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Posts posted by imjjss

  1. It might provide a little extra earning to me-- I am building an educational site, will upload vedio, audio, pictures, books... in the courses, those are learning materials. So, if any website need to promote their vedio/audio/picture/book, I can use theirs as my teaching materials. So, in my case, adding an ads channel won't work because I need to have the freedom to choose the exact material.I don't have access to youtube and many popular vedio sites due to gov firewall blocking. So, maybe it's difficult to find such websites.What is black hatters?

  2. Sure I know you are browsing and posting right now ;) Seriously, I'm talking about online business.Besides serving ads on our blog, many people also provide service or products online.I'm a Chinese language instructor, and now I'm building a website for it, will move my courses online soon. That's what I plan to do on internet. The courses will be the same but the teaching method will change a lot. I have put a lot of time and efforts into this reform of my business, I feel it's going to be a great improvement.What about you? I've seen many online business, but I'm more curious on how things are going on among us-- new online business owners.

  3. Writting in tutorial section is one of the best way to earn MyCents.In other forum topics, we mostly express our opinions in briefly. We unlikely to write an article to response to a simple social conversation.In tutorial section, we share knowledges and experiences that not easy to be expressed within several sentence. For the time and efforts we input in the tutorial, we get reward of more MyCents-- of course if the tutorial is meaningful and helpful.

  4. Internet reflects real world while extends our ability.Although people can cover their identity when visiting internet, but their personality, belief and attitude... are not changed. Some people behave differently on internet, but it's still the same person, just an extention of him/her. It's just like this person behave differently when nobody know who he/she is.With the help of new technology, many of us have moved a great part of our real life stuffs onto internet, So, internet not only reflects but also extends our life experience to a space which is not in the same dimention of our real life.Although internet reflects real life, but not in full-- we can't eat or drink on internet. When think of this fact, we fall on ground-- internet is just one of our tools, not really another life ;) Just another tool? Maybe, maybe not. Are you still who you are if without internet? :lol: I doubt what I could have been if without internet. I make a living on interent; I manage most of my stuffs, that do not need to be physicaly exist, on the interent; I make friends on internet; I have fun on internet; .... If without all the activities, who am I? What would I be doing right now without internet-- I don't know, anything is possible, who knows what the other forms of life could be.

  5. I need to add some vedios and pictures in the content of each post. So, I'm thinking--- it would be nice if I can embed other sites' vedio/picture and earn some extra money.Is there any website provide such a service for publishers?I need the freedom to choose picture or video. Their ads can come with the picture or vedio but I don't want their app, just a link to the picture or vedio.

  6. My favorit is the go game. There are many places to play online, There is also a software that users can install locally and connect to onlin community.I prefer connect to the community from the software. I hate the colorful and funny graphic design of many online games.Go game is simple-- one board, some black and white stones. That's all. I like the variations, it's virtually unlimited. Depends on your skills and the other player's skills, the game can be simple or complicated, can be developed in different styles.The most attraction of Go to me is the goal of the game-- it's about building, not destroying. It starts from an empty board, both players try to build his/her territery, at the end, the one with bigger space wins. Of course, surrounding, capturing and killing activities involved, but those are just part of the business, not the goal.

  7. I do need a simple and efficient projust management software. I've been waiting for sevearl years, still with Microsoft Outlook till today.Most of the organizers are more or less the same, with slightly a little different looking or feature. Basically, I need to import 50 to 100 events every week, and I need to set alarm for all of them at once. Only Outlook or some webbased calendar can do this for me. Idealy, I want to update one field of the events at preset time, this is something missed out by all the software.Still seeking, maybe wait another 10 years till I don't need this feature.

  8. I think hosting vedios to youtube or other sites , then, embeding them on your website, is more convinient. By the way, seems there are several vedio hosting sites provide revenue sharing program which you can earn some money by embeding their vedios. Some sites require an amount of page view to be qualified as publisher, some sites don't require page views, only ads clicks counts. Maybe it's worth trying. Anyway, I haven't tried them yet, can't provide useful insights.

