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Posts posted by 8ennett

  1. I was having a few beers tonight and after watching the good, the bad and the ugly decided to throw on police academy 2 when I noticed something about it. It reminded me so much of GTA then it hit me, there are several bits in the GTA games that are actually taken from the Police Academy films, I won't list them all now but one of the major one's is in police academy 2 when Fackler needs the bathroom and pulls in to the petrol station the radio voice in the background is actually used as police car ambience in one of the GTA games (I can't remember which one and it's driving me mad), also there is a vehicle in GTA called a Bobcat which is also the real first name of the mad man Zed from police academy. You can see the influences of many films in the GTA games, but actually using sound clips taken directly is strange considering how easy it is to create a sound clip that sounds like it's on a police radio.

  2. Now to some it would seem like the 90's wasn't that long ago, I know the feeling, but the frightening reality of it is it was now over 10 years ago. It still seems like only yesterday I was down on the Albert Docks in Liverpool celebrating the Millenium. So, all our favourite computer games from the 90's are now considered to be retro but will always remain in our hearts. I still play many of my favourite old games because they offered something much more than all these graphically and interactively advanced games today, they offer nostalgia :D So here it is, list your favourite games of the past that were released BEFORE 1998 preferably. They don't necessarily have to be in order and can be for any platform. 1. Aces of the Deep 2. X-Com (Terror From The Deep and Enemy Unknown) 3. Duke Nukem 4. Master of Orion II 5. Conquest of the New World 6. Civilisation II 7. Dungeon Keeper (1 and 2) 8. Warcraft II 9. Mario Kart 64 10. Goldeneye (N64) The amount of hours I wasted playing all these games with my friends is ridiculous. Chilling out to the old R.E.M. albums and hitting it up RETRO style. Star Trek DS9 on the TV and cartons of Um Bongo in our hands. It was when my friends started playing WarHammer that I decided to find new friends and live a life of Hedonism and Debauchery. :)

  3. Yeah that was my point, the time spent earning all those PTZ added up really doesn't justify the amount you get back from it. 25 bucks from 1200 ptz, assuming the ptz were accumulated without watching any videos (just because they are a fairly new addition) that means it would have taken on average around 300 days to gather that amount of ptz, 300 days to earn $25??? I can earn 5 times that amount doing an hours labouring work. My opinion it is just a waste of time and lines the creators pockets with money and leaves the other person cheated out of time.

  4. President 'revealed reasons for war in private meeting' </B></FONT>

    President George Bush has claimed he was told by God to invade Iraq and attack Osama bin Laden's stronghold of Afghanistan as part of a divine mission to bring peace to the Middle East, security for Israel, and a state for the Palestinians.

    The President made the assertion during his first meeting with Palestinian leaders in June 2003, according to a BBC series which will be broadcast this month. </FONT>


    The revelation comes after Mr Bush launched an impassioned attack yesterday in Washington on Islamic militants, likening their ideology to that of Communism, and accusing them of seeking to "enslave whole nations" and set up a radical Islamic empire "that spans from Spain to Indonesia". In the programmeElusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs, which starts on Monday, the former Palestinian foreign minister Nabil Shaath says Mr Bush told him and Mahmoud Abbas, former prime minister and now Palestinian President: "I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.' And I did, and then God would tell me, 'George go and end the tyranny in Iraq,' and I did."


    And "now again", Mr Bush is quoted as telling the two, "I feel God's words coming to me: 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East.' And by God, I'm gonna do it."


    Mr Abbas remembers how the US President told him he had a "moral and religious obligation" to act. The White House has refused to comment on what it terms a private conversation. But the BBC account is anything but implausible, given how throughout his presidency Mr Bush, a born-again Christian, has never hidden the importance of his faith.


    From the outset he has couched the "global war on terror" in quasi-religious terms, as a struggle between good and evil. Al-Qa'ida terrorists are routinely described as evil-doers. For Mr Bush, the invasion of Iraq has always been part of the struggle against terrorism, and he appears to see himself as the executor of the divine will.


