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Everything posted by msdeeva

  1. So are you saying that said Behemoths existed along side humans? Could it be possible that these behemoths are something different. In addition, where does the Bible talk about galaxies, planets, etc. Point me toward those scriptures. I suspect that they aren't there, but I could be wrong. If they aren't there, I am not suprised. On the Catholic references: I'm not Catholic, so you don't have to convince me of anything. I was just simply pointing out the fact that they created the King James Bible and use it. So obviously they're seeing something you don't and vice versa. I don't get the praying to the saints thing myself. So you don't have to convince me.
  2. You know what, I figure since you don't want to expound on the "latex" issue, why should be continue to disagree about whether or not we are allowed to judge those outside of the Church even though it's stated in Corinthians I 5:12? On the topic of misinterpretation: I would like to know why you don't think Catholics didn't misinterpret the Bible during the Inquisition. I would also like to know, what makes you the end-all-to-be-all interpreter. How do you know that you haven't misinterpreted scriptures as well? After all, we are all only human, and the Bible states that although the main message will remain intact, the Book itself will be revised/changed/interpreted by man, and there will be error. You can think that Christ had olive skin all you want, if it helps you. I'm not going to argue on this. You can search the scriptures if you want, because I'm not wasting my time explaining how. Just as an FYI, though, the first Jews were Black. That should give you a start. Heck, the first people on earth were African. And if you argue this, I will point you toward a African history class taught by a white man at UCLA, and/or the Discovery channel to get you started on that.
  3. I just saw your little comment on how I'm supposedly against the Bible.You are so funny and self-righteous aren't you. Show me something in the Bible that says you cannot divorce if your husband beats you and threatens your life.Better yet show me a verse that talks about the dinosaurs that lived thousands of years before man.FYI: Just becuase it wasn't mentioned in the Bible doesn't mean it didn't/doesn't exist.In addition, did you know that the Catholic Church and King James went through scribes and scriptures (that came from Eygpt no less,) and hand picked what they thought was best to be put in the Bible?Anyway, I don't know who you think you are to tell me that I'm not a Christian, and I don't follow God's path. Only God knows what is in my heart. You are only a man, and you need to remember that.
  4. See, you can tell that to someone who's racist and a supposed Christian until you're blue in the face, but since the Bible is subject to interpretation by so many people, what you see is not necessarily what they see. People will continue to believe what they believe to be true Christianity, and you aren't going to be able to convince them differenlty, and vice versa. When you speak of the murders of Black people under the guise of Christianity, I don't care how you spin it, you can't tell tje persecutors that they're not true Christians. They don't believe that, because what they found in the Bible tells them differently. Do you catch my drift. The same can be said about the Catholics and the Inquisition and the Crusades. You say those were true Catholics, but isn't it possible, that some individuals somehow misinterpreted the Bible to justify what they wanted? As far as the first Christians, we don't need to get into that, because I don't think you would like what I have to say. I will tell you one thing, whether you are informed of it or not -- Jesus was Black. So, it is no suprise to me that the Bible would not condone any murdering of Black people. I was just pointing out that many so-called Christians draw different conclusions and interpret the Bible differently. On the judgement issue: I think I've said all I'm going to say. I do not judge those outside the Christian Church, okay. It's that simple.
  5. Joshua, Just in case you didn't understand the Bible reference above: When I read that scripture, I interepret it to mean - I, being Christian, am not to judge those outside of the Christian Church, whether they are part of another religion, or they are morally bankrupt and not part of the Christian Church. If you see something else within that scripture, let me know. In my previous arguments the above is exactly what I was trying to say. Anyway, you still haven't provided me with any "proof" alluding to the supposed fact that pathogens can impregnate, or can go through, intact latex condoms/gloves. Being that I'm in the scientific field, I'm truly intrigued and would like to know why researchers and medical staff alike have been able to go this long without contracting disease through intact gloves. Thanks.
