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Posts posted by Hurt4love

  1. Within the last 20 years, the normal anual arctic snow had been melting slowly. Within 3 years several 2300 researchers from more than one hundred nations figured the actual extreme conditions by which the glaciers have been melting. Several of those researchers think that the actual melting could happen quicker now compared to the past because of contemporary systems and technologies and particularly global warming.Although folks differ on what will be the final extreme elevated result to the climatic change, everybody is able to agree with the fact that it is approaching to end scrupulously and also are encouraging far better environmental awareness of the natural surroundings. One of the ways which company owners may save power along with small financial cost would be to transform their own compoany and turn it into an environment friendly atmosphere.As the creation associated with LED lighting was obviously a welcomed enhancement more than conventional lighting, but that droped as a best solution for an energy alternative and also became resource worry. Emergency exit indicators in the past have been fueled simply by radium however with the great number of health issues they swiftly got converted to incandescent lighting. incandescent lighting are similar forms of lights seen in numerous houses. Some of the houses that utilize these types of light bulbs need to have enough money to afford the cost of the work of the electrical installer in order to cable the structures to be able to pull a big power and have the strength to do so. The usual expense to use a great incandescent lighting would be $300.00.LED bulbs lowered the price for each exit sign by almost two-thirds. Still people nevertheless utilize energy plus they nevertheless need yearly servicing to change the light bulbs and the batteries. Thus creators and developers produced exit signs that require zero energy. Photograph fluorescent or perhaps indivisible and nuclear lighting will be able to power itself. The newest aspect, Tritium, is actually a radioactive kind of Hydrogen. Tritium is enclosed inside a a tube in the light bulb. Tritium is thought to be entirely secure and safe, but still the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY demands that lights should be discarded by experts only.Picture luminescent exit signs are able to store energy throughout the day as well as produce low-level lighting. Since the poor lighting is not really observed throughout the day, if the lighting are usually decreased or off, the exit signs will fundamentally spark at night. These kinds of signs have a very good lifetime of 10- 20 years according to how they were designed.Along with preserving power by utilizing absolutely no exterior energy resource, picture luminescent lighting is also eco responsible through decreasing production price. Since signs do not need light bulbs or even battery packs, energy intake by succeeding companies may also be lowered. There exists fewer waste material inside terrain covers because signs last many years. Hence, although these kinds of exit signs are very small and important, if all signs being used these days had been turned into picture luminescent signs, there would be a substantial decrease in organic natural resources.The majority of researchers concur that the usage of organic assets will be immediately relevant to the extreme melting of ice caps. Consequently , simply by lowering total energy and also reducing vehicles use, less non-renewable fuels, less usage of wood, as well as other ecological assets, photoluminescent exit signs are accountable methods to lessen the consequences os global warming and for that reason it decreases the danger towards the melting of the polar arctic ice caps.

  2. Based on the Oxford British Thesaurus, the term vampire very first made an appearance within 1734. The term goule by itself originates from the actual Slavic term vampir. They influenced numerous tales worldwide. Such as Center Far eastern cultures like the Babylonians, the actual Assyrians, and also the Egyptians. However, not all vampires had been treated and created as equal.In he far east, there were tales of red-eyed vampire together with curly hair prowling in evenings. The particular Native indian strige just like empress Sekarang provides several forearms and also well known fangs and also would wear any necklace around their necks with skulls close to the woman's neck to keep vampires away. The particular Traditional story about vampires spoke of a snakelike animal using a women's brain that was borrowed from their bodies and they absolutely loved youngstres' blood specifically.The particular common myths and stories concerning vampires possibly commenced just like all those myths and stories regarding nurses. the myths may have originated as Implications that unpopular or even "strange" individuals were tarred as vampires because they were unnatural. These were tagged used and associated with weird individuals most likely due to worry or just to eliminate all of them.Vampires were thought to have light, chilly pores and skin and also to be abnormally powerful. They have increased sensory qualities associated with their senses of sight, smell, so therefore it is challenging to capture any of them. The majority are told to have soporific capabilities, making it possible for those to subdue their victims with fangs.Regarding the concern of being exposed to vampires, myths and tales spoke of disadvantages to vampires. They can't enter a spot while not being invited in. Crosses allegedly let them suffer severe headaches and also the holy water if it touches them then it acts as an acid solution to them. They have a tendency to avoid garlic clove or blood of a person who had consumed garlic.In order to eliminate vampires it would take more challenging steps than normal attacks. Principal weapons, arrows as well as swords will not perform their job with vampires because they just slow a vampire but does not kill him. However vampires may be burnt in a fireplace or even suffocated through padding their own lips along with dust thrown off into their faces. The wooden stake at the heart has always been the method that gets the job done in tales and myths. That indeed is their own greatest weeknesses, but actually sun light will certainly burn the vampires to ahses.Since the reports concerning vampires are derived from several areas and also ethnicities, it is extremely important to note that no tales of vampires is like another from a different country or folklore. They have a tendency to be altered according to who will be telling the tale. Even though this can be the best thing regarding vampire stories, that undoubtedly gives some damage to individuals who want to keep the folkloric myths intact.

