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Posts posted by iwuvcookies

  1. i just checked their site out and its ok. I've already read some post in the forums. Errr. They are new of course. But I don't know I rather stick to Xisto. Xisto has the Fantastico Deluxe and more options. They don't have that at all. And they're giving too much space for there packages. I'm pretty sure once people signed up by the mass that they'll change the policy and other stuff.

  2. Hi welcome to Xisto. I am your friendly retarded host for tonights even matinee. To your lower left is the newest posted forums and to the top is the what i call the "chit chat box". Ok actings over. Anyways welcome I just moved in sometime last week.

  3. As an Asian like me I know how you feel. Asian parents so weird. Lets see I think you need to tell them to take it slow.... you got all the time in the world..... maybe you should pretend to be mad one day when they talk about it and disapper for like 2 days.... and come back...... tell them you went to crazy hospital... no jk don't do that.

  4. yeh i heard its doing well in the box office. Personally I liked it. I liked at the end where Jet Li portrayed as some fighter i forgot his name. well the part where is he said something like sacrificing oneself for a greater good. The sex scenes were bizarre and I don't think it was appropiate because I never saw Chinese people done anything like that. Only i have seen them kiss. My mom hated it but she doesn't appreciate it as i do....

  5. I hate AOL because they keep sending me CD's. I DON'T NEED ANY MORE CD's. Its probably because they want me back as a customer. I used AOL a long time ago but now I have a better DSL ISP.

    Well i actually like them sending me the cds. Because I get to throw them like frisbees and have fun. Oh and they make great projects for school. One time they sent me this cork box. Its so cool. I kept the box of course but not the cd. oh and sometimes they have software on them like Winamp or something. Its not like i can't go on winamp dot com and download it for free but its just something to do to pass time.

  6. :(:D:(:D A top sites would be very interesting and could be what Xisto needs. B):(:(:(B) I'm sorry the smiles are sooooo cool. Anyways. I would probably be at the end due to my lacking skills for graphics. Maybe one of the members could host the topsites or better yet Adminstration or webmaster of this domain. I think competition would be great. Bring more "customers" to "Trap."

  7. i'm interested in the porno business... no just kidding. I'm actually looking forward to become a physician. The path may be excruciating and long but I'll make it through. Right now a Junior in highschool i'm interested in being a doctor like in surgury, obstretician/gynocologists, etc.... i'm still open to other medical fields just that it has to relate to helping people and talking to them.

  8. i first learn about html when my cousin had a website and I just got my computer with the "speeding" 56k modem. yeh it was real fast.....not!.........anyways I used some of her snippets and worked with it using CUTEHTML and Cuteftp. I started using Geocities. then used Tripod but i hated using Tripod. Now i'm all past that. I work with CUTEFTP pro now and some on notepad. Probably almost every one started out looking up someones source code and using some of the html. well now i don't need to do that because I know how to do those things.

  9. to me i think php is so hard to learn. There are so many commands and I can barely remember them all. Its just so hard. At first there was html then I found out there was Php. Now I have to learn php. I wonder if there is program that works with php and inputs the commands that go with php? I'll have to check that. out

  10. of cours it is annoying. But I try to listen to the music. I'm only frustrated and pissed when I'm in a hurry to do something. Maybe like go to school so I won't be tardy in the morning and the teachers won't give me a "look." I'm pretty sure you can disassociate your anger towards something constructive. You could honk your horn but thats mean. :P

  11. that's retarded. They said they fixed it but it actually came back not fixed. I guess they just put it there and just waited till you came and picked it up. lol. What lousy service! :P I had to build my computer out of no knowledge and it was a hassle having to learn what goes where and what goes there. So far its running fine. Oh it took me a month to build it because we were getting parts. lolz.

  12. I Like windows with out bugsĀ  :P But working with windows is Easy

    yeh I see working with windows is easy and most programs are compatible with windows. So far I like using Xp. The only problem is the annoying thing that happens when something goes wrong with IE6 and it ask you to send comment or something. But I know they really don't receive the message. its just for show and show.

  13. retarded as I am I would have to say "Happy Birthday" song. I get presents on that day and everybody treats me like candy. Lolz. I guess for real my favorite song for right now is Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park. I guess that's it. My favorite song changes from time to time.

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