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Everything posted by Compute

  1. Compute

    Hi Everybody

    hello and welcome to trap 17. I?ve been here for a few months now and I couldn't be happier so I?m sure you will enjoy the service trap 17 offers.
  2. Hi anima, How?s it going. I'm not from Russia I?m from Armenia but both my parents can speak fluent Russian. Unfortunately I cant. Never been their but I hope to go one day.Trap 17 is amazing service I think you will really enjoy this service. Anyway If you have any questions the community is always here to help. Good luck and enjoy.
  3. Its looks/sounds like a scam. There is probably something behind it like you have to buy some stuff.... There?s got to be some sort of catch.One of the reasons I don't think they would actually pay you for gambling because if it was true why in the world will people go to collage. or work. They would just sit in from of the computer and gamble.Too good to be true. If you get paid let me know.Good luck. Be careful.
  4. Ok Ill explain (kind of saying again what most of them said but o well) You start with 0 credits. When you post you get a certain amount of credits. Each post can equals different credits. for example. Lets say I posted Ok now pretending that the stuff above is a post lets say that its worth 1 point. (just assuming, that could even be .54 points.... whatever) Now lets say I post this Now that post above looks longer right, More information in that post so Im assuming that post might get about MAYBE 2 points. maybe more maybe less I don't know exactly but Im assuming 2 points. Now see how the first one is 1 point and the second is 2 points. that shows that one post doesn't mean 1 point. People could make 1 post and get 10 credits. Now each day you lose 1 credit. So you could for example go to 10 credits and now have to post for 10 days. But once you have less then 0 credits your account gets suspended until you raise your credits. So in theory you could do this Post a lot in 1 day and get 20 credits then you stop posting As you can see each day you lose 1 credit. Thats basically it. But the idea is that you stay active on the boards. So just try to post every chance you get and just come check out the new topics its quite easy actually. Anyway Best of luck to you.
  5. Xenimus is also anoher excelent game. The graphics are not close to WoW but when you start playing you don't even care about graphics. By far one of the most addicting games i'v ever played.Xenimus.comits 5 bucks a month 14 day trial
  6. wow, ya Runescape does bring back a lot of memories but once you realise what you are doing you kind of look stupid... Just think about it for a second. Think of all the things you could of done if you have saved all that time you played Runescape. Just like WoW, Xenimus, and so on these games are just adicting.STOP WHILE YOU CAN, is the best advice i could give you!Good Luck.
  7. Well i was at another pay by post massage board but in their you had to post like almost EVERY single day so i was kind of fed up with it so i found Xisto from his website review website which has a list of a whole bunch of free web hosting websites. I looked at almost every website their but Xisto was the best out of all of the web hosting prividers. By far Xisto offers the best service. Plus you don't have to be posting all day.
  8. Well my school hardly any of the guys even go to homecoming. and when you go with a date they just seperate and the girl goes with her friends guy goes with his. Its quite stupid actually. Its not any kind of formal thing. Just a wasit of time.But thats just my school lol.
  9. 100kb limit is way too low especially if you waa add images. I think sticking to Xisto is the best choice. Thats the thing I like about Xisto their is no file size caps and not too many limitations.
  10. I don't think it has to do with how easy it is to read your post because I don't see how a computer/program could determin that.I think its simply just how many words in your post.But thats just me.
  11. I believe their should be options for people from other countries. But all I know now is that you must have some sort of credit card.... paypal so you pretty much cant do anything since their is charges for placing your ad in the first place. If you could some how set something up to create your account while selling you could accept only money order payment.... checks and a few more options I think. But the idea of someone else selling for you is not such a good idea... If you know someone personally its not too bad but just getting some random person from the internet to do this sort of thing is dangerous and you could pretty much get ripped off. For your next question of how you could be sure. Well there is actually no way to be sure that you are not going to get ripped off but what you could do it tell the person in which is going to sell for you that you want the buy now option. Think of a reasonable Price and tell him thats how much I want to sell it no more no less. Then once someone buys it he will send you the money that he received from the buyer and he will give you the information of the buyer and YOU send the product. Dont let him be in charge of the product. The problem with the idea on top is that shipping will take forever since you said you dont have credit card or paypal or anything like that there is no direct way to send and receive money. So what your going to have to do is once the person your working with send you the information of the buyer you should ship it right away. What that means is you get the money later. This is where he could rip you off just not send the money. For more help you can actually directly contact eBay and see if they have any options for people without credit cards and paypal. Go to http://www.ebay.com/ and click on Live Help on the top right. Its basically a chat with a support agent. And sorry if my post is a little confusing. If you need clarification let me know. Anyway Good Luck