  3. Anywhere on the web, when you find information regarding plastic and cosmetic surgery, there constantly is apparently a heated argument going on. Yet our issue is actually, the reason why people choose to perform those kinds of treatments? Indeed, if you do one or 2, you are bound to get a little obsessed with such cosmetic surgeries, i.e. what happened to Heidi Montag as well as Junk Parton, however in either case, since it will be their health that will get screwed up, shouldn't they have the say and choice to go for such procedures or not? Even though some individuals get a little obsessive, many people are able to improve specific imperfections which significantly increase their own confidence, so for reasons like that, wouldn't it be worth the cost?Now i'm really surprised when individuals raise red flags concerning superstars having plastic and cosmetic surgery. They mention such things as "They look good naturally as they are, so must they really fix something? and also "Everyone inside The show biz industry is intending to escape the present. Even though American's tend to be more enthusiastic about cosmetic surgery compared to every other nation, especially in the entertainment industry, I could say "Who cares what people want to fix, what's important is if they are happy with what they are doing or not? Why should we care if celebs wish to look more attractive, they are simply individuals with a job, and this is their own careers and their job is to captivate the attention of others.Furthermore , I notice a great deal of folks expressing that superstars ought not to get plastic or cosmetic surgery since they stand as ideal role models and are trying to be good for those who want to follow them. I think peopl need to find far better role models in life. Superstars are usually awful role models to follow. Plus they are simply individuals, entertaining is actually their job, not really their own life. Being that they are individuals, they have got imperfections, as well as in the spot constantly, with folks critiquing all the clothes they put on, their bodies, the way they appear, what they eat, so I can only imagine that it would end up being very difficult for them, so they end up attempting to perfect their own imperfections through cosmetic surgery, so I think it is their own business and choice to decide these kind of things.There are various types of cosmetic surgeries apart from breasts enhancement as well as rhinoplasty. Lots of people have received plastic surgery for several various factors. Some females obtained the tummy tuck abdominoplasty three years after having a specifically huge baby, and that delivery kept the woman's tummy full of silly stretch-marks and also really loose epidermis. That plastic suregery can cure women well, and also give more confidence to ladies didn't who want to look more attractive. You can't and mustn't impose your own system on youngsters.Internet information already state, that there are many valid reasons for obtaining cosmetic surgery. I believe you are able to tell from my post what I believe in this subject, and when a person decides that they need to look prettier and want to go through cosmetic surgery, they have the right to find an excellent cosmetic surgeon in their town and go through that procedure.

  4. These days, Reality tv is becoming increasingly more well-known and popular. They are the actual displays of normal people or even well-known celebrities and creating any demonstration of an upclose and personal look into their real and daily lifestyles. The particular keynote presenter or participants offers an inside look at their true life and by that they are the characters of the show and the poresenter becomes the director. These are presently there to make certain that the crowd, audience or perhaps the fans realize and just what is to going on and exactly what is happening so they really get to see what is going on in rela people's lives. Individuals like to watch reality shows because they display the actual day to day life of the participants instead of having a show about imaginary stories as well as people who act as certain characters. Here are examples from very popular reality tv shows displaying the keynote speaker/host as the central and character iof focus.There are lots of reality shows today where they will create their show and make it revolve around their day to day life and the everyday events of your favorite well known celebrities. They will examine their professional life and career going inside their work place then when they are shooting a film or even a tv show or commercial they will also be showing their journey and that is what reality tv is. The key keynote speakers during these shows will be the main character themselves. Reality shows such as those are extremely famous and well-liked by the audiences since people get to watch how their celebrities live in real life behind the scenes. Obviously a few of these shows happen to be edited and taken from scripts in order to include much more exhilarating elements as well as interest for the audiences and in order to keep them tuned but nevertheless these reality shows are still regarded as great shows.Teen reality shows are really one of the most well-known shows upon tv teens since they always focus on a particular teenager and they deal with the teenager's particular everyday life and also their various challenges and decision making situations. Just like the keynote speakers they will suggest to the audience what things they need to do and exactly what to avoid so that they can be helpful to them in avoiding negative and bad decisions. Teenagers can easily relate with these kind of shows since they face considerably similar issues everyday. Several shows involve the teen girl who is pregnant and just follow how she actually is dealing with college, university or school while at the same time expecting her baby on a daily basis.Popular musicians as well as music artists also have their own reality tv shows. In reality this is to enhance and improve their own reputation and to be able to have some personal contact with their own fans and also for people who do not know them yet to become fans of those artists. There exists a portion of such shows just where those artists have to go in depth about their pasts and their hardship and problems and are similar to a keynote presenter or even a web host in that they will narrate the reality show and also describe just what they are planning or going through.There's already been a trend in reality show that expose levels of competition where folks get to compete about who is a better cook of test their survival knowledge and capabilities in abandoned islands and the contestants compete together to be the champion and winner of the competition or even the survivor of the test. In addition, there was one reality tv show by which a number of individuals were locked in an abandoned home without having any means of communication externally outside the house in order for them to last and figure out a survival mechanism for 100 days. Keynote speakers in shows like these will be the judges or the particular web host in the show where they will describe the existing events and what may be going on through the whole competition.

