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Posts posted by 8ennett

  1. You should probably check your code for deprecated functions as well. A lot of functions were superseded by either improved versions or replaced completely in PHP 5 and will be removed in PHP 6. It's funny though because a lot of web hosts are still using PHP 4 and are refusing to upgrade to 5.

  2. I used vmware for a while on my vista laptop, 1gb of ram and dual core, it ran fine when I was running Ubuntu, slitaz and even a copy of the old windows95 for nostalgia purposes. However it did chew up my system a fair old bit so I uninstalled. Recently I re-installed the same package and it was highly unstable. There were problems with reading the virtual drives on the hard disk. It kept happening even if I changed the drives to IDE or pre-allocated the space. It was strange that it ran so perfectly the first time around and then second time it was made practically unusable. Anybody else had this problem with vista? The graphics started going funny as well, I thought it might have been because I was also running daemon tools lite, so I uninstalled vmware, uninstalled daemon tools, after the that i reinstalled vmware (the reboots by this point were really annoying me) and the same thing kept happening. Any thoughts on that?

  3. If you have a copy of Microsoft Excel (or similar spreadsheet application that can save the table as a CSV file) then you can import the table using phpMyAdmin and it will create the table for you. Simply create your table in excel, click 'Save As'. change the file type to CSV and save it somewhere you can remember. Then all you need to do is go to phpMyAdmin, click the 'Import' tab along the top, change the format to CSV then click browse to locate the table you've just saved. Hopefully it should then create the table for you automatically, and also if the table you created has data in the rows then each row will be created also. I prefer just to use SQL queries to create my tables personally, it's not hard to learn at all, but the above method is another way of doing it. There is also an app out there called PHP Maker, which kind of does the opposite to what you want. It takes all the data from a database (not necessarily MySQL but all SQL such as Oracle etc.) and constructs a website based on your parameters. This is useful for people who own a business and have a catalogue database and want to create a website quickly so people can browse their catalogue, or an admin wants to add more data to the database in a user-friendly fashion. Hope the above helps you!

  4. Right, haven't got time to finish debugging this query because it's late and need sleep, coding is not a good idea when tired lol Basically I want this query to pull a maximum of 10 records from the database where either the user column OR the other column equals the users id (stored in $_SESSION['dm']['id'] obviously) but it appears to pull 10 records where the user column contains the data and then a seperate 10 from the other column as well. It's part of a pagination system I've built in to financial transaction sheet for my game. Here's the full set: if (!isset($_GET['page']) || ($_GET['page'] == 1) || ($_GET['page'] < 1)){ $_GET['page'] = 1; $amounta = 0; $amountb = 10; } else { $page = CleanUp(round($_GET['page']), true); if ($page > 1){ $amounta = (10 * $page) - 9; $amountb = (10 * $page); } } $tranhistory = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM banklog WHERE user='".$_SESSION['dm']['id']."' OR other='".$_SESSION['dm']['id']."' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ".$amounta.", ".$amountb); I can probably figure this out when I wake up in the morning, but you know what it's like, it's better if someone has given you the answer straight off to save you time! ;) Definately sure it's the query that's the problem though.

  5. WampServer (or XAMPP) is what you will want for this. Read more on the [a="http://forums.xisto.com/topic/90152-topic/?findpost=1064347555;]Important: Basics Of Using PHP And MySQL[/a]

    Urgh no, Xampp is horrible. It's really just a tool for people who are complete novices at setting up server technology and have no wish to learn further about REAL server configuration. I know many people who use Xampp and are all just web development pretenders. If you want to do it right then you set it all up on a Linux machine and configure the entire lot yourself, not some pre-compiled garbage package!

    Well, that's my thoughts on Xampp anyway, any takers?

  6. The reason I started learning php and mysql was to also create my own text game, but I have to warn you it took a good few weeks of study before I was able to take on such a large project. The best starting point is an online tutorial called PHP 101 (https://devzone.zend.com/6/php-101-php-for-the-absolute-beginner/) It's probably the best tutorial I've ever come across. Also before rushing off and getting a web hosting account it would probably be best just to setup Apache, PHP and MySQL on your own computer first, makes it easier to test your scripts. I'm in the middle of making my own text-based MMORPG at the minute, but believe me, it's a MASSIVE project. I really should get some help in but I'm stubborn like that lol Good luck!