    He told Bob Woodward - whose 2004 book, Plan of Attack, is the definitive account of the administration's road to war in Iraq - that after giving the order to invade in March 2003, he walked in the White House garden, praying "that our troops be safe, be protected by the Almighty". As he went into this critical period, he told Mr Woodward, "I was praying for strength to do the Lord's will.


    "I'm surely not going to justify war based upon God. Understand that. Nevertheless, in my case, I pray that I will be as good a messenger of His will as possible. And then of course, I pray for forgiveness."


    Another telling sign of Mr Bush's religion was his answer to Mr Woodward's question on whether he had asked his father - the former president who refused to launch a full-scale invasion of Iraq after driving Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in 1991 - for advice on what to do.


    The current President replied that his earthly father was "the wrong father to appeal to for advice ... there is a higher father that I appeal to".


    The same sense of mission permeated his speech at the National Endowment of Democracy yesterday. Its main news was Mr Bush's claim that Western security services had thwarted 10 planned attacks by al-Qa'ida since 11 September 2001, three of them against mainland US.


    More striking though was his unrelenting portrayal of radical Islam as a global menace, which only the forces of freedom - led by the US - could repel. It was delivered at a moment when Mr Bush's domestic approval ratings are at their lowest ebb, in large part because of the war in Iraq, in which 1,950 US troops have died, with no end in sight.


    It came amid continuing violence on the ground, nine days before the critical referendum on the new constitution that offers perhaps the last chance of securing a unitary and democratic Iraq. "The militants believe that controlling one country will rally the Muslim masses, enabling them to overthrow all moderate governments in the region" and set up a radical empire stretching from Spain to Indonesia, he said.


    The insurgents' aim was to "enslave whole nations and intimidate the world". He portrayed Islamic radicals as a single global movement, from the Middle East to Chechnya and Bali and the jungles of the Philippines.


    He rejected claims that the US military presence in Iraq was fuelling terrorism: 11 September 2001 occurred long before American troops set foot in Iraq - and Russia's opposition to the invasion did not stop terrorists carrying out the Beslan atrocity in which 300 children died.


    Mr Bush also accused Syria and Iran of supporting radical groups. They "have a long history of collaboration with terrorists and they deserve no patience". The US, he warned, "makes no distinction between those who commit acts of terror and those who support and harbour them because they're equally as guilty of murder".


    "Wars are not won without sacrifice and this war will require more sacrifice, more time and more resolve," Mr Bush declared. But progress was being made in Iraq, and, he proclaimed: "We will keep our nerve and we will win that victory."


    © 2005 Independent News & Media (UK) Ltd.

    Source: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines05/1007-03.htm


    This man is probably the main reason I have for saying religion does not belong in politics. I am afraid I will have to say this and sorry yet again for offending anyone, but a person that has that much blind faith in God is undoubtedly unintelligent. Even though religion is a comfort for those who are weak-minded (nobody can deny that) I do still believe that some good can come from it. But when you put idiots like Mr Bush in charge, well we've already seen the consequences for ourselves haven't we?


    The question of both religion and politics is most definately not the same as th question of both church and state. The failure to make this distinction usually results in you becoming confused. The problem of church and state has to do with practices and institutions. None can trespass the boundaries that define their legit sphere of influence. Here, the concept of separation is valid. Some rather sore problems arise in two areas. The first involves trying to steer between avoiding an establishment of religious practices and permitting its freedoms to execute what is required of it. Prayer in public schools is a prime example of this. Also a second range of problems arises when religious belief and practice conflict with established laws. Mr Bush does not understand this concept and uses it to play heavily on decisions that he would have no idea of otherwise. It was blatently obvious that he did not know what he was doing, somebody please prove me wrong here, and he left your Country in a right old mess, but he still uses God as his comfort blanket. What's more, people actually believe this crap and have forgiven him for what he has done. Why?


    Going further East (or West depending which way you prefer to travel I suppose) the way Islamic law plays in Egypt is another prime example. Egypt is made up of three seperate communities. The first obviously being Islamic, the second Jewish (although their being the minority) and the third Christian. The country is in fact ruled by Islamic law which does not only apply to the Islamic people but to everyone. A christian family is not legally allowed to adopt a child in Egypt because Islamic law says so. Even burial rights in Egypt are interrupted due to what Islamic law dictates, and it's because of this attitude of the Islamic government that they end up with rebels, extremists and protestors.