  5. The consequences of pollution on water quality and sea water may be the reason for the destruction of those beautiful sea creature. The consequences of pollution on the water quality can differ greatly according to what sort of pollutant has affected the water and how great the effect was on the sea water. Far greater damage are inflicted on the water quality from littering substances that are highly dangerous amd not recommended legally so the creatures end up consuming that polluted water into their bodies and that ends up causing more damage to the sea water.The most bothersome and troublesome issues involving water quality are the health issues that are results of the pollutants and micro creatures and organisms living in lakes or streams or ecosystems due to exhaustion and polluting all the surroundings. Most of the creatures that are paying a price because of pollution, are dolphins that you can no longer fantasize about idealy in beaches, because they are being found dead at shore and that is the nice damage the water pollution is leaving for us. The consequences of water quality is not only a concern of environmental damage but also a concern for animal rights too to have a good life quality. These poor pollution consumers suffer several healthcare conditions i.e. hepatitis and much more than that after being intoxicated via impure oceans.While we sit here enjoying cake and desserts, there is a massive animal massacre taking place in the oceans and dangerous waste being dumped into into lakes, seas, etc. Although fertilizers are necessary and similarly are oil variations, the challenge is dumping all these pollutants into lakes and ignoring plant life and sea water and instead operating machines that induce green coloured viscous substances and dumps them into the ocean.Also, standard tap water is in critical danger and so are a lot of other features needed in our everyday living i.e. consumption of polluted food, taking a shower, washing machines, etc. Particularly sea water is being affected the most now and another pollution that makes the environment vulnerable is air pollution, which also causes many natural damages and challenges. That calls for solutions and an extensive research on how to turn impure sea water into water that can be used again. Finally, environmentalists and researchers all over the world can make a difference and change what is happening to your favorite lake or stream, if only they hear your voices.The consequences of water quality may perhaps change by simply individuals like you and I coming together to save a nearby sea water and who else take pleasure with sea water recreations. Dirty water life, rivers and seas make a very endangered environmental issue at the moment. The kind of sea water is generally a host of harmful microorganisms if it's impure and by that posing as a danger among human and animal because of the venemous waste content, which can commonly be detrimental. Over-all, the consequences of water quality affects sea water and it can be saved by someone like you and I if we make the step of voicing to those responsible our feelings towards this kind of pollution.

  6. I am having a problem with my domain where it shows up in my Xisto - Domains.com account but isn't linked to my Xisto - Support.com account and does not show up there in my Xisto - Support.com. Since I need to pay this domain through my mycents balance, I will need the 2 accounts to be linked.How can I solve this problem? Is there anything I need to do from my end or is it a problem on xisto's end and what can I do to fix this problem?I really need this asap since my domain is about to expire. Thanks in advance for your help!

  7. I am sorry but I find this post funny and I will tell you why.First, I find it funny how shadowx was expressing his frustration with technical things and how towards the end, the last post was talking about a competitor site bashing it and expressing satisfaction and gratitude for KS. Sorry but this is the funniest I have yet to come across. How is it exactly that bashing AL and talking positively about KS going to solve shadowx's problem? Shadowx, here's a question for you, did this solve your problem and feelings of frustration? NO, it did not :D...How hilarious?Second, I find it funny because Velma's statement shows that she is here for the public image of the company but not to help people. Is this what you are telling us Velma? That you are here to defend KS even if it means discrediting the members who are the actual MARKETING key because they are the CUSTOMERS! Basically Velma you really made me laugh in this post because you are even ready to yell at the top of your lungs at the customers to shut up and stop complaining and even call them liars just to save your image. Let me just say, you wanna save your company as a loyal employee, then you get on and start finding solutions for your customers instead of telling them they are lying and they don't know what they are talking about. Obviously if they are posting here, then it means they are having problems and if they have problems then your job that you are passionate about is about helping the customers with problems not trying to shut them up!!!! But I guess you are yet another xisto member who is more concerned with the image of xisto then with the customer satisfaction. Do you guys even know anything about quality assurance? Do you even know anything about marketing? Because it seems to me everyone in xisto is ignorant with marketing and you guys really make me laugh at the way you do your jobs!!!Third, I had a blast laughing at how a new member in KS who allows her personal issues to make her be truthful to the billions of people out there. Because she had personal issues with one person at AL she is now angry at everyone in that community and she would rather mislead the billions who surf the net everyday and tell them lies rather than be truthful to herself and to them. I am laughing. So let me get this straight!...KS is awesome and great when you had only been here recently and you don't find any problem with the KS service? What about the 100's of members who had been expressing their frustrations with KS for months now, are they all liars and you are the only person who knows what you are talking about? I have been a member of KS for a year now and many members who are not even members of AL have been expressing the terrible place this has become over the months and I too have expressed it countless times. So basically nanna, people should just take your word about KS just because you said so? First, let me say you have not been here for a long time. Second, let me say that you allow your emotions and personal problems cloud your judgment that you are even replying to this post with lies about how good this place is? So is that supposed to make you credible to everyone reading this post? This really made me laugh. To see how people react to things and jump at the first reaction without thinking things through is just so hilarious. Velma, Let me tell you, a moderator who personally takes part in the gossip that happens between members about each other does not deserve to be a moderator or a person in position. You are supposed to stop people from bashing each other and stop people talking about each other behind each others back and yet you decide to sit and listen and even give your own input on things. Don't you dare deny it because I was there. I was there in the chat room when you took part in the gossip that was taking place behind my back because my computer got stuck while logging out and I was still logged in while you thought I was not. I was there when you said that no one touched my posts or statuses and that is why it is funny how I am going around blaming KS. I was there when you sat there and listened to the gossip going on about AL. How professional Velma? VERY professional indeed. You are not able to say this in my face because you know I will prove you wrong so you say it behind my back. Again you try to just sweep things under the rug to save the image of xisto instead of acknowledging the problem and looking for solutions. Hiding things was never the solution! Opaque deleted my posts and I have proof with the dates and times of when Opaque logged in, deleted the messages in my profile and then logged out again. I have proof because I know I did not do it. So what member's statuses just disappear? Oh how weird, especially that the only ones that disappear are the ones expressing the frustrations against xisto? Oh strange all the other silly messages stay but just the ones telling truths about xisto get deleted by some hidden force!!! Before you Velma or any other xisto representative decide to treat the members as idiots just remember we are not stupid and it is so offensive of you to treat us like we have no brains. So don't you dare spread more lies to us. Face us with the truth no matter how harsh it was but don't lie to us. You owe us that because we are members here. Also nanna, AL does not allow any posts against KS by the way. Any post against KS gets deleted and any status against KS gets deleted. I assure you though that members still express freely if they have any problems with their sites or with anything else and unlike Velma, the admins and mods actually reply back with solutions to the problems and never deny the members their right to their voice. AL never replies to a member with a problem by saying to him or her it is your problem because you did not take the right actions and because the site seems to be working on our end. So what does that tell you?I won't do what you did and bash one on the account of the other but not only for that reason, I won't do it because the truth speaks for itself and AL speaks for itself. It does not need your words or mine because people who are members of both sites can tell the difference from experience and because unfortunately for you nanna, Velma and Opaque and KS are proving you wrong when all they are doing is hurting their own business by not acknowledging the problems that the members are facing. You wanna know what I also find funny nanna? It is funny how you copied and pasted a part of the PM you sent to me in your response to this post! Let me say again to you and to Velma and everyone else, if you have a personal problem with one person in a forum you do not judge the whole community and bash it for people or you would not be credible enough. Just like in Journalism if you allow yourself to take sides in your article you will no longer be a journalist of that publication because you have to be objective. Now, firstly, in AL the chat is open for all to see so people can defend themselves and there is no bashing one another behind each others backs, whereas in KS you have a chat room where people talk and gossip and speak ill of others then when they leave the chat is deleted. So tell me, what action is KS taking to stop the members from gossiping about one another or from hurting each other? A lot of other communities are doing a better job than KS right now because they have a choice to become better and they are rejecting that choice by focusing on the wrong elements of marketing. This is what happens when a community places more importance to money than its members. I am not here to advertise Astro Loco because I know for a fact that even if it is not Astro Loco, there are many other communities that are twice as better right now than KS. So instead of hopping at shadowx's words and denying his problems or jumping to defend KS and bash AL why not acknowledge that there are several glitches in xisto and get the technical guys to work on it and fix it? Why not bring those problems to Opaque's attention and ask him to deal with them? Why not stop the negativity in this place and stop the members from bashing other forums on KS? You know what I find interesting? In advertising when you want to compare a product with another product and you show it on television you either blur the label or you choose to have a label saying no name so you would not bash competitive products. Yet even though this is a similar situation here on KS, KS chooses to allow the bashing against another hosting site like AL thinking it would help save KS's name!!! Well anyone who has read a book called ``Marketing for dummies`` would tell you how wrong you are in this unprofessional attitude! Be it AL or any other hosting website, the right attitude is to not allow the community to take stands against other forums and hosting websites and instead of joining with the negativity, the professional leading company would try more to listen to its members' needs and to fix their image by presenting better services. But I guess I just had way too many high expectations from a place like xisto...Sorry, my bad I guess!Whatever you do all of you will come back at you! Karma is there and what goes around WILL come around! So your lies and lack of professionalism will not go on for very long, enjoy it while it lasts because we all know the truth anyway.

