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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. after all this time of being hosted by trap 17, my site has never really been complete. Well I finally finished it yesterday and well.. i want you guys to review it. here it is.. My site! good or bad reviews, it doesnt matter, bad reviews will help me to improve it! good reviews, well they are pretty much self explanitory. I appriciate your feedback! thx
  2. Welcome back gamefreaks! Glad to see that you are alright!Hope those migraines go away! those hurt, i know, cuz i used to get them all the time, never had to go to the hospital for it.. but they hurt! hospital..*shivers* that work alone just gives me the shivers.. What did you do in there all that time?!?!
  3. i can.....Kickflipheelflipbs + fs 50-50bs + fs boardslidebs 180 kickflipbs + fs 180(duh)5-0nollie 50-50nollie 5-0fakie fs + bs 360nollie bs 360and way too much more to keep listing...and at the moment i am using a darkstar(the best kind of deck i've come across so far)
  4. moneymake, please dont double post!you have been warned
  5. The "latest Threads" Section of the portal now leads you to the "lite" version of the forums. If that did not hel at all please reply to this with a better explaination because at the moment that is what I am picking up from your question!
  6. I hope you realize all of the invites were used by the same person making the same email, just changing the last numbers from 100 to 101 etcEDIT: most of them
  7. I must agree, I like this skin alot more than the old default skin. I will be using this skin instead of the default, if you didn't already pick that up from my first reply..
  8. As you may or may not be aware, root Admin had shifted the Trap 17 page over to a dedicated IP so that it would load faster. That is why the demo account isn't working. I will alert him of this problem and he will fix it(if he can)
  9. lol, ok I will try that and come back if I'm having more problems.EDIT: Thx googlue, it works!
  10. well i registered and they say i need 10 bux for my first add.. there's a coupon but it doesn't work. Maybe you can help me out?
  11. You need to add money to it first before you can start your ad.But other than that looks good, gonna get some cash and try it out!
  12. I would have had more, but I gave some to my friend's who asked me before I thought to post it here..PM me with your info.. name, email etc.
  13. My opinion.. they are both good!Before I got my Xbox, i had Socom 1 for Ps2, and I played it everyday until i beat it. Once i beat it i traded it in for Socom 2(having to chip in a few bux to fully trade it in) and then I beat that. But I got rid of my Ps2 and now i own an Xbox with Halo, and I have already beat it. Just waiting for Halo 2 now.To me Socom 1 +2 seemed like real life situations and Halo 1 seemed more like futuristic situations and I'm sure that Halo 2 will be the same.
  14. well if you ask for an xbox you wont be needing a gamecube lolcomputer hardware, you can narrow that down to what you really really need/wantand then you will still be able to get the hamtaro stuff and the xbox...
  15. i dont know about that one, looks and sounds kinda stupid if you ask me..but thats just my opinion.i think i'll stick with what will be my unadvanced mp3 player
  16. If you ask me.. IPBnuke, its mostly for those who dont know how to integrate IPB into php-nuke instead of using phpbb(which i hate). Im using it because i dont know how to integrate IPB into php-nuke so i took the easy way out. if you wanna see what it looks like, kinda... click my big sig(not the email one) NOTE: IPB doesn not come with IPBnuke, you will either have to download it, or install the cpanel version and move it to your IPBnuke directory
  17. ask for an xbox for your b-day, i did and i got an xbox AND a cellphone lol. i forgot to mention that i will be buying halo 2 for sure!
  18. Shadow


    Welcome to Trap 17! dont worry know will laugh at you because you like hamtaro, we all have our own favorite shows im sure. We respect your choices and everything you make! thats whats so great about Xisto! if you would like, i will be friends with you, if you have msn messenger, add killahg2@gmail.com, if you have yahoo messenger add darkstar_skater2005 and we can talk more there! again Welcome to Trap!
  19. well put. just because you hate microsoft doesnt make a game *BLEEP*. if you hate microsoft, so what, microsoft doesnt make games, bill gates "cant be bothered", he just gets the makers to add a microsoft thing in there. bungie and other game makers are the real ppl who take credit. halo is an awesome game and i cant wait til november 11th when halo 2 comes out!
  20. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://sql4u.net/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and more coming!!
  21. of course you can link back, when my site was down for construction, i redirected my site to Xisto. I have Xisto ads on my page, a powered by Xisto at the bottom with a button on top of it, and a button in my affiliates section, and i have a link in my friends section
  22. IBshop? try getting the mod from http://www.invisionize.com/ , Might have different instructions
  23. thanx for the help everyone! i think i will go with something like phpnuke, but theres still one problem, i dont know how to work it =/. some help with that would be appreciated!again, thanx in advance!
  24. im looking for more of what trystim said, but kinda not.. like i mean i want a log-in where people can join and when they log-in it shows latest news and stuff.. kinda like the Xisto portal but for my site
  25. have you seen 'farenheit 911'?? it talks about bush being FRIENDS with the bin-ladens!!!! what do you think of that. it also talks about bush bombing iraq just because he could! who wants a president like that?!?!im glad i live in canada lmao
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