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About Shahrukh

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    Advanced Member

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    Promoting Islam

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  1. I can see I would be wasting everyone's time here if I said anything else.And you would think I am trying to enforce my beliefs on you.And I admit that I am not qualified to argue with you folks. So, you know what, I won't argue.P.S. Bikerman, I really appreciate the fact that you can differentiate between real Islam and the one people call Islam these days. I wish more people could identify those.
  2. Oops missed the link :|

  3. Check this out man. Watch till the end or you may get wrong impression.

  4. I will turn away from My communications those who are unjustly proud in the earth; and if they see every sign they will not believe in It; and if they see the way of rectitude they do not take It for a way, and if they see the way of error. they take it for a way; this is because they rejected Our communications and were heedless of them.(Al-A'raaf: 146) Shall give a fuller answer as well on Thursday.
  5. Dude, a computer can identify its favourite 'virtual' ant with sufficient processing power. In fact, I think my computer would be able to do that easily if there was such a simulator. Sure, humans can't do it, but then again we aren't even as powerful as a computer in such matters, let alone Allah. And He did so. Many communities were destroyed and new societies flourished on their graves. It wasn't the only time He broke nature's law. Miracles happened quite a lot of times. I am not sure to what you are referring to. Could you please quote the instance when that happened? Here is one (extract from http://www.islam101.com/tauheed/provingGodExists.htm): P.S. "It is said energy cannot be created, nor destroyed. Yet energy exists. This sounds like God to me!" seems pretty logical too. P.P.S. Do visit this site: http://allahexists.com/ Lots of scientific, logical proves are mentioned there.
  6. I would like to answer that! Reasons of suffering:1. As a test (yours and others): Allah wants to see what you will do when you are in pain, whether you are going to whine and complain or ask for His Mercy and Protection. And when He gives you a good thing after a bad thing, whether you thank Him or forget Him till the next time you feel His need. Also, when your neighbour is low on daily provisions, will you help him out or be selfish and keep everything for yourself? 2. As a punishment: When a person does an evil deed, he will be punished by Allah. Sometimes, they are punished in this world, sometimes in the Hereafter. Other things: You might be thinking now that if Allah wants to 'see' what people do under these conditions then He doesn't know already. However, that is not the case. In fact, if Allah wanted, He could have rewarded people of their deeds right after creating them. However, then those who had gone to Hell would have said that they weren't given the opportunity. That is why this world is the opportunity by Allah to do good and shun evil, so that you may be rewarded justly in the Hereafter. You would note that many of the good people in the Islamic history have been tested more severely. Take the example of prophets. All prophets were tested in quite extreme ways that any ordinary person would not have been able to pass with steadfastness. Each test either brings one closer to Allah or farther away.If you grow closer, you will tested again to see whether you can achieve the next level of closeness. If you are not nearly good, you will be forgiven by Allah until the Day of Judgement, when the punishment will be hard.
  7. i hold OpaQue responsible for this :D

  8. I had it turned off.

    Actually, I tried to delete the account but couldn't find out how, so left it with all the options off.

    I was on trap17 a few years ago and a mod accused me of plagiarism for posting a tutorial that I had posted on orkut as well. So, I left. And this time, my domain didn't get registered even after more than a week. Would have stayed for the forum, but...

  9. why doesn't it allow me to send you a pm here? this sucks.... :( btw- i hold a lot of respect for you....i just wanted to talk.....

  10. I did ask you peacefully at first. But YOU said there is no room for compromise. I even gave you a suggestion to portray your feelings without raising any violence. But YOU said you want violence. So thats what I wished for you. I guess the Quran is true after all: As of today, I do not support freedom of speech. It leads to more bad than good. Staying silent is better in some cases. Bear witness on the Day of Judgement that I tried to warn and stop you. If you had stopped, I would have wished good for you. May Allah judge you justly for what you do: And I am going to stay silent from now on.
  11. Well, its been pretty long now.I guess I'll stick to my local host.
  12. Right, then, I'll just say bye bye with these few verses: The Holy Quran: Surat 9, Ayah 29-33: I hope the mob gets you first.
  13. Ok. Now I get the point you are trying to make.But I don't think you'll ever succeed in it. That is because of two things:1. Muslims value Hazrat Muhammad a lot. They will break every rule, including freedom of speech or any state law, to get people to not insult him.2. To actually stop something, 3 things can be done, as is taught by our religion as well:a. stop by tongue (like I am trying to do)b. stop by hand (like they did with the 20th May by hacking one site and overloading the rest)c. stop by sword (and that means war)The fourth thing is to hold it bad in our hearts, and that is the least sincere thing to do.So, where as you think you are right to fight for freedom of speech, you have to understand that we ask of you to only not insult our prophet, his companions and Allah. You can say anything else to anyone else. Is that so hard to do?
  14. Thanks. Yeah. I've been thinking of a new of implementing it though. Lets see how that turns out. Maybe I will.
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