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I can see I would be wasting everyone's time here if I said anything else.And you would think I am trying to enforce my beliefs on you.And I admit that I am not qualified to argue with you folks. So, you know what, I won't argue.P.S. Bikerman, I really appreciate the fact that you can differentiate between real Islam and the one people call Islam these days. I wish more people could identify those.
I will turn away from My communications those who are unjustly proud in the earth; and if they see every sign they will not believe in It; and if they see the way of rectitude they do not take It for a way, and if they see the way of error. they take it for a way; this is because they rejected Our communications and were heedless of them.(Al-A'raaf: 146) Shall give a fuller answer as well on Thursday.
Dude, a computer can identify its favourite 'virtual' ant with sufficient processing power. In fact, I think my computer would be able to do that easily if there was such a simulator. Sure, humans can't do it, but then again we aren't even as powerful as a computer in such matters, let alone Allah. And He did so. Many communities were destroyed and new societies flourished on their graves. It wasn't the only time He broke nature's law. Miracles happened quite a lot of times. I am not sure to what you are referring to. Could you please quote the instance when that happened? Here is one (extract from http://www.islam101.com/tauheed/provingGodExists.htm): P.S. "It is said energy cannot be created, nor destroyed. Yet energy exists. This sounds like God to me!" seems pretty logical too. P.P.S. Do visit this site: http://allahexists.com/ Lots of scientific, logical proves are mentioned there.
I would like to answer that! Reasons of suffering:1. As a test (yours and others): Allah wants to see what you will do when you are in pain, whether you are going to whine and complain or ask for His Mercy and Protection. And when He gives you a good thing after a bad thing, whether you thank Him or forget Him till the next time you feel His need. Also, when your neighbour is low on daily provisions, will you help him out or be selfish and keep everything for yourself? 2. As a punishment: When a person does an evil deed, he will be punished by Allah. Sometimes, they are punished in this world, sometimes in the Hereafter. Other things: You might be thinking now that if Allah wants to 'see' what people do under these conditions then He doesn't know already. However, that is not the case. In fact, if Allah wanted, He could have rewarded people of their deeds right after creating them. However, then those who had gone to Hell would have said that they weren't given the opportunity. That is why this world is the opportunity by Allah to do good and shun evil, so that you may be rewarded justly in the Hereafter. You would note that many of the good people in the Islamic history have been tested more severely. Take the example of prophets. All prophets were tested in quite extreme ways that any ordinary person would not have been able to pass with steadfastness. Each test either brings one closer to Allah or farther away.If you grow closer, you will tested again to see whether you can achieve the next level of closeness. If you are not nearly good, you will be forgiven by Allah until the Day of Judgement, when the punishment will be hard.
I had it turned off.
Actually, I tried to delete the account but couldn't find out how, so left it with all the options off.
I was on trap17 a few years ago and a mod accused me of plagiarism for posting a tutorial that I had posted on orkut as well. So, I left. And this time, my domain didn't get registered even after more than a week. Would have stayed for the forum, but...
The World's Biggest Problems Identification and solution
Shahrukh replied to Shahrukh's topic in Science and Technology
I did ask you peacefully at first. But YOU said there is no room for compromise. I even gave you a suggestion to portray your feelings without raising any violence. But YOU said you want violence. So thats what I wished for you. I guess the Quran is true after all: As of today, I do not support freedom of speech. It leads to more bad than good. Staying silent is better in some cases. Bear witness on the Day of Judgement that I tried to warn and stop you. If you had stopped, I would have wished good for you. May Allah judge you justly for what you do: And I am going to stay silent from now on. -
The World's Biggest Problems Identification and solution
Shahrukh replied to Shahrukh's topic in Science and Technology
Right, then, I'll just say bye bye with these few verses: The Holy Quran: Surat 9, Ayah 29-33: I hope the mob gets you first. -
The World's Biggest Problems Identification and solution
Shahrukh replied to Shahrukh's topic in Science and Technology
Ok. Now I get the point you are trying to make.But I don't think you'll ever succeed in it. That is because of two things:1. Muslims value Hazrat Muhammad a lot. They will break every rule, including freedom of speech or any state law, to get people to not insult him.2. To actually stop something, 3 things can be done, as is taught by our religion as well:a. stop by tongue (like I am trying to do)b. stop by hand (like they did with the 20th May by hacking one site and overloading the rest)c. stop by sword (and that means war)The fourth thing is to hold it bad in our hearts, and that is the least sincere thing to do.So, where as you think you are right to fight for freedom of speech, you have to understand that we ask of you to only not insult our prophet, his companions and Allah. You can say anything else to anyone else. Is that so hard to do? -
Thanks. Yeah. I've been thinking of a new of implementing it though. Lets see how that turns out. Maybe I will.