  9. I don't understand why home networking has been so frequently discussed on the net-- It is so simple. My broadband came with a modern with 4 holes on the back which I can plugin 4 lines from 4 computers, there's also a 5th hole for USB, wireless is included but no hole. After plugin a line in a hole, I add the computer to the WorkGroup -- this can be done on the tab where you view your computer's name. That's all I need to do when setup home network. Windowxp automtically assign an IP to each computer. In each computer, I choose which part to share; In McAfee, I add them all as trusted PCs.The only thing bothered me is the 4 keyboards and 4 mouses. So, I installed InputDirector and use only one keyboard and one mouse to control them all ;)

  10. Sometimes special fonts really make the site stuny. I've been searching for a convinient way to use the fonts services. Currently I'm study Cufon. There website doesn't explain in details about how it is hosted. From my understanding, they have a fonts generator, you go there to generate the fonts, then, the fonts is probably hosted on their site. Then, on your website, you install some script to querry your fonts from their site.I might be wrong, but that's all I can figure out from their documents at the moment. It's nice to know that google also offer this service, I will check it out later.

  11. I don't think WindowXP is the best, but It's the best choice I can make so far.My new laptop comes with Windows7, the lookings and apps somewhat changed but I don't see anything that I need and I can't do in WindowsXP. I really don't like to support this endless software updating. But it's not for me to decide. As long as people have money to waste, softwar will keep updating.I tried Ubuntu a while ago. I felt it's a more powerful OS than Windows. But the power is in user's hands-- you need some coding experience to drive linux systems. If you still prefer click through, then, better stay with Windows since main stream of apps are still with Windows so far.

  12. Before I bought my own computer, I used some old junks in offices. By the way, they were not junks at that time.Then, I started my own at home:I have 4 computers--one old desktop-- this is the one that I started to learn how to use Windows98;one old laptop-- this is the one that made me a lot of money. I brought it to training courses(I'm a Chinese language instructor), students were surprised-- there were very few laptop in action at that time. They also felt very happy to have digital assignments. These 2 junks followed me for many years. When I bought new one, they actually still in good condition. one new desktop-- I bought it just because Microsoft keeps updating Windows, OS become bigger and bigger, lots of junks full filled all the old computer's space. As much as I was not willing to throw away old one, I bought a new one, just for MS.one new laptop-- Actually, I was thinking to buy a ipod or something, but when I arrived the shop, I felt I'm too old to twick my fingers on the small thing. I still prefer to sit comfirtably at home and use pc or laptop in relaxing mood. Now, all the 4 are working together, because I have 12 screens setting up around them-- I still need more screens because I trade Forex, need to monitor many charts. But I won't buy new screens, I just wait patiently, soon or later, family members will throw away their old PC, then, I will pick up the monitors.

  13. Very exciting event, unfortunately, at the very first moment the project launched, it's blocked in my region. ;) Sorry I can't comment on this project, because the internet here is cursed.As much as I love google products, I'm thinking to move away from google. Only Gmail is consistantly accessable but connection is very slow. For the other google products, sometimes suddently can be accessable, after several days or weeks excitment, got blocked again. Need to pray hard, ask God to take a look at this cursed land, then, maybe some other day, will suddenly accessable again.I'm fed up. I would give up.I wish you all enjoy all the wonderful stuffs that this internet has to offer.

  14. If you want to add meta to a wordpress page, you can add this function in your functions.php file:

    function my_add_meta() {global $post;if ( is_single() ) {printf('<meta name="description" content="%s" />' . PHP_EOL,apply_filters( 'my_add_meta_description_single_item', $myobject->description ));}}add_action( 'wp_head', 'my_add_meta' );

    Please note that I use $myobject->description in this example. It means it's a variable. You will need to define the variable. There are many ways to define this variable, in my example, I use the variable of "description" in the Class of $myobject, it prints the meta to head whenever my post has this object attached on it.

