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Posts posted by msdeeva

  1. What is Oscommerce?


    Oscommerce, is an open source e-commerce program that you can install on your server. It's basically a store front and store management system. It's free, and really cool, once you figure out the basics. I don't know a lick of the programming language (php), but I'm learning as I go.

  2. I think the perfect man or woman, depends on the other person's personality traits. For myself, the perfect man is who I married -_-. He's warm, kind, hilarious, big, strong, intelligent, and has a certain vulnerability that is very attractive. It's wierd, because he's got a combination of the good guy/bad guy thing. You know the saying, nice guys always finish last. That's not always true. Well he's got that macho thing going, plus he a vulnerable side to him as well. I think all guys should be made that way (hee hee).

  3. I know of a great wysiwyg. Its called, DreamWeaver. I have the trial version and I am still getting used to it. It works great. The trouble I have with it is the fact that i know little PHP.


    I'll download that once I've got my site's skeleton down, and then I'll start with some "heavy duty" designing. hee hee. So how does it actually work? Is it drag and drop and it just configures the code for you like Frontpage, or do you actually have to write the code and it just shows you what it's going to look like?

  4. Look for PHP Designer by some guy named Michael. It's free and comes with evrything you need: sintax highlighter, tabbed editing, and suff. Try it!


    I think it is Michael Pam or Pham + software (that's his corp.)


    Thanks for the advice. I actually wasted like 5 hours, before I happened upon this solution by default when looking for a non-existant PHP WYSIWYG editor. I was at download.com when I came across this little app and it got great reviews, so I decided to give it a shot. And what do you know, it worked! Thanks for the advice though. Hey do you know where I can get some cool oscommerce images for free?



  5. Does anyone know where I can find some really good oscommerce replacement images? The ones that come with the program don't fit in with my store. I found a contribution that gets rid of them, but I am looking for some cool images to replace them with. I'm also looking for them in pink preferrably, but I can always change the color in photoshop.

    Also, for anyone who wants to know, I found a cool program that lets you generate oscommerce buttons to fit the color pallete of your store at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Well back to the grind. Hopefully my store will be up and running by the middle of next week. Wish me luck -_-

  6. I think I'm going to try mambo. I successfully installed oscommerce, and I'm in the midst of customizing it. I had some major issues yesterday, trying to edit text. For some reason it only worked when I used a php designing tool. When I used notepad, I would get a parse error. Anyway, when I finally got that to work, I wanted to change the colors, and found out like 4 hours later that I would need to change the stylesheet in ordert to do that. So with that done, I can now start working on the content. I also found a forum module for it, so I'm going to check that out. I found one website that used their oscommerce site as their main site/cms, then attached the forum. I have no idea how they were able to make that into their main site. Any ideas? I'm trying to keep it simple. Right now I have an html site in frames (because I'm lazy and I didn't want to design each page), but I kind of want something a little bit more grown up (php :lol: ). Anyways, any feedback as to how I can have a simple cms, with a store, forum, and blog would be greatly appreciated.Thanks -_-

  7. There are a bunch of editors out there, but a really good one is Microsoft Notepad. No kidding. It's simple, easy to use, and it should come with your computer. It's not wysiwyg, but it good. I don't think there are any WYSIWYG PHP editors out there because PHP is a scripting language and a server-side scripting language at that. That means that you have to upload your PHP scripts/code to the server and execute it there.


    I tried to use notepad to edit my index.php page for oscommerce, and it ruined the script. So can I edit it, and still have a working page.



  8. There are a bunch of editors out there, but a really good one is Microsoft Notepad. No kidding. It's simple, easy to use, and it should come with your computer. It's not wysiwyg, but it good. I don't think there are any WYSIWYG PHP editors out there because PHP is a scripting language and a server-side scripting language at that. That means that you have to upload your PHP scripts/code to the server and execute it there.


    I tried to use notepad to edit my index.php page for oscommerce, and it ruined the script. So can I edit it, and still have a working page.



  9. Ok, I installed the program, and now I see that I would undoubtedly like to find a different template, and replace the oscommerce logo at the top. Any suggestions where I can find free templates. Also, I don't know php, is there any simple way to edit the index.php file without ruining the syntax? I tried to edit it in notepad, and ruined it. I had to upload an archive copy of the file, so it would work right.Any suggestions would be really helpful.Thanks

  10. OOhhh yeah.  Thanks for the tip.  I'll do that right after I add my other nameserver.  I'm getting kind of antsy that my site is down right now.




