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Posts posted by iwuvcookies

  1. Bexa you probably took a long time on paint to do that I think. It takes me hours just to make something like that. You sure have good color coordination. umm... to the original "painter" i think maybe you should practice more. BEcause practice makes perfect. Atleats you can draw a bird like that. I can't even draw one.lol. Oh and the black was unnecessary. You could have selected a smaller area.

  2. just regular constant exercise and don't give up. I find the hard thing about loosing weight is motivation. Sometimes a person does have enough motivation and they can't use the motivation for loosing weight because its just too tempting to eat that cheesy burger. lol. But you need someone to cheer you up and encourage you all the way. Do crunches. They work for me.

  3. I am going to be a KKK

    i don't htink that's a good idea. Do they even have that kind of costume? I think black people will jump you if you do wear that. They probably don't know the difference if youre real or not the real thing. Unforutantely I"m staying home this year. I jsut eat my brothers and sisters candy. lol.

  4. I use to use Bullet Proof Spyware pack thing. Its pretty good. Until my trial went out and I had to resort to finding other ones. But adware away is still good for me now. I also use to use Zone alarm. It was annoying at times but it did its thing. Oh you have to get the Web filtering thing. But I think they don't use that anymore. RIghtn now I use google bar. But sometimes a few banners pop up because of some spyware my spyware remover can't get off.

  5. thats' really creative. But there's an option on the paint program that lets the background be transparent when you write the words. I think you used MS paint. Well I think its better this way because your words are small and if you put it again'st the image it wouldn't show. So good job. I'm retarded being critical and observant. lol. sorry. Well I'm not that creative like you yet. Those "jeans" will kick in some day.

  6. I would go with my friends if they wanted to trick or treat but I feel so old now. Just want to go to parties and stuff. I don't want to take my little brother out trick or treating either. Soo annoying waiting. ANd then they give you like one piece of friggin candy. lol. I remember those old days. Maybe I'll spend All Hallows Eve with my cousin watching scary movies or whatever.

  7. The only place I've been to out of the US is Vietnam. It was a good experience because I met my family members by the dozen and bunch of cousins. Its an asian thing. lol. Well mosquitos are a problem so buy some spray or wear long pants oh and socks too because they bit your toes and that's annoying. The food somewhat is sometimes unsanitary but you just have to watch where you eat. The prices are small compared to US dollars. Its like 15,000 dong for 1 USD.

  8. not evey girl is bad. You just have to know the right ones. Don't get the golddiggers and stay away from *BLEEP*y girls. I don't they are just weird. You can never figure them out because they constanly change like changing clothes each day. There like naturally bipolar or something. Lol

  9. I didn't know they had that many Ring movies trilogy. I wish there was some way I could watch it but the movie rental place here in America that shows different kinds of Asian movies translated to Vietnamese doesn't ahve it. The Grudge. I might just well go see it to see what's the craze. I really want to watch the Forgotten. Although the commerical wasn't very good to me.

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