The World's Biggest Problems Identification and solution
Shahrukh replied to Shahrukh's topic in Science and Technology
I do have a suggestion. Why don't you do everything the same way, except instead of Hazrat Muhammad, make a normal, modern Muslim be angry at the cartoon? That won't too insulting, won't create violence and relay your point more accurately, since its the Muslims that reacted this way to the images in the past. -
The World's Biggest Problems Identification and solution
Shahrukh replied to Shahrukh's topic in Science and Technology
If I asked you in a nice, decent, civilised manner, then will you not publish that strip in it? -
The World's Biggest Problems Identification and solution
Shahrukh replied to Shahrukh's topic in Science and Technology
I totally understand what you are saying here. However, you are not considering one thing.If I threw a stone at the UK's queen or President from Pakistan (lets suppose that was possible), I would be tried according to UK's laws by a UK lawyer (or however the UK law states). Isn't that right? Similarly, when someone throws an insult to a Muslim prophet, he would be tried according to Islamic law by a Muslim. Of course, our laws don't apply to non-Muslims. Like if you had 'relations' with a woman thats not your wife, no Muslim would hit you with lashes. But when you insult our prophet, you are getting into Islamic territory. So, just like I would be judged by the UK folks according to UK law for my actions in the UK territory, you will be judged by Muslims according to Islamic law in Islamic territory. We do not ask you to honour our rules. Just don't insult our prophet.As for Islam being dangerous, well that is not really the case. During the time of Hazrat Muhammad, many people insulted him by calling him deluded, a magician, etc. etc. He never ordered anyone killed. Declaring war is actually a Muslim's reaction to an insult of our prophet. There is no written law in Islam to kill a guy who insults a prophet. But, of course, its allowed to kill in a war. (This still doesn't make Bin Ladin's point valid since he kills innocent people (including Muslims and non-Muslims) who are not attacking anyone, they aren't supposed to be killed even in war according to Islam). Wait, I am a bit confused now. Weren't Jews the followers of Hazrat Musa (Moses)? I must say I am pretty weak in Christian theology. Since we have our own accounts of things stated in the Quran and Hadith, I never felt the need to study the historians since I would not have held them authentic over the Quran anyway.As for having no evidence, religion is mostly about belief and not evidence. I would like to quote some of the verses of Quran here: The Holy Quran: Surah 2, Ayats 2-7: Ayats 2 to 5 state that believers (= Muslims in this case) believe in: the unseen - of which there can be no direct evidence that which has been revealed to you - that means the Quran, 'you' here means Hazrat Muhammad that which has been revealed before you - that means the Torah (Book of Hazrat Musa), Zabur (Book of Hazrat Daud (David)), Injil (Book of Hazrat Isa) and Suhuf Ibrahim (Orders to Hazrat Ibrahim (Abraham)) the Hereafter - which means the time when people will be put into Heaven or Hell What I am trying to say is that our BELIEF is all we need to think of the Quran as true and authentic. If other disagree, I am not, in any way, forcing my beliefs on anyone.Like you said there is no hard evidence, only our believes are what we have. If there was clear cut evidence, then there would not have been any dispute and the whole purpose of creation, which according to our belief is to test who does what, would have been refused. No, we would not go mad if anyone said that. That is something you believe in, our believe is different. And everyone can settle with that. Its insulting him personally that makes us angry. By, for example, creating a cartoon.If a religious Christian felt insulted, said I was wrong and proved that he is true in his belief without my having anything to counter the argument, I would gladly apologise until I could find some other evidence on which to debate on. What I am saying is that Hazrat Isa never claimed to be a son of God. The people changed the scripture to make it seem that way. As for having evidence for the change, well, as I said, I am not very good in that part. I'll try to contact an Islamic scholar to answer that and let you know what he says. Dude, that is not cool.And I have a few objections: You don't know what Hazrat Muhammad looked like. So when you draw a cartoon of him, you are lying about him. And its not a good thing to lie about prophets, or any divine thing, for that matter. Why isn't he frowning at the Islamic art? Its a pretty big sin in Islam to make pictures of people, even ordinary. Steam coming out of his turban: I know that's just a representation of anger but, since the matter is about a prophet, things would be taken literally by Muslims, so that becomes a lie too. You/your group drew a cartoon of my prophet! I am very angry with you now. I wish you would not publish it. Can I know what's the newsletter going to be called and when it will be published? -
The World's Biggest Problems Identification and solution
Shahrukh replied to Shahrukh's topic in Science and Technology
