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Posts posted by Moody

  1. Shooters.....i like shooters1. Halo 22. Unreal Tournament 20043. Battlefield Vietnam (dind't play 2 yet, but i will)4. Call of Duty5. Medal of HonorAnd i'm not good at shooters at all, i'm really bad at them,..... but i like them and i play for fun.

  2. I think this is a really difficult question at this time. The 360 is ready, while the ps3 is not ready at all. We know less about the ps3, so we can't say if it's going to be better. But if it comes out half a year later, i think it will have a better processor, but i'm an XboX fan and I think the XboX 360 will be very good, with good games and other functions. I only hope there will be not to expensive, cus otherwise I don't think i'm gonna buy one .......But if I have to choose, I would definitely take the 360. Another thing is, that the 360 comes out much earlier, this could be a great advantage.

  3. If you have all program's on the D drive in CD or DVD, so you can install them again, I think it would be best to completely remove everything. Also don't think: i'm gonna play that game another time and i'm using this program once in the 2 years. Delete much, it's the only way te get your computer cleaner and faster.

  4. Now, there isn't, but if you're going to buy an XboX 360, it will. XboX 360, comes with a new live system. If you have an XboX 360, you'll have a silver account, it's free and has almost al features. You can also upgrade to a Gold account. It has more features, like demo downloads etc. I don't know all the differences, but you can find them in the internet. And for now, some people tell me, they have a friend that's playing live for free, but actually, I don't believe them....it are just guys that prevent theire playing for free i think.

  5. I think the humans are going to destroy the earth, the last 1,5 centurie, we have been destroying the nature. All people think "oh, it's not that bad", but it goes really quick now. I think we will be in problems about 20 years. Maybe there also solutions by then, but there has to happen something, if we go further like this, the world will not be existing long anymore, mark my words.

  6. All, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony, are making a new console. Microsoft is working on XboX360, Sony on PS3 and Nintendo on Revolution, but it sounds a little weird to me, if you dind't heart of that earlier. All the magazines are talking about this more than a year. And then I can tell you, that the 360 will come out first (hope end this year). The PS3 next (begin next year) and Revolution last (middle next year). There's not much information about the Revolution yet, cus he's not yet whole developed. There's more information about 360 and PS3 I think, but all three will have more options than just playing games I think. The 360 is a whole multimedia center. But just look it up on google. Or go the the main sites of Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony, there will be a lot of information available.

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