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Posts posted by imjjss

  1. Firstly, try to unpluge mouse and keyboard, then, plugin, make sure they are firmly plugged in;Secondly, reboot;If the above doesn't work, run a full virus scan;If find no virus, remove the OS default mouse and keyboard driver, and install the drivers provided by the manufactur;If the above doesn't work, use OS install CD to reboot PC, formate it and re-install OS-- this is the ultimate solution for solving all the pain, but you ought to have your data safely backed up before doing this.

  2. I use yahoo messenger for text chat and skype for voice conversation. Yahoo messenger text transfering is faster than skype, messenger buzz botton, emotions and audibles are very nice useful features. Skype call has the best voice quality. Sometimes my friends and me can enjoy each other's music through Skype. I can also go to another room while continue talking, my friends can hear me clearly. This is something yahoo voice call can't achieve. They also have convinient features for business.I don't know if skype provides audio record or not, but since its audio quality is so fine, If I want to make a record of skype conversation, any external audio record can make it, no problem at all.

  3. We have many different views on this subject, I would address them one by one when I find free time, maybe this weekend.Before I go any further, I would point out that your statement of "freebie sucking crowd in the market is not right at any time" makes the essential difference between us.There is a reason for any existance. From my observation, there's a huge and increasing demand for freebie users ("freebie suckers" in your term).You see my point-- they are needed in the system. They are the one of the medias between company's actual sales and storage. To paint a more clear picture here-- business want to use this "freebie user", on the other side, this "freebie user" want to use products from this business too. Both sides are equal parts in the game, the smarter one gain more. If you understand the function of "freebie user" in the market system, it can help you understand further stuffs that freebie user involved including thearguments on copyrights. Copyrights products are not supose to be used by freebie users. That's correct. My previous posts suggest the copyrights business owners to make good use of freebie users in order to make more money and make it easier.

  4. Nowadays, upgrading might be cheaper than repairing. If you have some vivid computer hardware shop around, upgrading a component is very convinient, you gain a better performence at a reasonable cost.It'd be great if it's a small problem and you can fix it at home. Otherwise, the repair shops killing. Not mention the cost of bringing the computer on the traffic. The worst case is the repair shop couldn't solve the problem.

  5. It's easy to get a free domain, but it's difficult to stay with it for a long time-- because their ads, or their down time, or they simpley send you a notice that they changed to paid service. We want certainty when it comes choice of domain. If you are not sure whether or not this free domain still available for you 3 years later, how can you make decission to put on time and energy and money to develop a nice site on it?Sure you can make a copy of your design and plant it on another free domain, but you lost your advantages that you have build for SEO purpose such as page rank...Sure you can redirect old users to new domain after lost the old one. But, sure many old users get lost.The worst case is the old domain service simpley disappeard and you have no way to forward it.All that said, go for a paid domain if you are serious.Enjoy free domain service if you use it for designing or testing purpose.

  6. Recently, I got serious spammers attacking, non of the solutions can stop them request my /register page. The eat my bandwith by 3000MB. After all the solutions fail, a friend recommended Cloudflare to me.I signned up but not starting their free service yet. Because I'm not sure how it improves the site security while not reduce performence. I need your opinion on how it works for you.For people don't know it yet, I recommend you to have a look, seems it's quite promissing.It doesn't require download or install any script. It requires you to change your domain's nameserver to their nameserver. It's said to be "protects and accelerates any website online". Once start using their service, you site will be routed through their network, kind of proxy. They cache and optimize your webpages and deliver to your clients. They block bots and threats on the cloud. Sounds really good.What do you think?

  7. I don't have paid hosting experience, so I can only speak of free hosting.If you sign up for a free hosting, it automatically give you a free subdomain of the hosting site. This is very convinient. I know some free hosting require your own domain, but that's not my case.Now you have a subdomain of hosting site. If you want to use your own domain, you put it in Add-on domain. It's very convinient too. I've been running my blog on add-on domain, don't feel anything inconvinient.Now, for curiousity, I start doubting-- what's the disadvantage of using your own domain as add-on domain instead of setting the hosting package directly by your own domain?

  8. Yes, it's not limited within music/movie industry. Another case is the software.See how the free software and open source software are impacting the copyrights software companies. There is another way to make money without acting against mojority people's benefits. After all, a law is valided and enforced if it is made to protect majority. If not, a rebell in one form or another will happen.Compare Google and Microsoft, we enjoy google's free service while google doesn't feel hurt at all.Microsoft sue people around the world, but a big slice of its market share lost and keep loosing. It's the trend. You may say, Microsoft is still the main stream. I agree. But it's not because people enjoy their service, it's because most of company's work flow have been build in Microsoft's way when other alternatives not available. It takes a long time for big companyes to make a change. But for sure the world in in motion.