  6. You're hilarious. Did you read the same Corinthians I 5:12. In my version it states this: " That and the aformentioned is what I'm was talking about. Those outside the church, whether immorally, or those following a different religion, are not to be judged, by any man, but by God himself as stated in Corinthians I, Chapter 5, verse 12. ON the same token, that verse states that we are not to deal among those who are wicked. Which is understandable. As far as King Henry VIII: yes he did know that he and his country would be excommunicated from the Catholic Church if he divorced his wife. Remember that since Catholics and Christians follow the same Bible, divorce is supposed to be illegal under God. He didn't care, he wanted what his "heart" wanted. As far as Catholics killing more than Christians. Are you kidding me? How many Africans/African Americans were killed in the name of Christianity (um, did you forget the trans-Atlantic slave trade, The U.S. involvement in slavery?). You really need to review some history before you get into a historical debate with me. Try in upwards of 4 billion people, murdered, tortured and enslaved in the name of Christianity. Christianity was used to explain why slavery was just. Slaves were taught the Christian faith, and that a life of slavery was what God wanted. Black people were supposedly cursed according to the Bible, which justified their enslavement -- according to Christians of the day. So called reasons to justify slavery were found in the Bible and were propagated and these ideals are still being propagated today. So don't tell me that Catholics have killed more then Christians. It's funny because you still haven't told me anything remotely disproving what has already be shown to be historical facts. If you have anything else to say, please do some research first.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. Man, I hate M$. If I wasn't so lazy, and had more time, I'd learn how to used Linux.
  8. Ok, I found something that alludes to the fact that the President is going to use a study conducted by the government that shows that there is no conclusive evidence that latex condoms protect against STDs. Well, duh, if not used properly, condoms will probabl,y most likely, not work. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ What I haven't found was what you tried to say earlier: Pathogens (microorganisms) can pass through an intact latex condom/glove. Please, I am begging you, show me a study that states that. I would love to see it
  9. I also wanted to add that I tend not to trust medical information from a publicly traded newspaper. Most of my medical information comes from medical and nursing journals. You cannot rely on one study for accurate medical information, because there are a lot of variables involved. If you have taken a statistics course you'll know what I mean. As far as the article, I would still like a link. In the meantime, I will be scouring the web for said information. Thanks.
  10. First of all, you are putting words in my mouth. Never did I say, God should have added another deal breaker. I said, I wouldn't stay married if my husband put my life in danger. Sorry if that goes against "your" religion. You, as an individual, are free to interpret the Bible how you want. I know in my heart that God wouldn't want me to let my husband beat on me or threaten my life (i.e. Marcus Wesson who killed his nine children in Fresno, California). If you think otherwise, then that's your opinion, and you will be judged when the day comes. As far as judgement goes, I read in Corinthians, that we are not to judge people by their actions. If they are not leading a righteous path, we are to disassociate ourselves from them. I found this after have a so called "theological" debate with an individual who had a Masters in Theology, who could not show me any passage in the Bible that said we are allowed to judge others. After he was trying to draw his own conclusions from various "metaphors" he chose from the Bible, I was led to a passage that clearly stated that we are not to judge (which just so happened to be in the same area as a passage he was showing me). If I find the scripture, I will definitely post it so that you can read it for yourself. As far as the Catholic reference, I was only pointing to the fact that strong feelings can exist for someone even if you're not sleeping with them. King Henry VIII had such strong feelings for someone he had never slept with, that he had his whole country excommunicated for the Catholic Church. You really need to read my post thoroughly before you post that you do not understand. So your reference to Christianity vs Catholisism is really off topic with the conversation at hand. But even if I was to address this newly proposed topic, I'm really shocked that you can't draw a simple parallel between Christianity and Catholisism. They are historically tied to each other. You need to do a little research. For goodness sake, we use the same Bible. Or you didn't know that either?
  11. The reason why condoms don't stop HPV, is because The HPV virus creates warts, therefore if you have HPV on let's say your scrotum, you can definitely pass it on from skin to skin contact. Only the penis is protected, the scrotum however is not. When in the hospital, though, I would definitely use latex gloves when dealing with any patient that had HPV, and that would protect my skin from contracting it. Do you understand the correlation? Skin-to-Skin contact versus blood-born/bodily fluid pathogens. They are two different modes of infection. So you are definitely correct, you can still easily contract HPV if you use a condom, only because the mode of infection is through skin-to-skin contact as well as blood born. If you have any more questions or are confused about something, don't hesitate to drop me a line. I would be more than happy to explain it to you. As for the article that you saw, please post the article when you find it, including the source. Thanks.
