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Posts posted by 8ennett

  1. Not necessarily, you can start with a subdomain like yourname.astahost.com, and buy a domain name later.

    Oh right, that's strange, I didn't have the option. It told me I either needed to purchase a domain name or transfer my current domain name which is why I saved up $12 before purchasing hosting.

    Can you see now myCents?

    Yes they are now showing up. Better get busy posting lol

  2. You can sign up to xisto billing and support without applying for a hosting account, that comes later on. I would recommend you sign up immediately after reading this reply, every post you make at the moment means you are missing out on myCENTs. Just click the "Billing & Support" link on the sites navigation to the left and sign up for an account using the same email address you did to sign up to these forums. It has to be the exact same email address otherwise your forum account will not accumulate myCENTs.Once you have signed up you can wait a while while your myCENTs builds up and then use them to purchase a hosting account when you have enough for the type of hosting you require.Also, if you manage to save up an additional $10 you can buy a years .com registration which is a lot better than having a .co.cc domain in my opinion, and since it's a years registration then you will have plenty of time to accumulate another 1,000 myCENTs to renew the registration. You will however need to have a registered domain name in order to sign up for hosting, so if you don't want to register a .com or .co.uk etc. then you need to have one elsewhere and transfer it to your new hosting plan.So yes, sign up for the billing and support area right now and let your myCENTs build up while you post.

  3. I've added quite a few more features recently including live horse and dog racing simply using php and ajax. so u can make your bets then watch the race with your bets listed below. i also finished the mission system, its now integrated with the whole game meaning i can write a new mission within 5 minutes and create an interactive storyline or even create several. just another feature to keep the game interesting. the fully featured forum i wrote myself and will be releasing the code in my tutorial series

  4. Have no plug ins just the regular install of Firefox.

    i had the exact same problem with firefox, the problem is sorted now but not sure how it was resolved. just make sure you keep firefox, java and all your plugins as up to date as possible and hopefully it will start working for you. in the mean time when replying or posting in firefox click the edit html button, works just the same except for a new line you need the BR html tag

  5. I'm not sure I fully understand the question, do you mean is there a limited number of cpu cycles for an account? If so then no I don't think so, something like that on a server with multiple accounts would be desperately hard to monitor, you would have to capture every single process being submitted and run it through an incremental statistic program before sending it to the cpu which would severely reduce system performance.Technically though the hosting accounts at xisto are not free, the same packages are available to purchase using real money as well as mycents, it's just on these forums and the Xisto forums we are rewarded for exchanging knowledge and information with hosting accounts that have an initial monetary value. It is to encourage a massive collection of shared knowledge so this information is freely available to the public when ever anyone should need it.

  6. Well it would simply be a case of finding a way to either convert the current database to one your new blog software can support (eg renaming, adding, removing tables, fields and database name) or writing a simple php script to extract all the rows from the old database and reformat them then insert the new values in to the new database.The dates and times etc. in the database will all use a standard unix timestamp, and even they don't (which would only be in complete amateur software) you can still use php's strtotime() function to convert them in to one. So all your previous blog entries that have been moved to a new blog software package will keep their original posting times and dates and will usually be called using php's date() function.I wouldn't advise anyone pay for someone else to do this fairly simplish task, it would be a waste of money. You should have seen it when I had to convert a life assurance company's old database to a new system, now that was a mess merely because of the amount of data that needed transferring, and because the old database and new database were on completely different types of server they weren't compatible in any way and I couldn't bridge the network completely. We had to employ two temps to manually input some of the data from an old unix system on to a windows 2000 database.

  7. No Problem Krystal, also the most active mod on these forums is yordan just for future reference.Also, if you want to create dynamic content for your blog (basically just fill out a form and it automatically generates the html code for each blog entry for you including dates etc) then you will need to learn a server-side language such as php. It's actually a very easy language to learn, so once you have learned all you need to concerning divs then maybe try php afterwards. The blog you linked to was written using php as well.

  8. Sorry I completely misunderstood the desired effect.So you want a stationary background which is tiled and moves up with the page when you scroll down, however you want a header and footer which overlap the background but stay in a fixed position on the page and also don't scroll.Looking at jen loves kev, it's going to be difficult for you to recreate that style of blog without being well up on your divs and tables. Also with a problem that would require a large explanation such as yours I tend to recommend learning the basics for yourself before diving in and giving you code examples.It's nothing personal but all too often people end up wanting me to write the entire sequence of code for them without bothering to learn any of it themselves. I suggest you learn all about divs and how they can be styled and positioned, overlapped and indexed etc. then take a peek at the source code of the mentioned blog to see how they achieved it.You will see the entire site is constructed using divs and editing the style and behaviour of the divs using css classes. Also there is a little bit of jquery running in the background as well (free javascript library) but I write all my own js so not sure about what it's doing.Finally, to achieve a seamless tiling image, most popular graphics editors have a seamless tiling filter effect built in such as photoshop and paint shop pro.Hope that gets you on the right track to building your blog.

