Yes, it is browser-based. Also, I forgot to mention a few things. One thing is, if you create an account, and you don't log in for a couple of months, they will send you an e-mail warning you, then they will delete your account. If you reach a certain level, (don't quote me, but I think it's level 10) your account will become permanent, meaning it won't be deleted due to inactivity. Another thing I forgot to mention is that it's free, unless you want to pay. If you pay..I think it's $ 7.95 US Dollars for a month or $ 39.95 for a year...I think... Gold membership gives you 500 free credits each month (Credits are the in-game money that you get with real money), added exp per kill, and better looting chances along with other stuff. FYI, I play the game for free Another thing I forgot to mention is that you can play the old version, or the new 3D version by clicking on the "play old version" button in the outpost (the main hub) And the last thing I forgot to mention is that (I'm not sure if they do this in the new version, but they did it in the old one) is outpost attack. If you go to play, and you hear a doomsday alarm, it's outpost attack. That is where you can play at several locations, trying to protect the outpost from zombies. Some locations include the junkyard (close combat battle, keep them from entering the outpost), the rooftop (ranged battle, keep them from entering the outpost), and the main gate (close and long ranged combat, keep them from breaking the barricade) You can't actually lose the outpost, it's just that if you win, you gain a huge exp bonus. That all I can think of at the moment. Haha, AdminPwn (The main admin who created the game) should get me as an advertiser or something xD After you play the game, let me know how you like it Hope you have fun