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Everything posted by msdeeva

  1. That's logical. I know for me when I got married it was the next step in our relationship. When you get close to someone to the point that you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with them, it's like you become one. That person is like a blood relative, at least it feels that way if you take your time in a relationship. When people get engaged after only a couple of months, I think that's when you run into problems in the relationship. When the courtship is rushed, and people rush into engagement, people often realize that they aren't compatible after they get married.
  2. msdeeva

    Hi Everyone

    I took a break for about two years because I went back to RN school. Now I find out that html is no longer an acceptable format. Now it's all about XHTML, php, cgi, and of course javascript. My head hurts. I don't have time. I just want someone to come up with a one-stop-shop program so I can upload my pages already and be done with it hee hee. The thing is, I also have the nerve to be picky about my content. C'est la vie. I'll eventually get to where I want to be. I just wish there was more time in the day.
  3. I've been on the computer for almost 12 hours straight trying to figure out how to enable my website to be ecommerce ready. I'm selling single items, so when one is sold that item is sold out. None of the items I've downloaded can dynamically change my site, which means I would have to manually change it and make the items unavailable. Meanwhile, I don't want a bunch of people buying the same item when it's no longer available, which I would then have to refund their money, and upset potential return customers.I need some solution that will automatically remove an item from inventory when it is no longer available. Can anyone point me in the right direction. I'm about to pull my hair out Thanks in advance.
  4. I downloaded that, but it seems like you have to have a linux web server. Will it work on any web server? I've been on the computer for almost 12 hours straight trying to figure out how to enable my website to be ecommerce ready. I have a bit of a dilemma. I am selling single items, so if one is sold, then that item is sold out. I need something that will automatically remove that item from inventory, and I haven't found anything that does that. I'm at a road block, someone please help Anyway, if oscommerce does does automatic inventory removal that would help alot, but I would need to know whether it can run from any server. Thanx
  5. Are you asking because you want a gmail account? If you want an account I can search my favorites and find the website that allows you to virtually swap invitations with people who want to pass them on to others who don't have them. That's how I got my account. Let me know. You can PM me or post a reply.
  6. Hi Guys,I'm new here, just wanted to introduce myself. I've been dabbling in web design for a couple of years off and on and I am somewhat satisfied with my website. But of course everytime I feel comfortable with it, some new scripting language comes out and I just don't have the time to learn them all. Anyway, hopefully you all will be able to help with questions that come up. Actually, I have a question that's off topic:Does "No post count" mean, no credit for posting?Thanks
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