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How to choose a webserver ? which one is most suited for my own needs ?

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<h1 class="subject">What art most important features to look for in a web hosting service? I am new at web design, and in the process of trying to find a good web hosting service. I plan on having lots of videos and photos on my sites, and was wondering what kind of features are the most important for me to be looking for when searching for a web host. Are some servers faster than others? If so, which are the fastest? And is it better to go with a windows or linux server? Are there any other important features that I need to look for? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!</h1>

Edited by olganeex (see edit history)

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Welcome aboard, olganeex,I moved your topic here, where it's place most probably is, so it will most probably find an answer.Of course you guess that I will tell you that Xisto is the best solution, because it's my own choice.More seriously speaking, I think you have to choose the best price/performance ratio for the usage you want. You should mainly target an easy-to-evolute solution. Start small, with a reasonable disk space, and look how many visitors you will have and how fast you will exhaust a standard storage place and a storage monthly bandwidth. What I like with Xisto is that you can start small and grow, simply simply asking for more space or more bandwidth.And, if you are unlucky and don't have a lot of visitors at the beginning, there is no reason for paying for a lot of bandwidth if your visitors are few.So, start reasonably, find a nice design for your site, let your users come and let your site grow and ask your provider to let your account disk space and network bandwidth grow accordingly.

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I think that the most important feature that you must to have in mind is the SENDMAIL Option or SMTP....Secondly you have to review if the hosting is serious, I refer to the uptime of the server.By example I have an account with X10Hosting but the big problem is the server is down almost all the time... That is to make you buy a paid hosting...The other features are also important like the Bandwitdh but there are a lot of free hosting that can give you more bandwithd for free!!!But in Xisto everything is equilibrated, there arenĀ“t better free hosting than Xisto...Regards

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