  8. Hi mrdeeFrom my experience with video editing I had the same problem once and it turned out to be that the resolution and quality of the videos I downloaded were too low for the editing software I was using. From what you are describing you are having the same problem and with the Pinnacle Studio 15 Ultimate software it is a high quality software so it will only take the right resolution and quality to export a perfect video. Now it might work fine on the time line as you are editing but as you export it, it creates a totally not synchronized video different from what it was in the pinnacle studio. This happens when the frame rate per second or the resolution is not up to the levels required by the program. My suggestion is that you either use a beginner level software to edit the youtube videos in which it will and should work fine; or you can try to boost the quality of the youtube videos that you downloaded through a video encoding software but I would not go by the second option because it could still yield the same results that you got before. So to edit the youtube videos and put them together try using something so simple and basic like Windows live movie maker or any other basic video editing software. Usually those basic softwares do not require high frame rates or high quality videos. I hope this helps and I hope that my suggestions would be of use to you.

  9. Hi SheepdogFirst, I need to know which windows movie maker do you have? Because my answer will depend on the version of the program. Let me say that what I am going to say now relates to windows live movie maker which is the windows 7 version. Since I never really used the older versions of windows movie maker I don't know if they have the same features. so to cut the audio in windows live movie maker, you have to click on video tools at the top and go to Audio volume. Then lower the volume all the way to mute it. Your next step would be if you want to add a different audio, then you go to Home, then click on Add music. Then you can add any other audio track you want. But be careful because the formats that windows live movie maker accepts are very few formats. Any mp3 though should be OK. Once you add the new audio then your problem should be solved and the new audio substitutes the old one. If you don't want to add another audio it will also be OK because you muted the original audio track anyway. I just learned this last night because I never use windows live movie maker since it lacks all the capabilities and features that the other programs like Adobe premier Pro, Avid or Final Cut pro has. Nevertheless, if you can get access to a program called ULEAD VIDEO STUDIO 9, 10 or 11 this program is for beginners and is almost like Windows movie maker but it is easier to use and has almost the other features in the other pro programs as well. I am not sure if you can get it free online, but I do remember that I downloaded it free in the past. The other thing is usually videos that you create are too big to be sent in an email, so my advice to you is that you can send them through websites like megaupload or fileshare or create a dropbox (creating a dropbox is free and gives you up to 2 GB free, plus it will be very easy to send it to the people you want to send the videos to). If you create a dropbox, all you have to do is copy the video on your hard disk to the dropbox folder and let it upload. But the other person should have a dropbox too on his or her computer and if you copy the video to the shared folder you have with the other person then it will upload it directly to the person's computer. It is as easy as that. Otherwise fileshare or zshare would also take big files so you can send the link of the file you uploaded. Otherwise you can convert your video using (Any video converter - free software online) and convert it to a small size video. You have the option to convert it to flash or any other format and you can also choose how big or how small. Once you convert the video, you decrease the quality and then you would be able to send it via email but my problem with this method though, is that the sound and video might be out of sync or the quality might be too low. So these are the options I can think of. Sorry I was not much of help but as I mentioned yesterday was my first time fiddling around with windows live movie maker to try and answer your question because I edited my own movies in the past and I have experience in video editing softwares. Anyway, I really hope I was able to help a little and if I find out something new I will write back to you. Wish you good luck!