    A country should not be governed by religion. A hard and cold fact. It only serves to benefit the religion that governs and for everyone else it is forcing that religion upon them.


    The Qur'an is just another holy book, this is where my strongest objections come in. It should NOT be used as a basis for government yet it is the third most widely used system of law next to common law and civil law. It is still debated wether or not the Qur'an does actually contain passages of violence or if these are geographical and periodical statements, however they have been used as justification of mass slaughter and genocide by muslim extremists for centuries. Only extremists mind you, regular muslim people tend to live a life of happiness when living by the peaceful interprertations of this book. Still though, a book that possibly states violence is a righteous form of retribution and this book is used as a system of law? In fact it is similar to the passages in the bible, no clear instructions are given and you are left to interpret it yourself. There are so many possible variations of how it can be interpreted, so basically it's as though they are making their own laws on how ever they feel like interpreting a book, but because they are using this holy book then it justifies how they create this form of law and how the government can be run.


    "Sura 2:191 And slay them wherever ye catch them and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith. Sura 9:35 The number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve (in a year) so ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are sacred; that is the straight usage. So wrong not yourselves therein and fight the pagans all together as they fight you all together. But know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves."

  5. I'm a member of lockerz and it sucks man. I've been in two seperate prize redemptions and never got a thing. I've even got over 1,000 damn ptz but I still don't have anything. It all sounds great but it's a lot of work. Every single day you have to log in and answer the question then you get a grand total of 4 ptz. They've uploaded a load of videos now and you can watch them for ptz as well but my bandwidth is too slow and the site is so poorly constructed that even if I were to leave it running over night it wouldn't play the video. Seems you have to have over a certain bandwidth otherwise it won't load at all. I thought lockerz was a great idea when I first joined, but now I think the complete opposite. The whole getting invited to join thing is just a cheap gimick. They knew it would still be easy to join the site once word got around. So just to recap, even if you have the PTZ you are no where near guaranteed a prize.

  6. There is actually something out on the market right now call the wireless charging pad. It's a pad that creates a magnetic field of up to a few inches and anything that has been constructed to recharge using this pad will recharge when it is placed within a sufficient distance from the pad. This device is very similar to what Tesla dreamed of even if it is a lot smaller. The pad itself looks just like a mouse pad but obviously the pad needs to be connected to the mains. The way it works is there is a powered coil inside the pad which generates a magnetic field, this induces current to flow through a small secondary coil that's built into any portable device, such as a phone, a digital camera or a BlackBerry. Once the current has been transferred to that second coil it then recharges the battery inside the device. Now many devices are still lacking this second coil inside them to make this product worthwhile, however many companies (including apple) are about to introduce this technology inside their products. You can drop any number of devices on to the pad and they will all recharge which is very handy because you can basically remove the need for massive tangles of cables and forever searching for that elusive phone charger. Also, because we are basically invisible to magnetic fields then if we were to pass between the two devices it would not interrupt the recharging process (however there is still much debate surrounding magentic fields and its ability to antagonise cancerous cells). The pad is also intelligent. The coil is operated by integrated circuits which can detect wether the device sat on the pad is compatible or not and if it needs further charging. So you can't charge your keys with electrons or overload a device when the battery is fully charged. Very useful feature if you ask me :) This technology is known as inductive coupling and will become available for purchase at some point this month. The price right now is on average $99.99 but I predict as soon as this technology becomes popular the price will increase dramatically so best get in there now and get your pads.

  7. I know it's a little off-topic but radio blog club (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) is a good way of adding a radio to your website without having to pay licensing fee's. Simply go to the site and sign-up, make your playlist (you can make more than one if you wish) then get your embed code and put it in a pop-up or whatever on your site. The way this works is the radio player is considered a music blog and has a link on it back to the music blog. It also advertises buying the track in the player as well from the radio blog club store. The money they make from the store is used to buy their licenses to allow music blogging. It's got a lot of the popular music on there already and if you have a premium account then you can upload your own music. The best thing is it runs on very limited bandwidth so even if your connection is slow it's still possible to listen to it uninterrupted waiting for the track to buffer. The only problem I've found is the music index doesn't detect if the file is corrupt or not so when constructing your playlist it's best that you test the track first before adding it.

