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Query : Multiple Domains And Single Hosting Plan

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Is it good idea to host multiple domains with single hosting plan ?. To clear on this, multiple domains will host some basic sites with limited pages whose data will max reach 200mb and not more. I’ve purchased logic plan and i’m in process of buying more domains. But i’m unsure about this. So my question is :is it possible to host multiple domains on single hosting plan(logic basic) ? How to park domain we purchased from xistodomains to our hosting plan ? Any help with procedure to host multiple domains on cpanel ?

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Nice you brought up this issue. I have been thinking of posting such a topic too and here you have this. Okay, I have multiple domains each running on separate hosting. Since each of those websites doesn't get much traffic so as to utilize even one-third of bandwidth, I was thinking of merging them into a single hosting. There are a few things which I noticed.

When the domains are merged, each of the domains which are added as "addon" domain to the main hosting account, gets added as a subdomain to the domain the hosting package primarily hosts. This is the only difference I have noticed. Also there might be some search ranking or priority issues given by search engines. It would be great if somebody could shed some light on this.

As for your question, I think the logic plan is perfect for this, because you can upgrade at any time. Whether you want more bandwidth, space or want the ability to add more addon or parked domains, logic plan offers the flexibility to do so.

There are three types of domains you can host on your hosting apart from the main domain. That is the addon domain, parked domain and subdomains. You might be familiar with subdomains, they are like [somename].[thedomainname].com.

Parked domains is a method to just park the domain, you can't host a website with data on it. The addon domain is the one you should be looking at. As I said before, when you create an addon domain in Cpanel, the name of the addon domain appears as a subdomain folder, that is it makes a subdomain something like this, [addondomainname].[maindomain].com which points to the addon domain you purchased. Hope that was clear enough.

For procedure on how to create an addon domain check out this video on cpanel's official website.

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Thanks spencer. This video helps me to find out where to modify things. I was looking for this option and was unsure about where to place the domain. Your last paragraph explained it in exactly the way i wanted. I asked this question cause i used Dreamhost control panel and the process of hosting multiple domains on their control panel. They don't have Cpanel like CH/Xisto. But there you've to just add hosting to domain when you add it. After adding hosting you get file manager and script installer which is common for all domains. You've to just select respective domain when you want to access file manager. Script installer lets choose which domain to install the script. They do't have scripts as much as what we have on Xisto - Web Hosting. But their's was simple panel to work with yet too much confusing. So after coming from that panel to here, i got confused on how to add-domain. As we have two options like parked and add-on domain. So i didn't get the difference. Thanks for clearing this difference and for the video. Solves my problem.

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