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Posts posted by Moody

  1. Human curiosity is indeed very important. Without that we would still live in de stone-age or something. And I agree if you say that we go into space because of our curiosity. But not the other way around. The fact that we are curious about things, doesn't mean we have to go to space. Ever been at the deepest part of the oceans? I guess not - nobody has been there. Let's first explore our own planet. Step by step we can explore space. And why shouldn't we be able to live without space exploration? No Internet, cell phones and weather forecasts. Big deal, they weren't always there. It would be hard at first, I must say. Exceptionally hard.And does helping the poor mean giving them all some money? No, that doesn't help, it's too short-term to help. We must build places where they can grow their own food, where they can work and where they have free acces to the medical world. That helps. And it doesn't cost you that much per year. Make them earn money themselves is more efficent.And don't get me wrong, I'm not against space exploration. I just don't agree with the arguments you have.

  2. I think aliens do excist. Somewhere. And I don't mean martians, I think of bacterial life. Virusses and stuff. Life can only start when the conditions are right. Not too hot, not too cold, water and so on. It would be extremely co-incidental if Earth would be the only planet in the universe (with hundreds of thousands of galaxies and even more planets and stars) that could create life. But if we'll ever find those lifeforms, that I don't know. But the existance of aliens is very likely.

  3. Of course the crazy thing is, that before the Big Bang, there was nothing. Because there was no time. At the moment of the Big Bang time started. There is no 'before the big bang'. There was absolutely nothing. Not even time, so 'before the big bang' itself doesn't even exist. What really happened is something we can't understand. It isn't right when we use our common sense. So, our common sense is wrong. When we understand what happened that caused the Big Bang, we understand how life started. That would be nice, wouldn't it? And because the universe once started, it is infinite. Just as time.

  4. Talking to someone on the phone takes your concentration off the road. So does listening to the radio. So do other people in your car. So do billboards. I don't mind if people use a mobile phone in a car, as long as it's not their main priority. The road is the most important isuue. The guy on the other end isn't goin to die if you don't answer right away (at least, I presume). The biker that you don't see because you're listening to a joke might...

  5. Everybody seems sure that the next big technology that will turn the world around is going to be some computer-thing. Personally I think that's going to happen, but I hope there will be something else. Something unexpected. A system that connects our brain to a computer with a chip, or even networks of every electrical device in your home. Stuff like that. However, I wouldn't mind a quantum computer either...

  6. The problem with going at the speed of light, is that you can't. As dear mr Einstein said, anything that moves, is slowing down. And it gets smaller. A spaceship that accelerates, shrinks and deaccelerates. When it would reach the speed of light time would stop and the spaceship would disappear. That's why the speeds of light is the limit.Quantum physics is about small things, about electrones and quarks. If we would be massless, we could travel faster than light. But the problem is, if we are massless, we can't travle in the first place. I'm curious when somebody proves Einstein wrong, but I don't think I'll live to see that scientist.

  7. I don't think there will be radical changes. Of course the computer was a huge milestone. That kind of changes are immense. So probably, the next twenty years most changes will be in fashion and music. Maybe in world-politics. But I don't think there will be heavy nucleair wars. Unless China starts playing around with atom bombs. And naturally computers and related things will be improved and such. And colonising the stars, don't think so. That is something for the 22nd of 23rd age or something.

  8. The global warning is a natural proces. However the greenhouse-effect (broeikaseffect in Dutch, love the word) is not. It is caused by gasses that destruct the ozon-layer (I have no idea if that's spelled correctly) and they warm up Earth too quickly. I think the attitude of the US is ridiculous. This is the country with the largest industrial meaning in the world. The mayor part of CO2 is American. But what does Bush do to stop that? Absolutely nothing. The US find economics and finances more important than environment. But, basically, if you destroy the environment by earning more money than anyone, eventually there is nobody left to sell your stuff to. On the other hand, if you make less money and treat nature a bit better people can go on consuming your stuff for much longer. On the longer term, what works best? Maybe the Bush-generation only cares about making money, and not about the world and their (own) children.

  9. A couple of months after the tsunami in Southeast Asia I read about this mega-tsunami in a Dutch magazine called Quest. I didn't really find it scary. Well, the Netherlands aren't really in the line of the tsunami, so that makes sense. I don't think you should really do anything against these kind of things. They happen. And I think all the attention to these things is a bit exaggerated. People need something to fear. That volcano that's 60 years overdue (I wouldn't be surprised if it were 600 years overdue, nature has no schedule) is going to blow anyway. Always remember that fear leads to consumption. And I'm not saying that a volcano that erupts is just tough for the people that are struck, but what are you going to do? Evacuate all places on Earth that might threaten life? In that case I hope NASA starts building a colony on Mars, soon. But nevertheless I hope the megatsunami-scenario will never really come true. That it stays a scenario.

  10. NASA likes precautions, so it seems. After the Columbia tragedy that is. Of course it was an accident, but they shouldn't happen - not in the US. Let's hope it goes well this time. It has to, after all these cancellations, what can go wrong? Let's hope nothing can. If something would go wrong the whole world would be watching. That would be a disaster. Not only for the relatives of the crew, but also for NASA. That is why they cancelled the launch for so many times, I guess. Now let us all pray that it goed well, the 26th... In that case NASA can get back to business.

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