  8. I agree with you that people should not talk about something as fact when it is obvious to anyone that person does not posess all the facts. Maybe if you were to sit down and give them a non-biased presentation displaying the evidence from both sides I reckon it would undoubtedly convert more christians to either athiesm, another religion or at the very least make them become agnostic. It should be law that any christian who is a missionary on a journey to spread the good news that they present an alternative explanation as well as their own. They like to prey on the weak minded which is why (please nobody take offense to this) you see that most rednecks are God-fearing Christians. I also disagree that religion should play a role in politics. The majority of American politicians that are not only devout Christians but also employ their beliefs in to their work such as when making decisions, passing new laws etc. actually scares me. George W. Bush Jr. and Sr. both used God in many of their speeches and used the word of God to not only justify their actions but also to gain popularity in the elections. I'm not even going to comment on religion and politics in the middle-east because the role it plays is evident from the amount of bloodshed. I believe that no matter your religion you should make your decisions in the best interest of the people and NOT what God says in the best interest of the people. There comes a point when you start taking away more and more freedoms which people have the right to. I think it's best I stop there, you can tell this is a very, very, very, very sensitive subject for me lol :)

  9. I don't think there will be any other form of human evolution for at least the next 10,000 years. Dating back over 8,000 years ago there were neolithic civilisations where remains have been found and we are exactly the same. Perhaps brain activity was a lot less than it is now, perhaps 4% or so on, but we're only at around 10% now. Maybe our brain activity will increase, but as for physical evolution the way we are progressing now I don't think anything is going to happen. If you think about it, evolution is adapting to your surrounding environment to improve living conditions for the organism and to create a harmony between the organism and its surroundings. However, our natural instincts do not seem to be creating a natural harmony between us and our environments, instead we adapt our environment to suit our needs. We don't offer any room for adaptation of our own physical forms and if we go on this way, before we eventually end up destroying ourselves, then we won't physically evolve at all. And with the advances in nano technology, they expect to be able to reconstruct telemeres at will to not only prevent ageing but potentially reverse it within the next twenty years.

  10. This topic seems to have diversed a little lol well it's probably already been mentioned on here or on another post but if you want to access a windows system (I've only tested this with xp but might work on others) but don't have the password for any of the accounts then simply do this, Boot the computer up BEFORE THE WINDOWS LOADING SCREEN COMES UP keep pressing [F8] until it brings up the boot prompt (you can also access the command prompt this way if you like) Start the computer up in safe mode Now when the login screen loads up it will have a new account there called 'Administrator'. Click this and login (there is no password for this hidden account) then go in to the control panel and set up a new Admin account for yourself. Restart the system and there you go, your very own admin account on the pc. Be sure to delete the account again after you have used it if you want to keep it a secret. This way very handy for me when I was living in a house-share with some other lads. Only one of them had a PC with web access (he had a roaming dongle which he had glued in to the USB port sad b******) so I accessed his pc, gained admin privelages, enabled ICS and connected his idle wireless card to my router (with the DHCP server disabled of course) and removed the network connection animation from the task bar. Restarted again in safe mode, deleted my account and restarted again. To this day he had no idea I was re-broadcasting his internet to the rest of the guys in the house lol well I did let him play my modded xbox, it was only fair.

  11. The popular spectacular television programs that had already aired in the UK and Australia, 'Walking With Dinosaurs,' were shown on the Discovery Channel in the United States on April 16, 2000.


    These programs, a mix of fact and fiction with a very heavy dose of evolutionary indoctrination, have already been watched by millions (including in Britain), and many more millions of people will see them around the world.In May, Disney releases its new movie 'Dinosaurs'âagain expected to have the typical evolutionary indoctrination that permeates such Hollywood films.


