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About OsamaBinSteve

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]
  • Birthday 06/25/1992

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Michigan City, IN (United States of America)
  • Interests
    I love music...all types... I make techno music in my spare time. I also love animating :D I'm in a deathmetal band called, "A Grim Business"
    Can't wait to be a part of this website ^_^
  1. Woah! I'm back :D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. mandla


      America................ We got him eerrrrrr oops wrong surname

    3. mandla


      America................ We got him eerrrrrr oops wrong surname

    4. OsamaBinSteve


      Spamming das Bin Laden joke :x

  2. Yeah, I seriously have a problem with incomplete sentences. I always have. As for my typing speed, I'm not the fastest typist in the world, but I guess I can get by. Truthfully, most of my time went into thinking about what to write. She didn't give us any time to think about what to write, she was just like, "you have 10 minutes to write about going to the underworld, go!" Another thing I spend time on is my humor. I seriously can't write a story without being humorous. Trust me, I've tried so many times. But all in all, thanks for your input
  3. Well, what it means it...uhhh...well it....rainbows are awesome xD

  4. O_o Oh noes, you totally just owned my bad writing skills... Well, what I meant was that it doesn't really bother me when people annoy me about not playing WoW. It just gets really annoying. Thanks for correcting my mistake
  5. I can't help but wonder what the symbolism behind vomiting a rainbow into someone's face is.

  6. What is a wisdom flag?

    1. web_designer


      it is a way to thank other members...if someone helped you or you found his post is useful you can give him a wisdom flag...

    2. mahesh2k


      just like "ilike" button or thanks button...

  7. We had to write an essay in 10 mins about going to the underworld. It could be ancient times, or present times. Also, instead of the underworld, you could write about hell. Here's what I came up with... That's what I got, what do you think? Pretty good essay for a 10 minute time limit right? Also, in case you're wondering, I can't indent. So I have to double space my paragraphs.
  8. So, people are always messing with me because I don't like World of Warcraft. I could care less about it, but it gets so annoying sometimes. People are always pestering me because I hate it, saying things like, "Dude, how could you not enjoy such a fun game?" or "Are you retarded or something? World of Warcraft is way better then anything you could ever play!" Or they even try to, get this, "Convert" me to WoW. I don't really see the big deal about it. I just think it's a really boring game. Mostly cause I've played way funner MMORPG,s (most of which are free, unlike WoW)So, I'm just wondering. Can anyone please tell me I'm not alone? That I'm not the only person in this country that doesn't spend hours of my life playing WoW. That there are actually people like me in this world, who can't even stand to hear about WoW.Sorry, I just had the sudden urge to rant about something. xD
  9. I was skateboarding this weekend, and I did a 360 shuvit down an 8 stair set O_o

  10. Yes, it is browser-based. Also, I forgot to mention a few things. One thing is, if you create an account, and you don't log in for a couple of months, they will send you an e-mail warning you, then they will delete your account. If you reach a certain level, (don't quote me, but I think it's level 10) your account will become permanent, meaning it won't be deleted due to inactivity. Another thing I forgot to mention is that it's free, unless you want to pay. If you pay..I think it's $ 7.95 US Dollars for a month or $ 39.95 for a year...I think... Gold membership gives you 500 free credits each month (Credits are the in-game money that you get with real money), added exp per kill, and better looting chances along with other stuff. FYI, I play the game for free Another thing I forgot to mention is that you can play the old version, or the new 3D version by clicking on the "play old version" button in the outpost (the main hub) And the last thing I forgot to mention is that (I'm not sure if they do this in the new version, but they did it in the old one) is outpost attack. If you go to play, and you hear a doomsday alarm, it's outpost attack. That is where you can play at several locations, trying to protect the outpost from zombies. Some locations include the junkyard (close combat battle, keep them from entering the outpost), the rooftop (ranged battle, keep them from entering the outpost), and the main gate (close and long ranged combat, keep them from breaking the barricade) You can't actually lose the outpost, it's just that if you win, you gain a huge exp bonus. That all I can think of at the moment. Haha, AdminPwn (The main admin who created the game) should get me as an advertiser or something xD After you play the game, let me know how you like it Hope you have fun
  11. I just played Dead Frontier yesterday (for the first time in months) And it's soo much better now! It used to be a top-down-view, zombie killing mmorpg. You had to play in games with a maximum of 6 players. Now it's 3D! You can have at least 80 people in one room with you. A room consists of a small chunk of the city, and it's sooo fun. I was so impressed with the improvement that I'm making this post xDYou can go kill zombies, level up (to a maximum of 200), go loot the city, and go fight bosses with your friends. Something that sucks though is the respawn time. If you die at level one, your respawn time is one min. The respawn time increases by 10 seconds at each level up, for a maximum of 10 mins O_oBut I dunno, I just thought I'd share this with you. If you go any try this game, good for you. If you don't, also, good for you. It's your choice :DHave fun, and Happy Friday everyone! ^_^If you wanna friend me on it my username is OsamaBinSteve by the way...Oh yeah....I almost forgot....The game can be found at http://www.deadfrontier.com/
  12. I just found out that KnowledgeSutra isn't blocked at my high school. Now I can post even more in my free time :D

    1. Adell


      That's good for you. At my school, the net can access Knowledge Sutra... ONLY for some odd reason. T^T



      I was going to check at my school today, but we're heavily monitored. It's so if our parents want to see our web history. Plus, we have to sign a contract saying we wont (Code of Conduct).

  13. I joined this site a week or two ago, and in that short time I've learned soo much. Reading random posts in the portal, commenting then reading the replies, and looking at links that people post. To think that people would abuse this site just for the sole purpose of self advertisement, is...is...pathetic! Anyways, welcome to the site, I'm a newbie too, so I can't tell you much, but Welcome and I hope you love this site as much as me!
  14. Well, my name is Steve, and one of my friends nicknamed me Osama Bin Steve one day (Why? I have no idea -__-) So now all my friends call me Osama Bin Steve. And something else is that OsamaBinSteve is an open username on everything I'm signed up on, (Myspace, Newgrounds, DeadFrontier, etc..) So, I just kinda use the name OsamaBinSteve now. I would also like to state the fact that I am in no way, a terrorist. (Because I know what some of you are thinking >_<) Hope that answers your question!
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