  12. Hi, about a month ago, I signed up for the hosting account. and at that time i had my website but now i'm working on a new design for my website which will take about a month. And I'm also going to school and have no time to really post currently. So i was just wondering until i finish my websites new deisgn could i not post... get my account suspened and when i finish my website could i start posting back up again and get my account back. Thanks for the help.
  13. I'm just liek that lol. But I don't think your really Addicted to candy lol. Its just that you like it and you don't really know how to control your cravings. Good luck. I'm eating candy right now
  14. Can anyone tell me how I could like donate Credits... is that possiable... If their is a way ill be more then happy to donate you some credits i could give you some credits.
  15. Well Depends on the pop up. I usually will use small pop ups on my website when I want every visitor to read or see something that is important. Pop ups are a great way of getting peoples attention. Unfortunately lots of people use pop ups to advertise which I think is just plain annoying. Especially when their is more then 1.
  16. Yes you can sell your own stuff on your own website without anything like a licence I believe. I sell cell Phones online and it really pays well if your advertised correctly.Good Luck
  17. I Usualy Use Photoshop. But if you use google there are actually banner generators. you coustomise i right on the website and you can take the banner for free.I don't quite know what does generaters are called but ill keep my eye out for 1.Good Luck
  18. 1024x768 is what i use. I use to use the 800x600 but once i got use to smaller stuff its looks fine now. You should try it out.
  19. First of all no you really don't need hosting.... As far as i can see you don't know how to make a website at all so whats the point of getting web hosting when you don't know how to make a website so to get started what i always do is take out a pice of paper and draw out my design DETAILED. Once i draw it on paper i then open up potoshop and i make my design on photoshop. After you have an idea and a nice design. Write up the content that you wan't on you website and plan out everything. Next thing you wan't to do is start to learn how to program if you don't alrady know.search for a few html tutorials once you learn then you want to get started.Make you website on your computer and use some sort of program such as Dreamwever MX 2004.Once your done making your website on your computer sign up for hosting here and use ftp to upload all of you websites files.I got to run if you need more help let me know.
  20. Hi I have a friend that has a subdomain with another host subdomain is yourname.them.com I wan't to know what pay per click program can he sign up with that supports subdomains BESIDES google adsense?anyone.Thanks !
  21. I just signed up for this, its basically a pay per click program. It has a real nice and affective client area. It just like google adsense. But I think better lol. Anyway the more popular you site (more clicks you get) the more people start bidding on your website so your constantly getting higher pay per click. Pretty cool huh.Defiantly one you should check out. Its free and no approval needed.
  22. I personaly prefer Windows, just because their are more things made for windows and i just can't stand mac's I have no idea why. I guess i'm addicted to windows.Windows HERE
  23. Some stuff I really HATE in websites is poor design and lack of content. I hate coming to an ugly website. And I hate websites that don't have enough content.I ALSO HATE websites that have poor design but 100's or pages of content. I also really hate when content on a website is to complex and incorrect.Another thing I don't like in websites is when they open a new web page. Because it just takes the attention away from your website.but anyway as long as the website looks good and has good content in my book its a GREAT website.
  24. yup its working fine. Its fixed I have the same name variables, works fine. Thanks for all the help midnightvamp glad yours works took me 1 whole day to fix this lol. Thanks for the support BuffaloHELP Your a great help.
  25. Ok this is my signup.htm html code. <form method="POST" action="/cgi-bin/cgiemail/signup.txt&%2334; name="myform"> <input type="hidden" name="success" value="/planfinal.htm;<b><center> Please Fill Out All Fields</center></B><br> First and Last Name:<br> <input type="text" name="name" size=25 maxlength=50><br><br> Email Address:<br> <input type="text" name="email" size=25 maxlength=50><br><br> Street Address:<br> <input type="text" name="address" size=25 maxlength=50><br><br> City of Residence:<br> <input type="text" name="city" size=25 maxlength=50><br><br> Zip Code:<br> <input type="text" name="zip" size=25 maxlength=50><br><br> Plan Selection:<input type="radio" name="plan" value="bronze"> Bronze <input type="radio" name="plan" value="silver"> Silver <input type="radio" name="plan" value="gold"> Gold <input type="radio" name="plan" value="maintenance"> Maintenance <br><br> Phone:<input type="text" name="area" size=4 maxlength=5> -<input type="text" name="exchange" size=4 maxlength=3> -<input type="text" name="number" size=5 maxlength=4><br><br> <INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Send A Web Design Plan Request"></form>This is my signup.txt To: webarby@yahoo.comSubject: Request Web Design PlanName entered: [name]Sender's email: [email]Sender's addres: [address]Sender's City: [city]Sender's ZipCode: [zip]Sender's Plan: [plan]Sender's phone: ([area])[exchange]-[number]Sender's question: [question]Sorry for double post but just wanted to fix something The signup.txt code is Still have same problem. Sorry for triple post. I'm REALLLLY sorry. But I just solved my own problem... It was just cookies. I trtied on my laptop and it worked fine. Sorry to waist your time and triple posting. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Merging three posts.
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