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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Now how can you say something like that?? halo is the *BLEEP*! if you have ever played it you would know!
  2. i want to add a login script to my page, can anyone tell me how???thanx in advance!
  3. nice! putting aside the font, it looks really good, maybe you should fix it?
  4. I would think so... but if it doesnt have a DNS option then you are not advised to use it. You need something like uni.cc which has a DNS option for it to properly work with Trap
  5. it doesnt work?? try this one then... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, but wait a bit first, my site is not finished but you may join the forums and i will let you know when it is
  6. If you have to go somewhere and will be gone for a month or more, then tell the admin! simple as that. these rules are fair. Like say you are going to afganistan to fight for the US, tell admin, he will understand. If you become X'hosted and are forced to find another host, just so you know, you will never find another host like Trap 17! In otherwords... STAY ACTIVE!
  7. Thanx for the info, seeing on how i am always playing around with the registry and such that will be very handy!
  8. neato site, i wish i could make one as good as that.. all i got is this crap
  9. Wanna be someone's affiliate? why not be mine? think your site has something my site needs? Click here to find out how to become my affiliate!
  10. uhh well you will be very lucky to find a cheap video card, but usually the more ram(memory) you put it your computer will up the built in graphic card.
  11. im only 16 and i smoke but uhh i only smoke when im partying or if im really really stressed(for example: if a loved one dies) but those are the only times, im not a regular smoker.. i dont really like it.
  12. now what kind of stupid idea is that.. i mean making a clan about hating rap, what do you guys play on a game called rock city. lmao i bet you do! anyways why would you make a clan like that? i like rap and rock, rap more than rock but everymorning i wake up and turn on the radio to a rock station, and everynight i listen to rap. so by making this topic you are basically telling me to go make a clan thats name should be... hmmm *thinks* rap and rock rule? hmm real good idea, being sarcastic if you didnt notice. but anyways, mods or admins, can you close this topic please, seems pointless to me..
  13. i do but admin doesnt allow music related formats, or big files in particular. small files are ok. ask him and if he approves you for small music formatted files and i will post the link
  14. this bannerexchange thing is good, i encourage everyone to join!
  15. eh well my favorite sport is sk8boarding, some people say its not a sport but IT IS! i find it fun and even though i get hurt alot it just makes me get up and try it again , but uhh yeah so my favorite sport
  16. Shadow


    i got the same problem, people help us!i was just waiting for someone to make a topic like this, lol
  17. custom made i would think would be better because then you would know what is in it and how to fix it and it would have everything you want, for example a big video card, but i'm not sure i would ever be able to make my own computer.
  18. i don't hate windows ME, i find its the best os, windows xp is to complicated, windows 95-98 are to simple and 2000, i just hate it... i am currently using xp mainly because its not my comp and i cant afford my own..
  19. i wouldnt be surprised if there was a windows xp lite and that it would run faster than the normal one, well so far i haven't heard anything about it but i shall look into it, seems interesting
  20. ey well DOS was good for games, but, as games get better, quality and graphic wise, DOS isn't so good, I use windows xp for my games but most of the games you have to set a compatability level, like for example, red alert 1, i have to set to windows 98.
  21. i found Xisto from http://www.freewebhosts.com/.. i think thats what it was=/ but w/e, the point is that i found trap and now im never gonna leave
  22. i really really like your site man, god i wish i could do something like that with mine but maybe you might want a few codes from me? Click here to see.
  23. i have no idea what i should use on my site, i like phpbb because i know how to use it but i've heard that invision is the best board out there.. should i switch?
  24. what video card do you thing is the best?, im using a ati radeon 9200 128mb
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