    The most simple way to add this variable is to use the Custom Field.

  15. Why use hosted message board while you have your own web space? Or maybe I understand this service wrongly, but when I click the link you posted above, it timed out. Seems it's correct-- not a good service.If I understand correctly, a hosted message board is a service to host your forum. The Forum is yours and not at your web place. That's gonna be really slow.Even if it's on a single website with Forum, if there are many members posting, it would be a problem for a shared hosting account. Normally when members grow more, you'll need to move to VPS hosting for more resources and speed.Now, there are more than one forum hosted on the ezboard, you can imagine how difficult it tries to carry all.Even if they update their server capacity to allow fast speed and high quality service, I wouldn't host my forum there. Because... if the forum grows nicely and becomes successful, it will be a fortune! You can do more with members than just gaining advertisement income. If the forum is hosted outside your web space, you can't even do little customization.

  16. I still don't understand how it works. I installed Windows Live Sync. Fine, I can see my files and folders while I am on Sync. But, When I switched off Sync, and go online to open files, it says the file is not reachable.I'm confused.The reason why I sync it online is for an online backup in case my local files lost due to PC problem.If I have to keep local computer online to see the online files, why bother?By the way, an embed link service would be nice on top of skydrive. But I understand it's just a dream. It's not posible that Microsoft would let people to use it as a free hosting service.

  17. I tried to signup with Byhost free hosting twice, first time got an account with another host, second time got a Vista panel. I don't understand where I went wrong. But it doesn't worth my time to further study on. If a site says one thing and give another thing, I don't feel good with it. Maybe it was because of my mistake during signup process, but this mistake keeps me stay away.

  18. I think it worth-- if you choose reliable host such as Asta, or a few others.I tried some free hosting before Asta, their down time is frustrating. Althought it's not a long period downtime, but a few hours here or there is enough to scare me away.Asta is not perfect, but it's better. I do have down time several times during North American afternoons. But it's after my middle night, I am mostly sleeping, so I can't comment on the frequency. Sometimes I guess-- maybe Asta knows I'm a Chinese, not using blog after middle night? But it doens't make sense, -- my visitors are mostly from North American. So, I only hope that the several down time during North American afternoon were just by chance and being improved.In the next few months, after my site matured, I will seriously think about this problem. For the moment, I'm happy with Asta.Some more thoughts--If you pay for a shared hosting, then, maybe it worth more staying with Asta and enjoy the free service.If your site comsume more resource, have many visitors, a VPS hosting is more suitable.

  19. My post was about introducing the "review" feature of MacAfee-- with a green check beside our link on google search result, googlers are easier to visit our sites.As for the anti-virus program itself-- although I use it and continue renew the subscription every year, but I really doubt if it has done its job. When I don't visit "bad places", I'm virus free. When I visit "bad places", I sure got trouble. It's not just MacAfee, I used Norton some years ago, the same situation. So, my conclusion is-- good browsing habit is the ultimate way to protect my PC. Actually, it's an advice given by a software engineer.For a certain period of time, I use virtual machine to visit "bad places" or try unknown software. Without any anti-virus software installed, the virtual machine strategy kept me virus free for 2 years. It was one of my "brilliont" idea, I was happy with the result. But since Windows become heavier and heavier, running a virtual machine on top of host machine became a bit heavy for my old PC.So, I changed to use limited account. This change has been proved to be wise. I first make a backup of settings of this limited account. Then, start using it. Whenever get trouble, delete it and start a new limited account, import the settings. It takes only 10 minutes from getting trouble to start using new limited account. I don't even need to know what is the trouble. I posted a tutorial on how to do it in details.From the limited account experience, I realize that windows group policy and firewall itself is enough to keep us stay safe.