  7. So it's time to choose which of the following anti-virus software you prefer to use. Kaspersky Zone Alarm Norton Mcafee AVG Nod32 If you prefer to use a different anti-virus then post it here and let us know. I personally prefer to use AVG, it's free, easily used and extremely safe. When ever I buy a new pc or laptop it always comes with either Norton or McAfee on it, and I find both of these slow the computer down by an incredible amount. Also they seem to integrate in to every single part of your computer. I've used AVG for years now, and as long as I'm not stupid and install some rubbish on my computer then I have remained virus and adware free now ever since. So what's your choice and why?

  8. 8ennett I think you've hit the nail on the head there. It's all about a personal religious philosophy that should be tailored to each individuals beliefs and cultural expectations. And semontana you are very right about the overlap of the three major Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) and it is the common ground between them - the good messages of peace and harmony - that I really connect with. What I can not connect with is the seeming rhetoric employed about how we should live our lives, it comes back to my previous point about individualism. On the other hand semontana there was once a time when everyone in the world thought the world was the centre of the universe, that it was flat, that there was nothing smaller than an atom....etc my point being popular opinion is just that - opinion. Even science only ever claims to be our best understanding thus far, and so saying that 5billion believe something doesn't add any weight of truth, only social acceptability.

    Just to add, there may be 5 billion followers of religion out there, but that does not mean that all 5 billion follow the same religion. Many diverse paths are followed and thus cannot truly be categorised under the same mathematical calculation. Also, a large portion of those follow either cults or silly religions based on fiction such as the order of the jedi etc. Religious followers can't really be segmented up and used as a statistic to prove or disprove their religion. Demographics are not the way to deal with this. Study and time, the best way to make any kind of decision.

  9. I thought that was what you were saying, but then after your response to the other posts I thought I had it wrong originally.


    Pulling that data from the database is very inefficient indeed. It will increase your database traffic unnecesserily. What is a better method is either store the html you want pulled in seperate files or all in one php page. Here's an example of what I mean:


    if (!isset($_GET['id'])){ ?>   <div>This is the html that is displayed if the GET variable 'id' is not set (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;   <?php } if ($_GET['id'] == 1){  ?>    <div>This is the html that is displayed if the GET variable 'id' is set to 1 (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/?id=1; <?php } ?>

    Or if you want it to pull a seperate page from a different folder that contains the html you want to display then instead of closing the php tag, displaying the html and then re-opening the php tag you could just replace it with the include(); function. So if the file you want to include is in a folder called includes here is what you would do:


    if (!isset($_GET['id'])){   include('includes/noid.php');   } if ($_GET['id'] == 1){   include('includes/1.php');   }

    Databases aren't designed to store whole sites in them, just the data that is used on the site. Some websites do store most of their site in the database and as a result end up paying a large fee for bandwidth and traffic usage. Also it causes the server to slow down considerably if everyone is continuously pulling your site from the database. PHP and MySQL use two seperate servers don't forget, and Apache itself is yet another server.

  10. The method I use is both secure and very simple to use. I always create a page called functions.php and include it on every single page of my website. This contains all my custom functions which makes writing a site faster and more simple. Here is the function I use to clean up my $_POST and $_GET data, there is a second option which is true or false and this depends if you want to insert the data in to a mysql database, true if so or false if not.

    function CleanUp($data, $sql) {	  $data = trim(htmlentities(strip_tags($data)));	  if ($sql == true){   	$data = mysql_real_escape_string($data);	  }	  return $data;	   }
    If you are inserting data from a clients input to a mysql database then you should ALWAYS use mysql_real_escape_string(). It will prevent anyone from performing something called injection which could compromise or even destroy your database. Here's an example of how to use the above. If the data is going to be inserted in to a database:

    $id = CleanUp($_GET['id'], true);

    Hope that helps. Also remember to use html_entities when pulling the data back out of the database. This will remove the backslashes the real escape string function adds.

  11. Personally I think it comes down to how you feel about yourself. Religion is more than just believing in a higher plain of existence, it is so much more. It is a comfort to you and is something that gives you a purpose. I am myself an atheist, I do not believe in a higher existence, however there are many aspects of the buddhist that appeal to me, and so I embrace many of their practices in to my own life to give me comfort and peace of mind. You really need to think about life and how you perceive it, only then can you start looking in to a religion that is suited to you (if any). Joining a religion for the sake of learning is not recommended, you can study the religions without converting. What I suggest you do is create an area of peace somewhere where you feel safe, maybe dim the lights and light a few candles and maybe some scents. Just sit in a position that is comfortable to you but not where you are slouching, close your eyes and mull everything over. It can take an hour, it can take days or weeks, but eventually with time and study of both religion and yourself you will eventually find the answers you are looking for. Remember, it's not about everyone else, it's all about you!

