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Bi-polar Discussion: Personal Diaries & Theories

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There are millions of people who are affected by the everyday burden of bi-polarity. 4 years ago I was completely ignorant to what this disease of the mind was. Quick thinkers or those people in possession of any sort of intelligence wouldve already deduced that I am a diagnosed Bi-polar individual (Hint = Mr Manic M). For better or worse, every part of my life has been severely effected by this disorder. Experiencing mood swings, racing thoughts, and the general feeling of invinsibility has helped me to formulate some very interesting theories. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and opinions for anyone who cares to read it.Welcome to my diary! My name is Mr Manic M and please tune in folks.

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Sorry, but why are you talking about invisibility? Everywhere I go, I find a guy shouting "Hey you, get out of here!" Isn't this your case?

People who go through mania as a result of bi-polarity experience it in different ways. I did not clarify that in my 1st posting. I have gone though mania a few times and the general trend I've found is a general feeling of being a superior human being. Every thought and subsequent action is easily justifiable regardless of how ridiculous it may be. Any challenges one is faced with appears itself as a easy and minor hurdle. No one could tell me anything because I knew everything.

This posting is actually acting as a therapeutic relief because I can put out what I've experienced and simply analyze what I've learned. Mood stabilizers and Psychotropic drugs are so interesting because if humans have the potential to limit moods, to prevent the highs and the lows, it leaves the question open as to what else can they do?

To answer your question. I used the word invisibility in the hopes that it would intrigue anyone who read it as well as to be truthful about how I feel during mania.
HOWEVER, invincibility was the word I intended to use. ;):unsure: .Hopefully that helps.

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invincibility was the word I intended to use.

Thanks, now I understand.I am currently feeling myself invincible, but I know that several things have not to be done because I'm not invisible! :unsure:
People feeling invisible have another problem, we have to watch out because they first feel invisible and then they start being depressive, which can feed an endless loop which ends by a total crash.
That's why I reacted, because each guy has to immediately react if a friend or a co-worker starts feeling himself invisible.

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I know that there are many across the globe who have got bi-polar disorder, I recently got tested online and found out that I too had this disorder,though i do not trust that completely but the symptoms mentioned were quite like a few that I have, not just me but most people I know tend to show some of those symptoms and the worst part is that not many of us know about it and so the proper kind of measures for treatment are not taken.

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