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Status Updates posted by Hurt4love

  1. :) :) :) :)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chini13


      :) and u always look beautiful when u smile...so keep that always
    3. Hurt4love


      Thank you :) I am just very happy and wanted to share that with my friends :D

    4. anwiii
  2. ``I don't know much...But I know I Love you...That will be...All I need to know``

  3. ``People are like tea bags - you have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are.`` --Paulo Coelho

  4. "I don't know baby what I'd do, On this earth without you, We all live we all die, But the end is not goodbye, The sun comes up the seasons change, But throught it all love remains, An eternal burning flame, Hope lives on and love remains"

  5. "Some think it's holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go."

  6. "There's this place in me where your finger tips still rest... your kisses still linger and your whispers softly echo... It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me." I know that one day I'll be able to forget...

  7. "Things pass, and the best we can do is to let them really go away. Getting rid of certain memories also means making some room for other memories to take their place." ~ Paulo Coelho

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. web_designer


      take all your cloths and shoes..hmm and makeup, and bags...a cam and some hats...and some accessories..:)

    3. Hurt4love


      yeah WD which comes down to more than one suitcase :) see my point we girls need everything I can't just take one pair of shoes and one purse I have to take matching purses and pairs of shoes, matching accessories for my outfits and I have to at least wear a different outfit each day :P Well you are a girl like me you understand me :P

    4. Hurt4love


      yeah and matching hats too for each outfits :)

  8. “Lest we forget.”

  9. ***sigh*** ok

    1. anwiii


      people aren't stopping at stealing my words, they are going so far as to steal my writing style! nooooooooo!!! not my writing style! hahaha

    2. Hurt4love


      well anwiii...I got your permission to use your words :P

    3. anwiii


      yea....my words....not my writing style! haha!

  10. 2 weeks only left for delivering my documentary! I guess I will be camping in the editing suite! Anyone has a knapsack I can borrow? :D

  11. 4 days!!!! yeeeeeeeeeeeey

  12. 99 Days since it all started and I haven't even forgotten once! I am happy :-)

  13. ahhhhhhhhhh, There's no place like home!!!! Finally home sweet home :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. web_designer
    3. anwiii


      i am glad to see you made it home safe!

    4. Hurt4love


      Thanks ya'll...I am so so much better now that I am home :)

  14. Back to my everyday life...But I wish my fairy tale vacation was forever :(

  15. Been Touring around the province...I love it and there are only few days left. But it is so intriguing and the weather is just so wonderful!!! Dear Canada...I love you !! :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hurt4love


      Rob maybe it is hot in NB but here in Ontario the weather is awesome. It was 26 degrees celsius yesterday and today it was 23 and this week it has been beautifully sunny with a light air breeze. You should come to Ontario for a perfect summer! It's just wonderful! WD yeah we are all eskimos right anwiii?

    3. web_designer


      haha...glade to see you in this mood..welcome back my friend..:)

    4. chini13


      ohh gr8..have fun :) seeing u after long time h4l... we all eskimo..but where do i get the ice??

  16. Can't things go back to normal again?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. anwiii


      what is "normal" anyway....

    3. Hurt4love


      My definition of Normal is: the state when things were not as bad

    4. chini13


      bad times are the part of normal life

  17. Congratulations to all of us and to all my classmates and other graduates! I finally made it to graduation :) Well one door closes and we are walking towards a new beginning now. I hope this new chapter of our lives turns out great and brings with it dreams and goals that will hopefully come true!

    1. OpaQue


      Congratulations! :)

    2. anwiii


      oh my god! haha that was unexpected!

    3. Hurt4love


      Thank you Opaque!!! It was very unexpected to find a reply to my status from you since you haven't been around much :) But I am so glad my status this time made you reply! Thank you for your wishes and for replying and I hope we continue to see you around in KS more often :)

  18. Constant racing thoughts...My mind needs a break!

    1. rob86


      Maybe you should stop thinking about your bird so much

    2. anwiii


      it's not about the bird haha

  19. Country roads...take me home...to the place...I belong...West Virginia...Mountain Mama...Take me home...Country Roads...

  20. Day 1 of 8 completed successfully!!! Thanks to my wonderful crew we had a great shoot today and a very exciting interview with a very great person!!! Stay tuned for more as we go along!!!

  21. Dear Migraine I hate you so much...I wish you would leave me and never come back! I have a really terrible migraine :( My head hurts...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. web_designer


      you will get rid of it soon..and i understand u fully coz i've been there before...before my migraine headache continue for 1 week and return every 3 days...but now i controlled it somehow and when i got it it lasts only for 3 days or about...it really needs controlling, relaxing, and avoiding stress and food that cause migraine, also the strong light or noise...and of course panadol..speedy recovery dear..

    3. Hurt4love
    4. OpaQue


      I recommend "Singing" and "singing".. group singing.. even better :)

  22. Did really bad on my final exam today but whatever, it is what it is...

  23. Do you ever have those times when you cry and you don't know why?

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