  9. Well my surname is Bennett (also my nickname) however that name is usually taken on most servers I sign up to, however 8ennett hasn't been used by very many people at all online. My other online alias is Deathmonger (or DeathmongerB more recently) which I use mostly for gaming or hiding my identity. I've had that name ever since I first connected a computer to a phoneline.

  10. I have to say actually, many windows-based games can be run on a linux machine using virtual technology. Even without the use of software such as vmware it is possible to run a windows environment on a linux machine making it possible to run windows software as well as windows games, especially considering they are built on fat32 and ntfs filing systems.Linux games can't be run on a windows system however without the use of full operating system virtual machine technology, so linux games are indeed unique to linux however windows games are not.Emulation negates the ability to create a sub-forum based on the machine the games run on, as this again would create even more sub-forums divided by game genre and also looking at it from a technical point of view (this is getting in to base semantics and in-depth logic) would eventually require every single game individually having their own forum.So to make a long speech short, I agree with yordan :) And just to add, alienware is "the gaming system" which I believe runs windows as a standard operating system. Hard pill to swallow, and does indeed make me feel ill, but it's a fact.Note I haven't commented on macs simply because they are a pile of...

  11. Can I just add, can people please stop messaging me asking me to build an rpg specifically for them. I have no interest in building a text based rpg for anyone unless they intend to pay for my services. I'm writing these tutorials for the benefit of others to learn and study as is opaques vision for the Xisto forums and ks forums, however if you don't want to learn these skills for yourself and you want me to do all the work for you then you can employ me as a freelance software/web developer and/or networking technician as is my main profession.I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I'm sure many of you understand where i'm coming from. You can't expect a person to do all the hard work for you and reap the benefits. Appreciate the help other people are offering you, appreciate the fact they are trying to teach you these skills for yourself. If you have no interest in learning, expect to pay or be forced to use mediocre free trial/stripped down scripts.

  12. Well I'm glad it worked out for you. I often find that my Windows pc's and laptops could use a reformat around once a year. That's probably why I prefer to work with linux lolAs more crap builds up in windows it just begins to drag on and on. I had a dell I acquired from somewhere, and it had been in use for 2 years. The fan inside didn't really make much of a noise to start with, but when I started to push the processor further than it had been used previously (installing several different types of servers and some 3d design and graphic software) after a while the noise of the fan began to get louder and louder. Eventually the sound was literally like a jet engine, it was immense. I thought it may have been a problem with the fans power supply, but no. The processor and hdd were overheating to a shocking degree (cpu was at around 73 degrees, hdd 81 degrees). Anyway after a quick restoration of the operating system from a ghost partition (after backing up all my documents and server config files of course) I've never had a problem with the fan since. It has always run as quiet as a mouse, even when the hdd or cpu is working overtime. Their tempratures remain a standard 30-50 degrees depending on the weather and it runs faster than ever.It just goes to show how much operating systems can directly affect the running of hardware beyond normal parameters.

  13. Actually the whole point of the tutorial is to look at the source code.Instead of running through every single line of code on these forums, I've commented each line of code in the php files instead. This way you can see the code in action and follow the comments to see how it was achieved.So yes, by all means read through the code. Learn as much as you can from it. As long as you go through it in stages like the tutorials are written then it should be easy enough for you to understand it all.

  14. Yours is one of a css problem, it's a simple matter of inserting your code in to either a .css file or writing in <style> tags in the head section of your html.


    html, body {background-image: url('relative/path/to/image.jpg');background-attachment: fixed;background-position: center top;background-repeat: no-repeat;}

    As for making your background image the correct size for your user, this a the scourge of the web development world as many people have many different screen resolutions so it is hard to cater for everyones needs. There are work around though.


    1. Create the image extra big (over 2000px x 2000px) and make sure it will display properly even on a smaller resolution.


    2. Set the page margin to 0px and create a div 100% wide and 100% high. Use css to set a background image of this div and set the width and height to 100% again. Put all your site content in the div.


    3. Use javascript to detect the users screen resolution and load the appropriately sized background image. This would require you to create a background image for all screen resolutions.


    Now personally I prefer to use clever tiling techniques for my background, sometimes the background will only be 2px in height and only scroll tile down etc. but from the description of what you want, option 3 is probably the best way to go.


    Also, DO NOT DOUBLE POST. I can see you made this topic twice and that is against the forum rules. You only need to ask a question once, it won't be long before you get a reply in this forum.

  15. Now first of all you will need to run through the advanced user account system by clicking here. We will be adding on to this system the next stage toward creating our very own MMORPG.


    You will need to download the next set of files from here. These files include the files from the previous tutorial so there is no need to append them to your current example.



    Part 1: Setup and configuration



    Once you have downloaded and extracted the archive in to your web directory run the Tables.sql text file in the root directory then delete it or move it out of the folder. Go in to the lib directory and open config.php for editing. Insert your database hostname, username, password and the database name.


    You will notice that there are now a few more configuration options in the config file. These are the following:


    $configsitecopyright - The name given credit in the pages copyright notice


    $configsitecss - The location of the sites main css file (stylesheet). The main style sheet is not included on the index.php pages but can easily be added through html.