  9. I think it depends on your needs. If you run a big site, you sure need to consider some dedicate service. For small blogs, any host can do just fine. But domain is more important. Register your own domain, host your site anywhere that you feel good and move anytime you like.For me, I think Asta is one of the best free hosting-- not much free hosting survive for many years. The survived, that says something.

  10. First of all, the copyright law is still debatable in many regions. That indicate it posibly not the right thing to do.Now the main western sociatey accept copyrights law, so we don't act as criminal-- you are right, it's the same like I don't want to get robbed.Under the law, there are many ways to make money. Technology is changing, artist also need to update their business model to catch up with the trend-- that's why I think it's foolish to stop poeple broadcasting their copyright works. Think about the CD disk industry, the companies made really nice money some years ago when I was a child. Now we arrive digital age, many CD producers have managed smooth transfer from hard CD to multi media online publishing channel, CD shops on the street are less and less. This is an example of business model changing.I don't want to rob them, but I am talking for their goodness. Market is always correct. When consumers don't want to pay for their works, they must find way out. In my previous post, I also point a way for them--- Earn from advertisement channel, which is nothing new, maybe we can also say it's already one of their traditional ways.When you think you are correct and you must be paid in fair value, then, the market will teach you hard lessons for sure. Nimbleness is always needed for survival.

  11. People go to youtube for all the nice vedios they love, not for those commercial purposed vedios. When they browse through, they also watch a lot that out of their interests, including the commercial ones.So, now, all the nice vedios are gone, guess why people still go Youtube? -- for business. So, give it a little time, everyone on youtube are broadcasting their business. -- Guess who is going to watch?

  12. because our government (which we don't have btw :huh: )

    Sounds like a heaven.It's true-- seldom hear any talks from Belgium gov.
    No news means everything is doing well, nobody is trying to make noises, no one is acting like God. That's really a nice status.
    You might not wish to have an "advanced" gov. They are advanced in slavering people for the benefit of a small group.

  13. Due to copyrights matters, lots of vedios are removed from youtube. What's left on youtube are mostly rubbish now.Youtube has been blocked in my region, So, it's not a big loss for me. But for many of you who have been enjoy youtube vedios, I guess it's really sad.Trying to protect copyrights on internet is a foolish thing in my opinion. It's like standing in the middle of the fload telling the water-- "I'm right, you are wrong".It's not that I don't want the artists to make money. But there are other ways to make money without acting against trend. Just from an example-- some artists give music to mobile producer, mobile users listen for free, and artist earn from advertisement. This is an elegant and positive way to make money, and I believe it's the right way.

  14. Any form of blocking information from people is sick disregarding their reasonings.It's like they tell you-- "ok, this is good, you can watch, no, that is bad, you can't watch."What's the standard for "good" or "bad"? Even God leave us alone to sort out our own lifes. Some guys just enjoy acting like God when they are able to sip the power. Worse more, their God-alike acting normally in favor of a small group, put majority people in misery. Wait the day they meet the real God, we'll see.

  15. Recently, I encounted serious spammer attacking. They came like water fall, registering every minute, never stop. I had to install a humanity protection plugin. This plug in efficiently blocked the spammers. But the problem didn't end there-- the spammers kept trying to register. Every registering activity requires the register page from server, at the end, it cost me 3000mb bandwidth per month. A small site with limited resources like mine, this is a lot, and my site really got slower and slower. So, I searched around and found this little code to kill them permenently, before they comsume my bandwidth. Here's the code:

    # BEGIN ANTISPAMBLOG REGISTRATIONRewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} POSTRewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .your-signup-page.php*RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !.your-domain. [OR]RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^$RewriteRule (.*) [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; [R=301,L]
    Put this code in your .htaccess file.

    Change "your-signup-page.php" to your signup page slug. For example, if your signup page is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, then, change it to "register.php". if your signup page is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, then, change it to "register"

    Change "your-domain" to the domain of your blog.

    Optionally, change "die-spammers.com" to whatever page you wish to send the spammers.


    What does this code do?

    It detect any POST requests (submitting a form) for your signup page, that haven’t been referred by any of your other pages, or have an empty user agent string (identifying the software making the request), and sends them to endless hell.


    This code finally solved my problem. From the log, I can see the requirsts from spammers for my register page gets 0 bytes loaded, bandwidth saved. Spammers loss the war.

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