    It's sad but trueâdinosaurs are probably used more than anything else in an attempt to convince children and adults alike that evolution is fact. So much so, that for many, the words 'dinosaur' and 'evolution' are almost synonymous.


    Over the years, I have been asked numerous times to explain how dinosaurs 'fit with the Bible'. However, you don't 'fit' dinosaurs with the Bible. You see, what most people do is take man's fallible interpretations of the bones that are found and somehow try to fit these into the Bible.


    But the Bible is, among other things, a book of real history. God has revealed to us the major events of history from the beginning of time to enable us to build a way of thinking to understand the universe.


    When one accepts the history time-line as outlined in Scripture, it is easy to explain dinosaurs. When one understands that land animals (including dinosaurs) were made on the sixth day of Creationâthat there was no death (of animals or man) or disease (there are dinosaur bones that show evidence of diseases like cancer) before sinâthat all the land animal kinds (including dinosaurs) were on the Arkâand that many animal groups (including dinosaurs) have died out since the Flood (because sin, the curse, and the Flood affected the world)âthen it's easy to explain the history of dinosaurs.


    Also, there is a lot of evidence (such as carvings and paintings of dinosaur-like creatures)âand (unfossilized) dinosaur bone with red blood cellsâthat makes sense in the light of the Biblical account of history. Did you know that a dinosaur may be described in detail in the Bible? Check out Job 40:15-19. And if the notes in your Bible state that this animal was an elephant or hippo, read the passage again to see that this can't be so.


    Did you know the word 'dinosaur' was first invented in 1841? Dinosaurs were probably called 'dragons' before that time. And the Hebrew word for 'dragon' is used a number of times in the Old Testament. There are also dragon legends prevalent in cultures around the world. It's possible these are accounts of encounters with beasts we today call dinosaurs.


    The reason many Christians have been unable to give answers about dinosaurs is because they have tried to 'fit' them into the Bibleâinstead of using the Bible and its true account of history to explain them. This is done in detail in my book 'The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved.'


    In fact, at Answers in Genesis, we call dinosaurs 'missionary lizards.' This is because we can show people that the Bible actually explains dinosaurs and makes sense of the evidence we find around the world. In thinking about dinosaurs, one also has to talk about death (after all, dinosaur fossils are dead!) â and thus, the origin of death because of sin. This leads into a discussion of the Gospel.


    As the topic of Noah's Flood is discussed (a Flood that buried billions of creatures including dinosaursâand thus the main cause of most dinosaur fossils), the vital matter of salvation can also be covered. After all, Noah's Ark is a picture of salvation in Christ. Just as Noah had to go through a doorway to be saved, so each one of us must go through a doorwayâthe Lord Jesus Christ.


    Jesus said in John 10:9: 'I am the door. If anyone enters in by Me, he shall be savedâŚ'



    It's so important that children, young people, and adults be informed on the truth of dinosaurs. This will then give them powerful answers to witness to a skeptical world. As non-Christians hear the Christian faith explain dinosaurs, many have been and will be challenged to listen to the rest of what the Bible states. We rejoice that many have been won to the Lord with this approach.


    And what a difference it makes in the life of a Christian, young or old, when they have answers to enable them to stand tall in the midst of an unbelieving world.




    To help you to have answers, and to train your children and othersâand to assist you in witnessing to friends and relativesâwe have put together the best of our many dinosaur resources in very special discounted packs. We want so much to see the world saturated with this material that, unlike the world's movies and television programs, tells the truth concerning God's Word and thus God's world.


    Why don't you take advantage of these special limited offers that are available until May 31? Why not buy bulk quantities of our dinosaur witnessing booklet, Dinosaurs and the Bible, and hand them out during 'Missionary Lizard' Months?


    Don't forget to check back on Monday the 17th, and listen to the dinosaur interviews with creationist scientists, watch a dinosaur video, and read some dinosaur articles.


    Let's shout the truth about dinosaurs from the rooftops! Use a 'missionary lizard' today!

    Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Now when I first read through this, I don't mean to offend anyone else out there but I burst in to tears of laughter. The fact that the person that wrote this was so blinded by faith in a book that they did not realise what it is exactly they were saying. However, the more I read it now the angrier it makes me, and here's why.