  10. Actually Opaque, it is about everything you stated! All the reasons you stated are right. I personally don't like the new Innocence is Bliss page, I don't like the TREMENDOUS spam on the forum, I don't like xisto's lies and non-supportive actions with the members and I don't like the fact that many members are frustrated from both xisto and Xisto and no one seems to care about us members at all! Every one of you admins and mods abandoned this place after creating this family community!

  11. I know I don't complain a lot or talk a lot about things that bother me but I certainly will never sit back and remain silent when I see something wrong. Back in the old days, a man's word was gold and they would rather die than not keep their words. In the past, when someone made a promise, the person would do everything to achieve the promise that he or she made. Now I look at a simple example as Xisto or xisto and I realize that there is no such thing as a man's word or honoring a promise anymore. Yes time changed, but a man's word will always be a man's word and so will a promise. Even as a woman if I look at a man who does not keep his word I would never hold respect for him.When I first joined Xisto a year ago, one of the reasons that I joined it was because it was subtitled a quest for knowledge and now it is subtitled innocence is a bliss. Change is good sometimes but not when you change the whole theme of your mission. We all look for knowledge everyday in our lives. But why the heck would anyone think of joining a forum that goes by the theme of innocence is a bliss?I have been observing for a year and I noticed a couple of things. First and foremost, we have a couple of admins who started a family on this community and who have brought together people from all over the globe in one place where people can share ideas and knowledge and culture. Then those admins for reasons only they know about, decided to abandon the family they created. If a man creates a family and brings children to this world and then wakes up one day to realize that he has had enough and then walks out on his family abandoning all of them, does anyone give this man an excuse for what he has done? The fact that he is responsible for bringing this family would never be demolished. Well, so are the admins of this place. They decided to bring a family in this community and they have huge responsibilities and big obligations for the Xisto members that trusted them. Even if they run away from their own responsibilities and even if they lie to themselves that they are not doing anything wrong, the facts never change and their actions will never change the fact that they abandoned the family they created on Xisto. I feel sorry for them because their word alone is no longer good when they have promised things so many times to the members and delivered nothing from what they promised. I am a journalist and a film maker and I learned through my career that the very first thing that is important for a human being is his credibility. How can someone be respectable if he can't be credible and can't be trusted? For example, Can I as a journalist not respect deadlines or can I as a newspaper editor not publish the newspaper on time? What happens if I slack off and not deliver on time? My readers will never trust me again and they will look for the news elsewhere! Well this is also applicable in life. A bad reputation can end someone's career. A bad news article can end someone's business. I don't understand how the creators of this place do not think of those things! How can they not keep their promises or their words that they owe the members of this place and xisto too?Let's talk about xisto...How many people are having problems with xisto? Isn't this ignorant and not smart to let the clients of xisto be enraged because they are not finding the support they need? There are tons of other domain and hosting companies all over the internet and if xisto's clients don't find what they are looking for on xisto there is nothing stopping them from leaving and to be frank xisto is not exactly a famous name so even the existing clients they already have will come to know about the bad customer service and then what? How many clients will they have left?Why go through all of this in the first place when they can aspire to be more professional? Where is your professionalism Xisto and xisto? By the code of ethics, this place and xisto are not doing something ethical by leaving their customers swamped with many unresolved problems and not keeping their words that they promised their customers and members.Opaque, here's a personal request from me. I have never asked you for anything since I became a member so I hope you at least listen to me when I ask you for something this time. Would you please resolve the problems we as your members and family on Xisto have and would you look into the problems we have on xisto so that this community would be back to how it used to be ONCE UPON A TIME?

  12. I know this is a very old thread but having gone through so many diets before I know a thing or two about the stuff that has been said here. First of all I did weight training for a while and I had been working closely with a very qualified Personal trainer and Phd. nutritionist.First things first, First myth I read in this thread is that there are no negative calories in food. THIS IS A MYTH. There are indeed negative calorie food in that the poster was right. Some food need more calories than the food contains to burn the calories you are eating. The poster did not say that there are no calories in the neagtive calorie food at all. Only that you will need more calories than it contains to burn it off. how do I know that? Well when I was weight training I needed to eat certain things because of the weights I was lifting and I had to go on a strict calorie count. One day I was going out with a couple of friends and one of them was my weight trainer and another one was my nutritionist. They were both working on a program specially designed for me. When the waiter came to take our orders, I asked them what I could order and they told me about the negative calorie food. They even told me to order kiwi juice because kiwi is a negative fruit. Second, eating more proteins than carbohydrates would make you lose weight. ANOTHER DANGEROUS MYTH. When you eat more proteins than carbs it means you have to exercise more because the proteins make you build muscles and if you do eat more proteins and not exercise then you are causing harm for your body. If you don't believe me ask any personal trainer. I used to eat more proteins when I was weight training because I was building muscles. Now a healthy diet contains more fruits and vegetables and less protein and carbs. Everyone knows that. Now if you are lifting weights then you can increase proteins because your muscles need more proteins. Third thing I wanted to mention is that KIWI IS ANOTHER NEGATIVE CALORIE FOOD. It was missing from the list provided by the poster. The reason why I know this is provided in the first point I mentioned in this post.Lastly, if you are eating more proteins than carbs and not exercising to burn that protein off it could cause liver problems because it causes more strains on your liver trying to produce more enzymes to burn off your protein intake.I want to personally thank the person who posted this list because these fruits and vegetables are very healthy for you and they ARE negative calorie food.Last thing I want to say is you don't have to believe me or anyone who talks about healthy eating because if you want to start a diet you have to ALWAYS ask a nutrition specialist and not believe any myth you hear over the internet. Only ask the people that know what they are saying. But most importantly eat more of the natural food and less of the processed and fatty food and you should be eating healthy. And don't EVER do crash diets or go on those marketing diets like atkins or south beach because they all are marketing tricks for people to buy the food labelled with their diet labels in the stores. They all have side effects. Just work with health professionals who will not recommend certain hard to find food only for them to get commission. The most healthy diet should consist of food that are easy to find and available everywhere.

