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Posts posted by msdeeva

  1. Not to be mean, but that is really pathetic. He needs to realize that the girl doesn't care. All she was thinking about was that guy she was kissing. I remember a time in my life when I went out partying and if I was interested in someone the way she was obviously interested, I wouldn't be paying any attention to another guy whatsoever. If she noticed your friend at all, the only thing he succeeded in doing was making himself look like a simp (aka loser). Sad indeed.

  2. As I have gotten older, my dreams have become more or less forgetable the second I wake up. So, to me, having a really good dream disrupted is even more traumatizing, because I only remember bits and pieces right after, and feel as though something is missing or not right for at least an hour. However, I do appreciate this when I wake up from a nightmare. I am all too happy when I can't remember a thing after waking up from a nightmare. ;) I have to say that this feeling of relief is different when I have a dream/nightmare (whatever you want to call it), about someone close to me in my life. When I'm mad at someone in my dream, I wake up mad at that person and I don't understand why until I remember I had a nightmare about them. It's definitely a strange feeling (almost as if you had a fight with that person in real life). Sometimes I feel as though dreams are overrated. They're not real, so what the heck are they even for? Even the good ones are a tease.

  3. Can someone explain how the process works: 1.) after signing up, are there codes to include on your website, 2.) how does it work (i.e., do visitors have to click an ad for you to make money?, 3.) when do you get paid (i.e., weekly, monthly, bimonthly, every three months, etc.), 4.) do you have to have a certain balance before you get a check?, 5.) Is it automated, or do you have to contact Google in order to get your check?Also, I would like to know the payout formula. How much money do you earn per visitor (or per clicked advertisement)? In addition to the amounts earned by any of you (and what type of websites you own - content rich or not).Thanks in advance! ;)

  4. 50 bucks for a square meter?!?! I am gonna put that crap up as wallpaper then and have ally my games and stuff up all over my walls!!


    i think it would be really cool tho if they started to put that stuff in magazines. For all you peoples who liek Harry POtter - it would be like the pictures of the poeple movin in the paper.


    I had heard about this a while ago and there is also something related to this (or maybe its teh same technology) but its call OLED ( Organic LED) and it uses organic compounds to make a screen thin enought that it could fit inside your windsheild on your car. So you could have a pimped out HUD (heads up display for the non-military =P) that would show maps and stuff right in your windsheild. And because it was made with organic stuff it was really cheap to make... mebbe this is the same thing haha. oh well


    Whatever it is I can wait until they have a screen small enuf that I can watch TV in Philosphy and have it look like i am still takin notes!


    I read something on the OLED technology too. I was wondering if it was ever going to come out. Anyways, this new paper thin technology reminds me of the movie "Minority Report," when people were reading their newspapers and actually saw motion picture inside the pages. This is craziness. I wonder how fast this world is going to advance in the coming years. First the internet, now what's next. ;)

  5. I remember reading an article stating that this technology would not be availabe until a few years from now. It stated that it would be used with computers and laptops screens. I was not exactly sure how it would look, but I'm sure this is what they were talking about. What I want to know is are they really going to sell the technology cheap, or are they going to charge a huge amount of money and try to bleed the market dry like mac is doing with the ipods.I have been waiting for a flat screen monitor, and now I wonder if I should wait for this technology to become available.

  6. I've been wanting to dabble in Linux for awhile, because I'm convinced there is something a whole lot more efficient and stable than Micro$oft's Windows. Time has just not permitted me to dedicate the amount of time it would take to learn a new operating system. I have since upgraded a few times from my crappy IBM Thinkpad 365XD, but I still own it nevertheless (I suppose due to sentimental value :lol). I'd like to put Linux on that, partly b/c I've heard others do it, and mostly because the memory is only upgradable to an embarassing 40 mb, and it couldn't handle the recent upgrades (or downgrades depending on how you look at it) to Windows. If anyone has any tips, or advice on how I can start this project (distros, instructions, etc), feel free to post.Thanks in advance. ;)

  7. I don't know a lot of people that mind *happy* marriages per se. I don't have a problem with it. I just have to wonder why it isn't legal, considering here in the U.S., a *happy* couple can put their life partner on their health insurance plan without being married. A heterosexual couple can't though, they have to be married. I think the laws should be equal for everybody, that way there's no fine line to cross. It's clear cut, and everyone knows where they stand. I guess that would be in a perfect world. Just have faith, all the old fogey conservatives will soon die off, and people's ideologies will change with time.

