high level content and user perspective?

    Key tasks-- users come to learn,download,listen to music...?

    Function Area

    2.2 Set Naming Conventions-- a good naming convention makes the site looks organized, not confusing users.


    2.3 Structure Pages


    2.4 Create Wireframes-- there are softwares helping to do this, but you can also draw a picture on paper.

    Outline Contents that is needed

    How the Contents are organized in the page

    2.5 Address Navigation-- Your navigating system should not leave users in difficulties in finding stuffs in your site.


    2.6 Naming & Labeling


    2.7 Define User Tasks

    Suppose your site provide a file to download. Start from a user landing on your page, what are the clicks he/she will go through to finally arrive the download link?


    Step Three Design


    In the Designing process, we should always keep in mind that we are design it for the users. Why they come here? How to make them interested in your stuffs? How to make them get what they want?


    1 Create


    1.1 Review Site Goals

    Make sure the design take out the Communiction Brief

    Undertand where the original goals were set up for the site

    1.2 Develop Concepts

    1.3 Design for the User

    1.4 Presenting for the Designs-- if you are designing for clients.

    2 Confirm


    2.1 Create HTML protosite

    2.2 Test Functionality

    3 Hand-off-- if you are designing for clients


    3.1 Create Graphic Templates

    3.2 Create Design Style Guide


    Step Four Build


    Most of us start building blogs from this stage. Read back, what did you miss? I'm sure if you go through the above 3 steps before building your blog, you will save a lot of time and hassles.


    1 Prepare


    1.1 Assess Project Status

    1.2 Establish Guidlines

    1.3 Set File Structure

    2 Build


    2.1 Slice and Optimize

    2.2 Create HTML Templates

    2.3 Implement Light Testing

    2.4 Populate Pages

    2.5 Intergrade Backend-- since most of us are using WordPress or similiar software, this job become easy.

    3 Test

    3.1 Create a QA Plan. Ask your friends or clients questions, get their feedback.

    3.2 Prioritize and Fix Bugs

    3.3 Conduct Final Survey-- After bug fix, get feedback from friends or clients again.


    Step Five Measure


    Finally, our blog is ready to show up. One thing I would address here is -- blog design process is not static. It's a dynamic interactive process. After launch, during the entire life of our blog, we continuing get feedback and we continueing discover better solutions, so we keep the process going, Everyday Closer to Perfection!


    1 Deliver-- publish our blog or deliver the design to our clients


    2 Launch

    2.1 Prepare Announcement Plan-- in case you need promote your site at lanch

    2.2 Register with Search Engines

    2.3 Launch Site

    3 Maintain


    3.1 Maintenance Team

    3.2 Capabilities

    3.3 Internal Maintenance

    3.4 Develop Maintenance Plan

    3.5 Measure Success

    3.6 Confirm Site Security

    3.7 Interactive Redesign


    Final thoughts- the way we organize our jobs directly impact what we get as final result. I hope the above notes that I took from my training course help you as much as it helped me.

  13. Yes, it's not convinient to do online purchasing here.For each money transaction, our banks here would charge cny50 flat fee plus commission-- this is a reasonable cost;Then, we need to change our money to USD-- this is still reasonable, but since currency is not a free market here, so the cost is higher than other places;To enable our money to be transfered oversea, we have to change our cash to "Exchange", money entitled as "Exchange" can be transfered out-- this is something confuse me all the time, even if our money is already USD, we'll have to buy it to be "Exchange".So, for me it's better to earn some money online to support my online purchasing. If earning MyCent to pay both domain and hosting is not that difficult, I will do it.

  14. I currently bought domain by MyCent, host website on another free hosting site.Yes, I know, free hosting are not reliable. But wire money oversea or uploading money to paypal cost a lot more than the pachasing itself. I appreciate the MyCent system allowing us to get paid service without actual money transaction.It'd be wonderful if MyCent can support both domain and Logical Plan. But I read from some senior member's posts that MyCent earning will be more and more difficult when posts exceed 1000. That means it will take great effort posting to support both domain and hosting-- totally need MyCent $35.88 (domain $12 per year, Logical Plan $23.88 per year)Is it too difficult to achieve?

  15. I sent support ticket. Nik replied saying they don't see any problem on DNS manager at their end. After I showed him the above picture, he said,

    Yes, it is right that once you have set the nameservers of your domain to other nameservers(i.e. other than 4 Default nameservers), then you can not use the Manage DNS features in Xisto - Domains.

    But, at my end, I can still click through the "Manage DNS" button, and add records. I am not sure it's a bug on their website, or it's an non-strick rule that not need to be applied.
    My free web hosting site provide DNS manager, but, yes, it's a big loss if give up Xisto's DNS manager.

    Your domain is with Xisto and your web hosting also at another place. Seems your Xisto's DNS manager keep working still. So, maybe mine will still working as well.

    Yes, it's a wise choice to share VPS hosting among friends. Everybody get what he need without wasting resrouces. Your site loads very fast, I see the benefit.