Right. But they still punish the person; how depends on their laws, Islam has its own. I understand what you are trying to say. But you don't see my point.What I am saying is that we declare war on him. The literal meaning of it. There is no trial in war. Its not like a court case with lawyers and a judge. It does. Because that tells we will not just murder without any reason. The punishment accords with the deed according to our laws. Your point above of trial, etc. is also answered by this. Because although there is not court case filed, we won't just go blindly kill anyone who says anything against Islam. There are proper laws as to what is answered in what way.Where as your laws state that a court trial, etc. is necessary, our's doesn't in this matter. Of course, there will be people who are more vengeful, like that Mufti who thought killing innocent people was right if it killed enemies. But they are transgressing from the laws, then. Right. Then who are those who followed his teachings when he was alive? No one got the right version of the Bible. A new scripture was given: The Holy Quran.According to my knowledge, the people who arrested Hazrat Isa killed all his followers that were guarding him, who were actually supposed to be on guard and warn the others but they were not. Its true that its a matter of faith. And as you said you don't believe that the Quran or Bible was revealed by Allah to His messengers, I guess there is no point in discussing that. Because according to my faith, Allah told Hazrat Muhammad the true accounts of those things that the people had wrong accounts of, so that he can correct them. Yes, I am saying exactly that. That is because they have changed the laws and beliefs they were given in the Bible.Which mean they have deviated from their religion. Just like a Muslim who changes any of the beliefs mentioned in the Quran isn't considered a Muslim. Insulting beliefs is a different thing than insulting a highly respected person. You said a few things that were against my beliefs, I never got angry from you, because everyone has his own beliefs and I have no problem with that. But when someone insults Hazrat Muhammad personally, then, I will get angry. And by saying that Hazrat Isa was not God's son but His messenger, I am only questioning Christian beliefs, not insulting Hazrat Isa. He is highly respected by every Muslim. There is no mention of Hazrat Isa in the Old Testament because, as you said it wasn't revealed on Hazrat Isa. That was for the Jews, not Christians. As for the New Testament proving that Hazrat Isa as a son of God, that is the exactly what the Muslims claim the Christians have changed which makes them deviate from their original religion and not be real Christians. The Jews were also taught the same beliefs. That's there reason there are common things in the two scriptures in the first place.Some laws changed with time though. The accuracy of the Quran doesn't come from when it was written. But who wrote it.Allah revealed it to Hazrat Muhammad and Allah can not be wrong or inaccurate. Since this is again a matter of belief and you don't believe that, lets leave it at it. I meant allowed by Islamic law, as opposed to murdering anyone being allowed.That 1 murder is not of an innocent, according to Islamic law. Na, don't worry about that. We are having a constructive discussion here. And yes, I know we are talking about beliefs. So, no personal offences taken, although that would rank as less aggressive than offences to the religion. But since you didn't outright offended anything, just stated your opinion and belief, its all good. I won't want to withdraw from a good argument. And since you say you want to insult, its all a discussion, we should continue until we either reach a conclusion or leave it because everything come up to the matter of belief, which we cannot force onto the other.Does it include a depiction of Hazrat Muhammad? -
Adding Home Page To My Website...
Shahrukh replied to web_designer's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Many people read the first page of the site to judge whether or not to read more.So, it won't be good to move away the blog completely. Instead, you can have a box with the latest from the blog and a summary of the portfolio on the main page. -
The World's Biggest Problems Identification and solution
Shahrukh replied to Shahrukh's topic in Science and Technology
That site is censored too. If you insult my mother, I would just not talk to you. Insulting Hazrat Muhammad is different. And I can see that you don't understand that. As I said, you can call me barbaric or whatever you want. But I shall declare war with any person who insults Hazrat Muhammad, or any other prophet for that matter. Peace-loving countries like USA and UK also murders criminals. Why is it wrong if I murder some criminal? Its the innocent that are not to be murdered. And a person who insults Hazrat Muhammad is not really innocent. Also, murder is not always the reaction. It depends on what the person said/did. There was a guy named Thanwee. He was only declared non-Muslim and not murdered. Where as there was another guy whose name escapes me at the moment, he said that he is Hazrat Muhammad, reborn. He was hanged by the government. But not his followers since they didn't say anything of the sort themselves. If the Christians of today are really followers of Hazrat Isa, they would not have supported killing him in the first place. Since they do, if someone else attacks him with insults, it shouldn't matter to them as much as it matters to a Muslim when their prophet is insulted. However, his true followers, who were killed with him, would also murder anyone who attacked him. But you won't find any of them nowadays. That's why the religion of Islam came in the first place. Because people had deviated so much from Christianity that it wasn't really Christianity at all. You can't find that same Bible that existed at the time of Hazrat Isa. People changed it as they preferred. The Bible mentions Hazrat Isa as a messenger and prophet