  8. I think if a person has the urge to cheat, they should let who ever they are with, go. It's really not fair for a person to think they can have their cake and eat it too. If you love someone, don't cheat, it is as simple as that.Now if you do cheat, I think honesty is the best policy. There should not be any secrets in relationship.

  9. The sun will expand, growing into a Red Giant and then it will slightly start to inch to the earth. Then eventually once the earth is totally destroyed by the suns solar rays, it will finally run out of hydrogen then explode :P


    That won't happen for like 5 billion years though. So none of us have anything to worry about right now, except like someone else mentioned - Global warming and our dwindling ozone layer.


    Does anyone have any cool pictures to share?

  10. My ex-boyfriend did the worst possible thikng ever. Not only did he cheat on me, but he cheated with my best friend (sounds totally jerry springer, doesnt it?) To this day, I still cant get over it. How could Alice (my ex-bestfriend) be so inconsiderate, knowing that he was my boyfriend, and as for Josh, that pig. The only reason he cheated on me was because I wouldn't do things with him if you know what I mean. My heart was broken beyond repair. Alice, my best friend since we were 8 is so cold and distant towards me now. This was quite recent, too, about 3 months ago. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep because I lost two people who i loved and cherished with all my heart. Everytime i see Alice, she never talks to me. Just typing this is making me cry and I will stop now so i don't electrocute meself.  ;)


    Hi Semeticsister:


    Just know that you are better off without them. You ex-bestfriend obviously didn't have your best interests in mind. She is selfish and doesn't care about you, and perhaps she never did. I think it's better to know now than later on in life. If I were you, I wouldn't want her to attempt to talk to me. So who cares if she's cold and distant. She obviously a stank ho with no feelings. She has no remorse, so you can move on knowing that there are other people out there who wouldn't treat you like that. As far as your ex-boyfriend, as the old saying goes, "There are plenty of fish in the sea." You'll find someone else who would never treat you like he did. You just have to know in your heart and mind that you are worthy of that kind of love. Make sure you pay attention to signs and clues that someone may be mistreating you, and have a no tolerance policy. If a guy doesn't treat you like a gentleman, treats his mom like crap, or says something insulting to you from the beginning, looks at other women, etc. - Those are signs.


    I definitely feel for you, and hope that your recognize that you deserve great things and accept nothing less than the best. A great place to start is by reading a book called "Time-Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right" by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider. The have great advice and teach you how to view yourself as a Creature unlike any other. It teaches you how to hold yourself on a pedestal and accept nothing less than the best from guys. I first read this when I was 17, and recommend it wholeheartedly. It's about 5-6 dollars and you can get it online at Amazon, or Barnes and Noble, or at your local bookstore.


    Hope that helps :)

  11. why would you promote a website that you had to annoy for 3 months just so they would live up to their end of the bargain?


    you did the right thing to hound them, but why promote them or do business with them again? i'm sure there are a lot easier ways to earn gifts and cash.


    i personally don't like the sites that offer gifts or cash because you need to sign up for offers or trials and most of them want you to start trial with your credit card. if you forget to cancel then you will be charged. or they require you to be on a mailing list and then just get spammed with offers you never wanted in the first place.


    it works for some people i guess because some money or gifts is better than nothing.


    if you want free gifts though, there are many compaines giving away free gifts just for requesting them. they make their money by putting you on a mailing list in hopes you will be from them in the future. look for THOSE offers. they are all over the place. i have recieved things for free with a worth around $20 while only paying a small shipping and handling. but i have an email dedicated to those free offers so i don't have to look at the mailing list they put me on.