  16. Thanks for sharing this valuable knowledge!


    What's the benefit of having your own custom nameservers? My guess is-- for branding?

    I am a dummy in this field, now I have a path to follow. As long as my site generate some money, I will go for paid hosting and follow your path. Your hosting package is really luxery :P


    Currently, I paid domain by MyCent and host website on free hosting. Because my posts might not be enough to support both domain and hosting package.


    I disabled hosting site's DNS, and replaced the Xisto's default nameserver with hosting site's nameservers. Now Xisto's DNS manager feature is gone. It says I have to use its required nameserver in order to use its DNS manager. See picture below:

    Posted Image


    For me, of course it's better to use Xisto's DNS manager because it's with my paid domain and it provide more control options. But then, where else can I add my web hosting site's nameserver?

  17. Ok, done! Replaced the nameservers on the screen shot with the web hosting site's nameserver.In the another place--- DNS menue, there are lists of zone records including 4 default NS records. I guess that is the place for hosting my domain's DNS records, it has nothing to do with my webhosting nameserver. That's where I went crazy :-)My problem nearly solved-- will setup email like you showed. But now I am curious about your DNS configures. (By the way, your site loads very fast, nice design too!)How do you host coderinthebox.com on vhortex.com? My guess is your vhortex.com is hosted on VPS which provide lots of posibilities, so you can host conderinthebox.com as addon domain on the VPS. But how to get the ns1.vhortex.com/ns2.vhortex.com ?

  18. vehortex,

    Thanks so much for taking your time explaining those puzzles in details! I still need further advice on how to do it.

    if you want to be hosted at Xisto - Web Hosting, leave them as is or ask via customer support ticket for your hosting account's nameserver.

    Judging from your post, you are hosted somewhere else.. ask your hosting service provider for their name server that you can use to replace the 4 default records that you will find on this page.

    Yes, I host my website somewhere else. The web hoste site gives 2 nameservers.



    If there is a word like "custom name server" then that is the wrong place to change your domain record. That will be where you will add your very own nameserver like ns1.mydomain.com / ns2.mydomain.com

    There's not a word of "custom name server", nothing explain what it is for. Here's a pic:

    Posted Image



    ]You can disable te DNS manager on your hosting and just change the nameserver on you domain control panel. Use the one provided by your hoster.

    Ok, I disabled web hosting site's DNS manager. So, I need to change the NS records in domain's DNS manager. To make sure I can change it, I contacted the support. Here's a reply from Nik:

    It does not matter if you have set nameservers other than the Default nameservers. If you auto-update to this nameserver, then you have to set A record of your domain to point to your hosting server IP address.

    If you want to use Email service of Xisto - Domains, then you will have to change the nameservers of your account to the 4 Default nameservers.

    According to his replay, As long as I don't click auto-update button, I don't need to create A record. That's fine.


    But the Email service is a problem. It requires me to use the 4 default nameservers.


    Does the email service worth trying? Maybe I can disable their email service and set google APP email in the DNS record?



    ISP's will only look for 1 IP in random order from your DNS record (this can be changed on the ISP level), once the ISP found a working IP.. it connect on that IP alone until the DNS cache expire or the IP shuts down. Yahoo have more than 80 Nameservers working, normally your regional DNS server will only pick up 4.


    I have 4 Nameserver on my VPS, though I only use 2 but 4 are active.

    So, I don't need to change the default nameservers in the NS record, instead, I can add web hosting site's nameserver below the 4 default?

  19. I registered a domain with Xisto - Web Hosting. I appreciate the fast and convinient service. But I am too big a dummy to manage all the configurations. Need help!First puzzle--There are 2 places to input Nameservers--First, The DNS Manager/NS records;(4 default nameservers already there)Second, Domain menue/ NameServer tab.I'm confused. Which one of the above 2 places is the right place to type in my webpage hosting site's nameserver?Second puzzle--My webpage hosting site also provide a DNS manager. It says if I choose to host DNS somewhere else, I can disable their DNS manager and add A record in my DNS host place to redirect to my site. I sure prefer DNS hosted by Xisto - Web Hosting. So, I disabled webpage host's DNS manager. When I go to Xisto - Web Hosting's DNS manager to add A record, the form provide the opion to add A record of "xxx.mydomain.com" . This is frustrating-- I want to add A record of "mydomain.com", not a subdomain. Do I need to disable webpage's DNS manager? How can I add A record of "mydomain.com" in Xisto - Web Hosting's DNS manager ?Third puzzle--I read an article says better use more than one pairs of nameservers that from different hosts. Isn't it confusing the ISP? When somebody require a domain, it has to check 2 places to find the domain. I know I must be wrong on this, but really appriciate if somebody can explain this.

  20. Amazing, can't belive it's hosted at home. The spead is reasonably fast. In fact, it's faster than many game site hosted on web-hosting service. I noticed you already have many game players, it's interesting to know how the speed when they all online playing games.

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