    Ok, so I just nixed my other nameserver, and uploaded all my files, and it works like a dream -_-


    I'm so happy. Plus my site is flying at amazing speed. Wow. I'm in love.


    Thanks so much to you and Xisto. Now I'm going to try my amateur skills at some of the optional modules.


    Have you ever heard of Mambo Open Source. Is it a good content manager? Is it easy to use?

  11. Well I suppose there's no harm in adding two different hostings to one domain name. And if everything worked as accordingly, the nameserver will go down the list and connect to the hostings. But rest assure that Xisto hosting hardly ever goes down unless a full moon is up or someone decided to abuse the SQL connection... I'm kidding. You'll see that Xisto is up 99.98% of the time.


    Keep us updated -_-


    Edit: Oh in the mean time, if you upload all files you can view your webpage by typing on the address bar.


    OOhhh yeah. Thanks for the tip. I'll do that right after I add my other nameserver. I'm getting kind of antsy that my site is down right now.



  12. I'm thinking of using Mambo Open Source because I saw WYSIWYG was included to help design your site, but I'm not sure if I should go with it.What are you all using, and what do you find to be the most user friendly. I'm new to PHP (translation: I don't know what the hell I'm doing), so what would be the easiest for me to put up. I've already designed my site in Frontpage with frames, but I'm ready for a more grown up site.Let me know.Thanks -_-

  13. First of all, were you successfully accessed the cPanel?


    Second, does your cPanel say your domain is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/? If you purchased a domain name and you registered as your domain name during your activation, you must wait until it properly propagates through out internet servers until anything can be associated. Remember to change from your domain nameserver to ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com. Usually it takes anywhere from 12~36 hours.


    Oh, forgot to tell you that the cpanel worked. My domain shows up http://www.domain.com/ I guess, I have to wait as I first suspect. I changed my domain nameservers before I activated my hosting. I'll post again if it hasn't worked after two days.


    My domain registrar allows you to add more than two nameservers. This might be a dumb question, but can I add nameservers from two different hosts, or do I just have to live with my site being down for the next couple of days?


    BTW: thanks for all your support -_-

  14. Ok, now I'm having trouble with my outlook express configuration. Isn't it supposed to automatically configure it for me? If it's supposed to do that, it's just opening up an html of the reg configurations in firefox, and not doing anything to outlook. When I open up outlook it does have this wierd flash like it's trying to do something, but nothing changes. Then when I try to manually change it with the settings from the text file in firefox, it still doesn't work. Is this happening because I need to wait a few days for my domain to point to Xisto's servers? And if so, can I still use my previous hosts servers at the same time while I wait?

  15. According to your group status you are HOSTED, which means your account should have been set. Try this link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and enter your cPanel name (which you've entered when you went to process the activation) and the password you designated (again the password you entered when you started the process). Although you may not have received a confirmation, if you can access your cPanel you are all set.


    Here are some links you should know regarding your hosting with Xisto:

    cPanel: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or www.yourdomain.com/cpanel

    FTP: or ftp.your(sub)domain.com(net)

    FTP: username and password are the same cPanel username and password


    Ok, thanks. I just saw that you posted that after I posted my reply. Thanks so much. I'll save the settings. I don't know why it didn't take me to the final page.


    Thanks for your quick response. -_-

  16. Ok, so I saw on the instructions that it said I'd have to start all over and here's what it said:

    Processing.. Please wait!. Do not hit RELOAD or BACK..Username Validated.
    Connecting to Database...
    Database Connection Established.
    Validating username and password..
    Username Validated.
    Checking permissions..
    Sorry! You are cannot signup for a hosting Package!

    What do I do now?

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Always use QUOTE tags whenever you are copying and pasting from another source.

