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logging in as root in open suse 11.0 Opensuse: Stop Asking Root Password

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logging in as root in open suse 11.0Opensuse: Stop Asking Root Password<p>I have open suse 11.0 and am the only user but am unable to edit root files that would enable me to write php files. Could you advise how to log on as root when I am the only user.Thank your for your time</p><p><em>-suzanne</em></p>

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Without more precise info, I can only give you general guidances.I would say that you are not the owner of the folder where your php files are.I would suggest that you first locate the folder where your files are, let's say it's /home/myfiles, issue an "su - root" (giving the root password) and then "chmod -R ugo+rwx /home/myfiles", which will give everybody (including yourself) rights to enter this directory and create or modify any file inside.If this works, we can furthermore refine the subject because my command line is probably too permissive.

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