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Everything posted by Magic-Node

  1. If you mean how to get a random password, this is one way to do it: function RandomPass( $passLength ) [br]{ [/br] $PassChars = 'ABVDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; [br] $Vouel = 'aeiou'; [/br] $Pass = ""; [br] [/br] for ($index = 1; $index <= $passLength; $index++) [br] { [/br] if ($index % 3 == 0) [br] { [/br] $randomNumber = rand(1,strlen($Vouel)); [br] $Pass .= substr($Vouel,$randomNumber-1,1); [/br] }else [br] { [/br] $randomNumber = rand(1,strlen($PassChars)); [br] $Pass .= substr($PassChars,$randomNumber-1,1); [/br] } [br] } [/br] return $Pass; } [br] [/br]$regpass = RandomPass(6);
  2. Magic-Node


    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM xxx");[br] [/br]while($sql = mysql_fetch_array($sql))[br]{[/br] mail($sql['email'], $subject, $message);}
  3. Yes I know it is my problem and I have dealt whit the problem now, by using firefox and adblock. I know it isn?t your fault that I can?t get a faster Internet connection . I am just saying that people shod consider that some off us that still is stuck on modems, and not make a 100 kb large signature. Nice sig. And Zenchi, I cant understand what you are so angry about.
  4. Do you mean something like this? <?php[br]if($_GET['show'] == "guestbook")[/br]{[br] echo "guestbook";[/br]}[br]elseif($_GET['show'] == "info")[/br]{[br] echo "info";[/br]}[br]else[/br]{[br] echo '<a href="?show=guestbook"> guestbook </a><br>';[/br] echo '<a href="?show=info"> info </a>';[br]}[/br]?>
  5. I don?t understand what you mean can you explain better ?
  6. The best way to learn php is by a book.So you can download a good php book at your local bookstore But seriously if you search for ?php tutorial? you will eventely find a good one you can download print or what ever you want whit it.
  7. The light version is to light it don't even have something that shows witch massages that are new:unsure: yes but that makes all the images go away. It will be hard to answer any posts.. yours for example is (was you did remove it, good ) 90 kb large, my maximum download rate is 5 kb/s 5/90= 18 s just for your signature. If you count all the signatures at this topic their total size is 268 kb = 53,6 s off extra loading time.
  8. Google is you friend ... https://www.google.se/search?hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&q=maxscript&meta=
  9. Magic-Node

    Php Help

    If you show us your code it will be much easier to help you.
  10. 150 is still to much, i know off forums where you are only aloud to have 3 lines off text, and thews are good forums.
  11. I have a question: Is it really nessesry to have thees huge banners in the signatures. I am starting to get tiered off scrolling 1/3 screen length extra for every on that wants to show some picture. Wouldn't it be a good idea to ban thees pictures or at lest set up a rule about how high they are aloud to bee ?
  12. It works fine for me, reboot your computer and try again.
  13. Give me , give me, give me .... Reason : i nead the email space google@lycken.net
  14. If you don't want to configurate the server your self download easyphp it setup php, apache and mysql automatically ....uploading files to your host after every changes is just a waste off time....
  15. I can think off better ways to wast my time ...Running around doing the same thing over and over again...
  16. I use Morzilla Firefox + Adblock, it saves me very much time, cleaning out all the crap, I don't want to see.
  17. EditPlus 2 is simply the best don't come here and say anything else.
  18. Cms = content manager or something like that...And no i don't use it i prefer raw code
  19. Phpbb is the best, much better functions
  20. I have never tried but isen't it just to delete the part off the code that is throwing you out ?
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