    if you do your research, one can recieve at least a couple hundred dollars in free stuff per month(some offer free shipping) and if you want the cash, just put it up on ebay like you stated to make $50-$100 a month depending on shipping costs and price of biddings


    that takes a lot of time and effort though. my time is more valuable so i don't get the free stuff anymore. nor would i waste my time with ebay which is overpopulated and over rated. although you can make money in ebay, it's a very tricky business


    with ebay, i would say one is better off auctioning off things for very cheap to lead the viewers to your website. that way you can put THEM on a mailing list and resell them im the future. why pay for high listing prices if you can sell directly on your website also, ebay is double charging you through the final bidding cost+paypal payment....ebay i am sure will think of a way to triple charge their customers in the future.


    to each their own though. a lot of people are making money off ebay so i wont down 'm too much...there are easier ways tomake money though....


    Ok, you must not have read my entire post, because if you did you would not have claimed that I'm promoting anyone, especially someone I had to hound. I was simply stating that there are companies out there that provide free gifts, and other people have tried them and had good experiences. If you further read my post you will find a website that provides a list of companies that provide free gifts, and people's experiences with them. Some people had good experiences with some companies, some people had negative experiences with other companies. At any rate, all the information is there, and it's only a click away. People have done this before and have been the guinea pig, so you don't have to. A teenager, or college student, stay at home mom, or anyone for that matter, can go on that website, determine which company they want to go with, and voila! In a few weeks, they'll get a free gift/check worth anywhere from $50 to $1000 depending on which deal they do. That's not bad, if I do say so myself. Consider doing 2-4 of those a month. Consider the possibilities. If you're time is too valuable, what are you even doing on this site? :) In addition, if you get a gift and want to sell it, it really isn't hard to sell on eBay. The fact that it's overpopulated is a good thing. That means more people looking at what you have to sell. If someone needs instructions on how to set up yourself with eBay/sell something/snipe something (snipe: buy something at the last possible second), I'll share my knowledge with that as well.


    Like I said before, if anyone is thinking of doing one of these offers, I'll be more than happy to share my experiences. You can go on the website that I listed before and see others' experiences, as well as proof of some of the merchandise / checks they received.

  12. I forgot to add that, if a company sends you the gift instead of money (you usually have a choice), you can always sell it on ebay. Some people have received ipods, computers, laptops, pda's, and they've either kept them because they really wanted it, or they sold it on ebay. One person even got a 400 dollar dyson vacuum. They pay for shipping and everything. Like I said before, I've only done one of those offers, and I got a 500 dollar check. Not bad for only a couple hours of my time. B)

  13. Here's the website I was talking about:


    It looks like their forum got hacked though. I hope it gets back up and running -- it had a lot of valuable information. Anyways there is still a lot of good information in the other pages, including pictures/evidence that people got their rewards (i.e., checks, the merchandise, etc), participating companies, and FAQs. If anyone decides that this is something they want to try, feel free to post questions. I'll be more than happy to answer them. B)

  14. snlildude87, your site looks pretty cool. I'll browse it some more when I have more time. I also like your idea with that Google adsense stuff. I'll have to check it out. Thanx! B) Anyways, back to the topic: I did one of those "get this gift free" deals where you have to sign up with all these offers, and that's another way to make money. You have to be careful which companies you sign up with, and document/make copies of everything. I did mine with a company called Click 123, Inc. (or 123 Click, Inc - something like that), and they'll do pretty much everything to avoid paying you your money. After 3 months of hounding them for my free gift (total retail value $699), they exercised a clause they had in their Terms of Service and cut me a check for $500 (it said something to the effect of - you will be awarded the gift or a check for $500 -- it's up to them). Anyways, all in all, I can't complain. Some companies are a little better when it comes to customer service. There's a user forum that discusses a number of these companies claiming to give away free stuff, and whether or not they are legit / the experiences of some of the users. I'll see if I still have it bookmarked and post it soon. This is just another way to make money on the web. Just make sure you read and SAVE the terms of service before you sign up. Also, be sure to read other users' experiences and what they went through so you'll know exactly what to do.Hope this helps.