  12. Well do your thing. I always found that it's so much easier to play hard to get when you really don't care about the person. But it turns out that you have to do it sometimes when you do really care , because otherwise they'll take you for granted and walk all over you because you let them. It works both ways. As far as she is concerned, you can see her almost as much as you want, just so long as she knows that she's not the only one. If she knows that she doesn't have you exclusively, the hard to get thing will still work. Also, if she says something like, "how come we don't hang out?" or something lame like that, just say you've been busy, and act nonchalant. Soon she'll be practically throwing herself at the "New and improved" you. Just act confident and act like your sh!t don't stink. For some reason this stuff works. It worked on me, and it worked on the guys I tried that stuff with before I got married. Make sure you post updates
  13. Breakups are only hard when you really love someone, and I'm not talking about puppy love. You you like someone, it's not difficult at all. Before I met my husband, breaking up with someone, or even excommunicating someone from my life was extremely easy. You can call me a b-tch, but it was very easy. I may have felt sorry for the person for a couple of days, but then I went on carefree.After I broke up with my now husband when we were dating, I was very depressed. I was so in love, and had a huge void to fill. I had no idea what to do with myself. Needless to say we're married now, and we never take each other for granted now. I know now, that the only time you really care is when you're in love.
  14. Well like I said before, if you choose to go that route with your ex-girlfriend, don't let her know that you're eager to get back with her. Act like it's no big deal. Once she sees that you're not falling all over her, she'll be attracted to you more. Think about it. How do you feel about her when she's playing all these mind games and sending pictures of her boobs, all the while telling you she's interested in some other guy. You are goo goo ga ga over her. So it's now time to flip the script. Don't let her know your interested. If you go out, don't call her right away, wait for her to call you. Act like your a major stud and keep on steppin. Date other girls and don't hide the fact that other girls are interested in you. That will send her over the edge of trying to hook you and reel you in. I don't know why any of the stuff above works, but it does. In a way were like animals and very territorial. We compete for mates like animals, and don't like to share. I think this is innate in all of us. Once you start acting uninterested, you just become more interesting to the other party. I guarantee it will either work, or during the process, you'll finally see her for what she is and get over her. Hope whatever your choice is works out for you. As far as your other girlfriend -- I know it's not my business, but I feel that she has the right to know that you're not that interested in her so she knows where she stands. Cause it's kind of like you're playing the same games with her that your ex-girlfriend is playing with you. So just remember: "What goes around, comes around. Times 3." Good luck
  15. The question is: Does she know you have a new girlfriend?If she does, she could just have a little bit of the "That-will-always-be-my-man" syndrome. I don't know if it's because we are all just animals with an innate sense of possessiveness or what. But most people don't want to see their former significant other move on with another girl/guy. It's wierd. It's like we're attracted more to someone that's playing hard to get (at least it's like that for women). Although I find that a man reacts similarly. As far as dumping your new girlfriend for her: I wouldn't necessarily recommend it. Your old girlfriend is probably playing mind games with you. But when you really think about it, that time before you become really serious about a person, is just a big game. So it really depends on what you want. If you want your old girlfriend back, you cannot let her know that you are interested, or desperate, as she will just use you up and spit you back out. You will need to seem somewhat unattainable, until you can trust that she is eating out of your palm. Otherwise you'll just get hurt. If you feel that you don't want to waste your time with her, move on and be happy with your choice.Good luck
  16. Ok, I think you should stop relaying false information. If latex gloves can't keep STDs from going through them, I believe that doctors and nurses would stop working. I'm a new graduate RN, so I think I know a little bit about Universal Precautions and the use of latex gloves when dealing with bodily fluids. You can rest assured that if we healthcare workers were being easily exposed even after putting on latex gloves, or synthetic ones, we would probably stop working, and all patients in the hospitals would be at risk of contracting, HIV, HPV, or any other STIs, ok. If you want to start spreading rumors about that, maybe you should tell everyone the safest thing is to not end up in the hospital, because all the nurses/doctors/healthcare workers will have been exposed to STIs, and will expose you too. I think you should really start reading some medical/health journals before you decide to comment on stuff like this. Just a thought. (STIs: sexually transmitted infections - the new "correct" verbage)
