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Everything posted by el_exorcista

  1. I have been RPG free for a month and a 1/2. I stop playing Massive Role playing games for a while.I have been a RPG Adict since a have memories i have played so many that my memory cant recall all of them the ones that i have played for longer time where Runescape, Ashen empire ,Conquer online , Mu. Conquer is a good 3D Rpg just for the ones that want to play a free RPG it got great graphics,
  2. i am currently playing magic;thegathering , i was playing star craft till my computer crash now i have to use my father?s comp but thats ok i still can connect to internet which is great, Any one have played Conquer online or Ashen empire ??
  3. best laptops for me are toshiba and Vaio . The Macs are good for editing programs. You should always see what size you want and how long does the battery last and its live. the other things that you should see are rams , HD, OS(operating System), this all depend on what do you want the computer for.
  4. I have known this for quite a while but it is good for all people that are going to use a Mysql or other sql database to know how to protect their pages. I have seen many pages that have been object of this attacks.There are so many other ways so i encorage you guys to look into some javascript injections and XSS(cross site scripting)
  5. I have its really fun but i cant tell you the model of the gun i use because i rent it at the paintball local. I live in Panama
  6. Exellent lots of details (what is always great) I was starting to learn php but i had to stop as soon as i get a piece of space that support php and mysql ill start again and try this.
  7. Almost all languages are basicly the same the only thing that change is the syntaxis, I would recomend you, if you havent learn any language learn some python or some Delphi could be good . If you feel you are a fast learner you could start directly with C++ remeber to practice and practice that is the best way to learn is that everytime you learn something new try using it to make a program.good site is http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ hope this help you
  8. For my own experince i would go with alienware just because its really powerfull and havent fail me. Dell is good but i havent had the chance of working with it but as many persons have already said it all comes down for what your are using it for, Ill go with a custom computer any day . MAcs i would recomend it to you if you are going for editing music or graphics.
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