  15. Sometimes people get in relationships because they feel the need to be in one, like it's a habit or something. Sometimes it's comforting to a person to know they have a boyfriend or girlfriend. That doesn't mean that they're in love or compatible with that person. I think if you are getting signals that she likes you to, you both should sit down and talk about your feelings to one another. If she reveals that she has feelings for you, she is obligated to tell her current boyfriend before you guys actually get together. That way, everyone is being honest with one another and there's no cheating involved. Sure the current boyfriend will probably be hurt, but it is better for him to know the truth, than to stay in the dark.

  16. It really depends on a number of factors: (1) Is she married, (2) how long has she been in this relationship, (3) how old is she/how old are you, (4) are there any children involved, (5) how much do you really like/care for her, and (6) has she given you any signals to hint that she feels the same way? You really have to evaluate all of these before you can justify moving in on someone else's relationship. If a person isn't married, and they haven't been dating that long, if there aren't any kids involved, if you guys are both young, and she's been hinting that she likes you too, I say go for it. If she's not interested, then you two weren't meant to be at that time, and she really likes her current boyfriend. I say to get it all out on the table, so everyone knows where they stand. The worst thing you can do, is have all these pent up feelings and engage in "mild" flirtation, because all this will do is heighten sexual attractions, and you guys might act on that and everyone gets hurt in the long run because more time will have passed by. In this case, if you answered all those questions I posed before, just get it out there. Honesty is the best policy where your feelings are concerned. Hope what I have said makes some sense to you. Good luck! :lol:

  17. No one has a Tapwave Zodiac?

    Dang, well anyways, I found some resources for people who have them, but don't want to post:

    Tapland: http://www.tapland.com/ - they seem to keep a tab on things, and are constantly updating their site. It's a real active community, and they even found a company that is willing to refurbish, and fix your zodiac should anything go wrong with it.

    A tapwave user group:

    As a side note, I'm still really happy with my zodiac, even though the company went out of business. It's a really solid piece of equipment that I use more for the palm capabilities, although I recognize that it's a kick a$$ gaming console as well. To me, it's better than the PSP, simply b/c it has the palm operating system, and it's smaller and sleeker. Anyways, if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. I'll answer with the best of my abilities.

  18. Honesty is the best policy. Yeah, it can be a mess to deal with afterward, but if the other person finds out that you've been lying all this time, trust goes out the window and you're screwed anyway (no pun intended). I believe when your honest, no matter how brutal the truth is, at least the person can trust you to tell them the truth and be straight with them. Otherwise, not only will you have cheated, you're a liar too. That's like having a knife in the gut twice.

  19. I use stat counter, because you have the choice to have it visible or invisible, they give you statistics to all the webpages you put the script on, they tell you what website they came from if they used a link, what browser software they're using, their operating system, their ISP, and where they are in the world. If there's any other stat counter that tells you more, someone please let me know. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, that all the above is free. What more could you want :P

  20. You probably already resolved this issue, since it's been over a month, but here goes anyway. Yeah, I got back with my boyfriend (who is now my husband) after a break up. We came together after finally admitting to each other our fears, etc. etc. I already knew why things happened leading up to the break up and it just took him longer. The funny thing is, that the break was his decision, and it broke my heart. After I got over the whole "calling him everyday" phase, I just decided one day that enough was enough, and I stopped calling. Two weeks passed and I was planning on moving and leaving no forwarding address/contact info (the sweetest revenge a girl can get on a guy ^_^), when he called on my birthday. After that we took things really slow, and now we've been together for going on 6 years. Moral of the story: not every guy is an a$$hole, even if he exhibited a$$hole behavior before. Just tread cautiously and use your instincts.

  21. i cheat because i have feeling that maybe i am missing a god girl, because of my girl firend. she can cheat on me every second! and what then. i missed a god chance and get dumped.

    Cheat if you can!


    What's the point in having a girlfriend if you're going to cheat. Why not just be single, and date different girls, until you're ready to settle down and with your "perfect" woman. In my humble opinion, I think it's really unnecessary to cheat. If you don't want to be in a relationship with someone, just let them know, so they can move on. In addition, I hope you're not talking about sexual cheating. Because if you are, and you're in a relationship where she has the "choice" of cheating, how do you know that you're not going to catch anything? That's really gross.

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