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Run A Free Email Campaign With Mailchimp.com Free email marketing service with list building tools

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While making a website or a blog now a days is a kids play, generating traffic on the other hand is not so easy. A number of web designers said good bye to web world just because despite of making a good website they were unable to bring traffic to their website.


It has been globally accepted that email marketing is one of the best and easiest method to bring quality traffic to your website. But you can not run email marketing without any email marketing services. The folks who provide these services charge heavily e.g. Aweber charges US$ 29/mo, which is hard to afford. Its hard to afford because at the initial level you start with a handful of subscribers and paying a large amount just to serve 100s of readers is not a wise idea.


Mailchimp.com has introduced a plan where you can start your email campaigning for free. It will be free forever untill and unless you reach 500 subscribers. And when you reach 500 subscriber, believe me, you will be able to pay 30$ easily.


Guyz as an experienced blogger I would strongly recommend you to give a try to email marketing, you wont regret.

I hope you will like this freebie and I will let you know if something better comes to my knowledge. Request you to let me know if you have some better option.




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Hmm aweber is expensive but if you have large number of referrals then it is possible to afford it. Aweber is not that bad as people portray it is. I think it is good service.

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I know, tansqrk. It is just so annoying to see all this "Mail Chimp This", and "Mail Chimp That". Oh my God, Oh my God. But what about the question I asked above.

I don't see why you wouldn't just email them yourself?

Do you have any idea about it.

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I know, tansqrk. It is just so annoying to see all this "Mail Chimp This", and "Mail Chimp That". Oh my God, Oh my God. But what about the question I asked above. Do you have any idea about it.

Because most people will buy or harvest the email addresses themselves and not grow their own list over time, and because it is spam, their mail servers will eventually end up on a spam list, or better yet, it is aganst the TOS of most hosting companies to send spam and you will loose your hosting account.

However, those who are honest and have some ethical manner in which they operate, will have grown their own lists and will be happily sending the emails from their own servers.

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The_Fury, you are right, but if it is spam, why do you need it, I would think you would need to just make ads on AdWords or services that are like it. Anyways, when you don't have a lot of traffic, Mail Chimp does completly nothin', completly nothin'. ;) For me, I just wasted my 5 minutes looking at Mail Chimp when I don't even need it at all ever, just ever.

Mail Chimp is just a bad website it self. If doing it yourselves is spam, then people doing it for you is practicly illegal. So if you ask me, simple, don't use email campaign and you are completly safe from all bad things that could possibly happen ever. If you disagree with me and you are saying to your self "Wow, she is a jerk", then I say that you are just a jerk. Say it again for you, yep; Mail Chimp is bad.

Written by the one you are calling a jerk,


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