  17. See, I think you are trying to get into a theological debate. I never said that those things are not the values that I hold true to myself. I, myself, am Christian, thereforer, much of what you are saying -- I agree with. But I'm also realistic, I know that there are other people that do not follow the Christian faith. All of what you are saying will be null and void, as far as they are concerned. And being that I am Christian, and therefore not allowed to judge others, I do not pass judgement on other people because they have pre-marital sex. That is their choice, and has no bearing on how I choose to live my life. As far as the jealousy thing: I do know for a fact that just because you aren't sleeping with someone, does not eliminate the jealousy factor. So does the bible say that you cannot kiss? I know if I wasn't married and I was in a committed relationship with someone, and all we did was kiss, I would feel betrayed if I saw him kissing someone else. That's just the way it is. You can still have very strong feelings for someone even if you're not sleeping with someone. For example, King Henry VIII, divorced his first wife, and got ex-communicated from the Catholic Church, just so that he could marry Anne Boelyn, who he never got to have sex with until their wedding night. And as far as divorce goes, much of those "rules" that you are speaking of are being taken out of context in today's world. So are you saying that just so long as a man doesn't fornicate, a couple has to stay married? So he can beat her then, is that what you're telling me? There are plenty of women that would beg to differ. Violence in marriage is definitely another deal breaker as far as I'm concerned. And if you want to tell me that I'm not Christian if I would leave my husband if he ever laid a hand on me, I'd ask you one simple question, "Who are you to judge me? God?" I think not. I refuse to let a violent marriage into my life, and would leave in a heart beat. No one should let another person endanger their life, even if they are married to him/her!
  18. Ok,does anyone know how to upload a SQL database (on your hard drive) to your website with phpadmin?I want to try some oscommerce mods, but they require that I upload databases. How do I do that?Thanks
  19. nevermind. I just figured it out in the cpanel. I feel really stupid now (hee hee)
  20. Ok, I feel like a bonehead, but for some reason I can't access my databases with what I thought was my password. How do I access/edit/upload new databases. Where am I supposed to go, and do I use the same password I use for ftp.Tried using the control panel, and MySQLadmin (which would not take my password)Please help.Thanks.
  21. I use a combination of two. SmartFTP is really good and free for individual use. I also use the FTP client inside PHP designer, which I just recently discovered. It's fast, and I like it. It's also free, for individual use or otherwise.
  22. Well, as far as I'm concerned "partner" is synonymous with "spouse" to some individuals. It is not my place for me to tell them any different. In addition, I don't believe it would be any less complicated if people just didn't have sex before marriage, because you can emotionally cheat on someone. The jealousy and possession factor will still remain. Someone will still get hurt. In the same token, not everyone will become androids and keep to this fantasy rule "No sex before marriage." You can bet that while someone is staying true to this rule, the other person can still very well cheat on them and have sex with someone else. Then where does that leave the other person? Will it still be any less complicated for them, because they never had sex? That would be a big "NO." So, with that said, people are going to be people, and will continue to act like they lost their mind. I just know that my husband better not ever cheat on me. We have an understanding. If you want to go be with someone else, it's time to split up, period. Just let the other person know it's over, before you go disrespect the relationship like that. That way, respect will still be kept for the other person.
  23. I use Windows now, but if I used linux, I'd go with KDE, cause they have alot of software that's integrated with it. It seems more user friendly. GNOME is clean, but KDE seems to have a lot of Window conversions. That's just my two cents.
  24. Does anybody in this thread use oscommerce? If so, can you tell me where to find really good modules, besides the oscommerce contributions page. More specifically, I'm looking for an shipping module for USPS optional insurance. Also any leads on where I can find free templates would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  25. Does anybody know where I can find an shipping or total order module for optional USPS insurance. I found one for UPS, but it only allows fixed increments, and the USPS fee schedule for insurance is really off ($1.30 for the first 50 dollars, $2.20 for the next 50, than it goes up a dollar for each 100 dollars after that). It doesn't quite fit with a scheme of picking an incremental amount for each 100 dollars, which is what is only allowed in the module that I found. Would really appreciate any help. Thanks
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