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What Pope John Paul Ii Meant To You? Are you affected by his death?

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Since today is Pope John Paul II's funeral I am interested if you know about him and how do you feel about it...were you affected even if you are not of catholic religion? For me personaly He was a great man and I am sure if there were many people like him, our world would look much better!! I live in a country (Slovenia) where Catholic is the major religion and even if I am not institutionaly religious person I feel big compassion for Him. He was the first to accept us as a Indipendent country when Yugoslavia went apart, He visited us twice and He did lots of good work and also many big steps as a Pope around the whole world.Since He was the only Pope I knew (he had this position for 26 years and I am 19 years old), I wont say that he was the best ever, but I do think that it will be hard for someone to be this good (modern, but still aware of traditional norms and values!).What is your opinion if you have one?Greetz

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He's been a Pope for most of my 32 years. Im not catholic but christian. I respect him, I dont know much about what he did but a lot of people loved him. Inspires me to live a good life and to have greater compassion for world citizens.

May he rest in peace.

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I am not religious in anyway so therefore his death doesn not effect me. I am sorry for all those that loved him and I respect that, but to me he is just a man in his 80's who has died, nothing more.

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He was a great man indeed. No, it didnt affect me cuz I was expecting his death months ago, when he first went to the hospital. I have no affiliations with any religion but I did respect him for what he did. He never approved war, abortion among many other things.

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I'll be honest. I'm a Catholic, and no, he did not mean very much to me. That's just the way it is...I'm hardly religious to begin with, so whatever. Of course, his death was a sad event, but my life has in no way been impacted by him. Sorry :)

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I love all the sweet things he's done in his life. Like Mother Teresa or Princess Diana, he was simply a good person trying to do more. No, he didn't have tremendous wealth, but he had the power of his position and the power of the people. I love his poetry and I like to associate him with philosophers of old: Socrates, Marcus Aurelius; a new age thinker in an old world religion. True, I didn't see eye to eye on several of the points he made clear (abortion, celibacy), but I believe he did a great good to the world and I respect him for that. Could you bring it upon yourself to forgive the man that tried to kill you? Or to help eliminate Communism in countries simply by speaking and preaching to them? He was a good man in his time and I'm not too sad because, even though he's lost to us, he lived a long full life that was marked by many good things. What I don't like is that people are going to Rome because they want to see the funeral or because "this is the chance of a lifetime!". The guy deserves to be honored and clogging up the tiny Vatican with hopes for your crazy scrapbooks isn't really worth going.

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well, im 16 years old he was the only pope i've had for my entire life, and from all that i've hearded he was one of the best popes that the church ever had, and i believe so, He was a great man he adapted himself in this century because he was the first pope to made and enc?clic (it's spelled correctly?) via internet and used video-conferences so i think that's good, also he admited the church's mistakes from the past, and.. well he made many kind and good things, that took great influence in me, and i'm not very religious because i don't go often to church on sundays but he was a great man, it would sound stupid but i even thinked to become a nun :) well anyways even if i didn't knew him personally he left very good lessons in every people's heart.

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The first Pope to have apologized for the atrocities committed against Jews and the first ever Pope to have prayed for that forgiveness in the Wailing Wall. I think that was great and his continual support of Democracy in Eastern Europe also made a big impact on the fall of communism in that region. I think that was really great too. Sometimes, Pope John Paul II was criticized for his pro-conservative view on many things but those are much better than liberal interpretations of everything of today's new age. In fact, he was the longest serving Pope and I think he did many good things for the world. I shouldn't say he would have lived longer because he was suffering much and I think it was a good time for him to go to Heaven. Everyone has to die by default and I think it was a good time for him. May he well rest in peace.

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I'm non-Catholic, I wasn't really affected by his death, but I do respect him for many things.From my opinion, I feel that he is a very compassionate and humble person. I only see him in the news....so whether the tv station purposely makes him to be a good person or not I do not know...but I do respect him for what i saw him as.-Shackman

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Well I have always thought that the pope was a interesting man. He seemed to genuinely care about the state of the world. He tried his best to try to make this world a better place. I don't know everything he did but I know he cared alot about people and the world around them. When he got sick I realized that his days were numbered. I am sad to see him go because great people are hard to find. It is my hope that the next pope will be able to give to this world his own brand of help. No one can trully fill another's shoes. I think they need to find their own way to make themselves stand out.Beth

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I saw some live footage of his funeral at St. Peter's square in Rome recently and I was affected as well, even though I'm not a religious person per se. For me, he really was an influential man who tried to make the world a better and safer place.May he rest in peace. The world will truly miss him.

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I don't understand what the pope suppose to mean. I heard the pope that dies travelled around and tried to make amends for past catholic mistakes.. But now other people saying that they're going to elect a older pope cuz da one that died term was too long. I don't understand the meaning of that..If he was any older he'll never do anything.

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