    The second paragraph opens with the following, "These programs, a mix of fact and fiction...". This is basically implying from the start that the christian account of life, the earth and everything is the one truth. Again at the end of this paragraph, "Disney releases its new movie 'Dinosaurs'âagain expected to have the typical evolutionary indoctrination that permeates such Hollywood films.". This is implying that all theories of evolution are purely based on fiction and that all movies are generic in their views of Dinosaurs and evolution and do not work off any hard evidence. This really is not the case, and most of the movies and television programs that involve evolution and dinosaurs are all based on hard fact.


    In the next paragraph we have this, "dinosaurs are probably used more than anything else in an attempt to convince children and adults alike that evolution is fact.". Now if your read through this whole article again you will notice that the writer seems to use children a lot, as if attempting to scare skeptical christians in to believing what they are saying as children are a good way of doing this. It's almost as if they are attempting to say "Your children are not safe if they are exposed to this purely fictional world of evolution, hear me now before it's too late.".


    The fourth paragraph ends with "You see, what most people do is take man's fallible interpretations of the bones that are found and somehow try to fit these into the Bible.". The definition of the word fallible is "Capable of making an error", this is implying that scientific (non-christian scientific that is) studies are more likely to be incorrect as apposed to (very) loosely interpreting a document translated from ancient hebrew that was written two-thousand years ago. The idea is laughable, it's true, but notice how the writer does not indicate that his own interpetation is also fallible?


    Now the fifth paragraph, this is one of my favourites, "But the Bible is, among other things, a book of real history.". Now there has not been any CONCLUSIVE evidence to support this fact either way, so why say this? By this point the writer has lost all credibility with me, the reader because he is failing to take in to account the facts surrounding this and has jumped in to the deep end without learning all the strokes. He is now splashing about and is losing the race. Is there any way he can catch up, well let's continue reading. "God has revealed to us the major events of history from the beginning of time to enable us to build a way of thinking to understand the universe.". Nobody knows who wrote the book of Genesis, although it is debated wether it was moses, or moses compiled it from eye-witness accounts. Either way, God did not write any part of the Bible and as such has not in any way revealed to us the major events of history from the beginning of time.


    Just to stop analysing this for a minute and reflect what has been covered so far. It is obvious that the writer of this article has not actually done any research themselves in to this topic (apart from the dates of when Walking With Dinosaurs was being aired) and has simply listened to what everyone else has to say, mashed it all together in their own head and trying to propogate this misinformation as hard fact (the very basis of religion if you ask me). I'm a very open-minded person when it comes to religion, but when presented an article such as this it does more to push me away than pull me in and I know it shouldn't as this person does not represent the entire Christian community, but never the less. Ok, let's get back to analysing this then shall we?


    *I would also like to point out at this moment in time that the bible describes the time of Adam and Eve to be somewhere around 3500bc, bare this in mind when reading on*


    "When one accepts the history time-line as outlined in Scripture, it is easy to explain dinosaurs.". And yet no evidence has been presented thus far to prove that the history time-line has been outline in scripture, in fact there are many valid points in archeology that disprove this fact. Neolithic civilisations were thought to be formed over 8000 years ago and carbon-dating has further proven this. But I don't want to play this card just yet as it would ruin this poor soles attempts to disprove evolution. Now I am not making a mockery of this concept, merely of this individuals interpretations. "that all the land animal kinds (including dinosaurs) were on the Arkâand that many animal groups (including dinosaurs) have died out since the Flood" yet Dinosaur bones could not have physically fossilised to the state they are now within as the bible very clearly states that the great flood took place on the 600th year of Noah's life, 2345bc. Now it is obvious that had the great flood occurred and Noah did indeed place two of every single animal upon the ark (which even with todays technology would take a very long time and most of which will die out after being removed from their natural environments) Dinosaurs would most definately not be among the animals taken on board as their existence on the earth ceased millions of years before.


