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Posts posted by Moody

  1. First of all:World of warcraft, it's the best game ever....O jesus, what would i do without it??Second:Explorers, otherwise i couldn't do all this. A life without internet, would we survife??Third:Maybe Winamp for playing music. Or nero for burning.....doesn't matter so much.O man, I like the inventor of the computer :)

  2. If you want to make your own fun park (how is this called in english in dutch it's 'pretpark'??) You can play rollercoaster Tycoon then. Number 3 is out, with an expension as wel. It's a good game, with good enough grapics. My only problem was that 3 had not enough new features compared to 1 and 2. But maybe with the expansion, dind't play that tough. Have fun.

  3. Oke, here it goes:Theme: I'm not english and don't know all the words, so you may choose the theme if you want, but please not too busy.Render: YesRender Theme: ComicColor: Not very important, but blue or dark orange is nice, with some black.....Text: Yes....Can you make one with only 'Moody' and one with 'Moody' and 'Admin'?? If it is possible it would be nice, otherways only 'Moody'.Other effects: not neccesary, but it would be nice if something appears or moves, like the text.I would be very thankfull if some1 could do this. If you think something else is better, please do.Thanx in advance again....Moody

  4. You can't chane MP3 in MID as far as i know. If you download your midi or make your own....(there are much ways to get midi files) and your cellphone can handle midi then you can send them to your cellphone in 4 ways:1 Infrared (your computer has to have infrared too)2 Bleutooth (your computer has to have bleutooth too)3 A data cable (i don't know or this is available for all phones, but you can try. It's just a cable that you can connect to your computer).4 Send it (MMS) (don't know if that is possible with a computer).If your cellphone supports MP3 ringtones, you can also send that.Wich phone do you have, maybe we can help better than.Good luck,Moody

  5. That is just insane, play for 50 hours.ONE: I couldn't do it......i would die before the 50 hours where gone.TWO: I don't think my computer would like it, 50 hours without a problem with the computer........??TRHEE: My parents would definitely not let me do that.FOUR: I don't wanna do it.....So it's just crazy what this man did... Why don't place above the topic:Man Dies AFter 50 Hours Of Gaming. (don't try this at home) ;)

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