  20. I agree, many of the WPMU Dev things charge more than they offer.Last year when I was a WP newbie I was thinking to buy a WPMU Dev theme. While study their fancy theme, I found other stuffs better than theirs and free of charge. Luckily I didn't buy.Now, as more I understand the theme/plugin world, I think most of those paid products are not worth purchasing. Instead, some products comes free with paid subscription service, that worth the money. Because no product can full fill our expectation totally. We normally want to make some customization. With the paid subscription service, the developer can help in many ways, in most cases, it can go beyond the product itself.Back to the BuddyPress topic, I was quite frustrated at the beginning because the reason starscream meantioned above-- it has its own way to do things. Many WP resources can't work with it. But since my primary goal of blogging is to build a community, and there are not much competitive choices available, so, I decided to give up some WP advantage and focus on BuddyPress. After a certain time and efforts input in it, I become firmly a BuddyPress lover, for 3 reasons--Firstly, I already learned a lot about it, now I'm able to handle many customization without plugins. In fact, I only keep 5 plugins -- BuddyPress, Akismet, BuddyPress Custom Post, EventPress, and MyPlugin. For any other customization I need, I study relative plugins and pick useful functions and organize it in MyPlugin. This way, I can keep my site relatively light weighted, and easier for troubleshooting.Secondly, BP community is big and helpful. I learned a lot from them. No mater what strange idea I want to implement, there's always somebody come to hlep or discuss posibilities. It's really a great resource.Finally, BP is trending up. There are lots of goodies coming on the road. There are also big investors, their business relay on BP, this keeps BP actively developed and maintained.After all the consideration, I am settled down on BP, and do my homeworks around it. Now, I'm quite happy with what I have worked out from it.

  21. I have no knowledge about sql but I need to run a query. I found an example which get exactly output formate that I want. I plan to borrow this query script but it's very difficult to understand the code, especially, the pd, pa part, What does pd, pa mean in this code?

    $query = <<<QUERY			SELECT 	DISTINCT(u.ID),				u.user_email,				u.user_nicename,				u.display_name,				pd.value				FROM $wpdb->users u 			LEFT				JOIN {$bp->profile->table_name_data} pd 				ON u.ID = pd.user_id			LEFT 				JOIN (					SELECT DISTINCT( p.post_author ) ID					FROM $wpdb->posts p					WHERE						p.post_type = 'ep_reg'						AND p.post_parent = $postid						$for_admin				) pa				ON u.ID = pa.ID			WHERE 				u.user_status = 0				AND pa.ID IS NULL				AND pd.field_id = 1			ORDER BY pd.value ASCQUERY;

  22. Hello,
    I have data saved in wordpress postmeta table, each post_id has some meta_keys, the table looks like this:

    -------------------------------------post_id |  meta_key   | meta_value  |------------------------------------------   1	  | project_id	|	1			  |------------------------------------------   1	  |  height		 |	50			|------------------------------------------   1	  |  width		  |	100		  |------------------------------------------   2	  | project_id	|	2			  |------------------------------------------   2	  |  height		|	50			 |------------------------------------------   2	  |  width		 |	100		   |------------------------------------------

    Now I need to query all the meta_keys and their value. (I don't need query_posts, I need the meta data only)

    I tried the following code, but can't get the results I need:

    $query = <<<QUERYSELECT  project_id.post_id, height.meta_value,width.meta_valueFROM $wpdb->postmeta project_idLEFT JOIN  $wpdb->postmeta height			on height.post_id = project_id.post_id			and height.meta_key = 'height'LEFT JOIN  $wpdb->postmeta width			on width.post_id = project_id.post_id			and width.meta_key = 'width'WHERE	   project_id.meta_key = 'project_id'ORDER BY	project_id.meta_value+(0) ASCQUERY;

    The code get all projects, each project has 3 keys and their value-- one post_id, one meta_key, one meta_value, that's not what I want. I want one post_id with all meta_keys and their value.

    Would anybody kindly spend time to help me on this?
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