    Right next we have this little gem, "Also, there is a lot of evidence (such as carvings and paintings of dinosaur-like creatures)âand (unfossilized) dinosaur bone with red blood cells". Obviously there are still creatures that remain with Dinosaur like characteristics, lizards, crocodiles (which are actually survivors of the time of Dinosaurs), Komodo Dragons and so on. It's easy to associate these carvings and paintings with such creatures as obviously the paintings were not life-size. Also, this unfossilised Dinosaur bone with red blood cells, it was discovered by (surprise, surprise) Creationalists, or more specifically, a sculptor, maths teacher, shop owner, dentist and someone with an MS from ICR. Now it's not that I don't trust the paleontologistic expertise of these people, but the bone and cells were sent off for study and research over six years ago and no results have been published. In fact the entire thing seems to have mysteriously vanished. Using this as a basis for an argument is definately not advised.


    Ok, moving on from this, "The reason many Christians have been unable to give answers about dinosaurs is because they have tried to 'fit' them into the Bibleâinstead of using the Bible and its true account of history to explain them. This is done in detail in my book 'The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved.'". Now we're finally getting to the bottom of this article. A book you say? Well it would appear based on the evidence given and the examples and quotations made that the whole thing leaves people still slightly skeptical and possibly more confused than to begin with. No matter though, buy this book and you can go more in detail in to this subject.


    "It's so important that children, young people, and adults be informed on the truth of dinosaurs." Bringing young people in to it as well as children, a sore point as hormones are raging in teenagers and are often a talking point on the news surrounding how out of control and troubled they can be. Why not bring in minorities as well, inform the masses, dispatch the missionaries, let's not stop forcing this point of view on everyone as truth. Notice how no other possible explanation can be true and offers no window of chance that this account of evolution, dinosaurs and the bible could possibly be false.


    "To help you to have answers, and to train your children and others" Children once again. Train your children and others. I can't believe that the author actually said this. 'Train'. It's incredible. They are basically saying that everyone needs to be brainwashed in to believing this because it is highly unbelievable to begin with. They are shooting themselves in the foot with that comment and simply further proving that this entire subject is a lie.


    Then the article just carries on about how you can take advantage of their special offers in missionary lizard packs and so on.


    Obviously this is some form of scheme to make more money, and they are preying on the vulnerable, but they also believe what it is they are preaching as well which in all honesty scares the hell out of me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, this is true. But stating that their own opinion is hard-fact and is stated many times, "The Truth" then this is obviously the working of deranged and desperate minds, attempting to cling on to any shred of hope possible that this is not all there is. It all comes around to the subject of mortality in the end, people are unwilling to accept their own mortality and so turn to any other possibility that they will not die and cease to be, however that is just my opinion and I will certainly not be forcing it upon others.


    Would anyone else care to have a crack at analysing this piece, or comment on my analysis?

  12. Rapidshare is another good place to upload your files. You can upload files up to 2gb big and download them again, and each time you download them again you earn a point which you can trade in for premium accounts, t-shirts, cool gizmos and electronics etc. Also could you not make a forum post and then send me a message with the exact same content in it please.

  13. I haven't had time to run through all the replies, and it's probably already been brought up but I think the komodo dragon plays a large part in the myths of the past. Although there is no record of a komodo dragon ever killing a human being, there is one account from hundreds of years ago of explorers visiting the island and observing a komodo dragon devouring an entire human male. The poor inhabitants of the islands where the komodo dragon is found have to live in huts on stilts with their livestock in pens underneath the huts. It's to prevent the dragons from getting in to the houses as they are vicious little creatures. The myth may have also come from ancient caveman drawings of dinosaurs. It's possible the knights of old discovered some caves, maybe not in England but some time during the crusades, saw pictures of flying beasts attacking and eating men and created their own stories. The possibilities of where the myth actually came from is endless, and without any real hard evidence or information on its origins we can only really speculate as to what the truth may be. It's obvious though that dragons never actually existed, at least not as we know them today. The earliest possible account of where the myth may have started from cave drawings, before that there was no inteliigent being capable of creating anything we are able to interpret. Also, since we have discovered most of what has been buried in the ground from that era the likelihood of finding anything remotely like a dragon is geeting more and more unlikely. It really would be interesting to know where the myth was originated, but I guess we'll never know.