of Allah, the Only God. Muslims didn't claim that by themselves. It also mentions the coming of Hazrat Muhammad as a prophet after Hazrat Isa. All religions have always taught the same lesson, from Hazrat Adam, Hazrat Yousaf (Joseph), Hazrat Nooh (Noah), Hazrat Isa and Hazrat Muhammad. Same thing that Islam teaches: to believe in Allah as the only god and not invent partners in him. But that leads to yet another different topic based mostly on beliefs. You'll find history that supports both sides. I used to think that majority Christians thought of Hazrat Isa as God's son and messenger. Oh, and I never said anything against Rushdie, did I? I haven't read his book, nor do I intend to. So far, we have concluded that only killing traitors and insulters of the prophet is allowed. I don't think 99% of the world's violence is due to that two factors. -
The World's Biggest Problems Identification and solution
Shahrukh replied to Shahrukh's topic in Science and Technology
I wish they change for the better. Murdering innocent people that is. Not one who attacks our prophet. We love our prophet more than our lives. And we don't tolerate anything against him, not a physical attack (which is of course not possible now) and not an insult. I see your point here. But insulting Hazrat Muhammad means open war for us. And the insulter has made the first attack. Right, right. -
The World's Biggest Problems Identification and solution
Shahrukh replied to Shahrukh's topic in Science and Technology
People do make mistakes, man. And this one is definitely things wrongly. As for my doubt that any Mufti will allow such killing, I really was surprised by his sayings. But that still doesn't mean that Islam allows it. Although, his followers will now consider it allowed. Yeah, forgot to add the answer to that. You can call us anything you can, dude, but neither me nor any other Muslim with a little self-esteem will tolerate insult to Hazrat Muhammad. Not believing in his teachings is a different thing but going out of the way to insult him is not good. I don't think any of the followers of Hazrat Isa (Jesus) will think any different if someone insulted him. Could be. Yeah, I can't even open the page 'Muhammad' in wikipedia. -
The World's Biggest Problems Identification and solution
Shahrukh replied to Shahrukh's topic in Science and Technology
But Al-Amin did answer Al-Jozo's wrongful claims. Right till the end. And when a single or even a few Muftis are supporting one thing where as the majority is supporting another, its the majority that is considered right. Of course, people have their personal opinions. This Mufti is expressing those. He did not quote any reference, didn't even say the Islam says to kill these people. Where as Al-Amin clearly said that Allah will distinguish between civilians and enemies even if the bombers didn't. So, basically, you are pointing to a single person who deviated from the general opinion. You can get that kind of behaviour everywhere. 1% Pakistanis supported Ladin in the previous survey as well. He is no different. Can't seem to open this link. This guy is not an Aalim. He is a TV host. His comment do not hold any value. In Islam, a person is allowed to believe whatever they want. We do not judge anyone, Allah will deal with everyone when the time comes. But if his believes are not what Islam says, he cannot be called a Muslim. Like the case of Ahmedis. The changed their faith and were declared non-Muslims a while back. The order to kill is only against a traitor, no one else. And that also after giving him opportunity to come back. I hope so too. Right. Let them go their way and we'll go ours. They might be right in their belief but the truth is still that the are wrong. If I interpret the law of the country wrong, I will not be exempted because according to me I was right. Same goes for Islamic laws. For example, if I proved somehow that murder was allowed in Pakistan's law by changing interpretations, I would still be hanged. Similarly, if Bin Laden proves that murder is allowed in Islamic law by changing interpretation, he would still be beheaded. Besides, his forces kill more Muslims than non-Muslims. No way he can justify that in his mind. As many people say, I think there is something fishy with him. But I can't really prove anything there. -
Some Maths Teasers Maths problems to keep your hand in
Shahrukh replied to Bikerman's topic in Science and Technology
Thank you. Answer 3: h = total hens p = total pigs 2h + 2p = 60 2h + 4p = 86 60 - 2p = 86 - 4p 2p = 26 p = 13 2h = 60 - 26 2h = 34 h = 17 -
The World's Biggest Problems Identification and solution
Shahrukh replied to Shahrukh's topic in Science and Technology
The survey says that people are supporting him less now. Only 1% would vote for him. By learned scholars, I meant the Aalims and Muftis. And I doubt any Aalim or Mufti will allow bloodshed of innocent people in this way because murder and suicide both are major sins. The girl I have proposed actually liked this thought of mine. What I meant was not that man is allowed to be less neat or organised. But that a woman can handle a house's neatness and organisation better than a man would. I agree with having our own beliefs and opinions. Another common objection. You should read this article. And also this one. -
Some Maths Teasers Maths problems to keep your hand in
Shahrukh replied to Bikerman's topic in Science and Technology
Hey, I reached to that too. But I thought I was doing it wrong.Its been about 4 years since I did any Maths. Answer 2: Total : x 1st: x/2+.5 2nd: x/4+.75 3rd: x/8+.875 Since inventory ended then: x/2 + x/4 + x/8 + 2.125 = x .875x +2.125 = x 2.125 = .125x x = 17