  12. Hey guys I recently started a website for my dads company its at https://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=simplystainedglass&e=com
    I made it in Frontpage because that's the only program I'm sufficiently capable of using but would appreciate any hints or tips including superior programs to use, (and some where I can learn to use the program?? some kind of tutorials etc would be amazing) As well as more general feedback on the layout, design, site map etc. Like I say any help would be greatly appreciated and I look forward to your response.

    Thanks, Dan

    You should probably start using dreamweaver. It's an incredible piece of software, you can switch between code view and a format similar to frontpage with visual display. The code highlighting is excellent, and support many different formats including CSS, HTML, Javascript and PHP. Once you've got the basic of dreamweaver down then you shuold also start learning PHP for some advanced server-side options. You can create all kinds such as contact forms, payment systems, forums. There are thousands of tutorials online for php, google 'php 101' for the one i first used, it's really good. Good luck and welcome to the world of web development!

  13. Basically my site utilises the GD2 php library (not to be confused with the GD library) but the extension hasn't been installed on my basic hosting account. How would I install this extension and is it possible through cPanel or am I going to need to purchase shell access? I've scoured the web looking for the answer but nothing is helpful at all, and everyone who responds to the question always talks about the GD library and not the GD2 library, which is already installed. Also I've had to post in this section because my [HOSTED] status doesn't seem to have come through yet.

  14. Ok, the problem has now been solved. It turns out the account status was set to fraud because when I signed up for the package I had entered the email address for the game instead of the email address I used to sign up to the forums and billing and support. This automatically set my account to fraud. It's all sorted now and my web hosting account is now active. Thanks for the help guys. I don't seem to have an edit button on the post anywhere, could a mod please change the title to solved?

  15. Who cares for murdoc's content if he signs deal like that ? he's making it hard for users to get it searched online. if the content is not searchable by multuiple search engines then it's not worth it anyway. many countries have google blocked so only way they can get some search is from yahoo or some local search engines. making content only searchable via bing makes it hard for many people. so it is like they are already sandboxed inside bing and any attempt of stopping others from content is like limiting traffic.

    Well if the deal should actually go through then it could turn out that all content on the internet has some form of monetary value. Microsoft don't seem to realise the implications of their actions. If Rupert accepts their offer, soon all the major websites can start demanding money from search providers for including their websites on their web searches.

  16. i can not open fifa 2005 game when i open it and start to play the match it automatic take me out and give me box with 2 choices the 1-close the programe // 2-check online for a solution and close the programe and when i press the second it close the games i need help i wanna plaaaaay it ;) coz my teacher beat any one who play with him and i wana training to beat him please answer me quickly my name is adham ahmed am from egypt
    and my mail is XXX@yahoo.com

    Right, assuming you have acquired this game through non-legitimate means, you probably have a rip and rub copy. This is one that someone has ripped off a CD, trimmed all the non-essential stuff out and given it the ability to run without the cd. Now, I'm not condoning illegal downloading by any means, and I would strongly recommend you buy a real copy of the game, however if you won't then get yourself a torrent client and find an ISO copy of the game and run a virus scan on it once it's downloaded. This is just so you don't put any rubbish on your computer.

    That was only assuming you are trying with a rip and rub copy. If you have the real copy of the game then perhaps your PC just isn't powerful enough to run the game.

    Failing that then I would suggest you play a game that your teacher isn't good at and beat him at that instead!

  17. you probably gave a strange answer to one of the questions (strange domain name for instance). Please keep us informed how the thing goes.

    Well I was wanting purchase a .com as well, drug-mann.com and added to the end I was only purchasing the basic package while I was still building my mmorpg which is about halfway to being finished, then once it was ready i would upgrade the package as needed. Still no response to the support ticket but it is the weekend after all lol

  18. Right, i understand exactly what you're saying now, however the advertising banners etc. I've used in the past from companys has never once been in an iframe. It's usually javascript which calls either an embed object or something similar from the advertising server. My sites always use break-out-of-frames scripts which prevents any frames, including iframes from being used on the page anywhere. This is quite a common practice and advertisers are fully aware of this which is why they tend to use flash, javascript or some such technique. The way it works, the javascript calls for a specific response and the ad server returns what ever, the last site i used you could specify what genre of adverts were displayed and so on.

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