  13. You walk on this road that you build for yourself. You stumble a little but you keep walking, because this is what you want to do…but also need to do. Suddenly you find yourself on top of the mountain with the wind blowing from behind. You want to stop but the force of the wind is much stronger than you are. You still fight and resist, for you know you can do it. You resist until one big rock falls and moves the earth from underneath you. As the earth shakes you are about to fall again. However, you need to fight this new additional force. You won’t let anything stop you. You look towards the sun, thinking it will bring hope to your heart; instead you end up fighting its rays which nearly blind you. There are so many forces against you now and you have doubts you will fight them all. There is no one to give you a hand, but that is not the problem. The problem lies in you. You had always been loaded with illusions that you are strong enough to fight the negative forces on your own, and suddenly you realize you were always wrong. You have doubts in yourself now. Are you really as strong as you thought you were? Or are you lying to yourself and just from the first obstacle that you encountered you realize now that you needed help? You don’t know anymore but you just wish you can hold on and fight those forces alone to prove to yourself…That you can do it. But can you? You ask this question to yourself at a time when you are nearly falling off the cliff and do you think you have time to figure the answer out? You wait moments; seconds even milliseconds to find the answer hoping it will be a positive one at a moment when you need a positive attitude to fight the negative forces.

  14. I know you miss him and I know how much you are hurting right now. I know how much you loved him and it is not going to be easy I know that. In this life you will be faced with many situations where you are going to get hurt. There will be times when even if there are people that love you, you will still find yourself alone and the only person you can count on is YOU. that is why you need to start focusing on yourself because you will always need to be there for yourself even when others are there for you. You know that noone will understand the situation better than you and noone can feel what you feel. You need to nurture and nourish yourself for yourself. So you can go through life no matter what happens. Even when you are with the best person on this earth, you will need to find peace in yourself and be strong for yourself. I have to admit my love for my ex turned into hate for a while. I let my feelings surface and I allowed myself to hate him. But it was not destroying him, it was destroying me. I let go of that hate recently because of what it was doing to me. Now I decided to forgive him and decided to let go of my hatred. Sure I don't like him but I don't hate him. I feel sorry for him because he did not know any better and because he will live his life making the same mistakes over and over again. I know what it feels like to be lied to and betrayed. I try to continue making the decisions that are going to help me become a better person. You need to do that. You need to try and understand things about yourself and you need to be there for yourself. I can't tell you it is easy to trust again. I still have trust issues. But I try and it is so hard. Trust is not something you can just decides. But it is deeply rooted inside you and I tell you it is not easy at all when people that you used to trust betray you. we all make mistakes but trust issues and trusting people again is the most difficult thing ever. But the only way is if you trust yourself. That is the only way to build trust again. Trust yourself and try to never give up. Try to build it slowly and continue to do things for yourself so you can save your own soul. Alot of things happened to you in that relationship and you need to mend the pieces inside you so take your time but always look inside you and understand yourself. That is the only way you can build up what was broken. And no my dear he is not coming back. Don't try to think about it at all right now. Just take a breather and treat yourself. Do things that you wanted to do for a long time. Make new friends. Go out and explore the world. Do the things you put on hold before you met him. Start pampering yourself because you are priortiy. You deserve the best and you need to look after yourself.