    $configshowimage - The probability that a user will have to re-enter the image verification. If set to 100 then it will be every 1 in 100 pages visited (on average) that the user will be required to re-enter the verification image. This is to help prevent people from using automated software on their accounts.


    So you can now change the values of all the sites config through this file. In the next tutorial we will be making an admin panel where we can change these settings in a nice GUI instead of editing the file.



    Part 2: Welcome Home



    So now you have configured the site, you will need to register a new account. Once you are logged in you will now be taken to the new home.php file and will see a page similar to this:


    Posted Image


    Now the contents of this opening page are all written in to home.php in the root directory, except for the middle right grid cell containing user info, this is what we call a module however I'll get to that in a little bit. I'll give you a brief description of the new things we have added to our custom functions library, new fields inserted in to our database tables and our CSS references.


    In the top left grid cell we have our username (later on we will be making these clickable links to a persons profile and coloured as well), our health and energy bars and the amount of money we are currently carrying.


    The health and energy bars are generated using a new function in our functions.php library called statbar(). This function will return an image which has been sized accordingly depending on how much health or energy the user has left. Once a user has less than 25% of either of these then the statbar turns from green to red. Also, if you hover your mouse over the stat bar it will display exactly how much health/energy you have left out of the maximum amount and also display a percentage.


    In the top right grid is our games logo. Simple enough.


    Next up we have our menu in the middle left grid. You can easily change this through home.php and has been styled using the css.css file.


    On the bottom grid we have our copyright notice which contains whatever name we typed in to our config.php file and also displays the current year so there is no need to update it.


    Now our middle right grid is our module window. A module is an easily applied addon to our site. If you look in home.php in our root directory you will see there are several conditional statements there instead of the page you can see above. These perform certain tests to determine what module should be displayed in this grid.


    The conditional statements test to see if the user is in prison, if they are then it will return the prison page which will prevent them from doing anything in the game until they are released from prison. It is also the same if they are in hospital, it will only display the hospital until they are released. We aren't going to be writing the modules for the prison and hospital in this tutorial but it's a good idea to have them tested for now so we don't have to go back later. Another test we perform is to check the value of the $_GET['l'] variable. This is crucial as it defines the module we are going to load (assuming they are not in prison or hopsital). It then searches in the modules directory (in the root directory) for BOTH a folder with the same name as the GET variable, then inside that directory a php file again with the same name.


    So let's say someone clicks on a link to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    It will test to see if this file "modules/bank/bank.php" exists. If it does then it will display the contents of bank.php in the middle right grid. If your php file does not have the same name as the folder it is in eg. "modules/bank/bnk.php" then the conditional statement will return false. If the statement returns false then it will default to the home page (modules/home/home.php). This ensures that even if an invalid link has been clicked or even just if the GET variable hasn't been defined, something will always be displayed.



    Part 3: Writing Our First Module



    So now you have seen how the modules are displayed and set up then we can start creating our first one which will be the default home page. This is shown above and basically just echoes our values from the $_SESSION variable. Also if you look at the reference to "Status" this is where we display the users current condition. If they are in hospital or in prison then it will display In Prison etc. in a red font. If they are banned it will display "Banned" in a red font. If they haven't been active within the past X amount of minutes (defined in config.php) then display Offline, otherwise if they have been active in the past X minutes then display a green message saying Online. Simple.


    As we build on our site we will also be expanding the information we are displaying on this page, and will also be including the users current avatar (once we have created the uploader later on).


    You will notice more new fields have been added to our userlist table. Apart from our cash on hand and cash in bank values we won't really be using any other new ones in this tutorial, but they will come in to use later on.


    So running through the file modules/home/home.php you can see how easy it is to incorporate a module in to the game. Next we are going to create our second module which will be a bank. First of all we add a new row to the menu in the root home.php and add a hyperlink to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Next we make a new folder in the modules directory, call it bank, and put a new php file in there called bank.php.


    There you have it, you now have a new module called bank. Open the bank.php file for editing and you will find it is all fully commented so there is no need to run you through it. We can now deposit money from our hands in to our bank, and we can also withdraw money from our bank and put it in our pocket.


    Banks are a great place in MMORPG games because you can keep your money safe. Later on we will be creating a combat engine and a mugging module. These will both take a percentage of your cash on hand if the attacker/mugger are succesful against you.


    Posted Image






    So there we have it, we now have our basis for what is starting to become a good MMORPG game. As usual all the php files are fully commented and run you through each step of the code so you don't get lost in the code.


    Coming up in the next tutorial we will be making our admin panel so we can edit our games config file nice and easily, and we will also be creating an advanced user profile page so our users can write their own profile signature, edit their details and upload their own avatar. Also this will include the profile page that is displayed for other users.


    Comments and critiscism are more than welcome.


  16. Well in reality it would be impossible to even know if the hidden site exists or not, and what page the access point is hidden on. The only way to tell would be if you could access the php files directly on the server to view the code.Theoretically it would be possible to write a program to run through the possible permutations until it finds a string that displays a different html output, however that could take a lifetime as you would also have to find the page it works on and wouldn't know if it existed or not until they broke the string.

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