  14. I'm currently making a new website for my ex-girlfriends parents. They have helped me a lot since my son was born, buying me things and offering to babysit and just generally helping me raise him on my own so in return I'm making a surprise website for thei off-license (liquor store to the American readers). To the average user their are four pages which you can view, the home page with basic information and a map to the shop, a list of all current special offers, a list of what they currently stock and a contact page with address, telephone number and a form for sending messages (PHP and MySQL driven). Also the special offers page has a table where you can enter your email address or phone number and receive updates of the latest special offers, new products or special opening/closing times. Not visible to the average user is the admin control panel. Now these people are not exactly what you would call computer literate. I've helped them to develop to the point where they can use the basic functions of a website and fill out forms so I have had to make the admin panel as simple as possible. Because of this I was wondering if anyone knew any off-license owners that would be interested in an adapted version of the site to suit their own store. My freelance web design business is not fully registered and setup yet but once it is I will be making the script available to buy, either with me redesigning it for each clients store or maybe with a wizard setup and full set of instructions. I also have half-designed a take-away system where users can view the current menu with prices, make an order for delivery online and even make online payments for the order (optional), all with yet again a very user friendly interface for both the customer and the web site operator. Also once I have the freelance business up and running properly I will be installing my own server at home on a business internet line and offering to host smaller, less bandwidth-heavy websites on it for a monthly upkeep and maintenance fee and only for people who have purchased scripts or whole websites from me. Does anyone have any input on these ideas? Maybe know anybody who has done something similar? For the website for my sons grandparents I'm using Clickatell to send SMS messages using their API through a web form on my website.

  15. I don't have Halo for PC but I have both for XBox. I've got an X2 chip in my XB with the Evox dashboard on it and some of the editors you can get just on the dash alone are incredible. I know the Evox dashboard is illegal to supply since the ammendment in 2005 but luckily for me it's still legal to own and run so if you're lucky to already have a copy then DO NOT redistribute it but definately look in to all the apps you can get together for Halo one and two and try them out. If you don't own it then unfortunately you will have to just settle for the PC-side apps which are still great but don't offer any in-game functionality. I did own a 360 (until I got drunk and fell on it, snapping the motherboard into piece and snapping open the HDD, I literally cried lol) and have the wireless headset (which I currently use on my PC until I get the cash to buy a new 360). Halo 3 is definately worth playing on the 360 online. I only played for a few months but damn did I master it lol I love online gaming and Halo is definately a really great match. I used to design 3D games so it's very easy to fully calculate the 3D engine and predict the appropriate moves before you make them, definately worthwhile learning and developing 3D engines if you're in to playing those sort of games, gives you one hell of an advantage over most others in the game.

  16. I'm having trouble logging in to the billing and support area. When ever I try to log in it takes me to the appropriate address which is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but the message displayed is a plain balck text message on a white background with default left alignment saying "License Validation Failed". It might just be an error on the server and they're working on it but anyone else had this trouble before?

  17. Never underestimate the ability of the human mind. Everyday we are able to develop new and ingenious ways of bypassing any security system, hence the need to constantly keep upgrading. If that 0.01% possibility were to happen then it wouldn't take long for someone to develop some form of worm or trojan to overcome the defect and regain control. And when all else fails, revert back to true human nature and blow it up before it expands! :) I know how the terminator films worked and the AI was wired in to every piece of hardware on the planet ultimately which is how it could spread its consciousness and be undefeatable, but things will never get that far. They always forgot about the ability to disconnect network connections very easily by "cutting wires" in millions of places to prevent further spread/construction of AI driven machinery.

  18. It is and it isn't. Like I said the API prevents any advanced programming, while a good security precaution in "some" cases it really does prevent you from making anything worth while. Also, the advertising people input in to facebook actually pay money to facebook for their service as well as the person who has made the app. It's how facebook works. You spend all the time making rubbish that nobody would actually use outside of facebook and make pittence from advertising while facebook collectively gathers revenues from everyone's hard work and ignorant peoples time. It is truly a brilliant marketing strategy but since I'm not on the receiving end I condemn it lol :)

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