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Everything posted by dasmeaty

  1. The problem I often see from this is that it allows google to cache the image for its image search but often after entering through the google frame and clicking view full size image the anti hotlink sign appears.Do they use a different method or is this method likely to cause this? As I want to prevent people from uploading my image to their site, but I also want them to be able to view the full size image from google if they so wish (I don't want to make the experience of any of my visitors harder than it needs to be).
  2. This has probably been posted before, but here goes the age old question... What came first the chicken or the egg or did they both arrive at the same time?Please give a reason for what you think.I think the chicken, and that it just developed over time to give birth in an egg. I just find it hard to believe that an egg could of came into existence from nowhere.
  3. You can meet up and go out with your real life friends, you can touch your real life friends .etc With Internet friends you are limited to chat, video and online gaming, whilst this isn't a bad thing and I think people frown upon people that let their Internet friends become their only friends or take priority over real friends.I see no problem with it and have made some friends online.
  4. As far as we know the universe is infinite, if that is the case then chances are there are not only aliens but we have alien duplicates possibly thousands. However whether the universe is infinite or not is a different matter and if not the chance is severly reduced.I am certain there is life other than our own out there, but to expect it to be intelligent (Or intelligent in the same way we are intelligent is a different matter), the brain and thought process is something that is quite common to our planet, but what is to say that if aliens do exist that they rely on thoughts or a brain in the same way we do, what if what we consider intelligent is not actual intelligence?Saying what they would look like is like imagining a new colour, until we have seen them it is impossible.
  5. I think you have to take any mythical creature with a fistful of salt, like vampires (Apparently based on a blood thirsty prince I think) and werewolves, most could be quite easily based on something real but what you get is the chinese whispers effect as knowledge of the creature is passed down, where slowly over time the final outcome is shifted and what you end up with is fantasy ideals applied to what may have been a man with hypertrichosis (The wolf disease where you get hair all over your body).Do I think dragons existed? NoDo I think something that may have resembled a less beefed up dragon existed? Yes
  6. The way I see it. Time is a measurement we give to measure the space between events, once these events have happened they have happened and their is no such thing as a timeline (So there is no specific record of what has been for us to travel back into and no set path for events to lead into) there is only the results of these effects, there are of course theories that there are many repeating universes each similar to the last, and other theories that if you did not witness something then all the possible outcomes occured at the same time (So by shooting a cat in the pitch black, the cat both dies and dodges the bullet until you see it is dead, however in an alternate universe the cat is alive when you turn the light on).If the first theory is true then maybe many millions of years from now we will travel into these alternate universes and witness copies of events that happened previously in our own (Not true time travel), or if the second is true then the cat will have done many things in the pitch black one of them being travelling in time to every point in history.Personally I see this as physics mumbo jumbo to help explain something that can't be proved, as to prove the cat theory is to disprove it at the same time (You must remain unaware of the cat at the point of time).Do I think time travel is possible? No.
  7. Think about all the false rape charges, and possible false imprisonments. Heck I'd be dead if it was up to you after a little skiff with the law for drug use. I agree with the death penalty, but under very strict conditions.
  8. My names George, and I'm here for some free hosting. Just thought I'd put that out there and say hi to the community.
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