  17. on oscommerce: if you're asking if it would run on Xisto, yes it would. there's even an auto-installation option in cpanel when you get hosted here so you can just point and click, and can have your oscommerce site setup in minutes.


    here are some of oscommerce's features:



    check out the product functionality part, it says "Control if out of stock products can still be shown and are available for purchase". i'm not really sure how it works, but possibly that can handle your inventory requirement. if not, there could be plugins somewhere for oscommerce with the same functionality. you just need to dig it online. -_-


    my suggestion: try to reach minimum hosting credits for hosting, apply/request for hosting approval, get hosted at Xisto, and try out oscommerce in Xisto servers. :lol:


    Thank you so much for all your suggestions. My app was just approved, so I'll be trying the oscommerce application. So let me get this straight. According to your other post, all I have to do to install it is point and click in my control panel, once I have access?



  18. I love love love, firefox. I use it all the time, and can't imagine to going back to microsuck's internet explorer. Firefox blocks out most of the pop up's automatically, prevents websites from running harmful scripts, etc. It's a fast browser, and like others have said before, highly customizable. I love that it's free and comes with useful and free extensions. One of my favorities, is that I can delete any object on the page, so like if there is an annoying ad, I can just block it. I love firefox. Right now my theme is firecat in pale pink, cause I'm a girly girl -_-

  19. I am still rockin my nextel i95 with OEM Baby Phat cover. I still love my phone and I'm not willing to trade it in for a newer model yet. Plus, I'll be mad if I spend 100 plus on a new phone, only to have Nextel/Sprint (Sextel) to come out with all new phones making it mandatory for nextel cutomers to upgrade. I think I'll wait. plus my phone does everything I need it to do. I have text, it's web enabled, I can play games (although I don't really have time for all that), speaker phone, PTT, and what the phone was invented to do in the first place -- phone service -_- Can't complain.

  20. ha ha. I'm still rockin my baby phat modded i95. I'm not switching until Nextel and Sprint finally change their phones, cause I'm not willing to spend the money. I would however like to get a nextel blackberry with bluetooth, but needless to say, if they change the phones in the next couple of years, I will be heated if I bought one.Can you tell I'm cheap? -_-

  21. Try a free version of a program called Web CEO. It's an SEO program, META tag editor, and a bunch of other tools in one neat little program. It crawls your website to see if you have meta tags, what they are, what your keywords are. It can compare your site with other top listed sites in the major search engines. It allows you to see what their meta tags are and copy paste them to yours. It runs reports and gives you detailed advice/tips on how to optimize your site, instructs you on how to do so. It submits your website to all major search engines to be crawled. All that for free. There are only a couple of functions that are disabled, but most of them are working. I did mine in a matter of like an hour. everything was pretty much all automated, and it's kind of fun, just watching your website get submitted in like under a minute to like 30 search engines.

  22. I think online dating is hilarious. I don't know what it would take for me to resort to those measures. I think I would have to be a guy and totally desperate. I think it's much easier for a girl to find a date, or maybe I just have the confidence that others are lacking. I believe people get so wrapped up in the world wide web that they forget that there is an outside world. I know I spend a lot of time on the computer, myself. Ok, I'll admit it, I've spend 12 hours today on the net, but that's because I was researching tirelessly, and in vain for a free dynamic shopping cart solution. To no avail, I might add :lol: Anyways, back on topic. To each his/her own. If that's how someone decides to find a mate, then more power to them. At least they're not exhanging potentially hazardous bodily fluids when they're cybering (hee hee) -_-

  23. Cheating is wrong, point blank. Do unto others as you would like to be done unto you. If you want your girlfriend cheating on you with some other man and then coming home smiling in your face then maybe you should consider an open relationship. Just remember what goes around comes around. In this day in age, it's not only about preserving a healthy relationship between a man and a woman, it's about preserving your health - mentally, physically, and spiritually. I believe if you feel grown enough to go cheat, then I hope you're grown enough to suffer any negative consequences, not to exlude break-ups, emotional break downs, sexually transmitted diseases (don't act like the person you are cheating with is a saint, because chances are they are just as scandalous as you, even if they don't know you have a mate already - you just never know), and anything else that you probably haven't thought of. My friend once told me a story when she was working in the hospital of this guy who came in with his head cracked open. He was sleeping with this woman who he didn't know was cheating on her husband. The husband came home and found the two of them and took a bat to the other guys head. split his head wide open. He didn't make it.So with that said, I hope you think twice about playing games like that. Because in real life, it's not a game.

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