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Status Updates posted by NNNOOOOOO

  1. What the f***?!? http://www.gamestop.com/gba/games/pokemon-emerald/37370 For 5 extra dollars, you can get the system you play it on.

    1. anwiii


      exactly. since she didn't read it, she didn't care. if she didn't care, she spammed your status message for no good reason :)

    2. Eza


      It says on the website: Pokemon Emerald by Nintendo of America

      BUY PRE-OWNED $39.99

      It is a mystery where the option to get a system for 5 extra dollar is mentioned on the website.

      The question is where the deal to get a system for $ 5 can be ordered. This means like a link or an explanation about the way this site works. When a link is given and a question is asked it means the link doesn't provide enough information.



      Look towards the bottom, under the game price stuff. You'll see it.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  2. What's on YOUR mind?!

    1. anwiii


      wondering what i am going to have for dinner tonight. fish sticks, hungry man, or corn dogs. hmmmm there's also pizza, but i'm saving that!

  3. When I die in the distant future, I don't care what's put on my gravestone so long as it contains the word "assassinated". For example: "Here lies *my name* who was assassinated by his car...and a/an *large, massive object here*."

    1. anwiii


      i can be your backup if you're not assassinated by anyone or anything. don't be a party pooper. my offer is always good!

    2. Baniboy


      anwiii is that large, massive object

    3. anwiii


      watcha talkin' about willis! :)

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  4. When life gives you lemons, throw 'em at someone. It'll make you feel better.

    1. anwiii


      sounds like fun. lemon fight!

    2. web_designer


      hahaaa..it is funny i would like to see such a thing...

  5. When was it today that the world was supposed to start ending?

    1. anwiii


      only for the people who ask about it....

    2. anwiii


      well it's not the end of the world, but it's all downhill after 18.....actually 21 so you have 3 more years to enjoy yourself :)

  6. Where the heck is my other GBA and my other two Pokemon games??? They just, disappeared.



      Just found one Pokemon game. That also means one is still missing and my other GBA is missing.

  7. Who wants to help me make up words?

  8. Why won't my cap.s charge and why are they draining all the energy from my circuits?

  9. Yay, got my XP disc back. Still personalizing it though.

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