  15. burberry8 - To tell you the truth, I did not know where to start replying to your thread or even if I am the best one to post a reply because I don't want to give you a clouded view of the situation. But your words moved me and I feel strongly your hurt because I can relate to you. I had been there before where you are now and that is not too long ago. I was in a similar position to yours 9 months ago. Let me just say to you now that what anwiii said to you is something I believe fully because he said it to me when I was going through my break up. He promised me that it gets easier over time even though it is hard to believe that now. Trust him when he says that because it is true. Ironically, we can never understand how it gets easier. For one thing, I have a theory which many don't agree with but burberry8, I tell you now you are the chosen one! You might wonder how could this be true and I will explain how. God doesn't give you more than you can handle and this is why each one of us goes through different experiences because God knows the limits of how much each one of us can handle. The more you are burdened by hurt and strong hurtful experiences, the more you are chosen by God to handle those situations because he put his trust in you. He knows you are strong to handle it. That is why I say you are the chosen one because he chose you to deal with this huge amount of pain. I am not saying to sit back and enjoy the pain. Not at all, I am just saying trust in god just as he entrusted you with this burden. Be patient and trust that he will help you ease this pain away because he knows you are strong. And YOU ARE burberry8. You can get over this over time I promise you. Just give yourself time to mourn your sorrow and pain. What you are going through right now is something that you will feel for a while but you can make it more tolerable by tossing away everything that will make you remember. Trust me dear, I know that it is the memories that haunt you and kill you. These were 7 years of memories. You remember what he said in this situation, or you remember where you went on this day or even special moments you both had. It is the memories that create ulcers inside you and make you toss and turn at night or cry yourself to sleep. That is why you need to toss away everything that reminds you of your time together. Begin with his pictures. The streets used to even remind me of him, my car even reminded me of him and our times together. Movies were killers to me when I would watch a couple in movies and remember my ex. Even when songs played on the radio I used to remember my ex and start hurting again. I had a relationship with my ex for 4 years where we were even engaged to be married. I thought with all my heart that he was the one but what I realize now is I was blinded from the truth because he was never the one. There were many aspects in that relationship that proved to be wrong for me and even painful for me to be with my ex but I was not able to see that back then because I was entrapped in the relationship blinded by my emotions. Something inside me felt wrong so many times but I could never see it or feel it back then. He came to me at a time when my father was on his death bed in a coma and said to me he does not love me and never did. A month later I found out he was cheating on me months before he broke up with me. So trust me darling, I know how you feel and I speak from an experience that is similar to yours. I posted here 9 months ago because I also was alone, worried about my dad and fearing for his life and dealing with my break up at the same time. My family did not understand what I was going through because they were in a shock themselves. My siblings are too young and inexperienced so they never understood either. I found myself going through this pain all alone. But I allowed some people inside my circle like my best friend and friends here on Xisto that helped me go through this pain with their support. My break up pain took longer than it should for me to start healing because I tried to stop the process. I tried to block the mourning process and block my tears, I tried to even put on my strength hat and act like nothing happened and soon I realized I was making it worse. Don't try to stop what you are feeling, this is my advice to you. Let it be as the Beatles say. Let your heart ache and let your tears falls. This is all supposed to happen afterall, this was a 7 year relationship and your heart is broken it is only natural to feel this pain. I know you are crying yourself to sleep most of the time, and I know you are feeling like your whole world collapsed. If anything, you feel shattered to pieces inside you and you feel so empty that you don't know what your life is going to be or even what your future looks like because your future plans and goals included him all along. Listen to me now and try to feel what I am going to say. He was attracted to you because of what is inside you. You have a burning flame making you unique and he loved that part of you. Surely he did or he would not have been with you for 7 years. Now try to look inside you for that burning flame that make you YOU. What makes you who you are? What were your dreams and goals that kept you going all along? Focus on YOU my dear. It is not about him anymore, it is about YOU. I realized after my break up that I lost a part of me just by being with my ex. For us to be together I had to kill a very important part and I did and this is why it did not work. Had I ended up with my ex I would die because I would no longer have that charming side of me that make me special. That part was my passion for my dreams and my childish side of me that makes people around me smile. I reached a point when we broke up that I did not know who I am or what I wanted to become and I swore then That I will never let anyone kill that part of me anymore not even if it was me. I went back to college and started studying what I put on hold for him. I went back to enjoying the simplest things in life like I used to before I met my ex. Things like swinging in the park and taking a walk in nature or even just the simple thing as watching a movie and relaxing after a very long day. I no longer do things for my ex only while ignoring my own self. It is not his fault it is just who he is, someone that wants all the attention in the relationship. He took me for granted because I allowed him to and I gave in to his demanding needs and never thought for a minute about what I needed but kept focusing on what he needed. Soon after we broke up I started thinking of how I had ignored my poor self for 4 years. I am a movie maker and I had not even thought about making movies the whole time I was with him. I am a writer and I put my novel on hold and left it unfinished the whole time we were together. I literally ignored what I am meant to be just to make his business go well and If I were to blame anyone I would blame my emotions that blinded my judgement back then. So look inside you my dear and look at all the things you wanted to be and who you are and nourish that part of you. I know for a fact that there is a part inside you that needs nurturing and only you can do that. I would also like to advise you not to think of a counter situation where he would come back. Let me tell you now that even if he did come back (which is unlikely), things will never be the same. I know this because when my ex broke up with me the first time, he came back few days later and said he wanted us to try again. But nothing was ever the same. and I was really setting myself up for another heart break knowing something has already been broken in the relationship. In your case your heart has been broken by his declaration of not being in love with you anymore and by saying there is someone else in his life. You will never be able to trust him ever again the way you used to and the pain that you felt in your heart will always linger every now and then if you ever get back together. So you need to believe that this option is out of the question. You need to tell that subconscious part of you that this relationship is over and that he will never be back in the picture. I know it is so hurtful especially when this subconscious is creating this idea to ease the pain but the sooner you relaize that the relationship is over, the faster your healing process will be and the sooner your process of letting go will be. I know this is harsh on you to realize but you need to do that so you are more in the here and now... And Let me tell you now, even though I still hate to even think about my past relationship because it brings inside me anger for what I gave up all these years, I know deep inside me that I know how important my talents and gifts are to me because of what I had been through with my ex. Had I not been through that experience I probably would have never understood how important writing and making movies are to me. I probably would have never understood how important the childish person inside me is, that person that likes to sing with the birds and believes that the world is a good place. Surely life is difficult but without that innocent belief I know I cannot smile and in turn I cannot help others with just my smile. I had to go through this because I needed to know myself better. And now I know too another reason why I needed to go through this. After my ex, I thought I will never love again. But I met someone who made my heart sing and brought happiness to my life. someone I know is my Mr. Right because he pushes me to achieve my dreams and be who I always wanted to be. It is a gut feeling inside you that tells you he is the one. Something I did not feel with my ex. I understood what true love is now with the person I love today because it is far more magnified and intensified than I ever felt. I know for a fact that I appreciate this man today more and love him more than anything in this world because of what I had been through because I know he is everything I love and he is perfect for me. It is hard to admit but I know this because of my previous relationship. I also understand now that being a writer and filmmaker, I needed that experience to relate to my characters and the stories I am building. So again with patience you will see the light soon.This is all because I believed in myself and I want you to promise me that you will believe in yourself too. We are all not perfect but we are meant to be something. You were both not meant to be. But you have to believe in fate. What is meant to be for you is far greater and better than what you had with this guy. To be able to move on you need to believe that. You need to do some soul searching right now and look inside you to realize what you want to be. Once you do, then you need to know what steps to take to pursue your destiny of who you are. One more thing, one day you never know when, you will find true happiness with someone who you really deserve. It will come when you least expect it. I found true love when I wasn't looking for it and when I least expected to find it. I don't know how much my words helped you. I truly hope that by at least telling you my experience that I was able to offer some kind of help. Just remember you are not alone. I know you will have other members here for you when you need to vent. But between us girls I know sometimes a girl in this situation needs to open up and vent and I am here if you need anything. Don't hesitate to write me a PM anytime you need to let out those bottled feelings you have. And anytime you feel the need to feel sorry for yourself, it is ok and it is very natural to feel that way right now. Trust me on this, there is nothing wrong with feeling sorry for yourself right now and mourning your broken heart. I really hope your pain goes away because I know you deserve to be happy. Just believe in yourself! We are here for you :)

