You guys don't get it every thing set up UK is on the side of the attaquers for the governement gain more strenght they want to persuit and take off many of the humanitairian rights. do you think the crisis in UK is not set up?they want to put 2 categories of people:1-Verry riche.
2-Verry Poor.
they want to take off the working categorie ,why?
Of course this categorie is known as "the thinking categorie" is there we're intelligent people,scientist ,humanitairiens ,engineers ,etc.... come from so they want to delete it for the governement take on the power.
i know it will seem hard to be true but believe me i know many resource's everything in this world is set up every war,every attack.
example's:the 11Septembre tower attack its not a terrorist attack is set up by the U.S.A governement,why?because those towers got important bureau's with a high sensetive files wich they want to get off, and also the towers were bought ` week befor the tower explosed, for 7.5Billion rent for 99years thats another reason so if the dude bought that tower, he will get infinite knowledge ,and also i have a 100% proof you cannot discusss with.
just Email me anytime ill show you how the real world is.
Also as a weopen if you want one i know some good one "Respect" not some kids respect but real respect in crime local area you need respect for every one don't dare to even stare at you of course i dont mean give chocolate to get respect but show that you are serious and some time's be tough physicly and mentally not always.
P.S: all those gangsters stuff etc.. are mentally kids its not how life works.