  16. This is to the one person who taught me what true love is...I wrote this for you...I dedicate it to your lovely spirit and beautiful heart...This is how much I love you and this is one of those days when I just miss you so much :(

    My love for you is like a waterfall
    With enormous strength, it flows

    My love for you is like Music
    Fills my soul and warms my heart

    Your love is like hypnosis
    It spreads through my body while I remain unconscious

    For you, my love is like an ocean
    It drowns me while I sink deeper in your affection

  17. Well I do wanna share this experience today because it is the aniversary of that day. I feel emotional and sad tonight remembering what happened over 10 years ago. When I was 16 I was popular in high school. I had my own group of friends and we would always have fun. That year a new girl had just moved to our city. I am not kidding when I say she was a copy of me. She looked exactly like me but she was sort of an introvert. I remember she was different. She was not a loner or anything but she did not like company. I sensed though that she was a sweet girl and despite the rumors about this girl and how different she was in terms of her lifestyle and views, one of my favorite moments was in the morning when I would see her by her locker and she would smile to me. I always smiled at her to make her feel like she could trust me. One day I saw her leaving the class crying. She stopped and looked at me then when I smiled at her she smiled back even though she was crying. The next day she finally said to me I hope you have a great weekend! I was happy that she finally had some trust in me. On December 18th, 1997 my group of friends started talking about her. I realized through their conversation that they made fun of her in class the previous day and they made her cry. I yelled at them. I had a huge fight with them and told them I did not want to talk to them anymore. I looked for her address and finally went to her house to appologize to her. Her dad opened the door and told me, she passed away the previous day. She was with someone who drove after getting drunk and had a car accident. The young guy went to prison and she died. He told me he picked her up from school. I realized then that the last thing this girl saw before she died was my smile. I lived with a strange feeling of guilt for a long time. I know I was not my friends and I know I tried to be someone she could trust but perhaps I felt guilty for not appologizing to her sooner. Maybe it is for not earning her trust sooner. I don't know why but ever since that happened everyone felt guilty. They felt guilty to a point where they started calling me by her name in her memory because she looked like me.The point is this girl was different. She was unique and for that the world did not spare her. Now that she is dead I learned that smiling could mean the world to someone. Even on the phone make it a habit to smile because you never know what happens next, whose day you are going ot brighten with your smile, or better yet whose life you are going to change with your smile.

  18. In a moment of truth she spoke...In a young moment born of innocence and power... In a moment of truth she unintentionally broke one`s heart...In her moment of strength it was the moment of another`s pain and denial... In a sovereign moment born amidst the tears she released her fears...She released her cries and stood her grounds... She needed to fight for the air she breathes...She needed to show her unique spirits... Overloaded by silence, she retreated...Realizing the pain she unwillingly caused... She foreshadowed the reason for her true existence...Why does it have to be this way? She wondered... It`s time for her to fight for the truth...To show her true identity, the road is full of bumps... Can she not just shut it all away?...Can she not live in peace?... Seems the road ahead is her only path...Seems like the moment of truth was meant to be... One day they might understand...Someday, in some month, in some century they will realize it was for the best...

  19. HiI am making a documentary and was wondering if anyone here has an interesting and intriguing story about his/her experience with the number 7? Do you or anyone else you know experience things that have to do with the number 7? Does number 7 keep coming up in your life? If you do tell me your story and who knows your story might be featured in my documentary.

  20. Thank you WD...You have touched my heart in a very special way by dedicating this to me in a very difficult time for me like this. You are truly a very special friend and from the very depth of my heart I would like to heartfully thank you for this wonderful dedication. You are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. all we can do is love unconditionally. when we set conditions on love, that's when we are let down and that "love" can turn in to something else by our own choice because of the expectations we have on love. personally, i think when we truely love, we will always love.....een if there is hurt attatched to loving.

    I can say I both agree and disagree with you. I don't know but perhaps as time goes by you start seeing the big picture that you did not see before and then the hurt can grow more and then you would not believe that someone that loves you can behave in certain hurtful ways towards you. I didn't mean you would hate the person you love per se but you'd hate the pain and hurt inside you, over time it all can lead you to hate that relationship itself and perhaps even yourself for loving so much. It can be to a point where you might feel some kind of negativity towards the person you love for making you feel this way. But in time everything keeps changing and even your ideas and feelings keep changing too everyday after being hurt. That's just the way I see it now :)

  22. How can the deepest Love turn into hate?
    Can't things be normal again?
    I sit alone in the dark, crying and isolating myself.
    I try not but end up crying myself to sleep every night
    I don’t even know what's wrong with me?
    Maybe I'm good at pretending that I’m alright
    I have buried away my hopes, my dreams, my wounds, my pain and even my bleeding scars
    Trying to bring myself to life back from the dead
    I know by heart now
    Love is not always forever, at some point it ends up turning into hatred

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